Ann Coulter Letter

A Glowing Report on Radiation

With the terrible earthquake and resulting tsunami that have devastated Japan, the only good news is that anyone exposed to excess radiation from the nuclear power plants is now probably much less likely to get cancer.

This only seems counterintuitive because of media hysteria for the past 20 years trying to convince Americans that radiation at any dose is bad. There is, however, burgeoning evidence that excess radiation operates as a sort of cancer vaccine.

As The New York Times science section reported in 2001, an increasing number of scientists believe that at some level — much higher than the minimums set by the U.S. government — radiation is good for you. “They theorize,” the Times said, that “these doses protect against cancer by activating cells’ natural defense mechanisms.”

Among the studies mentioned by the Times was one in Canada finding that tuberculosis patients subjected to multiple chest X-rays had much lower rates of breast cancer than the general population.

And there are lots more!

A $10 million Department of Energy study from 1991 examined 10 years of epidemiological research by the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health on 700,000 shipyard workers, some of whom had been exposed to 10 times more radiation than the others from their work on the ships’ nuclear reactors. The workers exposed to excess radiation had a 24 percent lower death rate and a 25 percent lower cancer mortality than the non-irradiated workers.

Isn’t that just incredible? I mean, that the Department of Energy spent $10 million doing something useful? Amazing, right?

In 1983, a series of apartment buildings in Taiwan were accidentally constructed with massive amounts of cobalt 60, a radioactive substance. After 16 years, the buildings’ 10,000 occupants developed only five cases of cancer. The cancer rate for the same age group in the general Taiwanese population over that time period predicted 170 cancers.

The people in those buildings had been exposed to radiation nearly five times the maximum “safe” level according to the U.S. government. But they ended up with a cancer rate 96 percent lower than the general population.

Bernard L. Cohen, a physics professor at the University of Pittsburgh, compared radon exposure and lung cancer rates in 1,729 counties covering 90 percent of the U.S. population. His study in the 1990s found far fewer cases of lung cancer in those counties with the highest amounts of radon — a correlation that could not be explained by smoking rates.

Tom Bethell, author of the “Politically Incorrect Guide to Science,” has been writing for years about the beneficial effects of some radiation, or “hormesis.” A few years ago, he reported on a group of scientists who concluded their conference on hormesis at the University of Massachusetts by repairing to a spa in Boulder, Mont., specifically in order to expose themselves to excess radiation.

At the Free Enterprise Radon Health Mine in Boulder, people pay $5 to descend 85 feet into an old mining pit to be irradiated with more than 400 times the EPA-recommended level of radon. In the summer, 50 people a day visit the mine hoping for relief from chronic pain and autoimmune disorders.

Amazingly, even the Soviet-engineered disaster at Chernobyl in 1986 can be directly blamed for the deaths of no more than the 31 people inside the plant who died in the explosion. Although news reports generally claimed a few thousand people died as a result of Chernobyl — far fewer than the tens of thousands initially predicted — that hasn’t been confirmed by studies.

Indeed, after endless investigations, including by the United Nations, Manhattan Project veteran Theodore Rockwell summarized the reports to Bethell in 2002, saying, “They have not yet reported any deaths outside of the 30 who died in the plant.”

Even the thyroid cancers in people who lived near the reactor were attributed to low iodine in the Russian diet — and consequently had no effect on the cancer rate.

Meanwhile, the animals around the Chernobyl reactor, who were not evacuated, are “thriving,” according to scientists quoted in the April 28, 2002 Sunday Times (UK).

Dr. Dade W. Moeller, a radiation expert and professor emeritus at Harvard, told the Times that it’s been hard to find excess cancers even from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, particularly because one-third of the population will get cancer anyway. There were about 90,000 survivors of the atomic bombs in 1945 and, more than 50 years later, half of them were still alive. (Other scientists say there were 700 excess cancer deaths among the 90,000.)

Although it is hardly a settled scientific fact that excess radiation is a health benefit, there’s certainly evidence that it decreases the risk of some cancers — and there are plenty of scientists willing to say so. But Jenny McCarthy’s vaccine theories get more press than Harvard physics professors’ studies on the potential benefits of radiation. (And they say conservatives are anti-science!)

I guess good radiation stories are not as exciting as news anchors warning of mutant humans and scary nuclear power plants — news anchors who, by the way, have injected small amounts of poison into their foreheads to stave off wrinkles. Which is to say: The general theory that small amounts of toxins can be healthy is widely accepted –except in the case of radiation.

Every day Americans pop multivitamins containing trace amount of zinc, magnesium, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, boron — all poisons.

They get flu shots. They’ll drink copious amounts of coffee to ingest a poison: caffeine. (Back in the ’70s, Professor Cohen offered to eat as much plutonium as Ralph Nader would eat caffeine — an offer Nader never accepted.)

But in the case of radiation, the media have Americans convinced that the minutest amount is always deadly.

Although reporters love to issue sensationalized reports about the danger from Japan’s nuclear reactors, remember that, so far, thousands have died only because of Mother Nature. And the survivors may outlive all of us over here in hermetically sealed, radiation-free America.

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  • Wayne Peterkin

    Thank you, Tony. I have been arguing in favor of CNG as a transportation fuel alternative for over 15 years, and still haven’t made much progress.

  • planeboy

    Red lady…your right those reators were built in 1972…umbrella tip to you…good post!

  • miknelson

    Don’t you think we otta think about this. I am for nuclear energy, but Japan didn’t even build a tsunami wall!

    Make things right and it will work! Fail and we all go down.


  • Calvin Gordon Dodge

    The score: Pacific Ocean – 10,000. Nuclear power plants – 0.

    I think I’d rather live near the plants.

  • Vihar_Adakozo

    I cannot really speak to the benefits of increased radiation on humans (aside from the obvious medical diagnostic benefits); however, despite any and all claims by hysterical environmentalists, numerous scientific studies have determined that electricity generated by coal/wood/oil is exponentially more detrimental to our health than nuclear fission reactors. In fact, there is not a single shred of scientifically sound evidence that shows fission based reactors as being more hazardous than any form of carbon based electricity production. Even common forms of constructing solar cells are more environmentally damaging than fissile based power sources.

    Should you require proof of my statements above, I reference research conducted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, National Academy of Sciences and the American Medical Association. There are also numerous governmental studies from around the world that show nuclear fission reactors as being the cleanest and safest method available for the production of electricity. A study by the “Union of Concerned Scientists” (THE premier critic of nuclear fission/fusion) also bears this out.

    Everything currently or potentially happening in Japan: reactor meltdowns, the forced release of reactive vapors, Uranium/Plutonium fission generated hydrogen detonations, as well as any other possible form of accident scenario has been taken into consideration in these studies. Of the twenty plus studies I am aware of, not a single one shows that nuclear power is in any way more dangerous than fossil based methods and in fact is much less dangerous.

    The damaged reactors in Japan have been shut down; they are no longer “reacting.” The problems with the fissile reactors in Japan are residual. Even if one of the reactor cores were to melt down, isotopic entropy (the concept that matter tends to evolve from an organized state to a less organized state) would cause the Uranium within the core to quickly diffuse into a progressively less fissile reactive state. From what I can tell, all appropriate steps are being taken in Japan to minimize risk. Even in a worst case scenario (contained meltdown), the impact to someone not in direct contact with the core will result in the same damage as a CT scan or several dental x-rays. The Japanese reactor cores are second/third generation U.S designed and are exceedingly well contained.

    A statistically symbiotic consortium of scientists agrees that fission reaction based electricity generation is the safest utilitarian method we have available to us. This information has not been veraciously translated and relayed by the media to the public at large.

    The media has impenitently led the public astray with regard to nuclear fission in the interest of the reactionary environmental agenda. The media has instilled fear into the public of radiation from minor nuclear mishaps, even though anthropogenic sources of radiation are exponentially less prevalent than the radiation we are exposed through natural sources. The scientific studies I allude to have shown conclusively that in order to match the health risks associated with burning coal, wood, and oil at the levels we currently do, we would have to experience a nuclear reactor meltdown somewhere in the world every two weeks. All research indicates that radioactive waste from nuclear reactors is thousands of times less harmful than the cancer-causing agents and the radio-progressed wastes released in burning carbon.

    This irresponsible media redirection of risk comes at a horrific price to the American consumer. Driven by media-generated, misguided public concern, the U.S. Government has dramatically restricted fission reactors through overly cumbersome regulation as to make fission based generation of electricity five times more expensive than traditional carbon-fossil based generation. This misdirection happens despite the fact that all scientific studies show that regulations in the U.S. should be lessened.

    Due to media driven hysteria around fission reactors, the cost of electricity in the U.S is twice that of Western Europe and Japan. This double cost of energy has a dramatic impact on U.S. unemployment and our ability to compete in the international marketplace. Public incognizance on fission reactors is destroying our country.

  • dbassd

    Wow this is all new news to me. i had never heard of such theories, and I listen to Alex Jones. . .
    The botox that these anchors inject into their foreheads, goes straight to their brains. . . lolling

  • Beckanada

    Except for Jay Lerh of The Heartland Institute and his outstanding interviews on Fox News, as usual, Anne has produced one of the most comprehensive and accurate documents on the truth about the safety of the nuclear power industry and the fear-mongering going on over radiation exposure I have yet, read, heard or seen.
    Kudos Anne

  • Wayne Peterkin

    I’m not sure I would lobby for a nuclear waste site in my back yard yet (I prefer they reprocess the waste like France does) but Ann has written a very interesting article. I do know that the fear of all radioactivity is irrational and always has been. We’re surrounded by naturally occurring radioactivity all the time.

  • FatMan45

    They’re only so much more expensive than other plants because of all the government regulations in the way and the huge delays caused by over regulation, all thanks to environmentalists (a one-word oxymoron).

  • AustinAndy

    Do the democrats have an energy policy? From what I can see, it is an “energyless” policy which would destroy our economy. Except, of course, solar and wind power which would need to be heavily subsidized, provide almost no energy, and provide lots of unionized federal bureaucrats.

  • miknelson

    You have a lot to say and many paragargrapfs to read. Keep it short. We are mostly illiterate!

  • bella93

    Do you believe everything you hear. Why don’t you wait for the facts?

  • OwlCreekObserver

    Most interesting and hopeful news. What are the odds that our government will publicize these studies? Yeah, that’s what I think also.

  • Guest

    In “The Republic,” Plato records Sokrates’s warning to Athens: Beware the physician who introduces disease into his patients and, then, once they have been infected, comes forward claiming to have the cure.

    Sokrates was metaphorically warning Athens about their leaders.

    During Lincoln’s Administration, Democrats were known as “Copperheads” because they were unpredictable, devious, untrustworthy and immutable in their attempts to suddenly inject political poison into Lincoln’s managing of the Civil War.

    Since FDR’s Administration, Democrats have been diligent in their poisoning of the Body Politic.

    Over the past 75 years, Liberalism has metamorphosed, metastasized and mutated into a full-blown political cancer that threatens to destroy this Republic.

    America’s Democrat Party has ever been — and ever will be — an environmental pollutant far more caustic and far deadlier than nuclear radiation.

    The latter can be mitigated and controlled through Applied Science. The former has only one cure: an aroused populace, determined to purge this Nation of what otherwise will most surely become a fatal infection.

  • scanlan28

    The over population people should be celebrating

  • scanlan28

    The overpopulation people should be celebrating

  • Buckindaburg

    As usual, Tony makes some great comments. I especially like the reference to Yellowstone. Tony is correct, when that baby does blow, it wouldn’t really matter that a nuclear reactor was operating there. The survival rate worldwide, will amount to about 10% of the total population.

    Here’s the skinny on all of that: Human life spans a century or less. We enjoy rapid gratification in most of our quests. In geological terms, what is going on in Yellowstone takes a long time and there is no exact schedule. Consider that the hot spot, that is the actual caldera that is Yellowstone, last erupted about 600K years ago. It is due, based on going off every 600K. If that happens, most of the U.S. will be under a lot of toxic ash, among other things.

    The hot spot is constant, the North America plate is moving westward. It seems that about 15 million years ago, that hot spot was located at what is now Reno, Nv. The distance that took 15M years to cover, might very well be done in about a hard day’s drive.

    Not that this is pertinent to the discussion, but it puts into perspective how quickly the time passes in a human life time, versus how slowly the changing of the geological appearance of the earth does same.

  • Michael E

    Ya the way things are going we are going to be a third world country. I just wonder how much more damage the dems and obama are going to do in the next year and a half. Obama a one term clown.

  • AustinAndy

    Oh, I guess the pictures of the twenty foot wall that the tsunami went over did not exist. Can’t trust my lying eyes!

  • planeboy

    Vihar..good to see you …and as always you bring much light to the darkness…I will say that if you look at how many coal miners die every year..then look at nuclear power plants..everything you’ve stated bears this out to be true…love your post!

  • FatMan45

    There was a primary candidate in Nevada, where Yucca Mt. is the “third-rail” of state politics thanks to enviro-hysterics, a while back who proposed building a “spent” fuel rod reprocessing facility and nuclear power plant complex near Yucca. He wanted to build a pipeline from the Pacific to bring sea water to the plants, use the reprocessed fuel rods to fuel them, export the electricity to the nation, use the now desalinated water for Las Vegas and other desert projects like agriculture in Amargosa Valley, and use Yucca to store the waste from the reprocessed fuel rods, which would no longer be “high-level” since the only high-level “waste” is the Plutonium and U-235, the rest being low-level, actual waste. Unfortunately, he was from a rural community (Elko) and had too much common sense to ever be “electable”!

  • westoast


  • westoast

    Yeah to that. Hi red.

  • planeboy

    I did mean to bring that up…thanks for pointing that out

  • AustinAndy

    Can you imagine the technological breakthroughs such a facility would bring? Or the large number of high paying jobs and economic benefits to the state of Nevada?

    Nahh. Never happen. Too many people like Senator Harry Reid.

  • jcaplan

    Hormesis, the concept of small amounts of toxic compounds stimulating the body to higher levels of health, is most important and this writer should be congratulated for bringing this topic to the popular press.

    The concept goes back hundreds of years to Paracelsus, who explained that everything is a poison or a benefit, depending only on the dose. Food, water, sunshine, minerals, vitamins, exercise, nuclear radiation, even compounds normally known as only toxic such as pesticides, radon and industrial chemicals, all have been shown to have levels of ingestion that are helpful, as well as high levels being toxic.

    Important scientific references on this include Dr. Edward Calabrese. A collection is maintained by Jim Muckerheide, the former Massachusetts State Nuclear Engineer at:
    Radiation, Science and Health

    T. D. Luckey has published a book review of the topic entitled Radiation Hormesis. is a short summary.

  • alvinandrewreid

    Mother Nature???? What makes you so sure?????

  • BigMark

    I worked in the nuclear weapons space on board an Aircraft Carrier during the 60′s. I only glow green in the dark 2 days a week now, where as it used to be 5 days a week. See, it goes away eventually, unlike asbestos or the EPA.

  • AustinAndy

    The main stream media at work:

    This is anecdotal, but a couple of my co-workers were so concerned about the radiation leaks in Japan that they told their family members to stay inside. There has also been a run on potassium iodine tablets to protect from this “massive??” radiation leak.

  • Tony_Seco

    Here? In the US?

  • Guest

    Environmentalism is metamoronic. About as useful as a Buddhist monk contemplating his navel with one eye while the other is looking inward.

  • arcing

    You could simply weld the valve open if enough of the people would put their livlihoods ahead of civic obedience.

  • planeboy

    Thanks for the numbers…but as someone else pointed out…what a PAIN in A-S to get permits..the Regs.will kill you…I’am not saying there should’nt be ANY Regs…I’am saying you could eat up 1 cent per kilowatt in profit trying to get the dang thing built…

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    Great article Ann, and once again pointing out the fear mongering of the left. This is another prime example of ” never let a crisis go to waste”. Speaking of wastes, Diane Sawyer was amazed about Japan’s recycling, she’s probably another one who has pathogens injected into her face. Yes we have had people here in the midwest asking about KI pills and wanting Dr’s to give them prescriptions for them, which none of the Dr’s have. People get a grip please, don’t run into your nearest ER and demand KI, you get more radiation from a chest X-ray or getting your dental X-rays.
    This regime will use this to their advantage to not build anymore nuke plants.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    PT Barnum is looking for some more customers, sounds like your co-workers need some snake oil, and a bit of nukecarpetbagging.

    The potasium iodine is really supposedly most effective for youngsters, and not so much for adults. Forgot where I read that today during my reading rounds.

    A libiot and their money are soon parted, that is why they always want ours.

  • westoast

    I heard something about this. But not the degree to which it was taking place.
    On a different note, I thought I was being smart and collapsing all the comments to keep track of them. They come back when you refresh, DOH!

  • Guest

    Now, THAT is a good theory. A seed theory that no doubt will “spawn” countless others.

  • Guest

    I’m not sure but a couple are already in here with fingers flexed, ready to pounce on their keyboards. I’m still holding my breadth…

  • Guest

    And I thought Ken, Lynn and David PITA were the ones that were feeling for others.

  • AC7880

    So it is kind of like our nation and socialism?

    Barack Hussein Obama has dosed our nation with a more socialism than we ever experienced before, and the body of the nation is fighting back with renewed vigor.

    The antibodies are taking effect, and thus the mid-term election results – beating back the cancer.

  • planeboy

    Ahh..sweet Leann…nice to see you!

  • Guest

    They should put those reactors on huge floating barges in inland bays where if there is a great earthquake/tsunami, they can haul them out to the deepest part of the sea and sink them.

    Jules Verne would be proud of this concept.

  • Sir2You

    Wayne, Waste Management is converting all their trucks to CNG, as well as many other trucking co.s. More gasoline is used by the trucking industry than passenger cars, so it will free up a lot of oil. Now, if we could just get the Socialist Demorats to let us use our own oil…

  • Culture_Warrior

    Wacky, Ann; absolutely wacky! This article was a put on, right?
    I read the article, absolutely incredulous, expecting the princess to add in the last sentence, “April fool!”
    “Radiation is beneficial, there is no global warming, evolution is just a weak theory, the earth is 4000 years old, etc., etc.” The junk science the right buys into is just mind blowing!
    Remember the tobacco company “experts” years ago who said there was no link to smoking and cancer?

  • westoast

    Let’s hope the “treatment” is discontinued STAT.

  • Guest

    MSM talking heads do not know what they are talking about but they go ahead and say it, anyway.

  • arcing

    To Michael E. “Ya the way things are going we are going to be a third world country” You have obviously never lived in a third world country Michael. We are so far from third world it is ridiculuos. A second world country ala Soviet Satelite maybe, even probably, if the people of this country don’t stop voting party line and start voting in their own best interests instead of their politicians best interest.

  • WmBlake

    It might be useful to check the actual facts about the
    chernobyl disaster, rather than AC’s made-up ones. 50 direct deaths, 4,000 deaths indirect, slower. These are just “deaths.” The permanently injured plus birth defects add thousands more. Check this web site:

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    Governors in their own states should just let leases and drill. In reality the United States government has no natural resources.

    However many sovereign States which form the union do. It is time for the states to assert their legitimate role.

  • Telescoping You


    After reading this, liberals are going to demand that everyone wear their own personal nuclear reactor; a ‘get close to energy’ core-partner, so to speak. If you can’t scare them to death, then radiate them to death.

    This was the same tactic liberals used when they lost their slaves. Couldn’t scare them with perpetual subjugation, anymore, so, let’s create ghettos.

  • Guest

    Make sure the Bubble-Wrap is made in Japan…

  • planeboy

    I know who your talking about…but as to me having feeling others..I’am not sure where your going with that…

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    nice to meet you planeboy, TY.

  • Sir2You

    I’d be willing to hazard a guess that they will go from office, to prison for fraud, among a hit-list of other crimes.

  • Guest

    I’m sure the Obamaroids will take full advantage of this “crisis” and we will be the ones to suffer. Of course, though, this will come after Obama apologizes for our lack of faith in the survival of a longstanding ally.

  • planeboy

    I’ve seen your post before…sound mind good heart…does not get much better than that…

  • AC7880

    Preferably two terms. The second in prison.

  • WmBlake

    It might be useful to consider some actual facts, rather than AC’s made-up ones. Actual, immediate deaths at Chernobyl = 50. But the long-term effects will produce 4,000 deaths plus many thousands seriously injured plus birth defects. AC says this has “not been confirmed by studies.”
    Check out this study for a different view:

  • AustinAndy

    I don’t blame them; the media is only providing part of the information; the story that furthers the hysteria of the environmentalists. Look at how many times they bring up Chernobyl in comparison to the Japanese reactors and their problems. The circumstances are, of course, entirely different as were the construction designs and operating conditions.

    The reactors were designed to withstand an 8.2 Richter scale earthquake, and actually held up pretty well to a 9.0 Richter scale earthquake, or 800 times as powerful. The thirty foot tsunami was what did in the pump system and the back-up diesel generators. So far, the internal containment systems have held except at one of the Fukushima generators, which they think has a crack in the top and is leaking radiation. In some cases the tsunami walls that were built were as high as forty feet; the wave just went right over them from what I can see from some of the video footage that has been shown.

    The problems of the Japanese reactors are serious and real, but they are solvable and will recede over the next two weeks.

  • Guest

    Ann does know how to put the most truth in a nutshell in a relatively small weekly column. No doubt this also bothers those Liberals who think that they alone are the geniuses.

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    You are correct, if a person is over 40 it is recommended not to take them UNLESS there is a nuclear emergency. KI can actually be more harmful than helpful.

  • Guest

    They are also hystericalidiots…

    And Hey! As for them being out of office, I will feel great to know that they are building a resort at Guantanamo. I’m all for moving the lot of them there — either sooner or later.

  • WmBlake

    For some facts that contradict AC’s assertions, check out this web site:

  • planeboy

    Well said!

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    Howdy :)

  • 40WF

    Ann is correct; the news outlets, including Fox, have shoved the magnitude of this earthquake under the nuke rug. For God’s sake this was a 9.0 earthquake. Compared to Haiti’s quake last year, this quake was 1,000 times more powerful. Consider the the bomb dropped on Hiroshima was 13 kilotons, the Haiti quake had a comparable seismic displacement of 484 kilotons of TNT. The Japan quake had a seismic displacement equal to 484 MEGAtons of TNT. Now come on; they are lucky anything is still standing. Let’s keep it in perspective!!!

  • OceanSailor

    I have to love it when science denudes the fear mongering proffered by the MSM.
    Makes you feel so much safer, but really p.o.’d that MSM nonsense can be printed with impunity.

  • planeboy

    Lib hack site people…

  • OceanSailor

    I have to love it when science denudes the fear mongering proffered by the MSM.
    Makes you feel so much safer, but really p.o.’d that MSM nonsense can be printed with impunity.

  • jas

    Or in layman’s terms, less damage than a blushing bride preparing her new husband’s first meal.

  • RenegadeScholar

    Aristotle would be a Conservative, but Plato would be more akin to a sociealist.

  • RenegadeScholar

    Aristotle would be a Conservative, Plato would be more akin to a socialist.

  • westoast

    I say good sir! This is a family thread!

  • web smith

    When you actually get to know the people operating these facilities, you learn how little we actually know about what we’re doing how little control over it we have. Most of what they are doing is guess work, they ‘re betting our lives and health on it, and they don’t tell us everything. My uncle, for instance, died from cancer that he/they believe was the result of a failure and quasi melt down at the nuclear plant just East of Peoria. He was a plumber and sent in to repair some pipes. They put a pigeon in a cage in the area where he was working and told him to get out if the pigeon died. Very few People know about the Peoria problem.

  • RenegadeScholar

    Democrats were known as “Copperheads”

    Copperheads were those northern Democrats who were Confederate sympathizers.

  • jas

    What do you care?

    You live next door to Lawrence Livermore Lab and, except for sparks shooting out of your nipples, you’re in perfect physical health.

  • sparkyva

    Actually we all have low level cancerous cells that try to run amok. But, if our immune system is up to it, they are destroyed. We loose about 3 DNA molecules a second to Carbon 14 decaying into Nitrogen. This breaks the DNA chain and hopefully leads to a quick cell death. But sometimes the DNA breaks at a point that leads to a runaway cell, and the immune system is needed to kill the cell off. (We have trillions of cells, and loose and regrow cells all the time.)

    The trick is that the ferocity of each persons immune system varies. Over active immune systems lead to arthritis and autoimmune diseases. Under active immune systems lead to cancer.

    If radiation can cause extensive damage through a short exposure time, then no matter how good your immune system is, you loose.

    The theory being put forth here is that our immune systems respond to a cancer challenge just like they would a virus challenge. To say that such a response is nonsense shows a lack of both science and the scientific method. A true scientist would say: there is reasonable supportive evidence to suggest further study. Please fund my research into this matter…

    Those making fun of this article can be ignored as peeps who flunked or never took science. Thanks Ann for giving us one of the lesser know and politically incorrect view points on the dangers of radiation. Without you, we would have to depend on the Lame-stream Media to report a less than sensational story, which they never do.

  • Culture_Warrior

    Very scientific, Stormy. The fact is if you get exposed to a large quantity of ionizing radiation, there is a good chance you’ll get leukemia and die, at a rate much higher than those not exposed. Do you believe radiation sickness is a liberal plot? Your hair falls off and you puke your guts out, as your GI tract sloughs off and you pass bloody dead tissue. The victims of Hiroshima and Chernobyl died horrible deaths in droves before their time.
    You’re helping to perpetuate a dangerous myth.

  • Charles1Martel

    The environmental movement is all about controlling the rest of us.

  • 40WF

    Westcoast- I must have temporairly lost it. Yes, why get bogged down in facts and reality. Thank you for the wake up call. I’ll be rejoining the sheeple immediately.

  • loydarebel

    god damn it, sounds good to me

  • planeboy

    The FOOL would be you April…

  • Tony_Seco

    You’re talking about a lot of radiation.

  • ARA5353

    True, Jack. When we tore the hot shop down in 2006-7 it took tons of explosives and over a year of work for the Idaho Cleanup Project workers who were involved.

  • ARA5353

    Where is your mind, sir! He said meal, as in burned food.

  • David

    wtf is a paragargrapfs??

  • 40WF

    Pb- God does indeed have plans for him. I did not hear it was 13 ft. Wow, better look into investing in mapping companies. Thanks for the update. Amazing that neither of these stories are any air time even on Fox.

  • William

    There is a big difference in the radiation from a welder and a nuclear reactor. The welder emits rays that will burn your skin off and cause skin cancer. Nuclear radiation in high levels disrupts cell DNA.

  • yahoo-4W5TJ5BWYKP6XIAOQ4FRTS2G74

    The U.S. built towns in the Nevada desert in the 40 s and 50 s.
    They detonated Atomic bombs in staged cities with animals that represented
    people. The only survivors were the roaches.
    Then they landed troops ground zero to see if they would survive.
    Many did get cancer but there medical records mysteriously were lost.
    Gov culpability.

    Like many gov studies they are used to sway public opinion.

    Look at the bogus global warming studies as a recent example.

  • jas

    Another nuclear wasted life down the drain.

  • planeboy

    Well stated…good post!

  • sparkyva

    Why there is a simple solution Ken, store it for future use. The liberals have so little faith in mankind. Today’s understanding of science will never change. Such pessimists! We will be mining these waste materials in less than 100 years and it will be called recycling of all things. Lets see in 100 years we have gone from 1911 to 2011 – cars, airplanes, space travel, computers, iPads… Why should recycling nuclear waste be an insurmountable problem? “Oh you of little faith” to quote a rather famous Jewish Rabbi.

  • AustinAndy

    According to the study, 134 first responders suffered from acute radiation sickness, and 28 died from it. About 15 more died from causes not related to the ARS. The 4000 deaths are an estimate and is not a reliable number even according to the study itself. Of the 4600 thyroid cancers, all but 0.2 percent were successfully treated and there is little chance that there will be many more after ten years after the accident. The incidence of deaths from the general population not affected by the radiation and those most directly affected was essentially equivalent for every type of repercussion including leukemia, birth defects, other cancers, cardiovascular disease and lung cancers. This data was the best available up to 1998 and much further study needs to be done to confirm or deny the 4000 worst case figure.

    There will probably be a slight increase in the numbers who die from the Chernobyl explosion, but that in no way confirms that this is what is in store for Japan and its reactors. If the absolute worst case is Chernobyl and less than two hundred are attributable to that accident twenty years after, then the media hype becomes very apparent.

    Thanks for the link; it was interesting reading.

  • jas

    Watch out for see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil!

    And by all means don’t stand directly in front of Culture Warrior’s nipples!

  • AppyH

    Ken circus train Miller:

    As usual you have made your point about God. Yes we all know how you feel about a God that as you say..does not exist. Also we have read your past claims of being a Christian and now some how you are not.

    We have read hundreds of posts of your hate for Christians and God as well. Your fear of evil is bogus because as we have all seen you wallow in evil by doing what you do.

    What you don’t give in to is the fact that God made you and provided for you and loved you and sent his Son to die for you and you have played the religious game for selfish reasons and when little Ken didn’t get his way he quit what he never was in his heart… a real Christian.

    Man does not come to God out of fear …you fear God whom you say does not exist because you want to live under the God called Ken Miller. In the back of your mind yo are another person who will not bow before a living God because of your ignorance of HIM and your pitiful pride and pompous atitude..your choice “yes indeed” it is your choice and you are very plain about it.

    On the other hand you spend nearly every minute of your time railing against those who do believe. Reason? It is part of the socialist mantra to put Christians in a margin knowing the truth of God’s ways are the biggest resistance against the lies of your idology. The LORD Ken Miller and his frail wisdom counts for -0 against the Holy will of God.

    your words are the nattering of a sad person who is lost and deceived and who cannot stand anyone living under the grace of a loving God. You are a rejector of God, a spoiler and a pawn of satan. Have a good eternity blow hard.

  • jas

    It’s OK. They were draftees.

  • sparkyva

    One of the nastys in radiation is radioactive iodine. If the body has enough iodine, it just passes through. But if you are low on iodine, it will be adsorbed by the only organ that uses it: the thyroid. Young kids have rapidly growing and very active thyroids that consume lots of iodine. So dose them so that they won’t adsorb the bad iodine during a radioactive accident.

