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No 3,336

Jeanette Winterson: a rabbit killer and proud of it

The author has lost fans for killing and eating a bunny she found in her garden
Jeanette Winterston … handy with a blade.
Jeanette Winterson … handy with a blade. Photograph: Murdo Macleod

Name: Jeanette Winterson.

Age: 54.

Appearance: Indefatigable.

Oh great – has she written another book? Is that why we're talking about her? Is it a novel or a memoir? I love her. I hope it's a memoir. Or a novel. I really don't mind. She's amazing. She's a murderer.

What? She tweeted "Rabbit ate my parsley. I am eating the rabbit," along with a picture of the disembowelled, semi-skinned, wholly dead rabbit in question lying on her kitchen counter.

Was she the one who actually killed it? Yup. Caught it in a humane trap next to the parsley bed, then did the necessary. Or unnecessary, according to many on Twitter.

Why – do they only follow vegetarians? That's what Winterson said. She also tweeted a picture of her cat eating the entrails and noted that the remaining skin, "which includes the head makes a great glove puppet".

That seems characteristically provocative. Did it provoke? It did indeed. Some followers were not impressed.

Highlights, please. "Before I unfollow you, you make me sick. I will never again read a word you write. Rest in peace, little rabbit." (Although the tweet used more inventive punctuation).

Harsh. Another said: "How you and your cat have disappointed me! At least the cat has an excuse."

I take it Winterson fought back? She is not known for walking away from a good fight, certainly, and nor did she. She pointed out the hypocrisy of eating farmed supermarket meat then objecting to a picture of something killed by hand that involved "no waste no packaging no processing no food miles". An unrepentant tone was maintained throughout.

She should have said: "My commitment to organic and sustainable living is Written on the Body of this animal." Because she wrote a book called Written on the Body?

Yes! Or: "Oranges are Not the Only Fruit that I could braise this rabbit with." Because … yes, I see.

Or "This has become a bit of a Tanglewreck, like my first children's book was called, and my dinner is ready so I'm off." That's enough.

Do say: "Come round for ethically-and-environmentally-sound-comma-irreproachably-principled dinner."

Don't say: "Poor ickle flopsy bunnikins gone all deaded by the bad lady! Pass me my Twitchfork! That is my Twitter pitchfork, btw."

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