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Bank of England split 7-2 over interest rates - as it happened

Monetary Policy Committee’s unanimity crumbles with two policymakers voting to raise interest rates to 0.75%, but first hike may still not come this year

The Bank of England is pictured in the City of London on August 19, 2014.
The days of consensus at the Bank of England over interest rates are over. Photograph: Carl Court/AFP/Getty Images


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European markets edge lower

Investors turned more cautious after several days of gains, with the prospect of an earlier than expected rate rise in the UK hitting shares in London. Details in Nick Fletcher’s closing market report. European markets also paused for breath but ahead of the release of the US Federal Reserve’s latest minutes, Wall Street has moved higher. The closing scores in Europe showed:

  • The FTSE 100 finished 23.83 points or 0.35% lower at 6755.48
  • Germany’s Dax dipped 0.21% to 9314.57
  • France’s Cac closed down 0.32% at 4240.79
  • Italy’s FTSE MIB ended 0.2% lower at 19,605.97
  • Spain’s Ibex slipped 0.33% to 10,420.9

In the US, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is currently up 29 points or 0.17%.

On that note, it’s time to close up for the evening. Thanks for all your comments, and we’ll be back again tomorrow.



That’s probably all that we (or anyone else!) has to say about the Bank of England’s minutes right now.

For full coverage and reaction, scroll back to 9.30am.

Or check out Larry’s news story: Bank of England split on interest rates reopens prospect of a rise in 2014

His comment: Interest rate rise is coming – but data must be strong enough for all on MPC

And our round-up of expert reaction is here: Bank of England split on interest rates – what the economists say


UK inflation data -- tricky to interpret

The split at the heart of the Bank of England highlights how hard it is to interpret the state of the UK economy, argues Professor John Thanassoulis of Warwick Business School.

Here’s his take on today’s Minutes:

The economy is recovering as GDP has been growing; house prices have been rising and unemployment has been falling. Thus in the near term one would expect inflation to start picking up. This will occur as the labour market tightens so that workers can start to bargain for higher wages.

“This all points to inflation rising and an early initial rate rise. And yet this month’s inflation figure is down. This could suggest that the economic picture is worse than the above analysis suggests.

“However, the ONS highlights other reasons for the month’s figure: the late timing of the summer sales due to good weather mean clothes prices were unusually high in June this year and so the fall to July more pronounced than usual; the strengthening march of Aldi and Lidl, the supermarket discounters, has begun a retail price war lowering prices; the low ebb of the Eurozone has made sterling appreciate so that imported goods appear cheaper when priced in pounds.

“If these reasons are correct then the low inflation figure is likely to be an aberration as the sales and price war effects run their course. One would expect UK economic growth to continue in September and wage growth to follow in due course.

Which of these competing explanations applies is unclear.”

Oh, the perils of economic forecasting....


In other news, Argentina’s plan to issue new local-law bonds to its creditors to resolve its default conundrum hasn’t been well received in the markets (see 8.59am for details).

The value of some Argentinian government bonds has fallen, suggesting investors see them as even riskier today.

Analysts are warning that the plan could leave creditors more exposed to the whims of the Argentinian government; even though, at present, they can’t be repaid at all, because a US judge has sided with vulture funds who demand full repayment on bonds which were defaulted on in 2001.

Jefferies: “Execution risk should be high and initial participation quite low." #Argentina

— Daniel Cancel (@DanCancel) August 20, 2014

JPMorgan: “It's also a poor option because restructured bondholders have to be willing to accept local custodian and capital control risk.”

— Daniel Cancel (@DanCancel) August 20, 2014

Larry Elliott: Bank is truffling through the data

Businessmen check their phones in the City of London on August 19, 2014.
Businessmen checking their phones in the City of London.Photograph: CARL COURT/AFP/Getty Images

Away from the drama of the 7-2 vote, today’s minutes show that the Monetary Policy Committee is scrutinising every piece of economic data that comes their way.

The “Immediate Policy Decision” outlined the wide range of views about the amount of spare capacity remaining in the economy. As outlined earlier, a majority of policymakers saw little inflationary risk – especially with wage growth still weak (much to the IoD’s chagrin).

Economics editor Larry Elliott reckons these seven MPC members they won’t be swayed anytime soon:

There has been nothing in the recent data to make any of the seven MPC members voting to keep rates on hold change their minds. Indeed, since the August meeting official figures have shown inflation falling to 1.6% and earnings growth dipping to 0.6%. The international outlook has darkened, with activity in the eurozone coming to a halt in the second quarter and tension mounting in the Ukraine.