    Radioactive materials do their worse damage when they become part of our body and we get long term exposure to their radioactivity. Plutonium, for example, is similar to calcium (external electron configuration) and gets adsorbed by the bones.

  • bheld

    Idah dun the same thing… we be one, I and thee, Mowgli…. :-)

  • Storm Bringer

    Were you unable to comprehend what I wrote? Exactly where in my comment did I in any way address “large quantities” of anything? The issue is the miniscule amount of relative isotopic particulates from fissile reactors in comparison to ambient non-anthropogenic radiance. Felduhíted.

  • chukalukabus

    OK guys: being so callous and juvenile I will thro you a bone. But please read my last paragraph of my post again. I have seen devastation in Texas like you cannot imagine.

    There was a radio show in San Antonio that actually had people in Dolly’s wake that died on air. My tribulations were and are nothing. Nothing.

    That was the point. They were nothing compared to what is going on in Japan.

    Just trying to get over the sanitized gloss the MSM is delivering. Doing my part.

    So here is my funny that I’m sure you will appreciate:

    A preist and a rabbi walk out of a bar in Japan. A 20 foot wave full of cadavours and struggling people trying to survive is in front of them…

    And the punch line is?

  • AustinAndy

    The earth is only 4000 years old? Who knew?

  • AppyH

    Those deaths do not fit in the mantra of hysteria of the progressive socialists they have a great utopia to worry about and to promote so we may all live in poverty while the elite few can continue to live good while preaching social justice…choke.

  • Whackotex

    Long time no type Telescope! Keep the poor and downtrodden in the status quo and the left remains in power forever!

  • John D

    Thanks Ann. Great article.

  • AppyH

    Culture of horse manure why are you not out handing out your little red book you squirrel..

  • sparkyva

    Good comment. The problem is the temptation to locate the reactors close to the sea for secondary cooling water (a place to dump the heat from the cooling system, not the actual water running though the pipes). Had they been built a mile inland, they would have survived well. It just would have cost more for cooling.

  • jas

    I once ran over an entire litter of kittens. I can still see the utter terror forever frozen on their tiny little tabby faces. The Humanity!!!!!

    And the punch line is, “The Tide’s Early Today!”

  • AppyH

    Waaaa “Bush did it” the Ken Miller song for parrots. Yes …and the twinky fairy of NY prancing and puffing the lip service of the hysterical left.

    I hope they dump the radio active grrbage in your water so when you dress as a drag queen at night you glow in the dark you dumb ass twink.

  • jas

    Sparkyva. Have you met Culture Warrior?

    I’m thinking Diablo Canyon won’t be up and running much longer.

  • BlackDogIron

    What is the difference?

  • Whackotex

    Oh I see the TROLLS have arrived! If I ride my horse 58 miles a day to work and we start harvesting whales again for lamp oil, the world would be a so much better place!

  • planeboy

    Hey folks going on a date night with the wife…bless you ALL and keep fighting the good fight…

  • J.D.H.

    With all due respect to learned individuals sharing thier knowledge,I for one believe that if the larger doses were acceptable/positive for us,that Mother Nature would have provided it for us to absorb in a natural state!
    Therefore,they can take my “man provided dose”…I’LL STICK WITH MOTHER NATURE!!!

  • dropquick

    I’m not surprised the morons on the site are praising cult leader coulter, cause their intelligence doesn’t even reach that of a 6 year olds. As a sensible intelligent person, it just strikes me odd that people are so ignorant! Really, radioactivity decreases your chance of getting cancer?! Okay, would Ann Coulter and anyone else on this site care to go for a bath in uranium? :)

  • Truncheon

    Web writes: “When you actually get to know the people operating these facilities, you learn how little we actually know about what we’re doing how little control over it we have.”

    Uh, Web, you don’t know any of these people. I do. Nobody knows everything, of course, but even a 19 year old kid in the US Navy knows a *whole* lot. You’d be astonished how much a 19 year old Naval engineer making bupkus a month knows.

    You know, the 19 year old kids that run nuclear plants on Naval vessels. Nice thing about those plants is that all the pumps run on steam too, so electricity is not a problem. Unless you’re looking to fire up a cold one (you don’t go cold much), there’s these little electric pumps that get you cooking, and then you cutover to the steam turbine driven pumps and shut the electric ones down.

    Don’t pretend knowledge you lack. Someone here *definitely* knows you lack.

  • sparkyva

    Nuclear power plants take money away from green projects like windmills. When you hear outrageous criticism of this form of energy, just remember to follow the money. I bet the Japanese in the end decide to continue with the construction of more nuclear plants, albeit with even more safety precautions. It is better then oil and coal. There is a new kind of reactor that is scheduled to go on line in the next few years that burns thorium. Look up for an interesting read.

  • loydarebel

    so if i was a minority, i could be a cop, even tho i flunked the test to be a cop,
    what is wrong with this picture, im so tired of whinny liberal’s,
    and stupid minority’s, what about poor white folk’s,
    whats a nigga got a do to get ahead in this country.
    stupid is stupid does and run forrest run
    what the hell is wrong with this country.

  • jas

    At least she’s smart enough not to take it up the poop chute!

    And don’t tell me you aren’t on the lookout for a Neutron Vibrator on e-bay! LOL!!!

  • SoundMindinPA

    My initial thoughts on Ann’s article were that the timing of it was grossly insensitive to our Asian friends. However, by the time I finished it, I realized that it starting the dialogue now, while the MSM was still sensationalizing the issues, might be the best for all.

    Just today I had been discussing with work associates that the likelihood of ever seeing another reactor built in the USA was now about zilch. Unfortunately, this disaster is playing right into the radical environmentalists hands! Perhaps more open discussion on the topic now might diffuse the effect of the deliberate brainwashing being done by the media. Please express your views for the sake of having an energy independent America.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    Good evening sir.

  • Truncheon

    Oh! That meal…

  • bheld

    12 Yr old Scotch is poison, too.

  • PatRiots1

    Who here has and who here hasn’t drank “Crazy Ann’s koolaid”. Ever hear of
    radiation poisoning.
    *some loss of white blood cells

    Talk about riding the ‘Crazy Train’, some of you (not all) are just nutz.

  • chukalukabus

    Jack: you are a troll. Please bless us with your absence.

    Speaking of wives…

    Winston once came across a women at an high poluting event in high society in the confines of Winsor Castle. It was just before the war. The conversation went something like this (very polite mind you):

    Women: Sir, If you were my husband I would poison your drink.

    Winstons reply: And you mame, if you were my wife, I’d drink it.

  • AustinAndy

    Guess that must make you an imbecile, a step below morons. You believe in the tooth fairy of socialism.

  • Truncheon

    Uh, maybe it’s just me, but I sort of took her to be speaking of non-immediately lethal levels of radiation lol ….

    Let’s look at it this way Pat. You eat some zinc in your vitamins. Then, you eat a bar of zinc. I guess zinc is bad.

    Oh, Ann employed that comparison in the article? Silly me….

  • jas

    Sounds like you’re on your Period?

  • Whackotex

    Yes Tony, the idiot population are buying iodine supplements off the shelves in Texas like doomsday is coming! I think Renolds wrap is also getting scarce! (I’m not kidding!)

  • jas


  • Truncheon

    Howdy Mel, what’s happening?

  • Whackotex

    The leftist media is not trying to panic the sheeple are they?

  • jas

    Your wife ran off with a circus clown and you’re worried about an unidentified Troll?

  • bheld

    The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!

    Another good article, Ann. Keep’em comin’.

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    “cause their intelligence doesn’t even reach that of a 6 year olds”.

    That would still make us Geniuses compared to you. When a person has thyroid cancer Radioactive iodine is often administered to ablate or destroy the few normal remaining normal thyroid cells that were not removed at the time of surgery. Radioactive iodine may also destroy any remaining clusters of thyroid cancer cells. The amount of radioactive iodine administered depends on the type and size of tumor, the initial extent of surgery, and the presence or absence of suspected residual tumor. In some instances, radioactive iodine for thyroid remnant ablation may be administered as an outpatient. In other treatment indications or regimens, patients may be administered a somewhat larger radioactive iodine dose that may require hospitalization for 48-72 hrs or so, depending on the dose administered.

  • dropquick

    Oh, you know for a fact she’s never had anal sex? Do you have a video camera strapped to her ass at all times? As USUAL, you show what a biggoted ignoramus you are. This has nothing to do with my sexuality, but because you’re too stupid to have a meaningful debate with me, you just bring up the fact I’m gay. Keep showing your smarts moron!

  • ^TDO^


    You are a bad, mean man!!

    I think it is why I like you, LOL.

    I am on the floor again,

  • Dallas_Guy

    I don’t know if I accept the “some radiation is good for you” thesis. Nonetheless, the fact is the dose makes the poison. Too much of anything–including pure water–will kill you, and small exposures to anything–including radiation and arsenic–will not hurt you. As has been mentioned, the alarmists who declare “any radiation is bad” ignore our constant exposure to low levels of radiation by being residents of our Universe.

    And these alarmists, as mentioned, play into the goals of persons who wish to limit the U.S. Limiting domestic nuke power, coal power, gas power, hydroelectric power, etc., hamstrings the U.S. and has been the goal of environmentalists since 1970 at the latest. We have done an amazing job of working around the roadblocks, but how many rolling blackouts would we have avoided if the roadblocks had not been there in the first place?

    The fear is that this natural disaster will deter nuke development in the U.S. That would be irrational. First, Mother Nature pretty much gave the Japanese plants everything she had short of an extraterrestrial strike by asteroid or some galactic scale disaster such as the sun blowing up or a black hole. It’s a miracle of engineering that after a 9.0 earthquake and 30 ft. tidal wave that the reactors remain standing to save, instead of melting down off the coast of Japan.

    Second, unlike Japan, there are lots of places to build a nuke plant in the U.S. that are not vulnerable to earthquakes and tidal waves. With containment structures designed to survive a hit from a jumbo jet, plants are not vulnerable to tornadoes or hurricanes, if they’re protected from storm surges.

    There are risks in any human endeavor. Even given the worst case scenario, we need to learn and move on, not allow a disaster to keep us from developing new sources of electricity.

  • ExDemoNaziChuHoi

    I am SHOCKED that no spittle-flying, vein-popping, selfrighteously enlightened pseudoliberal hasn’t appeared here. Amazing!. Could someone please slip this article in to Ed Scultz and Rachel Madcow? I would love to see those gaskets popping. DEregulate now, massively ramp up nuke plant construction, gas and oil drilling everywhere on known fields(most of the entire continental shelf, the upper Appalachians, and the Overthrust in the Rockies) outside of the national parks( you can horizontally drill under them); we’ll be EXPORTING energy in 10 years. Back home in NoDak, they have found more reserves than in Saudi Arabia, and proving more almost daily. We need to educate our neighbors, whether liberal or not. I was an Alinsky Radical Commie until my autogenous transrectal craniectomy. Peace, Love, and Liberty.

  • ^TDO^


  • chukalukabus

    Read Rebuplic and get back to me on that one.

  • ^TDO^

    I thought April Fools’ Day was the Atheists holiday.

    Did I miss something?

  • PatRiots1

    No not today but this article is very funny and I don’t beleive it was to be taken serious.

  • Truncheon

    Dropquick writes: “you just bring up the fact I’m gay”

    How does anyone know you’re gay? Maybe you should keep such personal information to yourself, like the rest of us do….

    For instance, what is my sexual alignment, and what forms of sexuality do I enjoy? I know, you haven’t a clue. Grok?

    You ever considered that talking about your sexuality is, well, stupid?

  • Whackotex

    Chernobyl was a complete Soviet pooch screw! Those morons built a reactor with no containment system. It was a hot reactor standing alone with morons running it!

  • dropquick

    Even if I didn’t tell them I was gay, they still would’ve said it anyway. Anyone who disagrees with the neo conservative way of thinking is automatically gay.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    Not much, watching this administration and the press corp trying to find an angle that will work for them to take advantage of a tragedy.

    Nothing like a herd of hysterical leftlemmings ready to jump off of what ever cliff they can.

    I just cannot wait for Chu to give stern directives to Japan.

    We should be careful or we could be swimming in a red tsunami of dept as Japan dumps all those treasury notes they are holding in a kamikaze dive aimed at the Fed.

    This administration is capable of screwing up anything.

    This will likely work out as well for us as the middle east, Egypt, Libya and Yemen.

    Other than that I am great. I do no plan to take any iodine, I think I will have a good glass of red wine with lots of tannins to attract all those free radicals. Or eat more blueberries.

  • SoundMindinPA

    My initial thoughts on Ann’s article were that the timing of it was grossly insensitive to our Asian friends. However, by the time I finished it, I realized that it starting the dialogue now, while the MSM was still sensationalizing the issues, might be the best for all.

    Just today I had been discussing with work associates that the likelihood of ever seeing another reactor built in the USA was now about zilch. Unfortunately, this disaster is playing right into the radical environmentalists hands! Perhaps more open discussion on the topic now might diffuse the effect of the deliberate brainwashing being done by the media. Please express your views for the sake of having an energy independent America.

  • Truncheon

    Umbrella writes: “I think I will have a good glass of red wine with lots of tannins”

    An excellent plan regardless of the situation.

  • chukalukabus

    Jack, I’ve read all your comments on this thread. What are you, about 12 years old?

  • Redneck2011

    You’re forgetting one thing. The liberals control the education system and pretty soon if you have a glow in the dark wrist-watch you’ll be accused of second hand radiation !!! Not to mention killing the children with this radiation !!!

  • Truncheon

    You didn’t answer the question. Why do you feel compelled to talk about your sexuality? Isn’t exhibitionism a bit odd? Most people think so.

    It never occurs to you that a preoccupation with your sexuality might be a problem?

  • planeboy

    Soundmind indeed…

  • dropquick

    I’m the one who brought it up! The first thing Jackass Shields said was about my sexuality

  • Truncheon

    Don’t troll the trolls. It’s like jabbing yourself in the eye with a fork. Accomplishes nothing at all, and the fork doesn’t like it.

  • jas

    On the other hand anyone who is gay automatically disagrees with any Conservative way of thinking.

    As to your other point about Ann’s sexuality. All I can say about that is she’s never let me. LOL!!!

  • dropquick

    He’s an old glassboned creep. I think he likes talking about my sexuality, cause he always brings it up

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    I agree with you. Just a side note the toxic plant called Fox Glove is used for cardiac patients who suffer from irregualr heart beats.

  • Truncheon

    He talks about it because you brought it up. Bad move. It’s always a bad move. Unless you’re cruising for a date…

  • dropquick

    You’re such a hypocritical lowlife

  • Truncheon

    Do you always waste time with trolls? That’s what they desire.

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    Sounds like a plan

  • Guest

    With my avatar name I could not leave this article without a comment.

    The ENDISNIGHE……the Endisnighe…..the endisnighe. Now that I got the obligatory environmental chicken without a head liberal pantomime routine out of the way.

    Radiation, hydrocarbons, etc etc etc are NATURAL. Yes in higher doses they are not. Just as water can be a poison so can other substances be.

    I myself carry plutonium around with me like Homer Simpson. Using the fallacy that the odds of someone poisoning me with plutonium is very highly improbable, but for two to poison me, it is astronomical! LOL

    Hey, DHS observors, this is a JOKE and if you do not get it you are probably a communist liberal!

  • westoast

    Ok I guess I meant to say “where is my mind”?

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    I never would have guessed that you were gay, you seem to be one of the most miserable, self absorbed, and angry people I have ever met; surely not gay.

  • Redneck2011

    You think nuke plants are expensive now, just wait until the Obama-crats and enviro-nuts get through with the EPA regulations. Coal plants will be just as expensive!

  • ^TDO^

    I see you of the superior intellect are calling people morons now instead of imbociles(sic).

    Good idea!!

  • PatRiots1

    Yea! Kind of joke like lying under an X-Ray machine all day.

  • Whackotex

    Check my earlier post fact dude!

  • dropquick

    He would bring it up anyway, he pretends that ken and lynn are gay, so he would say it about me anyway. Besides, I have no reason to hide who I am, just cause some nazi in Idaho has a problem with me, I should care?

  • Truncheon

    Heh heh heh!

  • AustinAndy

    Energy sources for the US electrical grid:

    Coal 49.1%
    Nuclear 19.4%
    Natural Gas 16.3%
    Oil, Diesel, Fuel Oil 0.7%
    Hydro 7.0%
    Petrol Coke 1.1%
    Incinerator, BioMass 1.6%
    Wind, Solar, GeoThermal 1.1%

    If we stop using Nuclear power, and we stop using coal based plants for power, we have about 30 percent of the power we need. Anybody want to live like they did at the turn of the twentieth century (1900)? That is the clear measurement that the environmentalists leave us if we no longer use the major sources for our power.

    How many people would die if we had no heating, no air conditioning, limited lighting and cooking, and no machine washers for clothes and dishes? What would happen to the cost of the remaining sources of power and how would our economy survive without computers, TV, internet, phone, stereo, and clocks except on a very limited basis? What would be the impact on our economy if petroleum resources were transferred to the electrical grid instead of aircraft, trains, trucks and cars?

  • Truncheon

    You just don’t seem to grok. Welcome to oblivion. Truncheon out…

  • dropquick

    All of you seem to wallow and swim in your misery! I live a great life, I can’t say the same for you, cause it would be a lie

  • ^TDO^

    The hell you say!!??

  • Truncheon

    AustinAndy asks: “How many people would die if we had no heating, no air conditioning, limited lighting and cooking, and no machine washers for clothes and dishes?”

    Pretty much every metrosexual in the country, and his immediate family. I would be inconvenienced, and my wife would complain about not being able to logon to WoW.


  • dropquick

    Welcome to coulter’s cult

  • Guest

    Somewhere you are missing wood. I read recently that it is still like 2% of energy creation. Will look if you want.

  • ^TDO^

    Who here hasn’t heard about radiation helping to cure cancer? My wife would not be here without it.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Just a warning. You shouldn’t talk about getting wood in front of Drop Quick.

  • dropquick

    I’m smarter than you’ll ever be

  • Guest


  • Tony_Seco

    Yet they want us to buy electric cars and plug them into our homes at night.

    Where will that electricity come from? Look and AustinAndy’s post. What good does an electric car to for the environment?

  • Truncheon

    I was thinking that myself, but didn’t feel like scrolling down.

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    Praise God your wife beat cancer.

  • Truncheon

    Heh, you’re welcoming *me*? Mkay, that’s kind of funny …. I came here years ago … straight from Coulter’s personal forum … where I’d been for years …

  • ^TDO^

    I keep telling you that you need to stop pushing yourself as being smarter than people. You appear to biggoted (sic) also when you do.

  • Tony_Seco

    Girlie men.

    Who needs them.

  • jas


    Let’s say you drop your wallet in the Castro District. How far do you kick it before attempting to pick it up?

  • Truncheon

    Indeed. Would very likely improve the genetic stock. I guess every cloud really does have a silver lining…

  • Truncheon

    Not a damn thing. But it does up your lib cred better than that folded ribbon on your shirt…

  • dropquick

    I’m sorry I’m smarter, it’s just a fact

  • Truncheon

    I thought you didn’t like trolls? Now you’re trolling?

    How smart is a person that reveals they are gay to a troll that dislikes gays? How smart is said person, for continuing to acknowledge the troll?

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    According to who? Nothing I have read from you indicates that you are more evolved than a tic turd.

  • Wayne Peterkin

    Several major cities including Houston and Washington DC have city buses running on CNG and have for a long time. If refueling stations were available across the country where I could buy fuel, I would buy a CNG powered vehicle myself if I could. A lot of oil, foreign imported oil, and a lot of emissions could be saved with CNG. You sure are right that we should be drilling and producing our domestic oil and gas reserves wherever deposits exist. Had we had an intelligent energy policy 25 years ago that included these things, we would be completely energy independent today and would have reduced emissions significantly. Sadly, here we are and we still don’t have a government that will just do what makes sense.

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    Has to keep telling us that it’s smarter than we are.

  • Ruth

    Let’s get into the Bakken formation for oil, and we’ll never have to get another drop of oil from anywhere else, or mess with windmills, etc etc. Let’s defeat the environmentalists on this one for the sake of everyone in the U.S

  • Tony_Seco

    Yeah, but have you noticed the funny noise that the prius makes???

    Listen carefully when one goes by you can hear…


  • Truncheon

    Yeah, liberals are like that. What I want to know is, how smart is a person that can’t figure out where to put their … well, you know …

  • dropquick

    Okay sweetheart

  • ^TDO^

    Possibly if you would ever learn to spell and use proper grammar, people might believe you.

    You have a problem with your/you’re.

    You spell imbecile-imbocile

    You spell Pedophile – petafile.

    You spew infantile rants.

    You use gay as an insult even though you are gay and don’t understand how funny that is.

    You post opinion pieces as facts.

    Nah, never mind.

  • Truncheon

    Heh heh heh! I still can’t figure out what they were thinking when they designed that damn thing. Could they possibly have fashioned a more stupid looking car?

    Why not make it all sporty like the old Mazda rotary cars? Instead it’s less sexy than a Pacer.

    It’s so unsexy, it sucks the mojo out of anyone who looks at it. You have to hit the gym to get back what you lost.

  • jas

    No. Disappointed?

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    They kind of remind me of the AMC Pacers, except not as bloated.

  • Wayne Peterkin

    I always thought it would make sense to have one or two (or several) basic plant designs that have been pre-approved by all of the regulatory agencies. As long as a company was using one of those “canned” or “standard” designs for their new plant, the approval process could be streamlined. However, there is surely something wrong with that since it makes sense to me!

  • westoast


  • Truncheon

    Yeah, I meant Pacer lol! Edited :P

  • Tony_Seco

    CNG fuel runs so clean that it (and propane) are commonly used to run forklifts inside of warehouses. The fact that the roll-up door is open is enough ventilation.

  • Toad

    With all the panic here in the States for potential disaster 5,000 miles away, people just need to stop and ask themselves “What would Charlie Sheen do?”

  • dropquick

    I guess I have to talk to the moron man again! If we have a debate, and I give you evidence from a reputable site, you claim it’s false. Then you give me your sources, and they disprove your “theories” about whatever moronic claims you make. Then when I tell you that it proves you wrong, you say I’m gay so what I say doesn’t matter, and then you say that your source was proof of liberal bias. Your kind gets stupider every time I have the displeasure of communicating with you

  • Truncheon

    Toad, what’s happening man. Long time.

  • ^TDO^

    Hey Toadster,

    How the heck are you????

  • Tony_Seco

    It looks as good as a gremlin if you cross your eyes.

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    Well he would get drunk, do coke, and get laid, then beat the crap out of them.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    The new enregy business model will be ROTM (Rats On TreadMills).

    It is a perfect solution for the inner city where the supply of very large rats (not necessarily DemocRATS) but real RODENTS is abundant.

    Think about it. The mutltiply rapidly. They eat garbage. Every apartment can reasoably be fitted with Rodenthabitwheels.

    When the Rats get too old to be running on their RATWheel they can be slaughtered (don’t get wound up now libergays and libigot and libratist…and served for dinner.

    I am sure that there are just as many rat specialty meals as there are for gorrest Gumps shrimp.

    It really is marketing genious and I am sure that all those greenies will sort of approve.

    Attractive franchises are available….

  • westoast

    Did he drop it before or after he gave his money to the male prostitute?

  • Guest

    Oh, Ann, while I do believe that nuclear energy must be the very important part of our energy program (the program, which, by the way, does not exist and never existed), but don’t even try to convince me that radiation is good for my health. If you believe that it’s good for you, good luck!

  • Toad

    I’m alive, dude!

  • jas

    Are you saying DQ couldn’t even get lucky in the Castro? LOL!!!

  • ^TDO^

    And like I told you then. You need to learn to read.

    The theory that the website you posted as fact had been discredited. If you had read my response, which you didn’t, you would understand that you presented no facts.

    But you’re (sic) superior intellect prevented you from understanding what it was the person you quoted as a fact was saying. He stated in the very article you were using to prove that gays were born that way that his research in NO WAY proved that. But that is what you were using it for.

    Like I said to you often. Come back when you grow up a bit.

  • AustinAndy

    LOL, OK missed two percent.

    All right, picky, picky, the point is that the democrats and the environmentalists do not want us to use the two major sources of power. They also have absolutely no idea of what to replace those sources (coal and nuclear) with.

  • westoast

    Only if you don’t drink enough.

  • Tony_Seco

    That’s a good idea for the libs. That’ll calm ‘em down.

    How’re you Toad???

  • Toad

    Yes, it has been. I’m still trying to figure out how to navigate this new method of posting. My brain is old and change like this causes me distress.

  • Don12

    Yeah, and burn some very sensitive areas of your body!

  • Truncheon

    Corelli writes: “If you believe that it’s good for you, good luck!”

    Perhaps you should cite the qualifications that enable you to speak with authority on the topic? There was a day when suggesting tomatoes were safe to eat would elicit the same conditioned response…

  • ^TDO^

    Then watch out for all that radiation, LOL

  • Toad

    Or at least he’d beat the crap out of his latest wife, I suppose.

  • dropquick

    Oh sure, but the site that you posted said it was a mixture of innate and environmental factors. Nothing about choice, but since it discredits your “theory”, you disqualify that too.

  • Wayne Peterkin

    Very good post. I would only add that the greenies really don’t want solar or wind either. Every time someone tries to build one of these facilities (which aren’t economically competitive), the enviro-freaks start screaming about desert tortoises or seagulls hitting windmill blades. The truly dedicated fools seem to oppose every kind of energy. I’m not sure they would like to go back to horses. Horses have serious emission problems of their own.

  • Truncheon

    Let me recommend that you download Firefox right now, install it, and never browse here with Internet Explorer ever again. Before you waste too much time….

    Trust me….

  • ^TDO^

    So, DQ,

    Did you ever do the hot babe at the high school prom or did she go with you because she thought she would be safe?

  • jas

    Only refresh when you’re completely lost. Otherwise, you might lose your “Reply” box. Ouch!!!!

  • Guest

    Qualifications to do what? To speak out my opinion? Would the First Amendment qualify?

  • confedgal

    What choice do they have? They have no natural resources and limited space.

  • Tony_Seco


    When I picture Ken, it always comes out Wormtail from Harry Potter.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    TY so much….

    Perhaps we can interest the greenies in Rats On Treadmills.

  • westoast

    No, just saying it would probably take money.

  • Truncheon

    He’s got it all mixed up. When the working day is done… You get laid first. Then you do the coke. Then you get drunk. (you should eat dinner after the laid thing)

    Forget the beating thing, it makes your hands hurt, it ruins the buzz, and nobody likes it.

  • ^TDO^

    I disagree. Is anyone here using Netscape?

    The only browser I use that I don’t have problems with is IE. Firefox has blown up often on me as has Chrome. And they will get worse just as Netscape did.

  • jas

    Captain Corelli.

    Exercise away. Just don’t expect us to believe a word you say. (Extra points for rhyming, ya know!) LOL!!!

  • dropquick

    I went with my best friend

  • ronwagn

    Why use nuclear power when we have abundant sources of natural gas that is much less expensive to use, and much safer.

    Why have the comments not included the dangers of nuclear waste management. Actually nuclear waste management is a misnomer, because it is not really managed or stored. It just lays around so that terrorists can steal it.
    We must have real nuclear waste disposal, in the facility in Nevada designed for that purpose. Harry Reid has blocked that use however, and must be overruled. Then you have to deal with all the states that don’t want it traveling across their borders.

    Then what if a nuclear device is exploded on the storage facility? Would it generate a super nuclear explosion that would irradiate most of America?

    Nuclear waste is dangerous for thousands of years. No civilization has even lasted that long. How can we protect all this dangerous material? We cannot guarantee that.

    What a revolting predicament! Let’s go with natural gas, please!

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    Well you have a point, they do charge by the hour I suppose.

  • ^TDO^

    Hottest chick there is what you told us. So did you get any or did she go with you because you were safe.

  • Tony_Seco

    They don’t like any source of power. Windmills are ugly, solar panels ruin the looks of your house.

    I’m fresh out of fairy dust, so I’m no help.

  • Toad

    I’m doin’ good, Tony, how ’bout you? I’m thinking Congress should be looking into a way to tax us for any radiation headed our way, the same way they want to ‘global warming’ thanks to our sun.

  • jas

    Natural gas is a finite resource. We’re already wasting natural gas making electricity.

    Now climb back under your covers till you hear the “All Clear!”


    Ever hear of a “Dutch Oven?”

  • AustinAndy

    Waiting for President “Present” to make a decision is sort of like watching grass grow or paint dry. On the other hand, if there is a pick up game of hoops or working on his golf handicap, he is right there.

  • jas

    Jordan asked TDO to find out. LOL!!!

  • Darren

    I’m kinda surprised no one has mentioned the radiation that coal miners get in the mines. I guess if you don’t wear a TLD and measure it, it isn’t real. I work in a US PWR (in the plant, not an office) and get less dose per year than a lot of miners.

  • Toad

    Up until now I felt like the cop behind the desk in “Hot Fuzz” who says “Nobody tells me nothin’!”

  • Tony_Seco

    .0825 for every milirad you should have turned into electricity. Welcome to California.

  • dropquick

    We didn’t have sex, she quickly kissed me on the lips, when we were at the prom

  • Wayne Peterkin

    Since there is a lot of general comments on energy in here, I’ll throw in my two cents for review. I have posted this before in various places, have sent it to my congressional delegation, and even sent a version of it to Obama about one and one-half years ago. Shoot holes in it if you wish.

    IF we could generate large volumes of electricity from wind turbines at prices similar to what we see from coal, natural gas, and nuclear, I would be on board and promoting wind energy.

    IF we could generate large volumes of reliable electricity from solar panels at prices similar to what we see from coal, natural gas, and nuclear, I would be promoting that also.

    As a reference, a nuclear plant generates a kilowatt of power for roughly 2.5 cents, a natural gas plant about 3 cents, a coal plant 3.5 – 4 cents.

    IF I could drive 30,000 miles a year using ethanol at a total cost comparable to gasoline without raising food prices, I would support that too.

    IF electric vehicles could travel 1,000 miles between charges and without battery packs that cost thousands of dollars to replace I would support them too.

