Swedish parties promise to ban new Vattenfall coal mine plans

State energy company’s plans to enlarge lignite mines in Germany thrown into doubt during election debate

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A huge excavator shovelling earth and brown coal is pictured in the open-cast lignite mine 'Vereinigtes Schleenhain' near the Boehlen-Lippendorf power station of German power supplier Vattenfall
A huge excavator shovelling earth and brown coal in the open-cast lignite mine ‘Vereinigtes Schleenhain’ Photograph: MICHAELA REHLE/REUTERS

The coal mining ambitions of Swedish state energy giant Vattenfall have been thrown into doubt after the leaders of all eight major parties promised to ban its planned new operations in Germany.

During an election debate on Wednesday, leaders were asked if they would “ban Vattenfall from expanding coal power in Germany?” All eight responded affirmatively by holding up green cards.

The company plans to enlarge its lignite mines and potentially build new coal power stations in the east German region of Lusatia. Europe’s growing lignite industry has been called a “massive threat” to the continent’s decarbonisation.

Polling by Greenpeace found more than three-quarters of Swedes oppose Vattenfall’s new mining plans in Germany, but this is the first time it has become a major topic of public debate.

A spokesperson from Vattenfall confirmed that the company is 100% owned by the Swedish people and must follow government instructions.

For the energy giant, losing the right to expand its mines could have significant ramifications. Vattenfall runs two large power stations in Lusatia fed by lignite, the dirtiest form of coal. The operation of these plants and associated mines emits as much carbon as the whole of Sweden. But the mines are running dry.

Vattenfall has applied for permits to enlarge its mines in the region – ostensibly to lock in supply for existing power stations. Vattenfall said today that it had no plans for new coal plants in Germany, but last week a spokesperson from the company told the Guardian that if new mining permits were granted then “in a midterm there will be needed a newly built power plant in Jänschwalde [a municipality of Lusatia]”.

Some leaders are now backing away from a ban. On Thursday, Annie Lööf the leader of the Centre party and minister for energy told television company SVT that if her party won on 14 September, Vattenfall’s German assets would be sold. Lööf said the company’s involvement in the German coal rush did not “sit well” with Sweden’s ambition to be an environmental leader.

Carl Hamilton, a Swedish Liberal MP and member of the government, said selling the German wing “would of course not stop the mining or CO2 emissions under a new owner”. But would not back nor comment on his leader’s commitment to a ban.

A spokesperson for the Swedish Greens, who described the debate as a big surprise, said the suggestion that Vattenfall’s German wing should be sold would simply shift the blame from Sweden. “Any government taking responsibility for the climate must stop these operations,” she said.

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