What’s more, the message that the Bank is moving closer to a rate rise may make it harder to raise borrowing costs. Consumers may start to spend less in anticipation of their mortgage costs rising, while a stronger pound will make imports cheaper and thus bear down on inflation.

The MPC is now operating on a month-by-month basis, with members truffling through each and every piece of new data for clues as to what is happening to the economy. Rates will only rise if the incoming data is strong enough to make three other members of the MPC join Weale and McCafferty. As things stand, it is hard to see that happening.

Analysis: Interest rate rise is coming – but data must be strong enough for all on MPC

IoD calls on Bank of England to raise rates before Christmas

The Institute of Directors, which represents Britain’s bosses, is delighted to see two hawks emerge at the Bank of England.

The IoD suggested that the seven MPC members who voted for no-change are wrong to focus their attention on weak wage growth (!), and should crack on with raising rates -- ideally before Christmas

James Sproule, chief economist at the Institute of Directors, says:

Looking ahead over the next two years, as the economy continues to expand, the Bank of England will need to normalise interest rates. The IoD has called for rate rises to begin this year, aiming to reach a level of around 3% by the end of next year. The majority of MPC members still favour the status quo, but the minutes released today show that opinion in favour of rate rises has gained a foothold in the Committee.

“The MPC argues that they are awaiting strong growth in wages before acting. However, we believe that monetary policy must be put back on a more normal footing first, before we begin to monitor inflation and other factors to see if further action is needed. Our research shows that wage rises are on the way, but they will be tied to improved corporate performance and therefore should not be the Bank’s primary focus when deciding when to end this period of extraordinary monetary policy.”

There’s a clear split over interest rate policy among British business. As flagged up at 11.50am, the British Chambers of Commerce believes the UK economy isn’t strong enough to support higher interest rates.

And should Britain’s business leaders (who are rarely short of a bob or two) really be arguing that workers shouldn’t have the protection of higher wages before being hit with a rate hike?

Professor Danny Blanchflower, a former (dovish) member of the MPC, reckons the two hawks have blundered.

Data released since August’s rate decision suggests no-change was the right call, he argues.

@FerroTV data out since the vote on falling CPI producer prices agent's scores and falling real wages make Weale & McCafferty look clueless

— Danny Blanchflower (@D_Blanchflower) August 20, 2014

Jonathan Pryor, head of FX dealing at Investec Corporate and Institutional Treasury, says the 7-2 split is a surprise, given how dovish the Bank’s Inflation Report was last week.

“This vote is likely to leave UK businesses scratching their heads about the direction of sterling and the best way to guard against potential volatility over the coming weeks and months.”


Place your bets...

UK interest rates are now more likely to rise before the next general election than not, according to Ladbrokes’ latest odds.

Ladbrokes has cut the odds on the first rate hike coming before May 2015, having seen the minutes of this month’s MPC meeting. Spokesman Alex Donohue explains:

“Today’s MPC minutes have shaken up our rate market significantly.

The latest news from Threadneedle Street now points to a pre-election rise being the most likely outcome.”

Interest rates to rise before the general election

  • Yes: 8/11
  • No: evens

How many members of the MPC will vote in favour of a rise in September’s meeting?

  • 0-1: 6/4
  • 2: 6/4
  • 3 or more: 5/2

The market has flip-flopped, we were 4/6 no rise 11/10 a rise prior to today's news.

— Alex Donohue (@LadsAlex) August 20, 2014

Have your say

We’re running a poll, asking when readers think the first UK interest rate rise will come:

Poll: when will UK interest rates rise?

Guardian poll on UK interest rates
Photograph: Guardian

BCC criticises BoE policymakers who voted to raise interest rates

Martin Weale, External Member of the MPC
Martin Weale. Photograph:

The British Chambers of Commerce has criticised Martin Weale and Ian McCafferty for voting to raise interest rates at this month’s MPC meeting.

David Kern, the BCC’s chief economist, says the split vote is a “disappointing shift of opinion”. He argues that the UK economy is not strong enough to support higher borrowing costs, especially as inflation is still low.

Kern says:

“While the large majority of committee members still believe in the existing policy of keeping interest rates low, it is disappointing that two members voted for an immediate increase at the last MPC meeting.