    I try to be a practical, reasonable person. I have no axe to grind with traditional or renewable energy sources. No investments to sway my argument. I just want what is best for America and the average consumer like me. Any sane person would support alternative energy sources like these that are as reliable, as economical, and cleaner than traditional energy.

    But that’s the problem. Today’s technology does not appear to give us alternatives that meet these criteria. Each alternative, wind, solar, and ethanol, all have serious downsides. Wind appears to be very expensive based on recent published proposals, solar is not reliable in that it does not produce at night (and may be too expensive), and ethanol is very inefficient, expensive, and raises food costs. Converting food into fuel does not seem very wise. The people pushing these alternatives, including the President, seem to ignore the shortcomings; shortcomings which to me seem crippling. If I’m wrong, tell me where.

    To me, it’s about economics first with pollution a secondary concern. I can’t afford to see my home heating/cooling costs substantially increased nor can I afford much higher prices to go see my grandkids. As a nation, our entire economy runs on economical and dependable energy. Skyrocketing prices hurt us all.

    Yes, oil and coal have pollution issues, natural gas less so. Yes they are all fossil fuels and as such are a somewhat limited resource although a great deal remains to be produced including a lot in this country, especially natural gas and coal. But I think we could be allocating these resources better than we have which would limit these issues, reducing pollution, making energy plentiful, eliminating our dependence on foreign oil, and keeping energy costs relatively low.

    We have not been doing these things, which is our fault. Our government has completely failed to encourage a sensible energy plan for many years and has put us in the terrible position we are in today. But it is not too late to do what makes sense, although it will take time to crawl out of the hole we have dug, no matter what options we choose.

    Based on today’s realities, I have been advocating all possible domestic oil and gas drilling wherever deposits exist in order to help eliminate our dependence on foreign oil. Among other things, foreign dependence is a major national security issue. I have been advocating CNG as an alternative transportation fuel to reduce our use of oil in general as well as reducing pollution. We could even liquefy coal making a gasoline/diesel substitute that would further reduce our reliance on oil.

    I have been advocating far more nuclear power because it is the cheapest and cleanest way of generating large volumes of electricity, and it is very safe in spite of the problems in Japan today. 9.0 magnitude earthquakes do not happen everywhere in the world thankfully. It would be more than foolish to let a once in every 500 year event in an area known for major quake problems to overly influence our economic future. I would personally be very happy to have a nuclear plant in my back yard.

    We have the means to become energy independent, reduce pollution, and do what makes sense economically if we would only start doing so. If “renewables” become economically competitive (without reducing quantities or raising prices for necessities like food) and dependable, bring ‘em on! Until then, let’s use what we have.

  • westoast

    I’ve been using firefox for a few months now and haven’t had any problems.

  • ^TDO^

    I mentioned this on another site or thread but…

    Chris Matthews was talking about Obama’s Middle East policy. He called him President Carter. LOL.

  • Truncheon

    Really? My IE doesn’t work here for crap. I only use Firefox to come here, I use IE everywhere else. I don’t know about Chrome.

    If this place worked right with IE, that’s all I’d use. I dislike open-source crap.

  • jas


  • Toad

    I will once I’ve finished downloading all the possible manufacturers of Potassium Iodine. I’m fresh out!!!

  • ^TDO^


    You are on a roll tonight!!

  • Guest

    Sokrates was forced to drink Hemlock because he challenged the Athenians to examine their ethics when they were basking in political ecstasy after having defeated the Persian Empire. What they wanted was to spend money, to create grandiose structures, to bring glory to themselves. The placed more value on themselves and on their power than on Athens.

    Yes, Sokrates tried to teach the children of Athens to be true, honorable, steadfast to the gods and he was hounded, vilified, trivialized — and executed.

    The Golden Age of Greece lasted barely four generations. After Sokrates died, Athens began to decline and became easy prey for Rome.

    Aristotle finished out his life as a tutor to Roman patrons. He insisted that every proposition be examined and, if found unprovable, rejected. Rome became glorious but, it too, eventually foundered because of the luxury which that success created. To use a contemporary phrase, Romans “went with their feelings” instead of teaching their children the great virtue of delayed gratification.

    Rome forgot the lessons of Sokrates and Aristotle. By the time Vercingetorix and his Vandals came to town, Rome was too weak to resist them.

    Like the other Founders, Ben Franklin knew the literature and the history of Greece and Rome and he responded, as he usually did, tersely:

    “I know of no remedy for luxury.”

  • confedgal

    Too bad we can’t harness the hot air from the politicians to use as energy. If we could do that, there would be no need for nuclear. We could power the entire U.S.

  • jas

    Is that your After Picture?

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    Well sir you can have the first Rats On TreadMills franchise in Berkely or SF. (lots of rats there).

    The local Fairies can use the rat dung for their gardens, and they can trim their blazers with rat fur collars…come to think of it chichillas are jsut rats with nice fur.

    It is more than likely that bunnies on treadmills would do better in the bay area but bunnies are lazy.

    Rats are far more energetic. Even cable cars couls be powered by herds of rats.

  • westoast

    Except for the problems with discus of course.

  • jas

    DQ might be able to supply you.

  • ^TDO^

    Disqus does not work well on any browser.

    But I’ve had problems with both firefox and chrome when i visited heavy VB script sites. So I stopped using them.

  • westoast


  • Toad

    Yeah, but what about the College basketball brackets? Isn’t that what we’re supposed to be concentrating on?

    GO LOBOS!!!!

  • reddarin


  • Truncheon

    Qualifications to speak with any recognizable authority on the issue you spoke with authority on.

    I’m thinking I was pretty clear on that matter, and used pretty simple English. Did you have trouble comprehending it? Tell me where I was unclear, and I’ll endeavor to be more clear going forward…

  • Tony_Seco

    I think the libs are smoking the rat dung. We should start selling TV’s with an exercise bike attached. Pedal, pedal, power that baby!

  • confedgal

    I also heard in the news they are buying as far east as NC. I know there are some stupid people here, but I didn’t think they were that stupid.

  • Tony_Seco


  • ^TDO^


    Nah, I stopped college basketball when dePaul nose dived and the Bulls got better. Don’t even follow it anymore.

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    Try table salt

  • Toad

    “molybdenum”, I just love that word!

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    Amazingly Andy he has proven to be even a bigger Disaster In Charge (DIC ) than even I predicted befroe and after his election.

    hard to imagin any other President with a Talking board and his sweet 16 pics while one of our stauchest allies is without power food, water and has had the worst disaster in their modern history, the Middle East is totally unstable, and he is playing golf…and picking his bracket.

    God help us.

  • Darren

    No, that is a picture of a dog: a quadrupedal mammal that was domesticated thousands of years ago and many people like to keep as pets.

  • ^TDO^

    Molly be damned.

    Learned that in a Tom Clancy book. LOL. It’s what geologists call it.

  • Truncheon

    Can’t argue with that. Got it right. Kind of wordy, but alright. :P

  • AustinAndy

    So instead of an “energyless” plan, we should have an energy everywhere plan. What are you, some kind of farsighted, informed and intelligent human being? You mean we should advocate a competent sensible plan instead of nonsensical foolishness?

    You trying to upset the “chicken little” environmental apple cart?

  • ^TDO^


    Don’t hold back, tell us what you really think!!

  • Guest

    Like Tony said, I think the liberals think that if only we could harness the power of Unicorns and Rainbows, everything would be great.

    I have read into a lot of the energy ideas of the Cap and Taxers, I think there whole idea is to create new jobs like Ice deliverers. Something like tax attorneys and tax accountants. Create jobs that have no REAL purpose except creating the jobs for the sake of creating the jobs. The Cap and Tax bill I read into a lot. They were going to create these jobs by forcing people to environmentalize their homes before resale. Bigger and bigger bureaucracies to enforce these stupid regulations. This was just one component by forcing every jurisdiction, including townships, into hiring inspectors for these regs.

    The more I think about it, I swear the Dems are attempting to force our country into a communist regime. No that is not a tin foil hat idea. What other reason why they need a government that is about half of the dang employment size. Over the last ten years the federal government alone has brought in about 1-1.5 million more people into the federal government. It may even be more than that. Getting it from the number of increased intelligence clearances handed out. I cannot remember what article I read that from. The Dems and the progressives in the Rethug party are taking us the exact opposite direction we have to go.

    Sorry for the spiel.

  • Guest

    No such expectations, Jacky dear. Believe whatever you want to believe, that’s exactly what I told from the start.
    BTW, I happen to live in about 50 miles from Chernobyl in 1986, and remember what we were fed with by Soviet propaganda. This article sounds quite familiar.

  • Truncheon

    Heh heh heh heh! Nicely done.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    Welcome to Hotel Coulterville.

    I agree with you.

  • jas

    Get back to me when you can scramble eggs in your butt crack.

  • Truncheon

    Heh heh heh! Didn’t we all….

    I just used to love the snow over Chernobyl….

    So tell us, how did you come to live in the USSR? I thought it was pretty much off limits prior to 1991…

  • Toad

    “I’m not surprised the morons on the site …”

    Are you not on this site? Or are you a sensible (insert comma) intelligent 6 1/2 year old?

  • Guest

    I believe I was about as clear as you were, may be even more.

  • westoast

    We are more likely to develop these new technologies as a rich country with cheap energy, than a poor country with an out of touch government.
    Which is where we’re headed.

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    I have been saying the same thing, and no I didn’t just get off the crazy train either. I mean the entire premise of the Tax and Raid bill is Leninist.

  • jas

    Rose is a magician.

    My feelings for him are almost–wait for it–

    DQesque!!! LOL!!!

  • ^TDO^


    Settle down settle down.

    The kid is good though.

    But jack, I was talking about the early 90′s, LOL

  • Guest

    …and they would have gladly ended the War even if it meant leaving slavery intact.

    In fact, that was the central plank in the Democrats’ platform when they ran Gen’l. George McClellan against Lincoln in 1865.

  • ^TDO^

    This is one idea out of the ‘left’ that I don’t think has anything at all to do with ideology. It is about nothing more than money and an easy way to make it by being 1st in. Great big Ponzi scheme that the insiders in the Dem party are trying to bring off.

  • AustinAndy

    Fairy Dust! An energy source I had completely overlooked! I will get right on that one. Think of the Giga Watts available from that source.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    jack…I just figured it out corelli01 is peggy’s co-worker! LOL!

  • Toad

    “I’m smarter than you’ll ever be”

    Of course you are and thank you, thank you for gracing us with your wisdom. I feel 6 1/2 now too, merely by your presence.

  • Guest

    Yep, removal of private property rights has been the purpose for much of the legislation over the last 100 years.

    It has a little bit of fascism or crony capitalism involved also. Of course even Lenin was not a pure communist, they all have the same lean though, CONTROL of EVERY aspect of society.

    Beck with his Homer analogy is pretty spot on.

  • Metchous

    Thank you Vihar_Adakozo.. your writing was far more intelligent than Ms. Coulter’s.

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    Yes he is.

  • Truncheon

    Nope. You said something about the 1st amendment. Nobody questioned your *right* to speak. I questioned the rational basis for your opinion. I even gave an example.

    Tomatoes were believed poisonous for many years. You expressed an opinon which implied you had knowledge that low levels of radiation were in fact harmful, contradicting the scientific research presented in the article.

    I requested that you indicate the basis for your rejection.

    If what you’re trying to say is that you haven’t the foggiest fricking clue, then just say so. You like white chocolate, don’t like dark chocolate, fine. Fair enough. The number of things I know nothing about is infinity minus five, the five being the things I do know about.

    Most people would put it this way, though, “That may be true, but I’m not doing it!”

    You didn’t take that approach. Or is that what you meant? If so, my apologies. I’m hardened by the unending stream of know-nothing liberals that blow through here.

  • MarcJ

    In my 40-year career as engineer (MS, PHD degrees in Engineering, UCLA) I was in responsible charge for design of 24 nuclear power units – in US, Spain, South Korea, Taiwan. The MSM and even Fox talk about “nuclear disaster”, “meltdown”, “mass evacuation” – and draws parallels to the TMI accident and Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
    1) TMI was not an accident; accident is when somebody is hurt or dies. Not a fly was hurt there. There were two main reason for that equipment malfunction: a) The TMI utility decides that they did not need a professional engineering company to design and build their nuclear power units. That is as if a travel agency – say American Express – decided to build and fly their own planes. As a result their TMI units were twice as large and 3 times more expansive to build. Their operators had no engineers among them. The utility wanted to put the unit in operation in December 1978 in order to qualify for tax benefits, and was to perform another auxiliary cooling water pumps in March 1979 (that test was totally unnecessary but the Nuclear Regulatory Commission wanted them to repeat it). The subcontractor performing that totally unnecessary added test forgot to open the valves after the test – you know, union work rules! And so that auxiliary cooling water could not arrive to cool the reactor and it melted after several hours of useless wondering by those unqualified operators without a single engineer among them. To call that equipment mishap and accident is an example oc eco-nazism at its best.
    2) Chernobyl plant was one of the 14 in the series. In 1950 the American Nuclear Commission studied 15 different plant designs to produce the materials for the hydrogen bomb; 13 designs were rejected and two were approved. One design was electricity-producing, high pressure design (Hanford Reservation, Washington States); the other was low-pressure, low-temperature design (Savannah River Site, South Carolina). One of the rejected designs was given to the Soviets by the Rosenbergs (later executed for that). The main reason for its rejection was its instability (uncontrolled reactivity) at low loads. The Soviets did not know that fact, and constructed 14 such units, where they produced electricity and the hydrogen bomb materials. They also decided to save money by skipping the reinforced concrete containments around the reactors. The they decided that they had enough bombs and wanted to profit by western technology by asking for approval by the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Agency requested a test of auxiliary diesel generators – American generators produced power in 10 seconds whereas Soviet used ordinary marine diesels which took 2 minutes. The Soviets protested, saying that the inertia of their main turbines was good enough to produce power while waiting for the diesels (they were right, by the way). But under pressure of the IAEA the Soviets decided to perform the test when Kiev had a low demand (Sunday midnight). They brought the reactor to the 20% level, ready to test; but the Kiev dispatcher informed the operators not to do it because the Communist Party Congress celebrated its conclusion by drinking and dancing late into the night. So the operators kept the reactor at 20% load for 5 hours, until the original design fault showed up – uncontrolled reactivity resulting in STEAM EXPLOSION – not a nuclear reaction! Since they saved money by skipping the containment structure, this steam explosion threw the nuclear rods into the air which rods broke up and spread the crap over the country side.

  • AustinAndy

    Tax the citizens and then Crap on them – Tax and Crap

  • Toad

    Does Edward come around here anymore? I sure do miss him. I’m wondering what he thinks of Obama’s golf game since he used to complain so much about Bush’s.

  • Truncheon

    You miss Edward? *shudder*

  • rsefert

    I was a forced union member for 31 years try bringing up something they didn`t like.You are always out of order even when they ask if there was any new business.

  • Toad

    Yeah … he is actually a nice guy in person. I miss giving him excretion. Plus, I’d like to turn his words on him now, as all he accused Bush of, Obama is far more guilty of.

  • Whackotex

    My Grandfather used to tell me that God must love rocks and stupid people because he made so many of them!

  • Guest

    Been reading a lot on the Chernobyl “accident” a lot over the past few days. A few nuclear engineers called it purposefully done. Not the actual accident but the entire actions taken to get where they ended up.

    It was like everything they did was done for the sole purpose of causing the “accident”.

  • Guest

    In “The Republic,” Plato records Sokrates’s warning to Athens: Beware the physician who introduces disease into his patients and, then, once they have been infected, comes forward claiming to have the cure.

    Sokrates was metaphorically warning Athens about their leaders.

    During Lincoln’s Administration, Democrats were known as “Copperheads” because they were unpredictable, devious, untrustworthy and immutable in their attempts to suddenly inject political poison into Lincoln’s managing of the Civil War.

    Since FDR’s Administration, Democrats have been diligent in their poisoning of the Body Politic.

    Over the past 75 years, Liberalism has metamorphosed, metastasized and mutated into a full-blown political cancer that threatens to destroy this Republic.

    America’s Democrat Party has ever been — and ever will be — an environmental pollutant far more caustic and far deadlier than nuclear radiation.

    The latter can be mitigated and controlled through Applied Science. The former has only one cure: an aroused populace, determined to purge this Nation of what otherwise will most surely become a fatal infection.

  • ^TDO^

    I am outta here.

    Good night good people and God bless all on this thread!!

  • Ted72

    they will sell back to us some of our land they own. Maybe we wil get it back at a lower price than they paid for it.

  • jas

    What’d you get your PhD in. Gossip?

  • Truncheon

    I think he still comes around, don’t recall when I saw him last. Ed_USA now? I think I may have spoken to him a couple days ago. Not sure, but I think so. Don’t recall what it was about. Something really stupid if it’s the vague memory I’m having.

  • Toad

    The DNC of today would disallow Truman or JFK from being a member of their elitist group; where the ultra wealthy reside, I might add.

  • AustinAndy

    Chernobyl – the TA-RA-TA BOOM! De Yay design for nuclear power plants.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    Thank you sir.

    Nice to hear something from someone that actually has real life experience.

    I have copied your post and will share it with others that do not come here who even though they are on the right are also hysterical

  • westoast

    Science hasn’t figured out how to refine the uncontrollable gay properties out of fairy dust from that source.

  • jas

    He makes LeBron look like me! LOL!!!

  • independencemp3

    Quick get the Iodine, Ann is radiating!

  • Truncheon

    There’s no cure for that sort of radiation … though a cold shower helps …

  • sparkyva

    Hmmm the wacky one is you Culture Warrior. Your argument technique is called gunny-sacking by the psychotherapists you really need to see. You have just dumped all your anger and hatred on the table for all to see. Now that you have done that, what is left? Any amount of rational thinking left?

    Further you see the world as us against them: not a good sign.
    Now back to the article that you can’t stop gagging over: have you ever had a vaccination? Did anyone explain what it was for? Have you ever read an in depth article on how science works? I highly recommend it as very interesting.

    You will find that you have lived all of your life with deadly radiation all around you. And, in spite of their evil attempts, neither the x-ray technician shooting you with with x-rays generated by 60,000 volts, or your more friendly dentist that used only 30-45,000 volt x-rays (slam electrons at high speed into an angled metal plate generates x-rays). In spite of all of this: you survived. In fact your odds of surviving that radiation are enormous. Why? Because your body repairs the damage.

    This article suggests (scientists don’t like to use strong definitive words) that the capability of repair from radiation damage is much greater than the general public thinks it is, and suggests studies that have been done to show just that.

    You, in all your wisdom, or lack thereof, assume that all radiation is fatal, massive and painful. The evidence seems to suggest you are wrong, and, if you ever wake up from your liberal trance, you will be eating crow for some time to come. The Japanese population are now receiving less extra radiation than you would receive from eating a potassium (which is radioactive) rich banana.

    To the rest of my gentle readers, this is another discouraging example of what is wrong with education. This poor man was never taught the scientific principle and has no way of coping with facts outside of his belief system.

  • jas


  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    Toad he was here the ohter day.

    He still behaves as poorly as he used to and still uses he same tactics.

    He likes to fight with TDO and Lonesome Dove.

    He will generally come on and argue about something they have said after they leave, if they come back ins tead of coming on when they are here he comes back again after the fact and plays his same name calling games.

    Nothing has changed with him in nearly 4 years.

  • independencemp3

    I got to take one. Wash off the glow. Ann explodes me!

  • Truncheon

    You just can’t get it all off…

    I’m astounded the girl is still single. Must be hard finding a proper mate when you’re like her.

    Where you gonna go, back in time? Hard stuff…

    Or maybe she’s looking for a low ambition guy that knows how to cook and is acceptably interesting, looks good in clothes, and knows how to chat folks up properly. And isn’t ugly. And has … assets.

    A Christian guy, who isn’t worried about sex, knows that’s always gonna work out, its always gonna be good, can wait. Everything always fits, you know. Cares about the meaningful stuff.

    Doesn’t need to have the upper hand. Knows how it goes. How you get the upper hand on Ann Coulter lol! No chance. Fun losing. Engage her just to hear the cool shit she’ll say, so you can laugh and make her some dinner.

    Likes the smart, sassy girls. Makes life easier.

    Darn. I hate New York….

  • rdman_VietVet

    Bravo, Storm_Bringer!!!

    The media, including the so-called conservative cable news, are going beserk and hysterical with their ignorant doom and gloom agenda-driven shallow and unsubstaniated reports. Little more than scare-mongering to gain ratings. Dispicable!!

  • Toad

    The mindset of the left is so very odd; as they so often tend to behave the way they accuse us on the right of behaving. I’m thinking particularly the way the media attacked Palin after the shooting in Tucson.

    Then again, fascist tactics were taught us by Progressives; and they still operate by them to this day.

  • AustinAndy

    Or as they accused the TEA partiers of behaving. Then when they get a chance to demonstrate, see how they behave in Madison, Wisconsin.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    darn every now and then these threads come to a complete screaming stop.

  • Toad

    Can you imagine what the press would be saying about Tea Party members who had done millions of dollars of damage to public property like that?

    And weren’t those people (many of them of out-of-state but showed up like good ‘community organizers’ coordinate) protesting their “government”?

    Isn’t that the ‘crime’ of Tea Party members according to MSNBC, et al?

  • independencemp3

    Join SmartGirlPolitics. I did, and I’m happily married!

  • westoast

    Can you believe that moron?

  • Guest

    Right! Hahaha…

    The only time “smart” applies to you is when someone closes the car door on your fingers.

  • Guest

    You make several good points there, Loyd. Thanks!

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Hello PB. How are you doing?

  • Guest

    The Japanese reactor problem does not play into the hands of the environmentalists here. This was not the goal, if you will. The thing to remember is that he environmentalists use everything they see possible to support their mindset. If a man steps on a flower, then they put that in the “dangers to the environment” list they carry around with them.

    I think the environuts are happy as punch that this disaster happened. It both gives them cause to delay and then stop any progress. It’s a combination of control and of working to destroy what they hate about the country which is, by the way, the country being the best it can possibly be.

  • Guest

    Either it strangles you if you drink too much or it drowns you if you drink too fast and it runs out your nose.

  • Guest

    Pat, your comment with all the asterisks reminds me of an old ditty I learned in school many, many years ago. It goes like this:

    Mary had a pair of skates,
    Upon the ice to frisk.
    Now, wasn’t she a foolish girl,
    Her little *

  • Guest

    Better to be a “lyer” all day than a liar.

  • Guest

    What did you say was in that jug???

  • Alexander Milne

    It’s poisonous, out-of-control, has a half-life of thousands of years and sensible people try to avoid large doses of it……

    Yes, it’s another Ann Coulter column!

    The faux outrage about liberals and bureaucrats is so predictable. Japanese have a bit more experience of radiation sickness than the average American.

    BTW What’s the only country in the world ever to have used atomic weapons?

  • Guest

    Good comment. As an aside, I had a very noticeable skip beat and a slow heart rate until the proper level of Levothyroxine was found for my hypothyroidism. Also, I constantly fell asleep. When I hear someone say they sleep all the time or that they feel unsteady heart rate or that their hair is falling out, I tell them to go to the doctor to get a blood test for TSH. In a few cases, this has been the problem. Nothing at all to do with radiation, either.

  • jas

    You might have a point there Alex. If I had any sense I would have skipped your post. LOL!!!

  • Guest

    Those clowns would probably just call you a religious nut. Haha

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    I’m pretty sure that the people of Tralfamadore may have used atomic weaponry at some point in their little known history. And no, they are not White Anglo Saxons — at least not discernibly.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Hi Jack.

  • westoast

    In reply to your statement about radiation sickness. Uh, okay, maybe.
    In answer to your question about A-bombs… WTF is your point?

  • jas

    Hi Paul!

    I’m about to pack it in. Just finished “Unstoppable” and have to get up early tomorrow for a change.

    Enjoy the thread!

    G’night Westoast!

  • westoast

    Goodnight Jack

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Goodnight Jas, You’ll have to tell me about “Unstoppable” tomorrow. I’m guessing that it’s a movie. Is it about Dropquick and Eddie locked together in a closet? If so, I don’t want to hear about it anymore.

  • jas


    It is about a train. LOL!!!


  • Paul Earth A.D.

    So how are you doing Westoast? I was looking for a recent post of yours to respond to, but I couldn’t find you on the thread and this patience testing site won’t allow me to post a comment unless it’s in response to another comment, and even then it won’t at times.

  • westoast

    I had to google that. Yeah they probably had nukes.
    Could you imagine the size of tsunamis on Saturn or Jupiter?

  • Guest

    When I lived in Brazil, they produced electricity from wood gas. They baked the wood to get the gas for the engines driving the generators and the by-product was coke which was used to bake the wood. It was a continuing cycle.

    Before thinking this was a good thing, it was not AC but DC. Therefore, you only used it mainly for lighting.

    It was supposed to be 110 Volts. During the day, it was around 80-90 Volts and as people went to sleep at night, it climbed up to as high as 160 Volts. Terrible regulation but this was typical of DC.

    AC can use transformers to raise or lower the voltage level. DC cannot use transformers… The system was mainly for lighting but it was also used for refrigerators, etc., with the proper motors installed.

    That was in the 1950′s. Today, that system is history. They now use 220 Volts for power as is typical of the majority of other countries. The power transmission easier if the aim is to reduce the number of transformers but most important is that the size of wiring is reduced by half. Less copper is used as a consequence. We, on the other hand, use 110-120 volts and we can also reduce the amount of copper used but not so much in the wiring but in the transformers. We do it by using AC at 60 Hertz (cycles per second) which is different from the 50 Hertz used in many other 220 Volt countries. Another advantage of using 60 Hertz is that not only is less copper is needed in transformers, less iron is also used. Transformers are smaller, as a result.

    As can be seen, the deeper you go into electrical power generation, the more incidentals you find which very often bring up questions of savings and losses and this relates directly to efficiency.

  • microwave2

    If I didn’t know better, I would think you might be a closet lefty… (haha just kidding)
    >>Don’t knock the folks who would prefer it a different way. Often, the only >>weakness (if weakness it is) in their way of life is that, in our world, it >>can only exist under the protection of the very environment they’ve left.

  • westoast

    I’m doing good . Thanks for asking. Just staying up late again.
    Starting to get a little tired though. I guess if Jack is calling it a night one of us is going to have to start being funny.
    No pressure.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Oh, so David Blaine’s in this movie too. LOL!

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    No, not really. But I quit smoking weed a long time ago.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    You know what?

  • westoast

    Way to step up! LOL

  • westoast

    No. I don’t know what. Who is he?

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    You ruined it. You were supposed to say “what”

  • westoast


  • Paul Earth A.D.


    You know why?

  • westoast

    My first reply was going to be chickenbutt. I swear. We used to say that when we were little kids. Where does that come from?

  • westoast

    Oops. I didn’t see the “why?” down lower.
    No I don’t know why.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Come on, you have to play along. You can save your insights until later.

    Now let’s try that again. You know why?

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Chicken thigh!

  • westoast

    Evidently you were a little kid once too. That’s good to know. LOL

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    What do you mean once!!

  • westoast

    I forget. Then I look at the avatar.
    I remember that Kimba the white lion used to be on right before or right after speed racer.
    We had to watch it at a friends house because we weren’t allowed to watch crap at home.

  • planeboy

    good my brother…

  • Guest

    When hard times come down, I’ll get an ice box like my grandmother had. No need for electricity. Just put a big block of ice in it and it’s good to go for two or three days. Of course, though, I’ll have to buy a freezer to make the ice but I’m sure All Gore would approve of this since I can also store my fertilizer in the freezer to avoid spontaneous combustion and unexpected, miscellaneous explosions.

    See how Gorebal Warming generates schemes to get around the Tax and Crap mischief???

  • westoast

    You know, I almost feel less inclined to pity the Japanese people. It seems like they are capable of taking care of themselves and it is just a matter of them cleaning up their own mess.
    And the scope of the tragedy is a little large to comprehend for me I guess.

  • Guest

    On another thread, electric cars were called Coal Powered Cars. This is actually more truthful as a definition of what really goes on with the electric cars.

  • Guest

    Yeah, they are real hummers……

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    I better hit the road and try to get some sleep. I hope you already got that Bible and are beginning to read the Gospels of the New Testament; I really don’t want to make this line of questioning an everyday event. All joking aside; Please do this immediately. If you haven’t yet accepted Jesus, ( believed that He is the Son of God and that He gave His life to pay for your sin and that His death did pay for your sin) do it today. Don’t wait any longer! Accept this gift of grace from God, Accept His only begotten Son as your Savior. If you cannot do this because you don’t know Jesus and don’t have the faith, it doesn’t matter, you can still simply say in prayer: ” Jesus I don’t know you, but I accept the gift of pardon that you died to purchase for me, I ask you to come into my life today and save me and be my lord.” It’s that easy. If you still don’t feel comfortable doing this, then read the Gospels. You should read the Gospels in any case, and I am convinced that the truth contained within those books will give you all the faith, love, understanding and hope you need to make this important decision. May God wake your butt up and show you His Truth! Amen. Goodnight WT.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    We will have to talk about that tomorrow, I am off to sleep and already wrote you another parting post. Goodnight Westoast. God Be With you.

  • westoast

    Goodnight. Take care.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Goodnight to you too PB. Maybe we’ll get to talk another time soon, maybe tomorrow night? God Be With you Too. Take Care.

  • westoast

    Maybe all Prius’ have become self aware and have decided to mock DQ.

  • westoast

    And yet the meaning remains pretty much the same.LOL

  • JustAGoat

    Brilliant. I once was a member of a union. I filed a complaint against the company. That was 30 some years ago. Still waiting for an answer from my steward.

  • JustAGoat

    At the Michigan capital last night, there were some arrests made because of civil unrest, chaos, resisting arrest, trespassing, impeding a police vehicle and the like. The troublemakers? Not one of them a union member. What are they doing there?

  • JustAGoat

    Thank you Vihar. Your post was enlightening and changed my opinion of this present commentary on Radioactivity.

