Obama outlines plan to target IS fighters
US president authorises air strikes against Islamic State group inside Syria and announces expansion of strikes in Iraq.
Internet giant says it was threatened with fine of $250,000 a day in 2008 if it did not surrender online information.
Illegal loggers who had tried to expel Edwin Chota from tribal lands suspected in murder in remote border region.
Al Jazeera Investigative Unit finds some workers with quality concerns, alleging drug use and fearing to fly the plane.
President Varela urges members of country's 200 gangs to turn in their weapons and cut ties to organised crime.
Bank accounts of Zalmay Khalilzad and wife frozen by Austria over alleged transfer of $1.5 million.
NASA sceptical about reports that crater found in Managua was caused by a falling asteroid.
Anger as US president delays promise to use executive action to shield millions of young people from deportation.
Ten people die after plane comes down in the Amazon jungle near Puerto Santander.
US judge approves settlement between New York City and five men wrongfully convicted over 1988 Central Park jogger rape.
Francisco Flores, accused of misappropriating $15m from Taiwan for quake relief efforts, had earlier handed himself in.
30 Aug 2014 11:01 GMT
We examine the ethical challenges of reporting the murder of the American journalist by IS.
30 Aug 2014 13:26 GMT
Venezuela's opposition leader explains why peaceful political change is necessary and still possible.
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