With inflation well below target and wage growth stagnating, any increase in interest rates at the moment would be premature. The economic recovery is still not secure and growth amongst UK businesses must be fostered in a low interest rate environment.

The risks from raising rates too early are much greater than the risks of waiting just a little longer.”

Today’s minutes (online here), show that a majority of the MPC share Kern’s concerns.

And Peter Hemington, partner at accountancy firm BDO, is worried that the sight of a disunited Bank of England may deter UK firms from investing.

Hemington warned:

“There are still big question marks for businesses on when the rise might come.

Businesses cannot plan for growth on the basis of vague or conflicting statements - policy makers can do more to provide certainty for businesses, enabling them to make informed decisions for the future.”


While eurozone builders struggle, UK manufacturers remain upbeat about their prospects.

The CBI’s monthly survey of the sector found that 37% of firms had boosted their output over the last quarter, while 25% said it had fallen. Nine sectors reported that the pace of growth had slowed in the past three months, but sixteen sectors anticipate growth over the coming quarter.

There are also signs that order books have strengthened this month, after a dip in July.


We also have another slice of worrying economic news from the eurozone to digest.

Construction output across the euro area fell by 0.7% in June, for the second month running, adding to May’s 1.4% decline.

Statistics body Eurostat reported that building and civil engineering activity both declined in June, suggesting broad-based weakness – at a time when the eurozone is already stagnating.

Eurozone construction output down by 0.7% in June: Germany: +1.2% France: +0.2% Portugal: -1.6% Spain: -2.9%

— Markit Economics (@MarkitEconomics) August 20, 2014

Looking for a full round-up of economist reaction to this morning’s Bank of England minutes? Your search is over....

Bank of England split on interest rates – what the economists say

Here’s our news story on today’s Bank minutes, by economics editor Larry Elliott:

Bank of England split on interest rates reopens prospect of a rise in 2014

The first increase in interest rates from the Bank of England since 2007 has moved a decisive step closer after two members of Threadneedle Street’s key policy committee broke ranks and voted for dearer borrowing.

Minutes of the meeting of the Bank’s monetary policy committee meeting show that two of the nine members – Martin Weale and Ian McCafferty – called for rates to be pushed up by a quarter point to 0.75%.

Although the other seven members of the MPC said weak earnings growth, below-target inflation, and the fragile finances of some households warranted keeping rates unchanged, the August meeting was the first time since 2011 that the MPC has not voted unanimously on rates..... (more here)

I'm surprised that 7-2 was a surprise, 9-0 this time round would have been a surprise surely!? #BOE

— Will Hedden (@WillHedden_IG) August 20, 2014

Berenberg: Rate decision remains finely balanced.

The emergence of two hawks on the Monetary Policy Committee makes a rate rise in 2014 a little more likely, says Christian Schulz, senior economist at Berenberg bank.

He cites three caveats, however.

(1) Dissenters do not always signal an imminent majority shift: there was a run of dissenting votes in 2011 as well, but the majority of the MPC stuck to the dovish course then.

(2) Wage growth has slowed even more according to data releases since the meeting, with weekly earnings falling by 0.2% yoy in June.

(3) Geo-political risks have increased and affect the UK’s largest trading partner, the Eurozone. In our view, the probability for a first rate hike remains finely balanced, but the majority is likely to hold-out until February next year. That would still be a bit before current market expectations.

The City is now pricing in the first UK rate rise in January 2015, compared with February 2015 yesterday, Reuters reports:


Alastair Winter, chief economist at investment bank Daniel Stewart, points out that the Bank of England is likely to raise interest rates at a ‘gradual’ pace.

“So, change is in the air after all! Over the last two months I have become increasingly convinced that it was merely a matter of months before the first rate hike came.

The gap between the majority on the MPC and the so-called hawks has been and still is narrow. Martin Weale was already a suspect and now Ian McCafferty has ‘come out’.

ING: UK interest rates probably won't rise until February 2015

James Knightley of ING has produced a very handy summary of today’s Bank of England minutes:

The minutes to the August Bank of England monetary policy meeting showed that the committee voted 7-2 in favour of keeping Bank Rate at 0.5% with Martin Weale and Ian McCafferty both voting for a 25bp interest rate rise. This is the first time there wasn’t a unanimous decision in just over three years. The committee voted 9-0 in favour of leaving QE at £375bn.