  • JustAGoat

    Thanks for your great post Storm

  • sparkyva

    I know, but making humorous fun of those libs instead of just telling them how poor their education is might just get them shut up and go away. Ridicule has its uses…

  • sparkyva

    I agree. I travel a lot and there are major wind farms in northwestern Indiana and is south east Minnesota that my trips take me through. I have consulted on a project to make the monstrous bases for sea-based wind mills. (They would require massive amounts of Nickel to protect them from the sea water.)

    Then in the morning they will wake up with a new mission in life – stopping the building of windmills…

    The way to turn the Greenies off from windmills is to point out that in the northern hemisphere the wind generally blows west to east or against the rotation of the earth. Windmills allow the wind to push against them to generate power. (Here is the panic part that you really have to play up.)

    THAT SLOWS DOWN THE ROTATION OF THE EARTH! (Well it is slowing down anyway but this is only for the fun of scaring them with science.) Let them imagine all the awful things that will happen when the earth stops – like we will weight more (less centripetal force). I can just image them going back to their smoke filled dens and having another drug induced night knowing that they are totally insignificant, and can’t do a single thing about it.

  • 1LonesomeDove1

    He has no point, other than to smear his own country again.

  • Highlanderclan

    So….what we have is…liberals, media and democrats will attempt to spin theories about things they do or don’t like on the people regardless of fact.

    Here we have radiation and the “danger” of nuclear reactors. The democrats want us back at burning logs only….wait, too many trees. Use the sun even though it is way too expensive for too little – and they would figure a way to tax the sunlight. Use wind – even though it’s been proven it produces little to no benefit, especially in areas with little wind blowing. So they aren’t really sure what to use because everything is bad and whatever ideas others come up with they will shoot down.

    So apply that to global warming…libs and media still try to make it real. So now they just say any change in weather at all is global warming.

    What other theories with little to no evidence over the years/centuries have they forced upon people?

    Hmmm, evolution perhaps?

  • tuffone3

    Thanks. I really appreciate the info.

  • 1LonesomeDove1

    Well, FYI……Covah was using 5 IDs before Human Events took 4 away from him, so that knocks a big hole in your accusation. People can use up to 5 IDs and they have yet to use yours.

    There is only one who has ever stolen yours; you have never guessed who he is, and he’s not here 90% of the time.

    And NO, it wasn’t me.

  • DavidPitlock

    Hey VietVet: Thank you for your service to your country, but it’s the liberal media that is again attacking the nuclear power industry as being unsafe. Just reacting to the Japanese earthquake disaster by exploiting unfounded fears, and that is despicable!

  • red18

    Amen to this one.

  • red18

    Of course, they want the government to put lots of money into this so that they can turn around and say that we can’t use it because of bats and birds dying. It is not about being green or clean, they want us, All Americans to be dead.

  • CarlSoCal

    Read you Bible folks
    These times are really great,it’s like putting a large puzzle together when you start the picture is unclear,but as you get to the end of the puzzle the picture clears up,this is the way biblical prophecy is today very clear and news is coming quick.These are exiting times we live in.

  • Dr Arman Nyilas

    Congratulation Ann for your article. I guess, however, the truths what you explained with respect to radiation effect will be denied by the green/leftist people. I worked myself five years with the design of fuel elements and know what they can bear and what they can harm. Naturally the incidence is a tragedy for Japanese nation and they will suffer much. However, if we look at present situation we can count more than 10 000 immediate deaths due to the tremor/Tsunami and at least ZERO death from the nuclear incidence. Beside the structures of the plants sustained at least a factor of five more forces during the tremor regarding the design values. The Tsunami was the cause that all peripheral equipments related to the safety counter measures collapsed. Therefore, one should very carefully debate about the radiation exposure as they are all harmful at all. The dose makes the difference. The hormesis is a natural phenomenon. The mass media naturally will never accept it. They are working against the mankind. Nevertheless, it is great that you tackled this story.
    Dr. Arman Nyilas

  • Dr Arman Nyilas

    Congratulation Ann for your article. I guess, however, the truths what you explained with respect to radiation effect will be denied by the green/leftist people. I worked myself five years with the design of fuel elements and know what they can bear and what they can harm. Naturally the incidence is a tragedy for Japanese nation and they will suffer much. However, if we look at present situation we can count more than 10 000 immediate deaths due to the tremor/Tsunami and at least ZERO death from the nuclear incidence. Beside the structures of the plants sustained at least a factor of five more forces during the tremor regarding the design values. The Tsunami was the cause that all peripheral equipments related to the safety counter measures collapsed. Therefore, one should very carefully debate about the radiation exposure as they are all harmful at all. The dose makes the difference. The hormesis is a natural phenomenon. The mass media naturally will never accept it. Nevertheless, it is great that you tackled this story.
    Dr. Arman Nyilas

  • CarlSoCal

    The media is great at spreading rumors and keeping the public excited,the Pres is out to lunch again on all issues,that a President should pay attention to, it is quite exciting to watch failure in action,politicians will not save us we must just let Biblical prophecy run it’s course.

  • David Cochran

    I’m holding my width……

  • Guest

    Sounds like opinions from the top of the “Always say anything Nuclear is BAD” talking points list.


  • Guest

    You mean that His Wordiness convinced you…

    I have a five-page resume. This goes against those who think only the one-page resume can get a job. The two times I submitted that resume, it got me the job.

    Some things just cannot be compressed into one page without losing some part of the message. This is a fact of life. In fact, you cannot really know someone by merely seeing them in a suit. Why, even Obama can do this…

    Anything as detailed as Wayne’s commentary is ripe with elements that can be taken apart and generate comments. I suspect, however, that the list of items on Wayne’s List started out with a few items but the list has grown. Also, he was presenting what he has sent to many others for their perusal. This, to me, is also interesting. We can see from this, then, what may have been interesting or what they chose to ignore. Wayne just offered to us the opportunity to see what is important to him and I did notice he used proper grammar and spelling which is becoming more and more rare these days. For me, it was interesting although I may have written it differently.

    Not everyone has a wart on his nose and not everyone really minds if they do.

    No matter how you cut it, Wayne’s commentary is giving us plenty to consider and talk about.

  • 1Mojo_Risin9

    The only victim I see on TV is FOX’s annoying Chancre Smith, who keeps repeating, “The fire is still burning,” ad infinitum, somewhat like an irradiated zombie…

  • Starlarvae

    Good point, Ann. They could use you in Japan. What are you waiting for?

  • Guest

    I suggest we put the windmills and solar panels in a deep pit where birds do not go…

    Marc, you spend way too much time in the touchy-feely section of Yellow Journalism. And you forgot the bad, bad, bad people who keep the doors closed in factories and plants that keep the free-ranging little animals from being free to enter at their leisure. Shame on those evil people.

    As for the little animals dying at the windmills or under the solar panels, I have only one question: Don’t you believe in the Atheist Axiom of “survival of the fittest”??? If so, then I’m sure the “fittest” survived, they were not killed, being more intelligent and fit. Or, do you prefer that the “fittest” just eat those that are not so fit?

    By the way, the 30KW and 50KW wind generators require very, very little maintenance. You can drive by them time after time, as I did as an “extra job” courier for almost five years in California, and I rarely saw anyone in those wind-farms. If there were, they were cutting grass to add to their store of hay. Even this was rare.

    Have you ever written up a viral e-rumor? If not, then I believe you have missed your calling.

  • Guest

    Molybdenum is often added to brass/bronze to create springiness in highly conductive “finger contacts” in shielding. It is not destructive to aluminum as are some other alloys. Therefore, it is mostly used for very specific purposes in manufacturing and engineering.

    It seems too that molybdenum can be found in health food stores for those who have exhausted the other experimental offerings. There, molybdenum may create attitude flexibility in health food fanatics.

    Gotta keep molybdenum in my list of words to use to impress people with my spelling of somewhat-rare words.

  • Wayne Peterkin

    What? What kind of comment is this? It makes no sense. I will go on record that I would be happy to have a nuke plant in my back yard and would celebrate every time I got my electric bill each month. If I could buy a small nuclear generator just to power my house, that I could afford, I’d buy one. If you’re talking about building a major nuclear facility near me, bring it on. Otherwise, you can take your generator and stuff it.

  • Wayne Peterkin

    Good comment.

  • Wayne Peterkin

    Wow! I’m impressed with your statistical talents! That said, I agree that the public fear of radiation is completely irrational. I suspect it is the result of misunderstandings and misinformation spread during the early days of the nuclear arms race, but the media is still fear mongering and I really don’t understand why.

  • Wayne Peterkin

    Sadly, Fox News which I did not include as part of “liberal media” has been just as bad as the rest. You’re right on about exploiting unfounded fears and that being despicable, but people I used to trust are doing it too.

  • Wayne Peterkin

    And exactly how many people suffered that fate after Three Mile Island? Even after Chernobyl? The answers are ZERO in the first case and only those heroic firefighters, and not all of them, in the second. If you believe there is a significant risk of such events coming from Japan, I recommend a good therapist.

  • Wayne Peterkin

    As usual, a good post, Tony. I have often wondered why so many seem to want to destroy western civilization and the only reason I can come up with is they want the political power themselves. The old world domination scheme.

  • Guest

    The “official” story for many years was that the worker/operators of the Chernobyl plant were performing an unauthorized experiment. This was also told to me by a nuclear engineer who went around Europe and the former USSR doing maintenance certification checks on nuclear reactors. The man got his start, by the way, by being a nuclear technician in the US Navy and later went to a university to get his Master’s Degree in Nuclear Engineering — which is about all the degree one needs to know, understand and work with reactors.

    As an aside, remember how the MSM were quick to criticize Bush for his pronunciation of Nuclear as Nuculer??? Jimmy Carter was a nuclear engineer on Navy submarines. Guess how he pronounces the word… And then guess how many times the MSM criticizes Carter for his Nuculerizaton of the word???

    More simple and obvious proof of media bias instead of merely presenting the news without editorial privilege at the same time.

    MSM commentary is fine as long as they state that this is what is intended. Presenting it as part of a new broadcast is first cousin to propaganda.

  • Wayne Peterkin

    What?? THERE IS NO ECONOMICALLY VIABLE “GREEN” ENERGY. NONE! Nuclear power generates a kilowatt of electricity for about 2.5 cents. Tell us all how much that same kilowatt costs from a wind turbine or a solar panel. I might add that nuke plants are built with private corporation investments so they take nothing away from “green projects”.

  • Guest

    You would not have been challenged but for not explaining your background at the first. The “attack” is due to too many coming in here with “words of wisdom” and finding them to be empty words where authority and wisdom are concerned.

    I found your background comments relating to Chernobyl to be very interesting. From this point, your authority in the area may not be challenged but keep in mind that many Liberals come in these forums with even more made-up qualifications than you offer.

    It takes time to be accepted in here so please be patient with the testing to see if you are really what you purport to be. Also, keep in mind that this is a Conservative website and there are many Liberals entering here in Stealth Mode with the intention of diverting the site’s topic of discussion into another area of discussion which may, in many cases, be also interesting. Too often, though, the “diversion” goes far afield and is merely a way to get attention for the commenters.

  • Wayne Peterkin

    I would only add that a wind farm proposal off the Rhode Island coast was rejected last year DUE TO THE COST OF THE POWER PRODUCED. The proposal called for the power generated to be sold to the power grid (wholesale price) starting at 24 cents per kilowatt rising to 48 cents over 20 years. Considering I’m paying around 8 cents per kilowatt (retail) at home, that is simply an insane cost for power. Wind sure ain’t free when it comes to generating electricity! The nation cannot afford costs like that.

  • Guest

    I also copied Marc’s background info on TMI and Chernobyl. These things are needed to gain a better understanding of what actually happened in those places and see that the MSM is talking mindless drivel when they try to equate what happened in Japan to TMI and Chernobyl. But, we can see from this how the Obamaroids will use this for their advantage and “not letting a good crisis go to waste.”

  • Wayne Peterkin

    Try it and let us know the results.

  • Wayne Peterkin

    But the keywords here are “high levels”.

  • Lynn Long

    InstarLarvae? ain’t that the same as a MAGGOT?

  • imanolemainer

    Thank you for your thoughtful and enlightening comments here! I have family members in Japan, stationed at the air base in Misawa. We were quite concerned about them when the initial reports came out. However, we spoke to them yesterday and they’re fine. It is unfortunate, indeed, that more people DON’T take what the hysterical U.S. media, in its quest to play the environmental wacko agenda, with a boulder of salt!

  • Guest

    Australia needs to modernize their polluting equipment.

    When you pass coal fired plants here, all you see is steam. The residue is in piles awaiting the trains to haul it all away for production of other forms of fuel of for manufacturing purposes. Nothing is wasted.

    It’s a little like pork canning factories where they use everything but the eyebrows and they are working on finding a way to use them, also.

  • Dustoff

    (The Star Larvae Hypothesis)

    You do know how to use Google don’t you?

  • jas

    Another Great Post!

  • Enzo2007

    I love you, Anne, and I agree with you 90-99% of the time, but I’m not going to feel safer about radioactive exposure based on this opinion article, which I am sure is meant to tweak the Libs out there. I oppose liberals, progressives, socialists, commies, Democrats… (whatever these morons call themselves these days), 99% of the time, but one must remain careful about taking opposing views simply for the sake of remaining their polar opposite. I am a lifelong Conservative, pro-lifer, and a Constitutional purist. That said, I am also a believer in the physical purity of one’s body (I said “physical”, not “spiritual”… there’s a difference… Spiritual purity is good too, but I’m only talking about our “physical” being here). The only radiation I will ever deliberately expose myself to is solar generated… natural and healthy, vitamin-D-manufacturing radiation courtesy of the sun… And I will do so without any toxic, and carcinogenic sunscreens. Maintaining maximum levels of vitamin D will protect the skin from the harmful effects of solar radiation exposure, as long as one has sense enough not to overdo it. As in all things in life, moderation is the key to healthy living.

    I believe God provided us with a physical body that is unbelievable in it’s ability to function and survive life, and to do so better than any other living thing on earth. We have the natural ability to live long and strong, but we abuse our bodies with poor nutrition, toxic chemical ingestion & exposure, and by trusting our lives in the hands of mis-guided allopathic medical practitioners (M.D.’s). So-called modern medical professionals, in partnership with a cash motivated pharmaceutical industry, have sold our general health down the river… And they have all become very wealthy at our physical expense. They, along with a union-corrupted insurance industry have created this massive health care debacle, and are directly responsible for the radical concept of Obama-care to even become an issue.

    Though each individual (at least those born of normal health) is responsible for his/her well-being, the modern health system has failed to follow the Hippocratic principles of it’s oath to humanity. Allopathic medicine treats only symptoms of illness; it masks pain; and… cures nothing. You can put a bandage over a wound, but it is one’s body that does all the healing– all by it’s natural self… and that’s a fact. Keep that body nutritionally sound; don’t poison it with chemicals & laboratory created “foods”; learn to be tolerant of daily aches and pains, so you can learn from them. Do that, and your body will function at peak capacity. You will develop the ability to stave off viral infections; develop immunities to attacks by internal biotic invaders; and… function in veritable comfort for about a century, or more. Introduce a steady diet of toxins into that same body?… and your body degenerates at a rapid rate, becoming trapped in a vicious cycle of unhealthiness, and laden with allopathic “meds”.

    Somehow, naturopathic medicine has been thought of by many conservatives as a “weirdo-lefty” thing, and allopathic medicine as being a conservative “right-wing” thing, and the right health standard to follow. In such a mindset, one is dead wrong. I am nearing 64 years of age, and I quit placing my (declining) health in the hands of allopathic doctors, who had me on numerous medicines for multiple medical conditions for several years. I became very concerned that my liver was being challenged by these medicines (Ibuprofen, Celebrex, daily aspirin and other NASAID’s, especially since I enjoy drinking wine or beer with my evening meal, and the risk of liver damage is greatly increased with alcohol taken with NASAID’s. Since my pain continued to worsen, and my mobility was lessening regardless, I made the decision at age fifty-two to fire my doctors, and change my lifestyle drastically. I threw away all their prescription medications, and stopped taking all their recommended over-the-counter remedies. I began listening to my body’s messages of pain by avoiding the movements that exacerbated the pain and inflammation. I quit eating fast foods & processed packaged foods; quit drinking sugary drinks & sugar-substitute drinks; and all highly processed carbohydrate food products. I began eating only nutritious whole foods: organic vegetables & fruits; wild-caught fish; free-range meats (anti-biotic & BGH free). Within weeks I began feeling noticeably better. As my body began to rid itself of all the toxins I had been willfully ingesting, my aches and pains were lessened, exponentially. My arthritis is now gone. I sleep peacefully every night, and I have not even experienced a simple headache in over 12 years. At age 63-1/2 I feel healthier and younger now than I did at age 50.

    Naturopathic living is not a liberal thing. It is a human thing. It is actually a truly conservative thing, if you really think about it… It’s the way of our forefathers. Your article, Anne, touting all the healthy “positives” of radiation on the human body is stretching things too far for my liking. It certainly hasn’t convinced me to let down my guard on the more likely possibility of all the “negative” effects radiation poisoning has on the human body.

    Should I ever develop a cancer, I will follow my natural instincts, and trust my well-fed & nutritionally healthy body to take on that physical life challenge… No chemical, or nuclear “medicine” is going make my dying worse. Chemo & Radiation Therapy is a death sentence in itself, and if you check it out, you will find that most MD’s who experience a cancer will choose to NOT undergo such desperate and futile treatment. The healthy human body does not often get cancer, but when it does it can often repel the disease with proper diet and supplementation. In the event a particular cancer is so aggressive that the patient is doomed anyway, then why make their dying more painful and miserable by poisoning them slowly?

    Radiation exposure is not a good thing for living cells. You can test the benefits of radiation on yourself if you so choose, Anne, but You’ve not convinced me. I still love you though, and keep fighting the good fight with the insane left.

  • sparkyva

    If you are suggesting that she is saying that massive, chronic exposures are good, then I suggest a more careful reading of the article by Ann. Your hot button is a bit touchy. You seem to be falling prey to the same thing you accuse the Republicans of doing: falling for loony arguments.

    I hate to tell you this, but AlGore (one word) went to college because his parents were rich and could afford to waste their money. His grade point was dismal as is his current grasp of science.

    Sure the earth was warming, a few years before it was cooling. It seems to be cooling again right now, and if that solar cycle ever kicks in, it will be warming again. Nothing to panic about yet… But we will let you know when to panic. Americans so do love to panic.

    The Japanese are keeping their cool. Unlike Americans, those who have done an inadequate job on the safety of those power plants, will apologize to the public and resign on their own accord as soon as they finish doing all they can to rescue the situation. There are certain things about the Japanese people to be admired.

  • lgpope

    It certainly is encouraging to think that radiation is not as deadly as we think it is. This is such a new idea that I have not formed an opinion. I just pray that Ann is right. I’m always willing to listen with an open mind and learn.

  • riverdave

    I remember the times spent on my Grandparents farm in West Texas, an amazing place for a young boy. They, at the time, were getting all of their electricity from a windmill.

    Even as a 12 year boy I was fascinated by the system and learned it well. The entire house was operated on a 12 volt system, even MoMo’s vacuum cleaner. The system included a shed that held about 80 12v batteries. This was back-up and in West Texas you rarely needed it, the wind blew all of the time. [Daddy Frank put a 4' pole out in front of the barn with a 3' piece of log chain bolted to the top. He did that for a farmhand that complained it was to windy to work. "When that chain is half-way up it's to windy, when it's straight out go to the shelter.]

    But the wind did not blow all the time.

    OK, not all of the time, but the battery bank could hold you for 3-6 days. This operating a dozen light bulbs {certainly not all at once} and a radio {no TV but then there were only two stations and Daddy Frank considered it a ‘foolish’ waste of time and money.} and of course MoMo’s vacuum cleaner, her only ‘luxury’ item.

    By the time I was 14 RECC had come in and Daddy Frank and I ran the new wiring, we had to leave in a few DC outlets as MoMo was not parting with her DC vacuum Cleaner.

    But time passes, I really doubt that many could fit their lifestyle into the DC power grid that served my Grandparents.

    We are a nation rich in resources; Coal, Natural Gas and Oil. Our western states especially, have rich Hydroelectric potential and on-line sites.

    And while those proven resources could carry US far into the next century, we are stopped at each turn from mining, drilling or building to reach a self-sufficient status. Instead we have elected to remain dependent on nations of questionable stability or loyalty.

    If you say, ‘Drill now!’ they say, ‘That would take ten years.’. If you say ‘Build Now!’, they say, “But that would take ten years.” If you say, “Nuclear” they run in circles shouting “THREE-MILE ISLAND, THREE MILE ISLAND”.{Besides, that would take ten years.} Well there have been almost five ‘ten more years’ pass from the time when Daddy Frank and I ran wires for the new 120v service on that West Texas farm. And where are we? Sitting here with a government that wants to tell you what light-bulb to use, or what car to drive, what toilet to flush?

    Had we started more Nuclear builds twenty years ago where would we be? Likely half of our electric needs would be provided from that energy source by now.

    We have the majority of our submarine fleet powered by nuclear, and many other Navy vessels, notably the most awesome Aircraft Carrier in the world {named after an equally awesome man.} The Ronald Reagan, it can go 20 years without refueling. And guess what? In all the years of these ships being powered by nuclear, only one case of over-radiation was reported. The brave skipper of a nuclear submarine, Capt. Jimmy Carter, who apparently suffered some brain damage.

    So if not NOW, when?

    The path we are on leads to further subjugation; by unfriendly nations and by a government that deeply cares about our needs; and has already decided what they are.

    Yours in Liberty, David

  • Guest

    Basketball and golf. Obama sure has a lot of balls.

    And those teeth. Never forget the teeth; Always check to make sure those Canines are not growing points.

  • Trellisrose

    How about we get back to what is important – the survival of this great country of ours. Write your congressmen and tell them how you feel about the significant portions of what they have control over – our economy and the dollar are gradually sliding down a slippery slope that we may never be able to climb out of. God Bless America!! Let’s make April 2011 the “We only Buy USA” month.

  • Guest

    I heard that Obama went to play bumper car at a local carnival but when he came back home, he was not happy. Michelle asked why. He said the Secret Service cleared all the other cars and drivers from the floor and with no one to bump around, there was no fun in it. And, they wouldn’t even let him write “This Sucks!” on the walls, either. Boy, was he unhappy…

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    Thank you River.

    Well stated and as far as our nations energy programs absolutely true.

    Shame on our legislative branch on both sides of the aisle for nor protecting our nation’s economy.

  • Guest

    I can see it now. Obama says, “It’s time to make a decision.” And then he asks someone behind him, “Who put THAT on the Teleprompter???”

  • USSLiberty

    If anyone is wondering where AppyH and his zionist buddies are, they are marching in a St Paddy’s Day parade with a group called, The Log Cabin Republicans. It’s a joint effort (no pun intended) to cast the GOP in a new light as being tolerant of gays and zionists.

  • Guest

    The slap in the face regarding that fiasco in Iran is that AhBinnaDirtJob, the president of Iran, was one of the students that was ushering one of the blindfolded Americans into detainment. At least Qaddafi was a soldier before he became a “leader.”

    Student power. That’s the name of the game. Even Harvard students can become a “National Organizer.” Hahaha

  • Guest

    Now you bring back to mind Jessie Jackson’s comment about Obama needing his “jewels” removed.

    And people call those Leetle Men their leaders? What kind of people are these, anyway???

  • Guest

    You’re too kind…

  • Guest


  • Guest

    Actually, that Jelloed Rat IS Al Gore and the experiment is still ongoing.

  • Tom_K

    Wayne, you’re correct (to a degree). It’s not Fox News that’s been hyping Japan, just Shepard Smith…

  • Vihar_Adakozo


    Thank you for an insightful and well written reply; your eloquent demeanor is appreciated.

    My intention in my original post was not to in any way downplay the effects of massive amounts of radiation; too much radiation will in fact kill you in a horrible way. I was attempting to draw a comparison between a technology that when well managed, is in fact statistically inert and less dangerous than other technologies.

    I like to use the automobile as an analogue to nuclear fission reactors. The automobile is beyond any doubt the most deadly invention of man; it is also the most liberating invention of man. When misused, the automobile can kill you in many different ways. Even when in used in a proper and safe manner, you still are susceptible to automobile accidents and dire results from the irresponsibility of others. Yet, no reasonable person honestly proposes that the risks of the automobile outweigh its benefits.

    I see fission reactors as the lowest risk midterm step in providing a quality existence to a majority of the huge multitude of our fellow humans on this planet. The only long term solution I can see to our prolific nature is nuclear fusion, which we will master, maybe even in our lifetime. The only other solution I can envision is a restriction on human procreation; which I see as our strongest God given trait.

    Once again, thank you for your comment.

  • Guest

    Disadvantages of Solar Power can be seen here:

    Disadvantages of Wind Power can be seen here:

    Americans are business-oriented. When a venture does not pay off, it is abandoned.

    When we see certain groups of people still pushing Wind and Solar power, then there is an advantage in it for them or, in some cases, they are so disconnected with reality that efficiency and profit are not in their equations. Therefore, to make those forms of energy profitable and allow them to replace other, more-reliable and traditional forms of energy production means they either must depend on government subsidies or that they are not in it for the profit of business. The net effect is to be yet more expensive and less usable and available to the major part of society.

    Too many in government want to continually shove down our throats what we do not want or need. Are we going to continue to let them get away with it?

  • AppyH

    Well did Bob the nazi queen stop posting his nazi propaganda and his so called “christian” nazi doctrine for a moment to call everyone who is not a nazi a zionist? How suprised I am….

    When your politics and belief in God is based on hating the jews and nazi propaganda you are showing what a weak spineless sniveling coward that you are. You mock God with your shameful doctrine and your hatred.

    All the excuses that you have used for this hate of yours is bogus and remember God will not be mocked by false and hateful doctrines distorting his Holy Word not by you or me.

    If I have stirred your emotions by speaking out against nutbag nazi’s like you I am truely pleased….

  • Guest

    This is a keeper. Thanks!

  • Important Media Umbrella Acct

    Let’s get one thing straight–the slave owning population of the US defined itself as conservative (i.e. by definition, reluctant to change long-standing social policy) rather than liberal. Back then, Lincoln and other aboloitionist Republicans were classified as “liberal” and “progressive.” Don’t forget it.

    And let’s not also forget that both sides of the aisle keep the poor and downtrodden in the status quo, have both done so through the decades.

  • Important Media Umbrella Acct

    It’s rich vs. poor, not left vs. right, and if you can’t see that, and you’re not rich, they’re succeeding.

  • ^TDO^


    It’s why I love to read you RD. You always slip in a goodie. Jimmy Carter, LOL.

  • AppyH

    I enjoyed your post river..common sense, history, truth and a little humor..

  • ^TDO^


    The nazi has returned. How are you today, 1300. Seems like all you nazis are intrigued with having numbers as part of your name. JOOW7000, Boob1300.

    And no matter how much you would like us to support you, Boob, we just aren’t all that fond of gays here.

    have a nice day.

  • ^TDO^


    Tis St. Paddy’s day!! For all of you irish men and women and those that just want to be – an Irish joke for you all.

    An Irish priest has been wanting to vacation in America his whole life. he scrimps and saves and finally has enough money. Asking around, his friends tell him that if he goes to America, the best place to go is Las Vegas.

    So he books a hotel and a plane and off he goes.

    As he comes off the ramp, a stewardess is standing there and goes, OMG, ELVIS!! I knew you weren’t dead.

    The priest replies, I am not this Elvis person. Leave me alone.

    Priest goes out and hails a cab, gets in and the cab driver says, ELVIS, I knew you weren’t dead. I knew it was only a matter of time til you got back to Vegas.

    Priest says. I am not this Elvis Person. What is the matter with all of you people.

    Finally he goes into the hotel. As he checks in the man at the counter says, ELVIS!! Good to see you. We knew you weren’t dead. WE saved you your old suite and we will comp it of course. I will call the ‘girls’ (wink, wink) and send up some booze and food, also comp’ed.

    The Priest says, Thank you, thank you very much.

  • Guest

    Your memories of the union/s are proof you are living in the past. The unions have been replaced by laws that in many cases the unions want to circumvent.

    All good union people will defend and protect the union because they are firmly attached to that useless teat. It’s all they know.

  • Ed Arnold

    The detrimental effects of fossil-fuel burning are almost always reported as simply ‘green-house gas’ emissions. What has been known for half a century, and somehow ‘forgotten’, is the much more serious effects of respirable particulates. Burning coal, especially in the newer more efficient pulverized coal furnaces, produces flyash: the non-combustible mineral residue from the coal. Despite efforts to capture these minute particles, tons of it are going up the stack and into the atmosphere every hour in the U.S. and around the world. If you live within a hundred miles of a coal fired power plant, when the wind is blowing your way you will be taking some of this material into your lungs as you breathe.
    Burning coal concentrates whatever elements were in that glossy black material. Some of those include heavy metals like vanadium, also common in the soot from burning diesel oil. Radioactive elements are also in the mix: Thorium 238 is the one most common in coal. So, the output from that coal-burning powerplant is going to put minute radioactive particles in your lungs, unless you walk around wearing a HEPA filter respirator 24/7.
    According to the ‘zero-radiation-tolerance’ advocates, this means we will all die immediately of lung cancer. Since we haven’t, the evidence is that we in fact do have pretty strong tolerance to ionizing radiation, even when the source is within our bodies.
    As background, the TVA in the 1950′s found a great use for the ash from their many coal-fired electric generating plants: ground up it made a terrific component of cinder-block building material. Problem was, after constructing several schools with this wonderful cheap material, somebody brought in a Geiger counter to show the kids what radiation was all about. After the AEC had checked the building and condemned it, the TVA had to find another disposal method.
    More background: in the late 1970′s and early 80′s, I was part of a team at the IIT Fine Particle Research department which had EPA contracts to determine what was floating around in the air, what it contained, and where it came from. Look up our reports in the Library of Congress if you need more information.

  • rdman_VietVet

    Unfortunately, Fox News is little different from CNN with their shallow reports of dangerous radiation levels and exposure.

    Why don’t they publish/report the actual readings… because the actual reading do not constitute dangerous radiation levels. The media knows this which makes these so-called news organizations willfully dishonest, agenda-driven fear-mongers…

  • Guest

    Excellent statistics. Another keeper.


  • Fred_Wells_Nuvuk

    hahahaha Nick! Good one!

