Policy paper

Paris 2015: Securing our prosperity through a global climate change agreement

This publication explains why a global climate agreement is in everyone's interest and why the prospects of securing a successful agreement next year have never been better.



In December 2015, the world will gather in Paris to secure a legally binding, global climate change agreement with emission reduction commitments from all countries for the first time ever.

It will require courage, determination and ingenuity to deliver, building on years of hard work. It is not just governments around the world who want an agreement; there is widespread support from businesses, NGOs and campaign groups, many have contributed to this publication.

A Paris 2015 agreement will create the vital framework the world needs to keep the global goal of limiting average global temperature increases to below 2°C within reach, and avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

A global climate agreement is unquestionably in the UK’s and the entire global community’s interests and the prospects of securing a successful agreement next year have never been better. This publication explains why.

Paris 2015: Securing our prosperity through a global climate change agreement outlines:

  • the latest climate science on risks and impacts, many of which we are already seeing today
  • the benefits of low carbon action for our prosperity, security and well-being, showcasing many leading businesses in the UK who are already realising the commercial gains of climate action
  • the gap in global emission reduction efforts to date which only a global agreement can close
  • the recent progress in global climate action, demonstrating that whilst much more is needed a global climate agreement is now within reach

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