The two dissenters argued that “the degree of spare capacity had diminished sufficiently” and that a tightening labour market “created a prospect that wage growth would pick up”. They also noted that wages were a lagging indicator and “it was desirable to anticipate labour market pressures by raising Bank Rate in advance of them”. Even after a 25bp rate rise they argued that “monetary policy would remain extremely supportive”. It would also help facilitate the MPCs “aspiration that the rises in Bank Rate should only be gradual”.

However, the majority still need a fair bit of convincing. The minutes stated that “for most members, there remained insufficient evidence of inflationary pressures to justify an immediate increase in Bank Rate”. They felt that the rate of growth would moderate while inflation was expected to “reach the 2% target only at the end of the three-year forecast period”. They also cited weak wages and the possibility labour market slack may have been greater than previously thought. By delaying rate hikes it would “allow the expansion to become more entrenched”. Indeed, raising rates too early in the absence of wage rises could increase “the vulnerability of highly indebted households”, while also adding to upward pressure on sterling.

Knightley reckons, though, that Martin Weale and Ian McCafferty will remain in the minority for a while yet.

Yesterday’s low inflation numbers, the lack of wage growth and concerns about Eurozone growth – the UK’s largest trade partner, suggest that in the absence of upside activity data shocks the majority will continue to opt for the status quo in the next few months. Indeed, it currently looks more likely to be February when we see the first rate rise than our current published forecast of November.


This isn’t the first time that Martin Weale has called, in vain, for a rate rise.

Back in 2011, he voted for a quarter-point rise, but subsequently changed his mind as the world economy was rocked by the eurozone crisis.

Martin Weale first voted for a UK Base Rate rise in January 2011 but stopped doing so in August 2011. So 3 years later he is back! #BoE

— Shaun Richards (@notayesmansecon) August 20, 2014

Alex Edwards, head of the corporate desk at UKForex, says the latest Bank minutes “send a confusing message to investors, households and business owners as to when to expect the next rate rise”.

Yesterday’s inflation figures indicate that this could happen next year, but these minutes might suggest it could be before the New Year.”

We should remember that this Monetary Policy Committee meeting took place before the latest inflation data, which showed a surprise fall in the consumer prices index to 1.6% in July, from 1.9% in June.

That drop in inflation bolsters the case for leaving interest rates unchanged for longer, and may have surprised the MPC.

#BoE thought June CPI rise unlikely to be due to delayed summer sales discounting.."reasons to suppose increase might be more lasting"-wrong

— Marc Ostwald (@MOstwald1) August 20, 2014

So, who might be next to join McCafferty and Weale in voting for a rate rise?

Jeremy Cook of World First suggests it could be chief economist Andy Haldane, or even deputy governor Ben Broadbent.

That's the hawks taken care of. Who moves next from the centre ground? Haldane or Broadbent possibly. Think it will remain 7-2 for a while

— World First (@World_First) August 20, 2014

Standing room only at Haldane and Broadbent's next speeches

— World First (@World_First) August 20, 2014

Why the rest of the MPC didn't want a rate rise

Martin Weale and Ian McCafferty were outvoted because other Bank of England policymakers believe there is “insufficient evidence of inflationary pressures” to justify a rate rise.

They want to leave interest rates at their record low of 0.5% until there are clear signs that wages are rising.

The minutes say:

Given the risk that an increase in labour supply or persistent concerns over job security would result in weak wage growth continuing for longer, there would be merit in waiting to see firmer evidence that solid increases in pay growth were in prospect before tightening policy.

The latest data showed that average earnings, excluding bonuses, are growing at just 0.6% per year. Inflation is currently 1.6%, meaning real wages are shrinking by 1%.

Why Weale and McCafferty voted to raise interest rates

The minutes show that Ian McCafferty and Martin Weale both argued that the UK economy was strong enough to justify an immediate rise in bank rate.

They believe that earnings across the UK economy are likely to pick up in the months ahead, meaning the Bank of England should start to tighten monetary policy now.

Here’s the key section from the Minutes:

For two members, in particular, economic circumstances were sufficient to justify an immediate rise in Bank Rate. These members noted that the continuing rapid fall in unemployment alongside survey evidence of tightening in the labour market created a prospect that wage growth would pick up.

They noted that it was possible that wages were lagging developments in the labour market to some extent. If that were true, wages might not start to rise until spare capacity in the labour market were fully used up. Since monetary policy, too, could be expected to operate only with a lag, it was desirable to anticipate labour market pressures by raising Bank Rate in advance of them.