  • Fred_Wells_Nuvuk

    David, I have a couple of friends who drove LA class subs for years. They slept literally within feet of the reactor for months at a time with no adverse affects.

  • Fred_Wells_Nuvuk

    Good morning everyone!

  • Guest

    The electronics don’t always obey the wishes of computer designers but digital logic will always dictate the way it will be used.

    There are no if’s, and’s, or’s, or but’s (or ‘lest’, nor’s, goto’s, etc.) about it.

    We are forced to speak the Language of Logic whether we like it or not.

  • Guest

    A very small point. So small, in fact, that I fail to see it.

  • Guest

    Do you have any answers or are you all about questions???

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    Hi Fred Happy St. Patricks.

  • Fred_Wells_Nuvuk

    Thanks Mel, same to you. Dang, I missed Toad again last night.

  • Lynn Long

    You do know that you are an asshole…. GOOGLE THAT… now, Darwinize yourself real good.

  • Guest

    Do you have my email address? I want to send you a chapter of a copyrighted book I wrote: Call it Heresy. If you want, send Mel a message for her to provide you my email address or for her to provide yours. I am leery about putting mine here and suspect you are, also.

  • george

    I guess Ann would love to go over to Japan and visit the city where the plant is to prove her point.

    Please go Ann. And come back with A “Glowing” Report on Radiation.

    And these folks saying FOX is not doing the same. What idiots

  • Telescoping You

    Whew! Thanks, Andy. You sure put some village idiot back on the straight and narrow.

    But those of us who actually read history, we think you dip too much from the fountain of worthless liberalism to get your programmed re-write of American history.

    I’m not going to waste my time educating a nit-wit, but as a teaser, here is a chronological legacy of your ‘missing-every-marble’ Democrat Party and represented today by your patron saints, San Fran Nan, Barnette Frank, and your premier leg-tingling poverty pimp, Barocky Hussein.

    I’ll keep this simple: Slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow Laws, Fire, Equal But Separate Laws, Hoses, Killer Dogs, Housing Projects, Ghettos and the Birth of Entitlement Sponges.

    And the core manipulators? All worthless liberal democrats. Check it out. Who knows, you may even want to finally climb out of the delirium you’ve been made to live.

    Good Luck!

  • MyronJPoltroonian

    All I can say is that if God were against drinking, there’d be no Irish in Heaven.

  • Dennis Cavanaugh

    one of the few times I agree with Ann. Very thought out remarks.

  • Dennis Cavanaugh

    I am a liberal and I agree with her on this.

  • MyronJPoltroonian

    My Dear Mr. Arnold,
    Nice to see science applied with actual, provable, repeatable and reliable facts and figures and not just politically correct “Consensus”.

  • Dennis Cavanaugh


  • Dennis Cavanaugh


  • Guest

    Very good comments, Dr. Nyilas. Thanks!

  • chamberrain

    It wasn’t all sugar-free substitutes. It was the safe product Sweet N Low, which is mostly saccharin, that supposedly was suddenly unsafe. They were giving mice bathloads full in my opinion (propaganda to get unscientific results) to usher in the aspertame (Equal) which has been a neuro-toxin and has hurt a lot of people. There has not been one report of someone harmed by Sweet N Low (Saccharin) in 70 years. Stick with the old stuff; don’t trust the new.

  • Guest

    You should know about maggots…

  • riverdave

    And a fine day it is to have a pint or two.

    Hey Mel, TDO, Nick

    Good to ‘see’ ya’.

    {hmmm, I didn’t know Green Beer was supposed to glow. ??? }

  • Guest

    The only true, effective “cure” is to vote in candidates that are quick to say what they stand for and this is to get rid of the EPA, NEA and other entities designed to hurt America. If those kinds of candidates would come forth, they’d get the votes. And when they are in office, their time needs to be to do what they promised to do.

    This is the Cure. And I’m sure the Democrats are scared to death of it for in this case, the “death” is their own political death.

  • Guest

    Keep in mind that when Jimmy Carter said “nucular” the media never flinched because it was one of their own, even a “nucular” engineer. But if Bush said it, he was an immediate ignoramus.

    Sorta puts the mark of prejudice on the media, doesn’t it???

  • riverdave

    OPPS! I meant Fred, I could have gotten it right and remembered who was on if it didn’t take so damn long to get to the comment block.

  • Guest

    And ignore that what we want and need are no longer made in America? Those companies that used to make those things we want and need were priced out of the market by our wonderful unions. Fact!!! Then our companies went abroad to make what we need and want rather than close the doors. Fact!!!

    Therefore, if I buy sardines at the Dollar Store that are canned in China, I am happy to do it considering that if American companies wanted to take over that market, they could do so — but not on my budget…

    Protectionism is anther way to drive our American businesses out of the market. We cannot afford the prices, our businesses cannot afford unions that force businesses to set higher prices.


  • riverdave

    And the mark of Zombie on those the media feeds on. {and from, sortta’ symbiotic.}

    Happy St Patty’s day NoCrud

  • Guest

    Boob is just a bug under your saddle, Appy.

    Ride ‘em, ride ‘em hard…!

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    What an alarmist you are, why don’t you just give up your watch, stop going to the dentist, never get another x-ray or MRI or fly. Body scanners expose you to more radiation than will reach the US.

  • Dustoff

    HAHAHAHA, just love you Children.

  • Guest

    A man and woman went up to St. Peter in Heaven and the man said, “We’d like to get married.”

    St. Peter said, “Come back in 5000 years.”

    5000 years later, the man and woman went to St. Peter and the man said, “We still want to get married.”

    St. Peter replied, “Come back in 5000 years.”

    5000 years later, the man and woman once more approached St. Peter and the man said, “Listen. We want to get married in the worst way.”

    St. Peter smiled and said, “You’re in luck. A priest checked in yesterday. Go over there and he will marry you.” St. Peter pointed to some mansions and he told the man how to find the priest.

    12 years later, the man and women went back to St. Peter and the man said, “We want a divorce. We found out some things about each other that we can’t stand.”

    St. Peter looked down, shook his head and said, “Well, you’re out of luck. It took us 10,000 years to get a priest up here — do you any idea how long it will take to get a lawyer?”

  • Wayne Peterkin

    Most of the Fox News shows have been guilty of fear mongering, not just Shepard Smith, although he may be the worst (he usually is). Megan Kelly has been bad, O’Reilly has been bad (although he is not a “news” show”. The best reports I have heard on Fox came from Glenn Beck! He actually took a little time to learn what was really happening and brought some common sense analysis to the table, even in a way that most people could understand. (His M&M fuel rods were pretty classic!) The rest of the reporting has been pretty bad. I wrote the network to complain and have tuned them out, at least until this baloney is over.

  • george

    So you go over to Japan. As a matter of fact, volunteer to work at the reactor site. Just googles FOX news and see the stories.

    Preventing terrorism is everybody’s business.
    If you SEE something, SAY something.
    Call the Metropolitan Police Department at (202) 727-9099 or email at SAR@DC.GOV to report suspicious activity or behavior that has already occurred.
    Call 911 to report in-progress threats or emergencies.

    To learn more, visit

  • Guest

    There was an old priest who got sick of all the people in his parish who kept confessing adultery. One Sunday, from the pulpit, he said, “If I hear one more person confess to adultery, I’ll quit!”

    Well, everyone liked him, so they came up with a code word. Someone who had committed adultery would say they had “fallen.”

    This seemed to satisfy the old priest and things went well, until the priest died at a ripe old age. About a week after the new priest arrived, he visited the Mayor of the town and seemed very concerned.

    The priest said, “You have to do something about the sidewalks in town. When people come to the confessional, they keep talking about having ‘fallen.’”

    The Mayor started to laugh, realizing that no one had told the new priest about the code word.

    Before the mayor could explain, the priest shook an accusing finger at the mayor and said, “I don’t know what you’re laughing about! Your wife fell three times this week.”

  • Guest

    A priest, a pastor, and a rabbi are walking down the street on a hot day and are quite thirsty. They pass a busy bar and want to go in and get a drink but have no money. But the priest comes up with an idea that he thinks might work, so he goes in alone, telling to others that if his idea works they can all get free drinks. He orders his drink, and when he’s finished with it, the bartender gives him his tab.

    The priest says, “But son,… I already paid for the drink!”

    The bartender says, “I’m terribly sorry father but it’s really busy in here and I must have forgotten.”

    The priest goes out and tells the pastor and the rabbi what happened, so the pastor goes in next. The pastor orders his drink and then informs the bartender that he already had paid when the bartender asks him for the money. Again the bartender apologizes.

    Finally the rabbi goes in and orders his drink. Again the bartender gives him the tab and the rabbi tells him, “Son, I paid you when I ordered the drink.”

    “I’m terribly sorry rabbi,” says the bartender, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but your the third man of the cloth that I’ve done this to.”

    “I’m sorry son,” says the rabbi, “but I’m in a terrible hurry,… Just give me my change for the $20 I gave you, and I’ll be on my way!”

  • Guest

    A man wonders if having sex on the Sabbath is a sin because he is not sure if sex is work or play. He asks a priest for his opinion on this question.

    The priest says after consulting the Bible, ‘My son, after an exhaustive search I am positive sex is work and is not permitted on Sundays.’

    The man thinks: ‘What does a priest know of sex?’

    He goes to the minister…a married man, experienced.. for the answer. He queries the minister and receives the same reply.. Sex is work and not for the Sabbath.

    Not pleased with the reply, he seeks out the ultimate authority: a man of thousands of years tradition and knowledge… A Rabbi.

    The Rabbi ponders the question and states, ‘My son, sex is definitely play.’

    The man replies, ‘Rabbi, how can you be so sure when so many others tell me sex is work?!’

    The Rabbi softly speaks, ‘If sex were work… my wife would have the maid do it.’

  • AppyH

    N/C indeed ole flap jaw Bloob is a bug under the saddle and after riding on his head a while It would be pleasing to tie a good rope to his pencil neck and put a dally around the saddle horn and drag him to camp for a nice supper and talk around a nice warm fire..

  • Guest

    The Minister had the last of his teeth out and was fitted with dentures.

    The first Sunday he preached for 10 minutes.

    The second Sunday he preached for 20 minutes.

    The third Sunday he preached for 1 hour 25 minutes.

    When asked about this here was his reply. “The first Sunday my gums were so sore I could hardly talk.The second Sunday the new dentures were hurting and on the third Sunday I was in a rush. I grabbed the wife`s by mistake and well… I couldn’t shut up!!!”

  • AppyH

    Joe-0 …….or Joe7000 ways of moronic nattering…. was arrested today for impersonating Betty Boop. He declined to speak to the press because his make up was smeared when his pink poodle attacked him for eating one her milk bones.

  • Guest

    In an ancient monastery, a new monk arrived to dedicate his life and to join the others copying ancient records. The first thing he noticed was that they were copying by hand, books that had already been copied by hand.

    He had to speak up. “Forgive me, Father Justinian, but copying other copies by hand allows many chances for error. How do we know we aren’t copying someone else’s mistakes? Are they ever checked against the originals?”

    Father Justinian was startled! No one had ever suggested that before. “Well, that is a good point, my son. I will take one of these latest books down to the vault and study it against its original document.”

    He went deep into the vault where no one else was allowed to enter, and started to study. The day passed, and it was getting late in the evening.

    The monks were getting worried about Father Justinian. Finally one monk started making his way through the old vault, and as he began to think he might get lost, he heard sobbing. It had to be Father Justinian.

    The sobbing was louder as he came near. He finally found the old priest sitting at a table with both the new copy and the original ancient book in front of him. It was obvious that Father Justinian had been crying for a long time. Then the he heard Father Justinian moan aloud and say some startling words.

    “Oh, my Lord,” sobbed Father Justinian, “the word is ‘celebrate’!!”

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    You are completely off your rocker your above post makes no sense what so ever.

  • ralfyboy

    I’m from canada. Here, we have Radium Hot Springs in one of the national parks in British Columbia. the elderly Ukrainians from the Prairie provinces swear by it, & go there in droves!

  • Guest

    Three guys, one Irish, one English, and one Scottish, are out walking along the beach together one day. They come across a lantern and a Genie pops out of it. “I will give you each one wish, that’s three wishes in total”, says the Genie.

    The Scottish guy says, “I am a fisherman, my Dad’s a fisherman, his Dad was a fisherman and my son will be one too. I want all the oceans full of fish for all eternity.” So, with a blink of the Genie’s eye FOOM! the oceans were teaming with fish.

    The Englishman was amazed, so he said, “I want a wall around England, protecting her, so that no one will get in for all eternity.” Again, with a blink of the Genie’s eye POOF! there was a huge wall around England.

    The Irishman asks, “I’m very curious. Please tell me more about this wall.” The Genie explains, “well, it’s about 150 feet high, 50 feet thick, protecting England so that nothing can get in or out.”

    The Irishman says, “Fill it up with water.”

  • Dustoff

    Now this is REALLY funny. O-bummer has messed up so much stuff. Even the school bearing his name has to be closed.
    LOL I wonder how he did that one?

    ASBURY PARK — The state fiscal monitor who oversees financial operations in the school district Thursday morning ordered the closing of the Barack H. Obama Elementary School as of July 1.

    Students next year will go to the district’s two other more modern elementary schools — Thurgood Marshall on the east side and Bradley on the west side.

    Bruce Rodman, the monitor, made the decision after the school board in recent weeks failed to support a plan by Schools Superintendent Denise Lowe to reconfigure elementary grades to create early childhood learning centers in the district, a plan which would have kept the Obama school open

  • Dustoff

    LOL……… say what.

  • jas

    ANOTHER Great Post!!!!

  • ^TDO^

    A new priest arrives at his parish in Ireland.

    At his first confessional, a man says, bless me father for I have

    sinned, I committed adultery with Pussy Greene 3 times.

    Priest gives him absolution and his penance.

    Next man says, bless me father for I have sinned, Ihad carnal

    relations with Pussy Greene 4 times this week.

    One after another the men of the village came in and told him of all

    the sex they were having with Pussy Greene.

    That Sunday at mass, the priest went to the pulpit to say the gospel

    when a low murmur occurs and he sees this woman walk in in 5″

    green spiked heels, a green skirt, a light green blouse and a green


    She sits down right in front of him and sits with her legs somewhat


    The priest turns to the altar boy and says, Is that Pussy Greene?

    The altar boy says, I think it is just the reflection from her shoes,


  • jas

    I heard the Greaseman tell that about 28 years ago. Except the girl’s name was Tootie. LOL!!!

    As in:

    Is that Tootie Green?

    It’s kinda hard to tell from here, Reverend.

  • Vihar_Adakozo


    Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate the compliment; I do strive to communicate to the best of my ability.

    I do not know Ann Coulter; however, I suspect that I in no way could match her level of intellect.

    I do believe the point here is to have a good idea and effectively communicate that idea to an optimal number of people. Ann has complete mastery of this. She has the downright eerie ability to write to a mid-common denominator. I’m quite sure she is every bit as capable of writing to both the highest and lowest common denominators as well. As Ann is well aware, writing to either high or low levels of intellect results in the loss of a majority of your audience.

    Also, as my friend planeboy points out, Ann’s level of sardonic wit and her ability to communicate through sarcasm is an unparalleled innate quality I would never attempt to match. Hats off to Ann!

  • george

    See all the nuclear fear mongering on the part of FOX and republicans – contrary to what Ann Coutlergeist is saying. The woman is a trip.

    Preventing terrorism is everybody’s business.
    If you SEE something, SAY something.
    Call the Metropolitan Police Department at (202) 727-9099 or email at SAR@DC.GOV to report suspicious activity or behavior that has already occurred.
    Call 911 to report in-progress threats or emergencies.

    To learn more, visit

  • Wil

    Sell of all OUR assets!!

    That way the select few can be like the latest RICHEST GUY IN THE WORLD…. He got that way by BUYING the phone company from the GOVERNMENT OF MEXICO….

    Privatization at its finest… US may soon be just like them. Are you sure Hawaii, doesn’t want to take back their statehood?

  • Wil

    Japan got into this mess, I believe, because the reactor owners gambled and lost.
    Greed caused them to skip the safety measures and now They’re paying for it.

    Nobody believes that all the backup systems failed.
    They gambled, like BP in the Gulf, and they got caught.

    Lastly, the religiously insane figure God will step in when things get REAL serious.
    You and I know God isn’t going to do anything because he doesn’t exist.

    You’re on your own and coming to that conclusion sooner
    rather than later just might save your life and your family.

  • jas


    Turn yourself in. You probably have Bellevue’s number on speed dial.

    But don’t worry about us. We all have the new Geiger Counter App on our Ipads.

  • jas


    Ask g.shaarter if he can swing by and pick you up on his way to Bellevue. They can help you with your anti-Jesus fixation.

    That is…

    Unless a Priest pounded it into you. LOL!!!

  • PamelaD

    Contrary to what Chamberlain thinks, It wasn’t “Sweet and Low” which supposedly could cause cancer; It was Cyclamates that they force fed the equivalent of a 1000 bottles of Soda pop daily and they found it caused a tumor in One and ONLY ONE strain of lab rat. However, the sugar industry had lots of money and quite a few Congressmen made out quite well voting to Ban it.
    Sweet and Low had the same problem and they have FINALLY admitted that the warnings on the box were BOGUS and removed them.

  • kateinpgh

    Ah, just remember that your belief or disbelief in something has no relation to whether or not it is fact. And what you believe has little relevance to the rest of us. Just sayin…

  • PamelaD

    I took a class in the 70′s to satisfy a “Biology” requirement for my degree (didn’t need a lab course); It was called “Man and His Environment” and taught by an OLD PhD in Physical Chemistry. He was all in favor of Nuclear Energy and imparted such little gems as ; “A Coal Burning Power Plant Releases More Radioactivity into the atmosphere than ANY Nuclear Power Plant.” I’ve never in the last 40 years seen any reason to doubt him. Chernobyl was an exception, a poor design poorly operated with no containment, and doing a stupid “test” without safety precautions; But as pointed out, they cannot point to any deaths other than those in the intial explosion and those that had to work in close proximity to contain the reactor. Most of them KNEW they would die and chose to sacrifice themselves for Mother Russia.

  • PamelaD

    I thought that was because the Kennedy’s didn’t want the view spoiled from their “Compound”. Wasn’t teddy the drunk still alive then and opposing it?

  • ^TDO^

    A bunch of novitiates are about to be ordained as Catholic priests. One of them is an Irishman. The Bishop takes them into a small room and tells them they must pass one more test.

    he tells them to strip and then bells are tied to their penises. He explains that if their bell rings 3 times, they cannot be a priest

    A blond is brought in and strips. The Irishman’s bell goes – ding-a-ling-a-ling. Bishop tells him. Get yourself under control, considering you are going to take a vow of celibacy, this shouldn’t be that hard.

    They bring in a brunette. She strips. The Irishman’s bell goes – ding-a-ling-a-ling. Bishop tells him, You’d better be careful. You only have one chance left.

    They bring a redhead. She strips. The Irishman’s bell goes – ding-a-ling-a-ling. Bishop tells him. I am sorry, son, but you cannot be a priest.

    Irishmen bends over to pick up his clothes. All the other bells go – ding-a-ling-a-ling.

  • ^TDO^

    Into a Belfast pub comes Paddy Murphy, looking like he’d just been run over by a train.. His arm is in a sling, his nose is broken, his face is cut, and bruised, and he’s walking with a limp.

    ‘What happened to you?’ asks Sean, the bartender.

    ‘Michael O’Connor and me had a fight,’ says Paddy.

    ‘That little O’Connor,’ says Sean, ‘He couldn’t do that to you, he must have had something in his hand.’

    ‘That he did,’ says Paddy, ‘a shovel is what he had, and a terrible lickin’ he gave me with it.’

    ‘Well,’ says Sean, ‘you should have defended yourself. Didn’t you have something in your hand?’

    That I did,’ said Paddy, ‘Mrs. O’Connor’s breast, and a thing of beauty it was; but useless in a fight.’

  • ^TDO^

    Mary Clancy goes up to Father O’Grady after his Sunday morning service, and she’s in tears.

    He says, ‘So what’s bothering you, Mary me dear?’

    She says, ‘Oh, Father, I’ve got terrible news. My husband passed away last night.’

    The priest says, ‘Oh, Mary, that’s terrible. Tell me, Mary, did he have any last requests?’

    She says, ‘That he did, Father.’

    The priest says, ‘What did he ask, Mary?’

    She says, ‘He said, Please Mary, put down that damn gun…..’

  • westoast

    I bet there was liquor involved.

  • westoast

    I bet alcohol was a factor!

  • westoast

    I need a drink.

  • kateinpgh

    Me too- I think I’ll go raise a glass to my Irish ancestors (Mom just joined them recently and I KNOW she’s up there serving brews to all of her brothers, uncles, and cousins- and telling the other lasses to get their own!)
    Erin Go Bragh (or braghless, as my Grandpa Patrick used to say)

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    That’s a silly question, or course it was.

  • ^TDO^

    LOL, 3 times. Once for each of your drink posts, LMAO

  • ^TDO^

    Hey LeAnn,

    Of course alcohol was involved. I was sitting here sippin some red wine (burgandy I think) when I posted those.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    Good choice TDO jsut in case you get exposed to contaminants from Japan.

    Maybe we will uncork a Merlot.

  • westoast

    Someone sent me that one yesterday. Only the name was Nookie Green. Boy she sure gets around

  • Sweetrae aka: LeAnn

    These are not Irish jokes so my Irish patriots forgive me, but I want to share this because it will piss liberals off. ; )

    The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.

    We agree and think 25 to life would be appropriate.


    America needs Obamacare like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask.


    Q: Have you heard about McDonalds new Obama Value Meal?
    A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it.


    Q: What does Barack Obama call lunch with a convicted felon?
    A: A fund raiser.


    Q: What’s the difference between Obama’s cabinet and a penitentiary?
    A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers and threats to society.
    The other is for housing prisoners.


    If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were on a boat in the middle of the ocean and It
    started to sink, who would be saved? …. America !


    Q: What’s the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo?
    A: Bo has papers.

  • ^TDO^

    Well, since David Blaine and DQ have been showing up

    Did you hear about the two gay Irishmen?

    Michael Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzmichael

    (Thank you #3)

  • ^TDO^


    Once again I will be in and out all day. The daughters are both ‘working’ (I can explain later) and my son is out and about. So it is down to me and the wife again. So I am at beck and call again.

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    I see the geezer was here for a few posts. He even got in a couple of fistfights which is a good sign.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    not to worry.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    not to worry TDO I understand

  • riverdave

    Watch it sweetpea, your ignorance is showing.

    First, do you have any comprehension of what 9.0 on the Richter Scale means? Yet that did not affect the six reactors. Second, do you understand that a wall of water 30-35 feet high slammed into that island nation and did not affect [directly] the reactors, rather it swamped the back-up generators = no water to the piles.

    Now I would ask you why you feel this event does anything other than prove the safety of such plants. After such a major multiple fronted assault on the power station, it is still the least of Japans worries and no where close to the Hollywood style scenario painted by a press that feels sensationalism sells more papers or air time.

    Did anyone mention that 10,000 and counting lost their life’s and countless others lost all that they had during this monstrously devastating event?

    No, I guess it’s all about you. “Oh help me” the sobering whiners cry, “What if all that nasty radiation blows my way?”

    I bet you would kill for an Iodine tablet right about now. FOOL!

    Then you just have to drop God into the mix. I guess that’s because you are so advanced that God pales in your presence.

    Well that is YOUR choice. “As for me and mine, we will serve the Lord.”

    And I will direct your own words to you.

    “You and I know God isn’t going to do anything because he doesn’t exist.

    “You’re on your own and coming to that conclusion sooner
    rather than later just might save your life and your family.”

    Or in your case, it might just condemn them.

    Think about it, and think of those that are trying to pick up the pieces and reclaim their life’s.

  • riverdave

    LMAO !!!!

    I see why they call you deranged.

  • AppyH

    Patty went off to work at the brewery and did not come home from work. Later two men came to see Mary Rose to give her some bad news.

    Mary came to the door and the two men stood with heads down and hats removed and Mary knew something bad had happened. Patty is dead Mary dear they said…he fell in the stout vat.

    “Oh dear LORD” said Mary …I hope he did not suffer a long painful death, was it quick? Mary darling said the men, “it was a long Death Mary he fell in the vat early this morn and we noticed he climbed out 12 times to pee then he was gone.”

  • Wayne Peterkin

    Different proposal off the Massachusetts coast a couple of years earlier near the Kennedy estate. The one I referred to was just last year and, to the best of my knowledge, the Kennedy’s weren’t involved. It was rejected by the State of Rhode Island purely due to the exorbitant cost of the power to be sold to the grid.

  • ^TDO^

    Not deranged, Dave, Demented

    TDO=The Demented One.

  • Wayne Peterkin

    Solar will become practical as a primary power source when we figure how to get the Energizer Bunny to run New York City (and everything else) at night. Until then, solar will remain a supplemental power source at best.

  • Ken


    K: This article is bizarre, even by Ann Coulter standards.

    K: I did a Google advanced search for the domain edu, a reputable domain, and I checked the titles of fourteen hits. They were all clearly of the opinion that radiation is a safety problem and that benefits need to be weighed against the RISKS! ( Being that I’ve never in my life come across the perverse notions that nuclear radiation is good for you and Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren’t so bad, I conclude Coulter is attempting to confuse the issue to help the Nuclear Industry.

    AC: Meanwhile, the animals around the Chernobyl reactor, who were not evacuated, are “thriving,” according to scientists quoted in the April 28, 2002 Sunday Times (UK).

    K: This is the only information that can possibly be checked, but it’s vague and about animal safety and the source is from England. I did find a lot of hits, but none that I could use to trace back to April 28, 2002. As usual Ann hides her false sources, she either twists, lies about or takes out of context. I think anyone making such wild accusations would feel an obligation to make it easy for their readers to find her sources.

    AC: Amazingly, even the Soviet-engineered disaster at Chernobyl in 1986 can be directly blamed for the deaths of no more than the 31 people inside the plant who died in the explosion. Although news reports generally claimed a few thousand people died as a result of Chernobyl — far fewer than the tens of thousands initially predicted — that hasn’t been confirmed by studies.

    K: I notice she didn’t mention that downwind of Chernobyl, many babies were being born without limbs on the documentary I saw that blamed Chernobyl. Another source:
    * At present almost 2 million people live in radioactive contaminated territories.
    * Only 5% of children in the Chernobyl region are left healthy.
    * There is an alarming increase in bone marrow and brain tumours amongst children.
    * More children are suffering from malignant tumors of the mammary glands, lungs, bladder and kidneys.
    * There is a 40% increase in malignant tumors amongst men and 29% amongst women.
    * Children are particularly susceptible to radiation-induced illnesses. Many have Leukemia, cancer of the thyroid and other cancers. Brain tumors are also now greatly increased. Stomach ulcers are also commonly found in children due to the poor diet. Babies are born with many different deformities. (

    K: It’s hard to imagine that anyone would lie about nuclear radiation like this, but when you put it into the context of wanting to assassinate and scapegoating and accusing of treason, it begins to make sense. I think this is part of her appeal: She creates a fantasy world her readers want to hear, where: 1) Life is simple; 2) Radiation is actually good for you; 3) There’s no need to be concerned about climate change; and 4) All our problems can be attributed to Liberals.

    There are people fighting her, but there are so many more, like you, who like her, those telling the truth get drowned out. The people that honestly care about this world have a big advantage, we have reason on our side and I believe, sooner or later, people will use their own minds and question Ann Coulter and understand they are reading a person who is highly intelligent and capable, but sees life through a distorted lens. There are always going to be people like Coulter, what concerns me is so many follow her.

  • riverdave

    Damn! And I knew that. I’m either getting old or this green beer is irradiated more than I thought. :)

  • OKCorral

    Greetings from the OK Corral:
    Here is a glowing report – The danger to America is not radiation or even Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like Obama with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails our Republic. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive Barry O who is, after all , merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as thos who made him their president.
    Beannachtam Na Feile Padraig
    Old Gringo Ralph

  • OKCorral

    Greetings from the OK Corral:
    To all of my friends out there, Irish and otherwise…
    May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night and a smooth road all the way to your front door…Beannachtam Na Feile Padraig
    Old Gringo Ralph

  • jas

    Hi Ken!

    Some dude was just on MSNBC talking to Chris the Tingler and guess what he said?


    He said (and Mathews seemed to accept) that the nuke plants in Japan pose no significant threat–even if they melt down into an IHOP Western Omelet-sized puddle!

    Good news! You can climb out from under your mom’s bed. The coast is clear.


  • Gabriel G. Gator

    Ken the turkey neck woman in a pink bathrobe who pecks away on her keyboard like a pullet all day long. It’s called “irony.” It’s called “sarcasm.” Are you from the kiddie gene pool or what?

    peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck

  • riverdave

    Get a life fool. Those garbage Parrot point have been disproved time and again.

    My ONLY concern with Nuclear Plants in this nation is not the design nor the heat source that makes the steam, that turns the turbines.

    Rather that they were mainly constructed by Union workers following Union guidelines.

  • riverdave


  • Paul Earth A.D.

    How true Ralph.

    The dumming down of American’s has been a lengthy and steadfast work in progress, this of course includes the removal of certain truths; most specifically God and His moral codes for man. This most of all is what I consider to be at the very heart of what ails America; it is the root of the problem and has allowed decency, wisdom, and discernment to wither away on a parched, poisoned, and dying land.

  • Ken

    Just because Ann has found some sources that say radiation is good for us (Sources that are very hard, if possible, to find or find the particular issue she cites, based on the limited information she gives us), doesn’t mean it’s true. Do an advanced search in reputable domains, using a large enough sample of credible sources, and you will find Coulter hasn’t stood nuclear science on its head. She has not come across a great bunch of studies discovering and proving radiation is actually good for us. What her information is–I don’t want to call her a liar. All-right, yes I do! Wilson called the President a liar, I should be able to call Coulter one five times! She was also called a liar right on the cover of the now Senator from Minnesota’s book: “Lies, and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.” So I’m in good company. I wouldn’t call anyone on this site a liar, but Coulter is making and has made lots of money from lying and she’s gone too far!

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck

  • ^TDO^


    If it wasn’t for radiation, my wife and many like her would be dead. Funny thing that radiation. You all talk about how it causes cancer, I’d rather talk about how it cures it.

    But hey, that’s just me.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    No Ken, Jack is wrong. They said radiation levels are climbing and that those who use their computers to go onto the internet are at the greatest risk of exposure. Don’t listen to Jack, stay under your mom’s bed, and stay off the computer; this is your only hope.

  • ^TDO^

    I’ve posted this a number of times now but it bears repeating:

    If Obama is the answer:

    That had to have been the stupidest effing question ever.

  • ^TDO^

    You have a green beer, we have a green river, the Chicago River is always died for St. Pattie’s day.

    Now which do you thinkg is more irradiated, LOL

  • Lynn Long
  • Adam Moreira

    Ann Coulter is mentioning studies from the 1980s to around 2000. The problem is that her case doesn’t sound believable, because unless I get more details on those studies, they did not rule out all other possible causes. Also, a physicist has no business talking about biology, because that is not his field of expertise.

    By not mentioning the radioactive metals studied, it sounds less than believable. And if I sound harsh, it’s because I’m a graduate student in biology. I would like to see the articles linked so that I can review them…unless it’s junk science. Radioactive uranium and plutonium are much more dangerous that radioactive light metals. Cobalt 60 is mentioned—that’s rarely a problem (in fact, that’s a typical cancer-fighting drug). As for heavier metals, they usually take 10-20 years to show symptoms, or people will die from other issues before those cancers take effect.

  • ^TDO^


    I am Irish but…

    This is my beer –

  • Adam Moreira

    However, Ann Coulter has not distinguished between different radioactive isotopes. And that’s not insignificant. Radioactive uranium and plutonium is much different from what your wife likely got. God gave her blessings, but apparently not Coulter here.

  • ConservativeCanuck

    I have to agree. I normally like and agree with Ann, but I think she should stick to her usual taboo subjects like Religion and Politics.

    The article fails to differentiate between the different types of radiation from atomic decay, that being Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation, which are each tremendously different. One being an unstable atomic nucleus which can cause all sorts of chemical reactions in a person’s body, one being a subatomic particle, and one being not even matter, but an energy emission, and she mixes these up with x-rays, which is yet another form of energy emission.

    To paint them all with the same brush as having beneficial effects is as foolish as the government setting an emission threshold that’s universal for all forms for radiation.

    Remember, even sunlight is radiation, and so is heat. Too much of anything is a bad thing, and they’re not all the same!

  • 1LonesomeDove1

    Funny isn’t it? How Christians and conservatives are accused of not believing in, or trusting science? Then when we trust science in the area of nuclear energy, we’re wrong again.

  • Lynn Long
  • ^TDO^

    It also has to do with doses which is exactly what she is talking about.

    BTW. My wife went through 7 weeks of daily radiation (M-F) 10 minute doses.

    Does anyone here think that this cloud is going to come anywhere near that kind of dosage.

    No. The doomsayers are the ones that are wrong on this one.

  • jas

    Another stellar post!

  • jas

    You aren’t getting older, you’re getting better!

  • ^TDO^


    My oldest son lives in Ft. Meyers. He says LeinenKugel is available down there. If you haven’t, give it a try. I am a big fan of their ale, red, and their bochs. They have two bochs that I know of, the 1888 which is made only from January thru March, and their creamy Boch. The creamy one is really good, but the 1888 is outstanding.

  • Guest

    Yeah, I will have to agree with the others, too much blood in my alcohol system.

  • Guest

    I know you are but what am I?
    Turn down your brain, the luminosity is blinding me.

  • Lynn Long

    You left out Bohenus Dumbfunkel radiation. Very important- some say as important as the Higgs Boson—– damned rascally radiations.

  • 1LonesomeDove1

    Yeah, everyone else, especially Ann, is a liar; ken is the only one who isn’t.

    Who saw this coming?

  • Toad

    I remember that night well … sadly.

  • Toad

    I remember that night too.

  • westoast

    The only thing the right ignores is leftist talking points and manipulation of scientific data. It is the left that ignores what hangs right in it’s face no matter which face it is using at the moment.
    Nuclear energy is far safer than it was at the time of TMI even. A “disaster” that scared many people. But aside from mass hysteria, ill effects from the release of small amounts of radioactive material amounts to suspicion that somewhere maybe someone might have been harmed.
    Alarmists on the left run around trying to scare the slow and the young on issue after issue that they don’t understand beyond memorized factoids and fast paced spiels designed to gush out more propaganda than can be erased by a response of reasonable length.
    Technologies like solar and wind generation of power are truly harmful to the environment when you look at the scope of operations it would take to replace current production methods.
    But the brainiacs on the left need to win an argument and can’t be bothered by actual evidence lying dead at the bottom of wind turbines, and sputtering out millivolts of electricity from over-priced inefficient panels.

  • jas

    It’s all IHOP batter.

  • ^TDO^


    I had a few of those myself, Toad.

  • deeme

    excuse me>?? Are you almost done partying today??

  • Garret

    You are referring to both stochastic and deterministic effects with the same thought when they are in fact two different subjects. Stochastic Effects have no established threshold. Irradiation of only one cell has some chance of causing the effect because stochastic effects are assumed to have some chance of occurring no matter how low the dose. Two examples of stochastic effects include genetic mutations or heritable effects and carcinogenic effects or cancer. Then there are deterministic effects. An observable effect after an acute radiation dose is a deterministic effect. Examples include skin reddening or swelling, epilation, or hematological depression. If doses are below the threshold, no effects will occur. Effects which occur typically result from the collective injury of many cells. The “GI tract sloughs off and you pass bloody dead tissue” that you referred to doesn’t happen until you get to very high doses. The workers right in the middle of the disaster (if the dose reports are accurate) with the very highest doses are receiving about 1/100th the dose it takes to cause those effects.

    For stochastic effects there is no unique disease is associated with radiation exposure, but there is a statistical increase in the risk of developing disease. Radium dial painters, radiologists, dentists, atomic bomb survivors provide evidence of induced effects in humans. But, you must remember this increased risk from exposure to radiation does not guarantee a disease. The increased risks of radiation induced cancers are justification for today’s protection standards. Radiation can act as both an initiator and promoter of cancer, so there is a possibility of radiation inducing blood cancers such as leukemia. Radiation may cause cancer but it can also be used to treat cancer. A low dose of an agent (such as radiation) may result in the opposite response to a high dose. This is called “Hormesis” and is what Ann was referring to in her article. Hormesis comes from the Greek word hormáein “to urge on.” What this means is that a low dose can trigger repair mechanisms in the body, and once initiated, not only corrects the damage, but also repairs other defects not caused by the radiation. About 40% of laboratory studies on cell cultures and animals report some sort of radiobiological hormesis. The idea low dose effects may be (sometimes strikingly) different is accepted. For example low doses of 0.1 R/day or 100-400 R over a lifetime has indicated an increase in a rat’s life span, and also a lower incidence of disease. (R means Roentgen.)

    The idea low dose effects are always positive is questionable. This idea is counter-intuitive of the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) philosophy. In the case of Japan, I cannot support the idea of hormesis because this would imply that there is a direct exposure to radiation only. Such is not the case. Not only is there radiation, but the particles from which the radiation is coming from. Many of these particles are chemically harmful to the body without the radio properties. And when you combine the chemical properties with the radiological properties you just might get a synergistic effect that is more harmful than the chemical properties by themselves. For example we are all being bombarded by gamma radiation coming from the earth’s crust. Some of this is uranium. But, getting a dose of, let us say, 28mREM/year from uranium outside the body is not the same as getting 28 mREM/year from uranium from inside the body because the chemical characteristics of uranium are more harmful than the radiological characteristics of uranium. (I capitalized rem because it is an acronym for Roentgen Equivalent Man – a measure of biological damage compared to gamma or x-rays.)

  • Garret

    A low dose of an agent (such as radiation) may result in the opposite response to a high dose.  This is called “Hormesis” and is what Ann was referring to in her article.  Hormesis comes from the Greek word hormáein “to urge on.”  What this means is that a low dose can trigger repair mechanisms in the body, and once initiated, not only corrects the damage, but also repairs other defects not caused by the radiation.  About 40% of laboratory studies on cell cultures and animals report some sort of radiobiological hormesis.  The idea low dose effects may be (sometimes strikingly) different is accepted.  For example low doses of 0.1 R/day or 100-400 R over a lifetime has indicated an increase in a rat’s life span, and also a lower incidence of disease. (R means Roentgen.)
    The idea low dose effects are always positive is questionable.  This idea is counter-intuitive of the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) philosophy.  In the case of Japan, I cannot support the idea of hormesis because this would imply that there is a direct exposure to radiation only.  Such is not the case.  Not only is there radiation, but the particles from which the radiation is coming from.  Many of these particles are chemically harmful to the body without the radio properties.  And when you combine the chemical properties with the radiological properties you just might get a synergistic effect that is more harmful than the chemical properties by themselves.  For example we are all being bombarded by gamma radiation coming from the earth’s crust. Some of this is uranium.  But, getting a dose of, let us say, 28mREM/year from uranium outside the body is not the same as getting 28 mREM/year from uranium from inside the body because the chemical characteristics of uranium are more harmful than the radiological characteristics of uranium.  (I capitalized rem because it is an acronym for Roentgen Equivalent Man – a measure of biological damage compared to gamma or x-rays.)

  • riverdave


    Everyone already knows you to be an ignorant jerk that will automatically attack anything that remotely supports God, Conservative thought, Ann Coulter or common sense or that does not support the party [union] line.

    Really, I do not need you to keep flashing your credentials.

    Just now it is Friday morning in Japan; it appears that this event is about to wrap up as they are nearing containment and just in time.

    While two piles have clearly done a total meltdown, {no they didn’t drop to the earths core or land somewhere in China} which delights me to no end as the tin-foil loonies, you included, are going to have to come up with some other reason to exclude all energy sources except Windmills and Solar Panels to run their electric cars.

    Now if any children over there do suffer from a buildup of Iodine in their thyroids, I will ask, “why did you not offer them a dose of Potassium Iodine?”

    When they tell me that a swarm of people all wearing tin-foil hats bought up the entire supply, I will hang my head in shame. Because those people, sadly, were my countrymen.

    Now about the real victims, the 10,000 dead and those that mourn for them. The 1,000,000 homeless, cold and hungry. Life’s forever changed by the monumental enormity of the duel blows of a 9.0 earthquake and a wall of water 35′ high.

    A donation here will not line the pockets of some third world despot, quite unlike so much that we as a nation have sent to countless disasters around the world as is our nature.

    You disgust me Ken, as you epitomize all that is wrong in this freedom loving nation.

  • riverdave

    I would mention that ALARP or your reference ALARA [Possible vs..Achievable] are standards developed by legislative bodies and not by a scientific body or journal.

  • westoast

    That’s not what they said at all Paul.
    They said to figure out how to bypass the safety switch on the door to your microwave, set it for 30 minutes on high, stick your head inside and turn it on.
    I’m the only one looking out for you Ken.

  • westoast

    What I got from Ann’s article is that once again hysterical arms flailing, eyes bugging, doom speak is serving as a substitute for news reporting. It seems to me that falls within the area of reporting you would have her relegated to.
    It is a commentary on our news media not living up to the expectations of those who are looking only for the actual story, and not the sensationalized drama needed by the couch potatoes and eco-tards that are becoming a bigger part of our population.

  • Toad

    “You disgust me Ken, as you epitomize all that is wrong in this freedom loving nation.”

    Yes, Ken has led a sheltered life and has little clue as to what it would be like to live elsewhere. Sadly, he does not appreciate his station in life.

  • Tony_Seco

    I haven’t been watching the news lately. I’ll wait for the cheep Japanese move “The Pennsylvania Syndrome” to come out. Starring Tokyo Rose.

  • riverdave

    deeme wrote:

    I am skim reading here so I don’t know if this has been asked or answered but do they have a view of the bottom like underneath the reactors>? I’m guessing that with an earthquake if anything is leaking the obvious place would be down below..//


    If you suggest a gaping crack in the earths crust, then you neither understand the nature of the tectonic plates nor the location of the fault-line involved here.

  • Tony_Seco

    Here is a true story

    I was dropped in Ft. Meade Maryland awaiting orders, so I went to visit my Grandparents in Pa. My Grandfather whispers to me “lets go out for a drink” We say goodbye to Grandma and she says “don’t ya be going and gettin ‘em no whiskey now”. We head down to the pub and have a few, then stop by the liquor store. The old man picks up a pint and slips it into his back pocket.

    All the way there and back I’ve been worried about the ice and snow and my old grandpa walking, but also afraid to offend him by holding on. Well down he goes. “Pops are you OK”? I helped him up. “I don’t know” he says “I feel somethin’ runnin’ down the back a me leg, and I’m prayin’ it’s blood”!

  • riverdave

    Maybe they could get Charlie Sheen to play the womanizing drunk in charge of opps.@ the doomed plant.

    “Christ, I snort 7 grams of this stuff before breakfast every day and you don’t see me melting down..”

  • Tony_Seco

    Only I see him melting down! LOL:P

  • deeme

    Yeah there’s a lot I don’t get….I am suggesting in an earthquake, the size of we haven’t seen in a thousand years, so I am assuming that includes you, who knows these days, there are people who call themselves conservatives ,who hate pro life people and people who quote the bible and think they get their brains ././,so anything is possible. But I am suggesting that when the earth shook like a son of a b something on the bottom cracked…Now I am just a stupid christian and since I know nothing about tectonic plates and fault lines or do I,,gee I think I might, and you get my brain ,maybe you can reply to how stupid my notion is…Something happened to the reactors when the quakes happened…Maybe it is all about the cooling system, but I got a pretty good view of the towns and they are like gone.. Maybe that was mostly tsunami because that is some crazy stuff. My main question was do they have somekind of video of the bottom they can look at like from all angles..

  • Tony_Seco

    Hay Dave how are ya

  • westoast

    So you’re talking about the bottom of the containment system.

  • riverdave

    “Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know.”

    *** Aldous Huxley ***

  • westoast

    People try to tell me I have that kind of ignorance.
    I just plug my ears and hum.

  • riverdave

    Vertical and ventilating, and that is not all that bad. ;)

  • riverdave

    lol, hey whatever works.

  • deeme

    Yes that’s what I was getting at…

  • deeme

    If that’s an apology great maybe I’m just being a b because being here kind of reminds me of hanging out with my loved ones at their aa meetings…

  • Tony_Seco

    I don’t know if you guys have seen this or not, but here you go. This website has pictures of Japan, when you move your mouse over the picture, it shows you the same pic after the quake and tsunami.

  • riverdave

    Thanks. Pretty awesome site. {it is interesting that my machine tells me that the server for this URL is located in the United States even though the addy indicates ‘AU’ as in Australia. I always wondered what the A in ABC stood for. ;)

  • MyronJPoltroonian

    Just so the “Self Anointed Purveyors of ‘Truth”, don’t get their jammies in a wrinkle ( “CW”, ya listenin’?): So many divisive questions, so many divisive answers. When I was 17, having been raised to understand that “You don’t have to be in a building, to believe in God”, I decided that “God is Energy, after all, It’s everywhere”. Now, some five decades later, scientists in the field of “Quantum Physics/Mechanics”, with “String Theory”, have postulated that there indeed may be vibrating “Strings” of energy everywhere. Not only in interstellar, but intergalactic space as well. The other half of my postulation rests on the question: “What is thought?”. In it’s purest form, it is merely an inexplicable bit of energy. If that is also true, then that, I believe, coupled with string theory, is the mind of God. How presumptuous is mankind to believe he can truly understand the mind, let alone interpret the will of God. If I may quote Puck: “What fools these mortals be”. Beyond that, you may ask: “Does he believe there is a God?” Yes, I do. Well then, “Does he believe Jesus (of Nazareth) is the Son of God?” Again. Yes, I do, as is every (hu)man a child of God. Well. How then does he explain all the different names of God and ways of worshiping Him? As Tom Sullivan (when he was still broadcasting on the radio from Sacramento) once related, he has an Egyptian friend who noted: “There is only One God, but many different ways of worshiping Him”. “Intelligent Design” came up and how silly it is (for believing in unprovable precepts such as “Gods Hand Created the Heavens and the Earth”, which is based on unprovable, blind Faith). And this from the same crowd who believe (as do I) that the universe was created from a “Cosmic Egg” that came from they know not where, yet just was (but wasn’t for very long), that suddenly went (“Big) Bang!” and voila! We are (eventually) born. No “Leaps of Faith” there. Nope, none at all. Oh yes, their “Resurrection Theology?” “Entropy!” That’s where the energy of the “Big Bang” eventually “runs out of steam”, if you will, and everything collapses back in on itself and, “Guess What?”, it starts all over again – maybe. And they talk about “A Leap of Faith?” indeed. “What Fools We Mortals Be?” “You Betcha!”

  • AppyH


  • MonaMi

    I remember so well the speech Reagan gave to the American people after the Challenger disaster where he said: “the astronauts who slipped the surly bounds of earth to touch the face of God.”

    I remember crying, but happy we had such a wonderful president who looked into the eyes of America and honored those lost.

    Today, I tried to feel good watching President Obama give a statement about Japan’s tragedy. I felt NO emotion as he read his prepared statement. I thought, why can’t you look straight forward and look into the camera which represents us and the eyes of the world? Nope. He seemed to be unfeeling, programmed, out of touch, disengaged and obligatory.

    From the Rose Garden, he took off to celebrate St Patrick’s Day with green beer (not really, but maybe so) to watch the green fountain on the White House lawn, and then making a statement that he will be visiting Ireland this summer. Tomorrow, he is heading to South America with unbelievable security in tow!

    Oh gee, I bet the Irish can’t wait. With a President who took 31 days to lay out a coherent strategy regarding Libya, Ireland was among the first to respond while our Commander-In-Chief twiddled his thumbs. I’ll give him one thing, though, he sure can designate other people in his administration to do the friggin’ WORK he was elected to do!

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    Myron: “It’s the force Culture Warrior; trust the Force!”

    Culture Warrior: “Ah well, I dunno, is the Force radioactive? Cuz if it is, forget it.”

    Myron: “Radioactive? Uh, no, I think it’s more like electricity.”

    Culture Warrior: “Electricity? Forget that too. Ever since I stuck my wiener in that light socket that time I, well, never mind, I’m terrified of electricity too.

    Myron: “Did I say electricity? Sorry, my mistake, I meant to say ‘photons,’ yeah, photons, the force is made out of photons.”

    Culture Warrior: “Photons? Like photon torpedoes? Damn! Forget that, those photon torpedoes must hurt like a sumbich I tell you what!”

    Myron: “Awwww shut the fuk up you dumb sumbich! I’ll keel you!”

    Culture Warrior: “You’ll keel me? No you won’t, I’ll keel you you old bastard!”

    Myron: “What’s that over in the corner? Is that some radiation?”

    Culture Warrior: “What! OMG it is radiation! AIEEEEEEEEEEK!!”

    Myron: “AIEEEEEEEEEEK!!”

  • riverdave

    I’ll go with the Carina Nebula.

    But really, your post contradicts it’s self repeatedly.

    It would help if you indicated what your point is, you have taken three contradicting positions. I guess that is where your Quantum Physics comes in, saying that we can determine with accuracy a set point in a set future point in time and knowing that when we arrive at that point there is a 50/50 probability it will not be there but rather in front of us at that moment in a parallel universe.

    I suppose I could send you a proof but this site will not accept symbols in proper sequence, I’ve tried.

    Ω√≈∑ leaves much unclear as it only represents a flippant quip. Maybe I can find my book, Tensor Calculus for Dummies, and this could be figured out.

    In the meantime, I might remind you that getting out of bed in the morning is ‘a leap of faith’.

  • westoast

    Funny lizard! Lizard? AIEEEEK!

  • AppyH

    Ken 20 minutes ago


    I was over in Albany today sniffing cucumbers at the store when this man started following me and giggling. Damn that makes me mad when people don’t appreciate the finer ways to dress. An ascot with little butterflies and fairy slippers with beads is just over the heads of these hicks let alone my buttless chaps with perry winkles on them..

    After my shopping and putting a bag of cucumbers in the back of my schwinn bike with pink rims and a tassle on each handlebar, a battery light and honk horn with a cute bulb to squeeze I saw the same man following me in his car very slow.

    I rode my schwinn home and ran into my MOM’s basement and turned the lights off and then remembered that I left the cucumbers in the garage. I waited a while and went to the garage and there were the cucumbers but not where I had put them. Chills ran up my spine, I grabbed the cucumbers and ran and locked myself in the basement.

    That night while entertaining myself I turned off the lights and did my squirrel walk past a mirror and saw this glowing object in my butt crack and screamed like a girly Gerbil and ran in my heels as fast as I could run..clip clop clip clop clip clop clip clop clip clop clip clop clip clop hep me hep me hep me I screamed but no one came.

    I found out later that the strange man exchanged cucumbers on me and now all my battery operated toys go nuts near my butt crack. It is a very dangerous thing ..”glowing cucumbers” that damn brush cutting “George Bush” has something to do with this. Bush must have exchanged my cucumbers with radio active cucumbers at the same time he was polluting my drinking water and putting poison in my air.

    Before I go I must say we all should buy Obammy B/W t-shirts that say “change” on them. It helps to remind you to change your shirt. Also the obammy B/W coin set and dishs and cups and the Obammy B/W picture of him covering his crotch instead of his heart during the National anthem. Support Obammy B/W give peace through submission and groveling a chance.

    Reply to Ken Circus Train Miller :

    Remind me to never pick up a cucumber again.

  • riverdave

    Mon ami,

    Magnifique, comme toujours, mon ami. Long temps. J’ai confiance en vous et vos parents et belle famille sont tous bien.

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    LOL out loud!

  • riverdave

    Damn you Appy, I think I just cracked a rib. My lawyer will call your lawyer. In the meantime, how ya’ doin’?

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    blaine, how many children did you rape today?

  • davidblaine

    not as many as the catholics! sue me!

  • riverdave

    You are a special case tinkerbell. But in the words of Frank Zappa …

    “Stupidity has a certain charm – ignorance does not”

    But you are a unique blend of the two. But SO NOT charming.

    ps] that comment flagged.

  • MonaMi

    Fleuv, mon ami

    il est merveilleux de vous voir.

    Ma mere bien-ainee est avec les anges, papa et moi faisons tres bien apres cette annee tragique de la douleur.

    Merci, mon ami. J’taime.

  • jas

    How many family members do you have? LOL!!!

  • jas

    Good news Brain Drain.

    I Googled pussy like you asked–well, I didn’t really need to–but it looks nothing like you’d be interested in. LOL!!!

  • davidblaine

    How is that tsunami cut going for you hill jacks? you have any inbreeds going on we should know about?

    Suck it!

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Why, are you afraid of being eaten?

  • AppyH

    Google “this” pea brain. David puffer queen is back ….get ready for the queen of cut and paste. lace garter belts and butt plugs. Tinker Bell shoes and eye liner.

  • MyronJPoltroonian

    You may think you’re “cute”. (Trust me, there are some things even your best boyfriend won’t tell you.) However, you may rest your (“I feel pretty and witty and gay”) little head, with its little mind. I’ll not “keel” (haul) you – today. Although I may perform an Involuntary Postpartum Procedure on you instead at some point in the future. You, my dear Horatio, may only speak for yourself. It’s all you’re barely capable of. You may feel completely safe behind your “Cloak of Anonymity”, but you’re not nearly as invisible (read: Un-findable) as you believe. After all, your self centered sense of “Smugness” fails to hide your fear of the unknowable. By the way, it appears that the Starwars franchise seemed to have sold itself to a much wider audience than THX1138. It couldn’t be that George Lucas tapped into a universal truth, now could it? Of course, it could also be that your “Cosmic Egg” got a mite “Scrambled” in the mix. Eh? Good night, sweet princeling. Happy nothingness.

  • jas

    Appy had to mention cucumbers. LOL!!!

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    blaine, I’m not worried about myself. If I were you and I said something like the following, on a public forum no less, I’d be worried. Friggin psychopath.

    “My Angle

    I am going to ruin every last one of you pieces of sh*t with every last dollar i have (and gays have a hell of a lot more disposable income than breeders) to utilize my 2nd amendment right.
    i will f*ck your kids for this just as your churches do. ”
    Sep 21, 2010 @ 11:03 PM
    david blaine, los angeles

  • AppyH


    I’m working on “well” my friend ..time heals many things and sometimes God needs to hold us still enough to listen….

  • davidblaine

    Ann Coulter: On the Gay Circuit in West Hollywood
    Read More: Ann Coulter, Ann Coulter Gay Friends, Ann Coulter West Hollywood, Gay, Jeffrey Sanker, John Edwards, Media News
    000439 Get Breaking News Alerts
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    CommentsWe had dinner last night at Murano, a new West Hollywood restaurant, owned by gay circuit party promoter Jeffrey Sanker, and lesbian night club owners Robin Gans and Sandy Sachs. It’s a visually stunning space, straight lines, whites and reds accented by brilliant Murano glass chandeliers (hence the name of the restaurant). It’s right at home within eyeshot of West Hollywood’s Pacific Design Center, clearly appealing in a neighborhood of gay clubs, bars and restaurants.

    Toward the end of dinner, one of my companions insisted that the painfully thin, emotive, long blond haired thing in a small black dress with nearly exposed bosoms was none other than Ann Coulter. I did not believe him. Why would Ann Coulter, who hates homosexuals, go to dinner at gay ground zero? Why would she spend her hard earned gay-bashing royalties to enrich Jeffrey Sanker and otherwise support gay-owned businesses?

    But sure enough, he was right. I could not tell if she was dining with people she hates or just demonstrating that she’s a fraud who says whatever she must to sell books so that she can live the gay urban lifestyle. Based on her behavior last night, I am sure it is the latter, although based on her table mates, it could be both.

    Remember Ann Coulter on John Edwards and homosexuals?

    “I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot,’ so I’m – so, kind of at an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards, so I think I’ll just conclude here and take your questions.”

    Now, the last I checked, most gay people, including me, do not think the term “faggot” is endearing.

    Notorious people have the right to dine where they please. I also think that they have to eat their own cooking. It’s quite simple, really. If a person makes her money by being famous and that person has an addiction problem, she has the right to privacy to solve that problem. But if she proclaims her sobriety to get out of jail and then shows up at a bar, she has to expect that her public might inquire as to her truth. You can’t have it both ways: sober for the police and the press; publicly drunk for real. In time, you are caught in the lie. It’s one or the other, fame or privacy.

    Clearly, Ann Coulter was caught in a lie. There she was, burbling like a fountain about her interview on Donny Deutsch’s show in which she says Jews should be Christians, completely at ease in the heart of the gayest city on the planet. She was a natural with the gay men who surrounded her. She enjoyed the fawning attention by her two not so masculine male escorts, clearly in her milieu.

    I was therefore shocked that when we tried to engage her in conversation, she became embarrassed, turned away, nestling her head inside her long, blond hair, much as would an embarrassed school girl caught stealing the answers to an exam.

    We wondered if she was comfortable in West Hollywood, in a restaurant where a large number of the patrons are gay, and where the gay owners make money off of her dining bill. Her response (physically, because she would not speak): “I am too embarrassed to talk to you.” Had we been able to see her high cheek bones, then averted and clutched in her hands to hide her shame, we’d have seen a red-faced hypocrite, caught living a lie. Think Britney Spears or Paris Hilton or others who make money simply for being famous and then have no clue how to respond when they are caught lying.

    Ann Coulter loves the camera, so we snapped a few with a cell phone. Her sturdy female minder said we were “molesting” her. Ann Coulter molested by having her picture taken? I guess she’s molested every day, then. She might want to check into rehab to deal with her addiction to such molestation.

    When the manager came by with our check, he said, “Look, I’m sorry she’s here, but I have to serve her.” The staff were clearly appalled when they realized who was in their midst. Did Hitler eat kosher food even as he worked out the final solution?

    Remember those “we reserve the right to serve anyone” signs? I assume they are for real. Had it been my restaurant, I would have sent her away, not allowed her to enjoy the life she craves. On the other hand, we have to wonder why Ann Coulter feels so comfortable among the gay men she hates. Clearly, she’s just a hypocrite, saying outrageous, inflammatory, dangerous, un-Christian words simply to make enough money to pay for dinner in, well, West Hollywood.

    Ann Coulter had nothing to say last night because anything she could conjure would have been too absurd. So she ducked her head, embarrassed at being caught where she most likes to be, hoping to disappear. Ann Coulter is a coward who uses evil speech in the safety of a studio to make money. She obviously does not even believe the obscenities she hurls at America, a country she says she hates.

    How many adolescents in mid-America have heard Ms. Coulter saying they are “faggots,” subhumans who should die, just so she could eat dinner at a gay-owned establishment and pay with blood money? How many lives have ended so that Ms. Coulter can giggle and guzzle in West Hollywood?

    I do not believe in bothering famous people when they are out in public. But Ann Coulter created her fame and fortune by cultivating a persona of hate. She has to be called to account. Next time, I hope the folks at Murano or any other public establishment will just say no to the Ann Coulters of the world. Let Ann Coulter eat her own cooking. I doubt she can stand the taste of what she dishes, but it’s worth letting her try.

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    LOL out loud! Been snorting a little trilithium tonight?

  • riverdave

    Je Greive avec vous. Mon beau-père vient de passer d’une vie bien vécue. Cinq enfants et de nombreux petits-enfants et un petit nombre de grands crus. Mais il n’est jamais facile pour ceux qui restent encore et toujours enlacés. Nos parents vivent en nous comme nous vivons dans nos enfants et nos amis.

    Nous venons pourrait vivre éternellement.

  • jas

    Are you as turned on as I am right now?

  • jas


  • planeboy

    You sir should move to the head of the class with the likes of Vihar…BUT I must say for you to put that much effort into a response to the likes of a CW…I’am thinking your brain power is better off not even responding to a hole in the ground like that…choose you’re targets wisely as I’am sure you can do…welcome and PLEASE keep bringing it on…I noticed that your new to this site but we love it all…well maybe not all…but please keep it coming

  • jas

    Wait a minute Gabriel.