Weale and McCafferty also argued that there was no guarantee that the risks of a negative financial market reaction would be lessened by holding rates down for longer. They could even be “augmented”, they warned.

This is the first time that Britain’s monetary policy has been split over interest rates since 2011 (rates have been unchanged at 0.5% since March 2009).

The Minutes explains that Mark Carney invited the MPC to vote on the proposition that Bank Rate should be maintained at 0.5%, and that it should leave its quantitative easing bond-buying programme unchanged at £375 billion.

Six members backed the governor, but two dissented.

Regarding Bank Rate, seven members of the Committee (the Governor, Ben Broadbent, Jon Cunliffe, Nemat Shafik, Kristin Forbes, Andrew Haldane and David Miles) voted in favour of the proposition.

Ian McCafferty and Martin Weale voted against the proposition, preferring to increase Bank Rate by 25 basis points.

The pound has jumped half a cent against the US dollar, to $1.6665.

Bank of England split 7-2 over interest rates

Breaking: The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee was split over interest rates!

Two members, Martin Weale and Ian McCafferty, broke with consensus and voted to raise borrowing costs by 25 basis points, to 0.75%, at the meeting earlier this month.

Minutes of the MPC Meeting held on 6 & 7 August reveal 7-2 split on #BankRate and a unanimous vote on Asset Purchases

— Bank of England (@bankofengland) August 20, 2014

Martin Weale, one of the external members of the MPC, is seen as the most likely hawk to vote to raise rates....

according to BNPParibas Carbey is right at the dovish extreme of MPC spectrum. could be outvoted at time of 1st hike

— econhedge (@econhedge) August 20, 2014

Bank of England minutes, a preamble

Just five minutes until the Bank of England minutes are released.....

Marc Ostwald of ADM Investor Services explains what to watch for:

Dissent cannot be ruled out within the MPC minutes, even if the consensus looks for 9-0, though that consensus appears to favour Martin Weale as the dissenter, despite the prior evidence, which suggests that Weale can appear voice hawkish opinions, but “talking the talk does not translate (de facto) into walking the walk”.

Be that as it may, the focus will be on the background debate to last week’s Inflation Report, which will inevitably highlight that MPC views on the economy remains very divergent. Of more interest perhaps, will be the discussion on market rate trajectories and indeed MPC guidance, even if MPC opinions will hardly have been unitary. But perhaps most attention (as ever) should be devoted to the MPC Agents’ reports, as signals from non-construction related sectors have been decidedly mixed, and even construction appears to be hitting supply related buffers, be that in terms of labour skills or raw materials constraints.

European stock markets have dipped in early trading, with Carlsberg’s profit warning not helping sentiment.

The German, French and UK indices are down between 0.2% and 0.3%.

The euro has hit a new 11-month low against the US dollar this morning, down 0.2% to $1.3295.

It weakened after a survey of Dutch consumer confidence fell to minus 6, from minus 2 in July.

#Euro takes a beating today following disappointing Dutch data. $EURUSD now at 1.3294

— Yannis Koutsomitis (@YanniKouts) August 20, 2014

Carlsberg issues profits warning as Russia sales fall

The Ukraine crisis has hit Danish beer maker Carlsberg, in a worrying illustration of how geopolitical tensions could hurt the global economy.

Carlsberg warned investors that operating profits this year will fail to meet 2013’s levels, due to deteriorating sales in Russia.

Carslberg usually makes around a third of its profits from brewing Baltika, Russia’s biggest beer brand. But Russia’s weakening economy – hit by Western sanctions – means sale are likely to fall this year.

The escalating tensions in the region mean Carlsberg is considering cutting production. It said:

In order to mitigate the risks as much as possible, several changes have been and will be made in our Eastern European business, including structural changes. These include considerations related to brewery closures.

Shares in Carlsberg are down over 4%.

#Argentina offers bond swap to circumvent #US court prompted default. Effort to improve standing but with economy reeling, unlikely to work

— Robin Bew (@RobinBew) August 20, 2014

Argentina's debt default plan

A man walks by a graffiti that reads ‘Out Vultures’. Photograph: Victor R. Caivano/AP

The Argentinian default battle has taken another twist overnight.

President Cristina Fernández announced plans for a voluntary debt swap, which would allow it to dodge a US court ruling forcing it to repay ‘hold-out creditors’ who refused to take part in debt restructuring since its 2001 default.