    My Hetero senses are tingling. I’m thinking David had a real cat fight with his Muslim pedestal (lol).

    And he’s only here to blow off steam. That IS all you intend on blowing?

  • AppyH

    Is Davy fruit cake a crotch reporter now? OH look David two birds are humping quick get your hall moniter pad and take names.

    Your nattering Squirrel posts are the queeny review for twits, fruits twinks fairywinkle drag queens and puffers. And last but not least you post nothing but Huff and puff propagagme cut and paste info for fags and progressive Marxist bastards … no difference.

  • davidblaine

    Are you dying for Big Love? Wet puss?

    Ann Coulter: On the Gay Circuit in West Hollywood

    We had dinner last night at Murano, a new West Hollywood restaurant, owned by gay circuit party promoter Jeffrey Sanker, and lesbian night club owners Robin Gans and Sandy Sachs. It’s a visually stunning space, straight lines, whites and reds accented by brilliant Murano glass chandeliers (hence the name of the restaurant). It’s right at home within eyeshot of West Hollywood’s Pacific Design Center, clearly appealing in a neighborhood of gay clubs, bars and restaurants.
    Toward the end of dinner, one of my companions insisted that the painfully thin, emotive, long blond haired thing in a small black dress with nearly exposed bosoms was none other than Ann Coulter. I did not believe him. Why would Ann Coulter, who hates homosexuals, go to dinner at gay ground zero? Why would she spend her hard earned gay-bashing royalties to enrich Jeffrey Sanker and otherwise support gay-owned businesses?

    But sure enough, he was right. I could not tell if she was dining with people she hates or just demonstrating that she’s a fraud who says whatever she must to sell books so that she can live the gay urban lifestyle. Based on her behavior last night, I am sure it is the latter, although based on her table mates, it could be both.
    Remember Ann Coulter on John Edwards and homosexuals?
    “I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot,’ so I’m – so, kind of at an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards, so I think I’ll just conclude here and take your questions.”
    Now, the last I checked, most gay people, including me, do not think the term “faggot” is endearing.
    Notorious people have the right to dine where they please. I also think that they have to eat their own cooking. It’s quite simple, really. If a person makes her money by being famous and that person has an addiction problem, she has the right to privacy to solve that problem. But if she proclaims her sobriety to get out of jail and then shows up at a bar, she has to expect that her public might inquire as to her truth. You can’t have it both ways: sober for the police and the press; publicly drunk for real. In time, you are caught in the lie. It’s one or the other, fame or privacy.
    Clearly, Ann Coulter was caught in a lie. There she was, burbling like a fountain about her interview on Donny Deutsch’s show in which she says Jews should be Christians, completely at ease in the heart of the gayest city on the planet. She was a natural with the gay men who surrounded her. She enjoyed the fawning attention by her two not so masculine male escorts, clearly in her milieu.
    I was therefore shocked that when we tried to engage her in conversation, she became embarrassed, turned away, nestling her head inside her long, blond hair, much as would an embarrassed school girl caught stealing the answers to an exam.
    We wondered if she was comfortable in West Hollywood, in a restaurant where a large number of the patrons are gay, and where the gay owners make money off of her dining bill. Her response (physically, because she would not speak): “I am too embarrassed to talk to you.” Had we been able to see her high cheek bones, then averted and clutched in her hands to hide her shame, we’d have seen a red-faced hypocrite, caught living a lie. Think Britney Spears or Paris Hilton or others who make money simply for being famous and then have no clue how to respond when they are caught lying.
    Ann Coulter loves the camera, so we snapped a few with a cell phone. Her sturdy female minder said we were “molesting” her. Ann Coulter molested by having her picture taken? I guess she’s molested every day, then. She might want to check into rehab to deal with her addiction to such molestation.
    When the manager came by with our check, he said, “Look, I’m sorry she’s here, but I have to serve her.” The staff were clearly appalled when they realized who was in their midst. Did Hitler eat kosher food even as he worked out the final solution?
    Remember those “we reserve the right to serve anyone” signs? I assume they are for real. Had it been my restaurant, I would have sent her away, not allowed her to enjoy the life she craves. On the other hand, we have to wonder why Ann Coulter feels so comfortable among the gay men she hates. Clearly, she’s just a hypocrite, saying outrageous, inflammatory, dangerous, un-Christian words simply to make enough money to pay for dinner in, well, West Hollywood.
    Ann Coulter had nothing to say last night because anything she could conjure would have been too absurd. So she ducked her head, embarrassed at being caught where she most likes to be, hoping to disappear. Ann Coulter is a coward who uses evil speech in the safety of a studio to make money. She obviously does not even believe the obscenities she hurls at America, a country she says she hates.
    How many adolescents in mid-America have heard Ms. Coulter saying they are “faggots,” subhumans who should die, just so she could eat dinner at a gay-owned establishment and pay with blood money? How many lives have ended so that Ms. Coulter can giggle and guzzle in West Hollywood?
    I do not believe in bothering famous people when they are out in public. But Ann Coulter created her fame and fortune by cultivating a persona of hate. She has to be called to account. Next time, I hope the folks at Murano or any other public establishment will just say no to the Ann Coulters of the world. Let Ann Coulter eat her own cooking. I doubt she can stand the taste of what she dishes, but it’s worth letting her try.

  • AppyH

    It brings them out of the wood work…..


  • AppyH

    OHHHHH David Blaineeee it thrills me when you take command….savage..

  • jas

    Homos have a way of going out of Vogue every Global panic. Pretty soon you’ll slither back into the relative safety of obscurity.

  • AppyH


    Davidblaine happy fruit cake drag queen was admitted from the E/R TO A HOSPITAL ROOM today with an umbrella in his rectum. David was grinning from ear to ear when asked if he could just wait a few minutes before the doctor arrives with forceps to remove the umbrella. David screamed, “Hell no! don’t remove the umbrella OPEN THE DAMN THING”…………..

  • riverdave

    Ok looney-toon, so now we know that you like musicals and identify with Maria. We have long known that you are a man to be respected for what you are, a babbling idiot.

    Well I am riverdave and if you have been paying attention for these past four or so years you should know that I have no cloak and welcome fruitcakes such as you to come and attempt violence on my land.

    Come on down to Kentucky, ask for riverdave.

    I guess you know where to stick your “Cosmic Egg”.

  • AppyH

    I heard about the cat fight…David claims she is sick and tired of dressing up like a camel and chewing a cud. To damn many camel chips and Goats milk can do this.

  • AppyH

    OH David slurp …ping me ….you savage animal you.. nice heels.

  • davidblaine

    To late, I already f+d your 60yr old kids…next

  • davidblaine

    Homo’s have a way of DICK’tating everything in your life!!!
    If you do not like it. I suggest you suck your own.

  • Guest

    For real info on the nuclear threat to Japan, do not trust “reports” from the MSM.

    Here are two sites where real, trustworthy info can be obtained:

    The first site explains the ins and outs of nuclear energy/radiation and the second relates directly to what is actually happening in Japan and it is done periodically and kept up-to-date.

    A friend in Sacramento who is married to a Japanese woman advised to believe very little what is given in “reports” by the MSM and he provided the second website. Also, he mentioned that a Japanese group in Sacramento is collecting donations for the victims of the disaster. If I see any interest here of that kind of charitable desire by any readers in here, I will provide an address and phone number. Let me know.

  • davidblaine

    The gays have already won the war you red neck pieces of sheeyat.
    Game on. Next move?

    AppyH wrote, in response to davidblaine:

    OH David slurp …ping me ….you savage animal you.. nice heels.

    Link to comment:

    davidblaine wrote:

    What is your freakin angle? You second amendment nut bag! I will say it again…We won…I will fuck your kids (albiet 60yr olds)…You think you will win? Game on.

  • MonaMi

    Ma mere a vecu une bonne vie. Sonarriere petit-enfant est he deux jours avant sa mort dans. Son sommeil qu’elle voulant faire. Dieu, l’a emmence pour etre avee Lui. Ses dernices mots furent “aidez-moi” Je crois que hous verrons nos proches a nouveau soulement ils servont beaux et sans douleur. De plus, je pleur vous pour votre perte.

    Merci, mon ami, fleuvDave.

    My french is no longer perfect, but I still understand and try my best. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to “brush up!” LOL

  • Guest



  • Guest


  • planeboy

    Jeez fool write a novel and get over it…I’am sure your west hollywood types LOVE YOU…is that bend over Blaine…

  • Guest


  • Guest

    I’ve got his Cut & Paste…

  • Guest


  • Guest

    Don’t turn him on, turn him in. Tolerating him is only encouraging him. Flag the guy until his teeth fall out.

  • davidblaine

    Bring it on. I have my Sharon Angle 2nd amendment rights behind me…not to mention, the freakin law – you idiots!

  • Guest


  • riverdave

    Good sites NoCrud, thanks.

    I posted another donation site a little earlier this night but do not have it just now, will go to file and repost a few times. Wish more would think about the devastation that is real for 10,000 dead and the 1,000,000 homeless and cold and hungry in the wake of this terrible disaster.

    Here is a site that Tony put up a while back. Really awesome.

    Good to ‘see’ ya’.

  • Guest


  • davidblaine

    I would love nothing more than a law suit! Bring it!

  • Guest


  • Guest

    I can think of only one “member” David PITA is interested in…

  • Guest

    If I were a mental case like David PITA, I’d be more concerned that Ann Coulter would take him to court and turn him into a crybaby. Of course this would not be hard to do. Libel is a serious crime and if done constantly and continually, it shows malice which is a contributing factor in lawsuits, especially when it comes to the judgment phase.

  • MonaMi


  • Guest


  • Paul Earth A.D.

    I think it’s a good thing for people to see David for who and what he really is. I imagine he had a little bit too much to drink tonight while celebrating St. Patrick’s day and now the real David, the one who had a foul mouthed temper tantrum and mental meltdown a number of months ago, has returned. And to think, just the other day David was here filled with pride and self aggrandizement for being the better person and intellectual superior over us all. And now, a little bit of alcohol and the whiny, mean spirited degenerate is re-revealed, hurling insults and speaking about someones mothers private parts in a degrading fashion. As much as I cannot stand bad drunks; in the case of homosexuals like David who put on airs about being such good people concerned with the feelings of all others and the self appointed protectors of all the worlds abused and unfairly treated; I think being drunk can be a very enlightening thing for those who weren’t aware what the true homosexual harbors within himself towards his fellow citizens. This is David, he represents the majority of homosexuals within the United States, they are mean, nasty, and extremely hateful and hurtful people; they are misogynists to the tenth degree and when seen without their make-up on, as we see David now — it’s clear why he and the homosexual community as a whole should not be trusted and never supported…….they are simply bad, disingenuous, and immoral people.

  • MonaMi

    Thanks, NC. I’ve flagged all of them!

  • MonaMi


  • davidblaine

    I think you mean FAG, FAG, FAG!

    Bring it. I will sue you til the cows suck their own tits!

  • davidblaine

    I smell a law suit!

  • MonaMi


  • Guest

    It sure is significant to one’s believability when he will not face the people he’s supposed to be talking to. Shifty-eyed Obama. Even monkeys at the zoo will keep their eyes on you but, then, they are not busy doing a spiel check on the teleprompters.

  • MonaMi


  • Guest

    For real info on the nuclear threat to Japan, do not trust “reports” from the MSM.

    Here are two sites where real, trustworthy info can be obtained:

    The first site explains the ins and outs of nuclear energy/radiation and the second relates directly to what is actually happening in Japan and it is done periodically and kept up-to-date.

    A friend in Sacramento who is married to a Japanese woman advised to believe very little what is given in “reports” by the MSM and he provided the second website. Also, he mentioned that a Japanese group in Sacramento is collecting donations for the victims of the disaster. If I see any interest here of that kind of charitable desire by any readers in here, I will provide an address and phone number. Let me know.

  • davidblaine

    What flag? Or did you mean fag?
    I think you hate both. No matter…I flagged you and will sue you to the fullest extent of the law.

  • davidblaine

    You cannot handle that Ms. Coulter eats puss? Me so sawry…its just a rumor….or better yet, google it! ann coulter gay bar

  • MonaMi


  • MonaMi


  • davidblaine

    Mona lezbo,

    Consider yourself served!

    I will sue you for oppressing my freedom of speech! i promise you that!

  • riverdave

    Ditto and done.

  • davidblaine

    Maybe you didn’t hear me the first time? I will sue you and this site…freedom of speech!
    Bring it.

  • Guest

    The bottom is the most substantial part of the reactor/containment system. What seems to be the problem is that the containment system is not doing or, perhaps, able to do the job of cooling the reactor or its components due to the containment system not being able to circulate the water because the pumps are not working due to the generators being disabled because of the generators being flooded by the tsunami waters.

    Here is a very interesting website that indicates that there is much more chicanery at work here and apparently at the highest levels…

    Nuclear Problem In Japan: Is Obama Responsible?

    From the BBC:

    2226: The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper, quoting a senior official of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan, said the US made the offer immediately after the disaster damaged Fukushima No 1 nuclear plant. According to the unnamed senior official, US support was based on dismantling the troubled reactors run by Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) some 250 km (155 miles) northeast of Tokyo. However, the government and TEPCO thought the cooling system could be restored by themselves, the report said.

    Am I reading this right?

    Our government demanded that the Japanese dismantle – that is, permanently remove – over five gigawatts of power in order to help them with a critical safety problem that had the potential to destroy 100 square miles of land and kill or injure thousands of people?

    That as compensation for helping them we demanded that they cripple their electrical generating capacity on a permanent basis?
    You have to be kidding me.

    This is an extremely serious charge. If it’s true it stands alone as grounds for impeachment and dismembering every single federal agency involved.

    Perhaps this explains why the US Military and/or civilian authorities didn’t stick a couple of big-ass generators on a transport plane and get them over there, restoring power to the reactors within hours of the incident and avoiding all of the serious radiation and physical damage at the plant.

    This allegation is ridiculously incendiary and demands an immediate and complete Congressional investigation. Not only do the citizens of the United States deserve to know the truth (or falsity) of this charge (and who initiated it if it is false), but so do the Japanese people.

    If this is how this man treats our friends – attempting to use a crisis threatening the lives of civilians to score a political point and advance his “green” agenda…..

    Since I posted this, 4 more news sources have picked this up…..

    View article here:

    Stephanie S. Jasky, Founder, Director –

    “America is at that awkward stage. It’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.” — Claire Wolfe

  • Guest

    Nuclear Problem In Japan: Is Obama Responsible?

    From the BBC:

    2226: The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper, quoting a senior official of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan, said the US made the offer immediately after the disaster damaged Fukushima No 1 nuclear plant. According to the unnamed senior official, US support was based on dismantling the troubled reactors run by Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) some 250 km (155 miles) northeast of Tokyo. However, the government and TEPCO thought the cooling system could be restored by themselves, the report said.

    Am I reading this right?

    Our government demanded that the Japanese dismantle – that is, permanently remove – over five gigawatts of power in order to help them with a critical safety problem that had the potential to destroy 100 square miles of land and kill or injure thousands of people?

    That as compensation for helping them we demanded that they cripple their electrical generating capacity on a permanent basis?
    You have to be kidding me.

    This is an extremely serious charge. If it’s true it stands alone as grounds for impeachment and dismembering every single federal agency involved.

    Perhaps this explains why the US Military and/or civilian authorities didn’t stick a couple of big-ass generators on a transport plane and get them over there, restoring power to the reactors within hours of the incident and avoiding all of the serious radiation and physical damage at the plant.

    This allegation is ridiculously incendiary and demands an immediate and complete Congressional investigation. Not only do the citizens of the United States deserve to know the truth (or falsity) of this charge (and who initiated it if it is false), but so do the Japanese people.

    If this is how this man treats our friends – attempting to use a crisis threatening the lives of civilians to score a political point and advance his “green” agenda…..

    Since I posted this, 4 more news sources have picked this up…..

    View article here:

    Stephanie S. Jasky, Founder, Director –

    “America is at that awkward stage. It’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.” — Claire Wolfe

  • davidblaine


  • davidblaine

    If you and your unHuman lackluster Events even think about blocking me from this site. I will bring on the biggest law suit they have ever seen. i promise you and them that!

  • davidblaine

    Freedom From Religious freaks!

    On this date in 1840, Marilla M. Ricker (née Young) was born in New Hampshire. She became a trail-blazing attorney, abolitionist, humanitarian and suffragist. Her father, Jonathan Young, reportedly related to Mormon prophet Brigham Young, was a freethinker and proponent of women’s rights who took his daughter to courtrooms and town meetings. Widowed at a young age, Marilla read law in Washington, D.C., determined to help the downtrodden. She passed the bar with the highest grade of anyone admitted in 1882. Her first public courtroom appearance was as assistant counsel to Robert G. Ingersoll. (The Ingersoll fan would later offer to buy the full 12-volume Dresden edition of the Works of Ingersoll for any New Hampshire library that would accept them.) She became known as the “prisoner’s friend,” successfully challenging a district law that indefinitely confined poor criminals unable to pay fees. Ricker, in 1871, had the distinction of being the first U.S. woman to vote using the argument that women were “electors” under the Fourteenth Amendment. In 1890, Marilla won the right of women to practice law in New Hampshire. She was admitted to the U.S. Supreme Court bar in 1891. She was denied the right to run for governor of New Hampshire in 1910, on a woman’s rights platform, by the state attorney general. Marilla Ricker was a longtime contributor of pithy columns to The Truth Seeker. Her books include Four Gospels (1911), I Don’t Know Do You? (1916), and I Am Not Afraid Are You? (1917). D. 1920.
    “A religious person is a dangerous person. He may not become a thief or a murderer, but he is liable to become a nuisance. He carries with him many foolish and harmful superstitions, and he is possessed with the notion that it is his duty to give these superstitions to others. That is what makes trouble. Nothing is so worthless as superstition. . . .”

  • Guest

    He takes life for granted. He never thought of life as a gift. It was given to him, he did not buy it and for sure does not deserve it.

    And I’m sure he does not think God is good and that He loves people enough to give them a life of some kind. Most rational, sane people are glad to have the life they have. Dissatisfaction comes from greed, many times, where people want more and more and do not appreciate what they already have.

  • davidblaine

    I will sue you (how fiscally responsible do you think you can be throughout a trial?)…watch me.

  • planeboy

    To bad you don’t know what one tastes like…you seem to be pissing up a wall here cause your gettin nowhere….Oh I know you love going down on Flamers and thats what is all about …Please no sucking up/or ahh up and down..Ahhh crap never mind I know you can’t help it, WE all know what love…was that Man or Boy?

  • davidblaine

    Hey Ms Coulter!

    You have less money than Oprah…the hatred of a Nazi and the mind of a lesbian.

    See below:

  • riverdave

    Well my ignorant young fool. Enjoy for the moment, your drivel will not be on this site tomorrow.

    Just what hate possesses you is not my concern, that you express it so crudely in a public forum does.

    A forum of this nature allows for sharing of common or opposing views.

    I think that if you were not so blinded by your own rage you might just understand that you could come here at any hour and be out gunned on any level you chose to operate on.

    There is no rant that has not been heard, no threat, no crude insult.

    You are nothing new, just another child that thinks this a game and that it can be won by someone as brilliant as your immaculate self.

    Think again, good riddance.

  • riverdave


    Get a life fool.

    And yes, you will be banned. Sorry about your luck.

  • davidblaine

    Get a sex partner that is not your family!

  • davidblaine

    I will never be banned. I have the people and the law on my side…just like Egypt.
    (That is in Africa)

  • riverdave

    “America is at that awkward stage. It’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.” — Claire Wolfe


    heh heh heh, and that one goes in my quote folder.

  • Guest

    “It starts all over again” is another form of circular logic. But, God is not explained by the rules of logic.

    The biggest mistake is thinking God is in your pocket. Wow, what a pocket… Anyway, we are expected and supposed to endeavor to know God and not just know things about him. Otherwise, we may just as well be like lambs that only know where to find the milk and, to them, this is quite enough to sustain life.

    For every theory there is another that is not explained by the first nor can the second explain the first. It is because they are only theories. For example, the Big Bang is a theory and can only be explained by other theories or by concepts that require “acceptable” theories to support them. Complicated ideas chasing each other around. The things that science fiction is made of…

    Faith in a God we cannot see (because He is a spirit) is very little different from the faith that is required by those who support theories instead of accepting God the Creator without doubt.

    It all depends on who you want your god to be. Either The God of Heaven and Earth or a god of your own imagination and creation.

    With God, there need not be any twisting of “logic” to see and believe in/on him but for the one of a person’s imagination, that god cannot exist without continual explanations and justification.

    To a Christian or person who believes in God Almighty, no explanation is needed except to better explain him to others. To paraphrase Popeye, He is that He is and there is no other. There can be no other foundation for acceptance and belief in God, our Creator.

    Those who believe in a god of their own creation are to be pitied for lacking true knowledge and understanding for they only exist in their own minds in the here and now and do not fathom that Eternity is not time-limited. The mere idea of being apart from Time is an unattainable concept for those who do not understand and know the I AM of the Bible.

  • davidblaine
  • davidblaine

    I wonder if Ellen or Oprah spent the night with Ann?

    Nah, Ann is too rigid.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable” (Lev. 18:22)

  • MonaMi

    Sue me? For what, flagging your disgusting language?

    You told my daughter you would love nothing better than to join the military and fight in a foxhole next to her, but don’t ask-don’t tell was in effect.

    Riddle me this…did you join the military now that the DADT has been lifted? Or, was that just a lie too?

  • davidblaine

    Christianity and it’s disgusting History

    Bible, Race & Slavery We are now in what many consider “National Bible Week” – a transparent attempt by right-wing theocrats to have their religion and their holy book be granted special recognition by our government. Unfortunately, some incompetent and insensitive politicians have played along with this by giving official proclamations for Bible Week. I think that it is important that everyone make a careful examination of the Bible and how it has been interpreted and used through history. If there are Americans who wish to celebrate the Bible in America, I think it might be good if they were educated as to just what horrors have been based on it.

    Of course, any time the Bible is used to justify an action, a particular interpretation must be employed (after all, the Bible contains quite a number of broad, vague, and even contradictory statements). The problem arises when the person refuses to recognize that they are using an interpretation. Few Christian arguments annoy me quite so much as that someone’s interpretation of the Bible is just “common sense” – and that thus anyone with a modicum of “common sense” will immediately see what the Truth is and agree with them. In fact, it is rare that any interpretation of any text is really “common sense.” Either an interpretation can be objectively defended by appeal to text and context, or it cannot. Those who can will do so, and those who cannot will most likely refuse to admit it. One of those issues which will appear to be “common sense” to the average Christian will be the biblical position on slavery.

    Unfortunately, one of the most abominable chapters in the history of how the Bible has been used and interpreted involve the questions of race and slavery. Racial relations, especially between whites and blacks, have long been deplorable in the United States. They started out badly, got worse before they got better, and are nevertheless still poor with slim prospects of improving a great deal any time soon. Although Christians will be loathe to admit it, their religion shares a significant part of the blame for this situation.

    People on all sides of racial and slavery issues have interpreted the Bible through the filters of their personal and cultural assumptions – but at no point will you find them admitting this. In every case people have seen their interpretations as “common sense” – the only and obvious way Christians should interpret their scriptures. The results will be the focus of this week’s article.

    Old Testament

    The first, and most obvious, thing to remember is that there is no specific condemnation of slavery to be found anywhere in the Bible. At no point does God express even mild disapproval of enslaving human beings, robbing them of what freedom and independence they might have had. On the contrary, God is depicted of both approving of and regulating slavery, ensuring that the traffic and ownership of fellow human beings proceeds in an acceptable manner. In many cases, the regulations display a horrible disregard for the lives and dignity of enslaved individuals, hardly the sort of thing one would expect from a loving God.

    Passages referencing and condoning slavery are common in the Old Testament. In one place, we read:

    When a slave owner strikes a male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies immediately, the owner shall be punished. But if the slave survives a day or two, there is no punishment; for the slave is the owner’s property. (Exod. 21:20-21)<

    So, the immediate killing of a slave is punishable but a man may so grievously injure a slave that they die a few days later from their wounds without facing any punishment or retribution. All societies in the Middle East at this time were condoned slavery, so it shouldn't be surprising to find approval for it in this document. As a human law, the above would be commendable – after all, there was nothing quite so advanced anywhere else in the Middle East. But as the will of an all loving god, it's abominable.

    As a side note, it should be observed that the King James Version of the Bible presents the above verse in an altered form, replacing "slave" with "servant" – thus gravely misleading Christians as to the intentions and desires of their God. One more reason to reject fundamentalist claims that the KJV is the only true and valid translation!

    New Testament

    The New Testament, unfortunately, is little better. Jesus never even comes close to expressing disapproval of the enslaving of other human beings, and many statements attributed to him reveal a tacit acceptance or even approval of that inhuman institution. Throughout the Gospels we read passages like:

    A disciple is not above the teacher, nor a slave above the master (Matt. 10:24)

    Who then is the faithful and wise slave, whom his master has put in charge of his household, to give the other slaves their allowance of food at the proper time? Blessed is that slave whom his master will find at work when he arrives. (Matt. 24:45-46)

    Although Jesus is using slavery in order to illustrate larger points, the question still remains why he would directly acknowledge the existence of slavery without saying anything negative about it?

    The letters (rightly or wrongly) attributed to Paul are even worse, making it clear that the existence of slavery is not only acceptable, but that slaves themselves should not presume to take the idea of freedom and equality preached by Jesus too far by attempting to escape their forced servitude.

    Let all who are under the yoke of slavery regard their masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be blasphemed. Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful to them on the ground that they are members of the church; rather they must serve them all the more, since those who benefit by their service are believers and beloved. Teach and urge these duties. Whoever teaches otherwise and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that is in accordance with godliness, is conceited, understanding nothing, and has a morbid craving for controversy and for disputes about words. From these come envy, dissension, slander, base suspicions, and wrangling among those who are depraved in mind and bereft of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain. (1Tim. 6:1-5)

    Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, in singleness of heart, as you obey Christ; not only while being watched, and in order to please them, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. (Eph. 6:5-6)

    Tell slaves to be submissive to their masters and to give satisfaction in every respect; they are not to talk back, not to pilfer, but to show complete and perfect fidelity, so that in everything they may be an ornament to the doctrine of God our Savior. (Titus 2:9-10)

    Slaves, accept the authority of your masters with all deference, not only those who are kind and gentle but also those who are harsh. For it is a credit to you if, being aware of God, you endure pain while suffering unjustly. If you endure when you are beaten for doing wrong, what credit is that? But if you endure when you do right and suffer for it, you have God's approval. (1Pet. 2:18-29)

    What are we to make of passages such as those quoted above? We must conclude that the author(s) did not disapprove of the institution of slavery and probably regarded it as an appropriate part of society. Again, slavery was common in all contemporary societies, and it would be surprising to find condemnation here. But if those authors were indeed divinely inspired, as is commonly thought by Christians, then we must conclude that God's attitude towards slavery is not particularly negative. Christians are certainly not prohibited from owning slaves, and anyone who does not agree is directly condemned. There is, then, no conflict between being a Christian and being an owner of other human beings.

    No "common sense" interpretation can deny such things without doing violence to the text itself, and nothing can be criticized as having been "taken out of context." Christians should perhaps consider admitting that their Bible was written in a primitive, barbaric age and as such represents the primitive, barbaric attitudes of that age.

    Early Christian History

    How did the early Christians deal with the issue of slavery? There was almost universal approval of slavery among church leaders. Christians vigorously defended slavery (along with other forms of extreme social stratification) as instituted by God and as being an integral part of the natural order of men. At all points, their reasoning was clearly and easily supported by the Bible passages quoted above.

    Let's allow them to tell us in their own words:

    The slave should be resigned to his lot, in obeying his master he is obeying God… (Saint John Chrysostom)

    …slavery is now penal in character and planned by that law which commands the preservation of the natural order and forbids disturbance. (Saint Augustine)

    These attitudes continued throughout European history, even as the institution of slavery evolved and in most cases slaves became "serfs" – little better than actual slaves and living in a deplorable situation which the church declared as being divinely ordered.

    Not even after serfdom disappeared and full-fledged slavery once again reared its ugly head was it generally condemned by Christian leaders. Edmund Gibson, Anglican Bishop in London, made it clear in the 18th century that Christianity freed us from the slavery of sin, not from earthly and physical slavery:

    The Freedom which Christianity gives, is a Freedom from the Bondage of Sin and Satan, and from the Dominion of Men's Lusts and Passions and inordinate Desires; but as to their outward Condition, whatever that was before, whether bond or free, their being baptized, and becoming Christians, makes no manner of Change in it.

    American Slavery

    The first ship bearing slaves for America landed in 1619, beginning over two centuries of human bondage on the American continent, bondage which would eventually be called our "peculiar institution." This institution always received theological support from various religious leaders, both in the pulpit and in the classroom. For example, through the late 1700s, Reverend William Graham was rector and principle instructor at the Liberty Hall Academy, now Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. Every year, he lectured the senior graduating class on the value of slavery and used the Bible in his defense of it. For Graham and the many like him, Christianity was not a tool for changing politics or social policy, but instead to bring the message of salvation to everyone, regardless of their status of freedom. In this, they were certainly supported by biblical text.

    As Kenneth Stamp wrote in The Peculiar Institution, Christianity actually became a way to add value to slaves in America:

    …when southern clergy became ardent defenders of slavery, the master class could look upon organized religion as an ally …the gospel, instead of becoming a mean of creating trouble and strive, was really the best instrument to preserve peace and good conduct among the negroes.

    Through teaching slaves the message of the Bible, they could be encouraged to bear the earthly burden in exchange for heavenly rewards later on – and they could be frightened into believing that disobedience to earthly masters would be perceived by God as disobedience to Him. Ironically, enforced illiteracy prevented slaves from reading the Bible themselves. This is ironic because a similar situation existed in Europe during the Middle Ages, as illiterate peasants and serfs were prevented from reading the Bible in their own language – a situation which was instrumental in the Protestant revolution. Now, Protestants were doing much the same thing African slaves: using the authority of their Bible and the dogma of their religion to repress a group of people without even allowing them to read the basis of authority on their own.