That court ruling forced Argentina to default again last month, as it is prevented from repaying its other creditors. Buenos Aires refuses to repay its holdouts (aggressive hedge funds); Fernández’s plan is to issue bonds under Argentinian law, beyond the reach of US judges.

Argentina also plans stop using Bank of New York Mellon as a trustee and instead make bond payments via an account at Banco de la Nación in Buenos Aires.

The FT has more details (paywall, sorry).

And as Sky News reports, President Cristina Fernández appeared rather emotional, and on the verge of tears, saying:

“Excuse me if I get a little nervous, I usually have more poise.

“However, I really feel that we are living a moment of great injustice in Argentina.”

Argentina's New Law To Dodge Debt Default

— Sky News Business (@SkyNewsBiz) August 20, 2014

Balfour Beatty rejects latest takeover proposal

Crossrail site in London/Balfour Beatty
London’s Crossrail; one of Balfour Beatty’s contracts. Photograph: CROSSRAIL / HANDOUT/EPA

An ambitious plan to merge two of Britain’s biggest construction firms appears to have failed.

Balfour Beatty rejected the latest proposal from rival Carillion this morning, insisting that it wasn’t in its shareholders’ interests.

Balfour criticised Carillion, for failing to address:

“The considerable risks associated with the proposed business plan, including the strategy to significantly reduce the scale of the UK Construction business when it is poised to benefit from a recovery in the market.”

The Takeover Panel had given Carillion until close of play tomorrow to ‘put up or shut up’, and the latter course looks more likely.

Shares in Balfour have tumbled 5.5% this morning. Carillion, which had sweetened its merger terms yesterday, are down 2%.

German producer prices fall again

Over in Germany, the latest survey of factory gate prices has brought little respite to Europe’s low inflation problem.

The German Producer Prices index, which tracks how much firms receive for their wares, fell by 0.1% last month, and was 0.8% lower than July 2014. It was driven down by falling energy prices.

Economists had expected prices to be flat month-on-month, and 0.7% lower year-on-year.

Those producer prices feed through to the wider economy, and could help keep consumer prices below target.

GERMANY JULY PPI M/M: -0.1% V 0.0%E; Y/Y: -0.8% V -0.7% PRIOR

— Ioan Smith (@moved_average) August 20, 2014

German PPI another stunning example of the European version of inflation. Deflation.

— Yellen's Yodel ™ (@CthruHD) August 20, 2014

ING also suspects the minutes could show an 8-1 split, although there’s little change of a majority voting to raise rates until 2015.

They write:

Today’s minutes to the August MPC meeting may see the first member voting for tighter policy. However, low inflation and stagnant wages suggest a majority in favour of rate hikes is some way off.

Joe Bond of city firm Abshire Smith reckons one member of the MPC may have jumped off the fence at this month’s meeting (which took place two weeks ago).

@GuyHardingSky: @Joe_Trading odds of seeing any dissent in today's minutes?” Potential for 1 member today, though more likely next month

— Joe Bond (@Joe_Trading) August 20, 2014

Will Bank of England minutes show a split?

The Bank of England.
The Bank of England. Photograph: CARL COURT/AFP/Getty Images

Good morning, and welcome to our rolling coverage of the financial markets, the economy, business and finance.

Like house prices and the weather, interest rates are something of a British obsession at present. So the minutes of the latest Bank of England monetary policy meeting, released at 9.30am today, are eagerly awaited in the City and beyond.

There’s a possibility that at least one member of the MPC broke ranks and voted to raise bank rate. This would be the first dissent since 2011.

Alternatively, the nine-strong committee could have remained united in leaving borrowing costs unchanged, which would probably kibosh talk of an early rate rise.

The details of the minutes should also show whether many committee members believe that most of the spare capacity in the UK economy has now been used up.

Yesterday’s drop in inflation appears to have put a 2014 rate rise off the agenda - but today’s minutes could change the picture again....

Stan Shamu of IG explains:

The focus will be on the BoE MPC meeting minutes, where the market will be looking for any signs that some members are getting hawkish.

Last week’s BoE inflation report showed there was “a wide range of views” over the amount of slack that still needs to be mopped up. However, Britain’s weak wage growth remained a major worry, so we’ll see what the MPC said about that too.

Not too much else on the agenda today. We get the latest survey of the eurozone construction sector at 10am BST, and the CBI’s survey of UK industrial trends at 11am.

I’ll be tracking the main events through the day...

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