    Division and Conflict

    As Northerners decried slavery and called for its abolition, southern political and religious leaders found an easy ally for their pro-slavery cause in the Bible and Christian history. In 1856 Reverend Thomas Stringfellow, a Baptist minister from Culpepper County in Virginia, put the pro-slavery Christian message succinctly in his "A Scriptural View of Slavery:"

    …Jesus Christ recognized this institution as one that was lawful among men, and regulated its relative duties… I affirm then, first (and no man denies) that Jesus Christ has not abolished slavery by a prohibitory command; and second, I affirm, he has introduced no new moral principle which can work its destruction…

    Of course, Christians in the North disagreed – and some denominations, like Quakers, appear to have never been afflicted by slavery. Interestingly, most abolitionist attacks were based on the premise that the nature of Hebrew slavery differed in significant ways from the nature of slavery in the American South. Although this was meant to argue that the American form of slavery did not enjoy Biblical support, it nevertheless tacitly admitted that the institution of slavery did, in principle, have divine sanction and approval so long as conducted in an appropriate manner.

    In the end, the North won on the question of slavery. Although the Southern Baptist Convention was formed in an effort to preserve the Christian basis for slavery before the start of the Civil War, they did not feel it necessary to bother apologizing until June 1995. The reason was that even though the question of slavery had been settled, the question of race still burned.

    Repression and Superiority

    The later repression and discrimination against the freed black slaves received as much biblical and Christian support as the earlier institution of slavery itself. This discrimination and the choice to enslave blacks only was made primarily on the basis of what has become known as the "sin of Ham" or "the curse of Canaan." Occasionally there would also be defenses of the inferiority of blacks by asserting that they bore the "mark of Cain."

    We read in Genesis, chapter nine, that Noah's son Ham comes upon him sleeping off a drinking binge and sees his father naked. Instead of covering him, he runs and tells his brothers. Shem and Japheth, the "good" brothers, return and cover their father. In retaliation for Ham's "sinful act" of seeing his father nude, Noah puts a curse on his grandson (Ham's son) Canaan: ?Cursed be Canaan; lowest of slaves shall he be to his brothers" (Gen 9:25).

    Over time, this curse came to be interpreted that Ham was literally "burnt," and that all his descendants had black skin, marking them as slaves with a convenient color-coded label for subservience. When and how this gained widespread acceptance is questionable, but anti-slavery religious and political leaders have worked to refute it for more than a century. Today, biblical scholars note that the ancient Hebrew word "ham" does not have to be translated as "burnt" or "black" – but there is unfortunately little consensus on how the name and passage should be interpreted. Further complicating matters is the position of some Afrocentrists that Ham, although not actually cursed (despite what the Bible says!) was indeed black, as were many other characters in the Bible. Once again, people end up reading the passage as supporting their own racial assumptions.

    Although many Christians today would be horrified at using the Bible as a support for racism, they should recognize that it was used in just such a fashion by Christians in America in the same way and with the same justification as Christians today use the Bible in their defense of their favorite ideas. Even as recently as the 1950's and 60's, Christians vehemently opposed desegregation or "race-mixing" for religious reasons. The "curse" of poor Ham lingered on in the minds of white Christians who fought to preserve a constant separation of the races.

    A corollary to the inferiority of blacks has long been the superiority of white Protestants – something which has not yet dissipated in America. Although "Caucasians" are not to be found anywhere in the Bible, that hasn't stopped members of Christian Identity groups from using the Bible to prove that they are the true "chosen people" or "true Israelites." This may seem bizarre, but it has long been popular among American Protestants to see themselves as being "divinely appointed" to tame the American wilderness despite the "demon Indians." Americans are supposed to be blessed with a special destiny by God, and many read an American role in Armageddon in the book of Revelations. I am ever amazed at the degree to which Christianity encourages extreme egotism and inflated sense of self-importance or personal destiny.

    Christian Identity is just a new kid on the block of White Protestant Supremacy – the earliest such group was the infamous Ku Klux Klan. Too few people realize that the KKK was founded as a Christian organization and still sees itself in terms of defending true Christianity. Especially in the earliest days, Klansmen openly recruited in churches (white and segregated, of course), attracting members from all strata of society, including the clergy.

    Although Klan ceremonies have varied greatly, one common form will include an American flag, a cross, and a Bible opened to Romans 12, exhorting Christians to "godly conduct, godly nature." Also common is a sword representing the war against all enemies of the Christian life an the American "Christian Nation." Opening and closing prayers may often include "The living Christ is a Klansman's criterion of character." The origin of a burning cross is unclear – it may stem from the ancient Scottish tradition of burning a cross on a hill to call together the clans, or it may be representative of spreading the light of the True Cross in an effort to promote Christian faith.

    Interpretation and Apologetics

    The cultural and personal assumptions of the pro-slavery Christians (and pro-slavery biblical authors) quoted above are probably obvious to all of us now, but I doubt that they were obvious to slavery supporters at the time. Similarly, today, I'm sure that few people are aware of the cultural and personal baggage which they bring to their readings. They assume the truth of what they believe, and are determined to find divine sanction for their beliefs in their holy book. I think that these Christians would be better off defending their ideas on their own merits, but I quite honestly doubt they are capable of it. Perhaps they doubt themselves too, and that's why they don't try.

    My recommendation is against ever accepting any sort of "common sense" defense of any biblical interpretation. Throughout history, the idea that someone's interpretation is just "common sense" has been used on every side of every issue, including today's topic of slavery. Defense of an interpretation can only be done via rational, logical argument. Unfortunately for Christians, that has been used effectively on every side of every issue, too – including today's topic of slavery.

    Maybe that means that using the Bible isn't a valid defense of an idea? Could be…

  • davidblaine

    How many slaves do you own?

    Why do you believe that a woman can become pregnant by a god?

    In today’s world she would be a lying whore. I guess nothing has changed!

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Leviticus 20:13 (King James Version)

    13If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

  • riverdave


    You fool, that is so not Ann Coulter. The girl in the photo is maybe 26 at best and just lacks presence. Another clue would be the writer indicating she ‘hid’ in her hair. I guess you do not know much about this woman.

    I have a photo of her sitting on her momma’s porch steps in a pair of cut-offs firing a rifle.

    Don’t you ever watch Fox? Tune in then compare the girl in the bar full of faggots with the woman on the screen.

  • MonaMi

    Are we witnessing another mental breakdown and implosion into insanity like we did last September when the 9th Circuit brought down their decision?

    Think so…

    Sue me, Bubba.

    For your information, I don’t hate gays, just the act. In fact, I like to watch Ru Paul’s Drag Race.

    Sue me!


  • davidblaine

    What does the stupid book say about blacks and women? you wanna compare notes? Bring it! F-ing idiot.

  • planeboy

    Well the pucker butt has spoken…

  • davidblaine

    i love that you love rupaul’s drag race! go gurl! lol.

  • davidblaine

    Christianity and History
    Bible, Race & Slavery We are now in what many consider “National Bible Week” – a transparent attempt by right-wing theocrats to have their religion and their holy book be granted special recognition by our government. Unfortunately, some incompetent and insensitive politicians have played along with this by giving official proclamations for Bible Week. I think that it is important that everyone make a careful examination of the Bible and how it has been interpreted and used through history. If there are Americans who wish to celebrate the Bible in America, I think it might be good if they were educated as to just what horrors have been based on it.

    Of course, any time the Bible is used to justify an action, a particular interpretation must be employed (after all, the Bible contains quite a number of broad, vague, and even contradictory statements). The problem arises when the person refuses to recognize that they are using an interpretation. Few Christian arguments annoy me quite so much as that someone’s interpretation of the Bible is just “common sense” – and that thus anyone with a modicum of “common sense” will immediately see what the Truth is and agree with them. In fact, it is rare that any interpretation of any text is really “common sense.” Either an interpretation can be objectively defended by appeal to text and context, or it cannot. Those who can will do so, and those who cannot will most likely refuse to admit it. One of those issues which will appear to be “common sense” to the average Christian will be the biblical position on slavery.

    Unfortunately, one of the most abominable chapters in the history of how the Bible has been used and interpreted involve the questions of race and slavery. Racial relations, especially between whites and blacks, have long been deplorable in the United States. They started out badly, got worse before they got better, and are nevertheless still poor with slim prospects of improving a great deal any time soon. Although Christians will be loathe to admit it, their religion shares a significant part of the blame for this situation.

    People on all sides of racial and slavery issues have interpreted the Bible through the filters of their personal and cultural assumptions – but at no point will you find them admitting this. In every case people have seen their interpretations as “common sense” – the only and obvious way Christians should interpret their scriptures. The results will be the focus of this week’s article.

    Old Testament

    The first, and most obvious, thing to remember is that there is no specific condemnation of slavery to be found anywhere in the Bible. At no point does God express even mild disapproval of enslaving human beings, robbing them of what freedom and independence they might have had. On the contrary, God is depicted of both approving of and regulating slavery, ensuring that the traffic and ownership of fellow human beings proceeds in an acceptable manner. In many cases, the regulations display a horrible disregard for the lives and dignity of enslaved individuals, hardly the sort of thing one would expect from a loving God.

    Passages referencing and condoning slavery are common in the Old Testament. In one place, we read:

    When a slave owner strikes a male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies immediately, the owner shall be punished. But if the slave survives a day or two, there is no punishment; for the slave is the owner’s property. (Exod. 21:20-21)<

    So, the immediate killing of a slave is punishable but a man may so grievously injure a slave that they die a few days later from their wounds without facing any punishment or retribution. All societies in the Middle East at this time were condoned slavery, so it shouldn't be surprising to find approval for it in this document. As a human law, the above would be commendable – after all, there was nothing quite so advanced anywhere else in the Middle East. But as the will of an all loving god, it's abominable.

    As a side note, it should be observed that the King James Version of the Bible presents the above verse in an altered form, replacing "slave" with "servant" – thus gravely misleading Christians as to the intentions and desires of their God. One more reason to reject fundamentalist claims that the KJV is the only true and valid translation!

    New Testament

    The New Testament, unfortunately, is little better. Jesus never even comes close to expressing disapproval of the enslaving of other human beings, and many statements attributed to him reveal a tacit acceptance or even approval of that inhuman institution. Throughout the Gospels we read passages like:

    A disciple is not above the teacher, nor a slave above the master (Matt. 10:24)

    Who then is the faithful and wise slave, whom his master has put in charge of his household, to give the other slaves their allowance of food at the proper time? Blessed is that slave whom his master will find at work when he arrives. (Matt. 24:45-46)

    Although Jesus is using slavery in order to illustrate larger points, the question still remains why he would directly acknowledge the existence of slavery without saying anything negative about it?

    The letters (rightly or wrongly) attributed to Paul are even worse, making it clear that the existence of slavery is not only acceptable, but that slaves themselves should not presume to take the idea of freedom and equality preached by Jesus too far by attempting to escape their forced servitude.

    Let all who are under the yoke of slavery regard their masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be blasphemed. Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful to them on the ground that they are members of the church; rather they must serve them all the more, since those who benefit by their service are believers and beloved. Teach and urge these duties. Whoever teaches otherwise and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that is in accordance with godliness, is conceited, understanding nothing, and has a morbid craving for controversy and for disputes about words. From these come envy, dissension, slander, base suspicions, and wrangling among those who are depraved in mind and bereft of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain. (1Tim. 6:1-5)

    Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, in singleness of heart, as you obey Christ; not only while being watched, and in order to please them, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. (Eph. 6:5-6)

    Tell slaves to be submissive to their masters and to give satisfaction in every respect; they are not to talk back, not to pilfer, but to show complete and perfect fidelity, so that in everything they may be an ornament to the doctrine of God our Savior. (Titus 2:9-10)

    Slaves, accept the authority of your masters with all deference, not only those who are kind and gentle but also those who are harsh. For it is a credit to you if, being aware of God, you endure pain while suffering unjustly. If you endure when you are beaten for doing wrong, what credit is that? But if you endure when you do right and suffer for it, you have God's approval. (1Pet. 2:18-29)

    What are we to make of passages such as those quoted above? We must conclude that the author(s) did not disapprove of the institution of slavery and probably regarded it as an appropriate part of society. Again, slavery was common in all contemporary societies, and it would be surprising to find condemnation here. But if those authors were indeed divinely inspired, as is commonly thought by Christians, then we must conclude that God's attitude towards slavery is not particularly negative. Christians are certainly not prohibited from owning slaves, and anyone who does not agree is directly condemned. There is, then, no conflict between being a Christian and being an owner of other human beings.

    No "common sense" interpretation can deny such things without doing violence to the text itself, and nothing can be criticized as having been "taken out of context." Christians should perhaps consider admitting that their Bible was written in a primitive, barbaric age and as such represents the primitive, barbaric attitudes of that age.

    Early Christian History

    How did the early Christians deal with the issue of slavery? There was almost universal approval of slavery among church leaders. Christians vigorously defended slavery (along with other forms of extreme social stratification) as instituted by God and as being an integral part of the natural order of men. At all points, their reasoning was clearly and easily supported by the Bible passages quoted above.

    Let's allow them to tell us in their own words:

    The slave should be resigned to his lot, in obeying his master he is obeying God… (Saint John Chrysostom)

    …slavery is now penal in character and planned by that law which commands the preservation of the natural order and forbids disturbance. (Saint Augustine)

    These attitudes continued throughout European history, even as the institution of slavery evolved and in most cases slaves became "serfs" – little better than actual slaves and living in a deplorable situation which the church declared as being divinely ordered.

    Not even after serfdom disappeared and full-fledged slavery once again reared its ugly head was it generally condemned by Christian leaders. Edmund Gibson, Anglican Bishop in London, made it clear in the 18th century that Christianity freed us from the slavery of sin, not from earthly and physical slavery:

    The Freedom which Christianity gives, is a Freedom from the Bondage of Sin and Satan, and from the Dominion of Men's Lusts and Passions and inordinate Desires; but as to their outward Condition, whatever that was before, whether bond or free, their being baptized, and becoming Christians, makes no manner of Change in it.

    American Slavery

    The first ship bearing slaves for America landed in 1619, beginning over two centuries of human bondage on the American continent, bondage which would eventually be called our "peculiar institution." This institution always received theological support from various religious leaders, both in the pulpit and in the classroom. For example, through the late 1700s, Reverend William Graham was rector and principle instructor at the Liberty Hall Academy, now Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. Every year, he lectured the senior graduating class on the value of slavery and used the Bible in his defense of it. For Graham and the many like him, Christianity was not a tool for changing politics or social policy, but instead to bring the message of salvation to everyone, regardless of their status of freedom. In this, they were certainly supported by biblical text.

    As Kenneth Stamp wrote in The Peculiar Institution, Christianity actually became a way to add value to slaves in America:

    …when southern clergy became ardent defenders of slavery, the master class could look upon organized religion as an ally …the gospel, instead of becoming a mean of creating trouble and strive, was really the best instrument to preserve peace and good conduct among the negroes.

    Through teaching slaves the message of the Bible, they could be encouraged to bear the earthly burden in exchange for heavenly rewards later on – and they could be frightened into believing that disobedience to earthly masters would be perceived by God as disobedience to Him. Ironically, enforced illiteracy prevented slaves from reading the Bible themselves. This is ironic because a similar situation existed in Europe during the Middle Ages, as illiterate peasants and serfs were prevented from reading the Bible in their own language – a situation which was instrumental in the Protestant revolution. Now, Protestants were doing much the same thing African slaves: using the authority of their Bible and the dogma of their religion to repress a group of people without even allowing them to read the basis of authority on their own.

    Division and Conflict

    As Northerners decried slavery and called for its abolition, southern political and religious leaders found an easy ally for their pro-slavery cause in the Bible and Christian history. In 1856 Reverend Thomas Stringfellow, a Baptist minister from Culpepper County in Virginia, put the pro-slavery Christian message succinctly in his "A Scriptural View of Slavery:"

    …Jesus Christ recognized this institution as one that was lawful among men, and regulated its relative duties… I affirm then, first (and no man denies) that Jesus Christ has not abolished slavery by a prohibitory command; and second, I affirm, he has introduced no new moral principle which can work its destruction…

    Of course, Christians in the North disagreed – and some denominations, like Quakers, appear to have never been afflicted by slavery. Interestingly, most abolitionist attacks were based on the premise that the nature of Hebrew slavery differed in significant ways from the nature of slavery in the American South. Although this was meant to argue that the American form of slavery did not enjoy Biblical support, it nevertheless tacitly admitted that the institution of slavery did, in principle, have divine sanction and approval so long as conducted in an appropriate manner.

    In the end, the North won on the question of slavery. Although the Southern Baptist Convention was formed in an effort to preserve the Christian basis for slavery before the start of the Civil War, they did not feel it necessary to bother apologizing until June 1995. The reason was that even though the question of slavery had been settled, the question of race still burned.

    Repression and Superiority

    The later repression and discrimination against the freed black slaves received as much biblical and Christian support as the earlier institution of slavery itself. This discrimination and the choice to enslave blacks only was made primarily on the basis of what has become known as the "sin of Ham" or "the curse of Canaan." Occasionally there would also be defenses of the inferiority of blacks by asserting that they bore the "mark of Cain."

    We read in Genesis, chapter nine, that Noah's son Ham comes upon him sleeping off a drinking binge and sees his father naked. Instead of covering him, he runs and tells his brothers. Shem and Japheth, the "good" brothers, return and cover their father. In retaliation for Ham's "sinful act" of seeing his father nude, Noah puts a curse on his grandson (Ham's son) Canaan: ?Cursed be Canaan; lowest of slaves shall he be to his brothers" (Gen 9:25).

    Over time, this curse came to be interpreted that Ham was literally "burnt," and that all his descendants had black skin, marking them as slaves with a convenient color-coded label for subservience. When and how this gained widespread acceptance is questionable, but anti-slavery religious and political leaders have worked to refute it for more than a century. Today, biblical scholars note that the ancient Hebrew word "ham" does not have to be translated as "burnt" or "black" – but there is unfortunately little consensus on how the name and passage should be interpreted. Further complicating matters is the position of some Afrocentrists that Ham, although not actually cursed (despite what the Bible says!) was indeed black, as were many other characters in the Bible. Once again, people end up reading the passage as supporting their own racial assumptions.

    Although many Christians today would be horrified at using the Bible as a support for racism, they should recognize that it was used in just such a fashion by Christians in America in the same way and with the same justification as Christians today use the Bible in their defense of their favorite ideas. Even as recently as the 1950's and 60's, Christians vehemently opposed desegregation or "race-mixing" for religious reasons. The "curse" of poor Ham lingered on in the minds of white Christians who fought to preserve a constant separation of the races.

    A corollary to the inferiority of blacks has long been the superiority of white Protestants – something which has not yet dissipated in America. Although "Caucasians" are not to be found anywhere in the Bible, that hasn't stopped members of Christian Identity groups from using the Bible to prove that they are the true "chosen people" or "true Israelites." This may seem bizarre, but it has long been popular among American Protestants to see themselves as being "divinely appointed" to tame the American wilderness despite the "demon Indians." Americans are supposed to be blessed with a special destiny by God, and many read an American role in Armageddon in the book of Revelations. I am ever amazed at the degree to which Christianity encourages extreme egotism and inflated sense of self-importance or personal destiny.

    Christian Identity is just a new kid on the block of White Protestant Supremacy – the earliest such group was the infamous Ku Klux Klan. Too few people realize that the KKK was founded as a Christian organization and still sees itself in terms of defending true Christianity. Especially in the earliest days, Klansmen openly recruited in churches (white and segregated, of course), attracting members from all strata of society, including the clergy.

    Although Klan ceremonies have varied greatly, one common form will include an American flag, a cross, and a Bible opened to Romans 12, exhorting Christians to "godly conduct, godly nature." Also common is a sword representing the war against all enemies of the Christian life an the American "Christian Nation." Opening and closing prayers may often include "The living Christ is a Klansman's criterion of character." The origin of a burning cross is unclear – it may stem from the ancient Scottish tradition of burning a cross on a hill to call together the clans, or it may be representative of spreading the light of the True Cross in an effort to promote Christian faith.

    Interpretation and Apologetics

    The cultural and personal assumptions of the pro-slavery Christians (and pro-slavery biblical authors) quoted above are probably obvious to all of us now, but I doubt that they were obvious to slavery supporters at the time. Similarly, today, I'm sure that few people are aware of the cultural and personal baggage which they bring to their readings. They assume the truth of what they believe, and are determined to find divine sanction for their beliefs in their holy book. I think that these Christians would be better off defending their ideas on their own merits, but I quite honestly doubt they are capable of it. Perhaps they doubt themselves too, and that's why they don't try.

    My recommendation is against ever accepting any sort of "common sense" defense of any biblical interpretation. Throughout history, the idea that someone's interpretation is just "common sense" has been used on every side of every issue, including today's topic of slavery. Defense of an interpretation can only be done via rational, logical argument. Unfortunately for Christians, that has been used effectively on every side of every issue, too – including today's topic of slavery.

    Maybe that means that using the Bible isn't a valid defense of an idea? Could be…

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Corinthians 6:9-10 (New International Version, ©2011)
    9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

  • davidblaine

    If the KKK can exist legally…so can you.

    How did your family taste? You having the baby?

  • MonaMi

    Did you join the military like you said you wanted to do? Yes, DADT IS over! You said that was the only thing keeping you from joining. You claimed you actually “cried” when my daughter who IS in the military wrote to you.

    I think that was a lie. My girl was very nice to you…

    Sue me!


  • davidblaine

    Ann Coulter: On the Gay Circuit in West Hollywood

    We had dinner last night at Murano, a new West Hollywood restaurant, owned by gay circuit party promoter Jeffrey Sanker, and lesbian night club owners Robin Gans and Sandy Sachs. It’s a visually stunning space, straight lines, whites and reds accented by brilliant Murano glass chandeliers (hence the name of the restaurant). It’s right at home within eyeshot of West Hollywood’s Pacific Design Center, clearly appealing in a neighborhood of gay clubs, bars and restaurants.
    Toward the end of dinner, one of my companions insisted that the painfully thin, emotive, long blond haired thing in a small black dress with nearly exposed bosoms was none other than Ann Coulter. I did not believe him. Why would Ann Coulter, who hates homosexuals, go to dinner at gay ground zero? Why would she spend her hard earned gay-bashing royalties to enrich Jeffrey Sanker and otherwise support gay-owned businesses?

    But sure enough, he was right. I could not tell if she was dining with people she hates or just demonstrating that she’s a fraud who says whatever she must to sell books so that she can live the gay urban lifestyle. Based on her behavior last night, I am sure it is the latter, although based on her table mates, it could be both.
    Remember Ann Coulter on John Edwards and homosexuals?
    “I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot,’ so I’m – so, kind of at an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards, so I think I’ll just conclude here and take your questions.”
    Now, the last I checked, most gay people, including me, do not think the term “faggot” is endearing.
    Notorious people have the right to dine where they please. I also think that they have to eat their own cooking. It’s quite simple, really. If a person makes her money by being famous and that person has an addiction problem, she has the right to privacy to solve that problem. But if she proclaims her sobriety to get out of jail and then shows up at a bar, she has to expect that her public might inquire as to her truth. You can’t have it both ways: sober for the police and the press; publicly drunk for real. In time, you are caught in the lie. It’s one or the other, fame or privacy.
    Clearly, Ann Coulter was caught in a lie. There she was, burbling like a fountain about her interview on Donny Deutsch’s show in which she says Jews should be Christians, completely at ease in the heart of the gayest city on the planet. She was a natural with the gay men who surrounded her. She enjoyed the fawning attention by her two not so masculine male escorts, clearly in her milieu.
    I was therefore shocked that when we tried to engage her in conversation, she became embarrassed, turned away, nestling her head inside her long, blond hair, much as would an embarrassed school girl caught stealing the answers to an exam.
    We wondered if she was comfortable in West Hollywood, in a restaurant where a large number of the patrons are gay, and where the gay owners make money off of her dining bill. Her response (physically, because she would not speak): “I am too embarrassed to talk to you.” Had we been able to see her high cheek bones, then averted and clutched in her hands to hide her shame, we’d have seen a red-faced hypocrite, caught living a lie. Think Britney Spears or Paris Hilton or others who make money simply for being famous and then have no clue how to respond when they are caught lying.
    Ann Coulter loves the camera, so we snapped a few with a cell phone. Her sturdy female minder said we were “molesting” her. Ann Coulter molested by having her picture taken? I guess she’s molested every day, then. She might want to check into rehab to deal with her addiction to such molestation.
    When the manager came by with our check, he said, “Look, I’m sorry she’s here, but I have to serve her.” The staff were clearly appalled when they realized who was in their midst. Did Hitler eat kosher food even as he worked out the final solution?
    Remember those “we reserve the right to serve anyone” signs? I assume they are for real. Had it been my restaurant, I would have sent her away, not allowed her to enjoy the life she craves. On the other hand, we have to wonder why Ann Coulter feels so comfortable among the gay men she hates. Clearly, she’s just a hypocrite, saying outrageous, inflammatory, dangerous, un-Christian words simply to make enough money to pay for dinner in, well, West Hollywood.
    Ann Coulter had nothing to say last night because anything she could conjure would have been too absurd. So she ducked her head, embarrassed at being caught where she most likes to be, hoping to disappear. Ann Coulter is a coward who uses evil speech in the safety of a studio to make money. She obviously does not even believe the obscenities she hurls at America, a country she says she hates.
    How many adolescents in mid-America have heard Ms. Coulter saying they are “faggots,” subhumans who should die, just so she could eat dinner at a gay-owned establishment and pay with blood money? How many lives have ended so that Ms. Coulter can giggle and guzzle in West Hollywood?
    I do not believe in bothering famous people when they are out in public. But Ann Coulter created her fame and fortune by cultivating a persona of hate. She has to be called to account. Next time, I hope the folks at Murano or any other public establishment will just say no to the Ann Coulters of the world. Let Ann Coulter eat her own cooking. I doubt she can stand the taste of what she dishes, but it’s worth letting her try.

  • MonaMi

    One minute you are calling me a redneck nasty name…the next minute you are loving that I do like RuPaul, the original drag queen. Sheesh!

    You know why I like it? I enjoy watching the transformation and how much work it takes to turn a man’s face into a flashy woman’s face. Sometimes grotesque, sometimes not.

    I was a makeup artist in…guess where….L.A.!!! I know how much work it takes. Other than that, I don’t condone the act of gay pleasures, just the transformation. When the makeup comes off….they are ALL men!

  • davidblaine

    not only have i spoken…i have a link with pics of her in fag heaven!

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Romans 1:18-32 (New International Version, ©2011)

    God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity
    18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
    21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

    24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

    26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

    28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

  • MonaMi

    Sue me, baby cakes!

    For your information, I look BETTER than a drag queen! I can dress up and makeup just like them because I know what it takes, but I am a woman!

    Therein lies the difference.

    The more you implode, and call me names, the more fascinating the implosion!

  • MonaMi

    heh heh heh, you don’t know to whom you are talking. Fiscally responsible? You bet!

    Bring it!


  • MonaMi

    Oh, you are so scary. BTW, why did you call me a lezbo? I have one healthy relationship with a MAN, Bubba!

    I’ll bring my daughter to the trial in her uniform…this should be so much fun! I didn’t suppress any freedom of speech for you. I flagged because this forum has rules and regulations that offensive speech is NOT tolerated!

    Buh bye, davidblabbermouth, I have seen your kind before.


  • MonaMi


  • deeme

    Thanks NC I still think there might be a hairline crack from the earthquake that the water is seeping through but I don’t know enough about all this..Sendai looks like Hiroshima. I prayed so hard for those folks last night. They are such great people., they are refusing to leave where they think their houses use to be., I’d probably be the same way I’ve been through a couple disasters myself.. Glad I went to sleep before the devil’s son showed up…Ann I love you and don’t know why you let him in at all…If it helps don’t care where you hang out..It’s still a free country as far as I can tell maybe for a little while.. You are a beautiful person..DB is probably someone like Rosie wishing you would hang out there…by the way watched Jeff Beck last night and he still rocks…

  • Lynn Long

    28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.



    “In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. Herein is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (I John 4:9-10).


  • Guest

    John 19:6 When the chief priests therefore and officers saw him, they cried out, saying, Crucify him, crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Take ye him, and crucify him: for I find no fault in him.
    John 19:15 But they cried out, Away with him, away with him, crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar.

    40 years later those chief priests, having already turned against the Caesar, lost it all when Jesus Christ, using the Roman army under the command of General Titus, returned in final judgment on Israel and had Jerusalem captured and its temple burned to the ground because of the false religion known as Judaism.

    1,878 years after that date that Israel was wiped off the map, the United Nations reinstated Israel as a nation….

    God is watching all of us. Amen.

  • george

    No I don’t have the number. What is it. I am sure you have it since you have obviously used it before.

    Preventing terrorism is everybody’s business.
    If you SEE something, SAY something.
    Call the Metropolitan Police Department at (202) 727-9099 or email at SAR@DC.GOV to report suspicious activity or behavior that has already occurred.
    Call 911 to report in-progress threats or emergencies.

    To learn more, visit

  • 1LonesomeDove1

    CW’s mission here has always been to miss the point, then build an argument around that negative.

    He’s but one particle out of the many liberal isoDOPES we’re exposed to at Human Events.

  • Liberteric

    I strongly agree. I recall an episode of Stossel in which he went to an “Earth Day” even, and had the tree huggers signing petitions to ban di-hydrogen oxide, which is water.

  • Liberteric

    I LOVED watching the liberals banging their heads into the walls when David Guggenheim (co-writer and filmaker of and inconvenient truth) after he came out with “Waiting for Superman” explaining how teachers unions were screwing minority students by forcing them to go the sub-standard schools. I mean, he was a genius a few years ago, and now he’s an idiot. I wish they’d make up their hypocritical minds.

  • Guest


  • Lynn Long

    Matthew 5:17-20 (New International Version, ©2011)

    The Fulfillment of the Law

    17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • 1LonesomeDove1

    You have no freedom of speech here, you perverted little toad. The Constitution only protects your speech rights when speaking against your government, not on web sites that you stink up with your foul mouth and body stench.

    When you violate the rules, they’ll do whatever they please with you. If that means stuffing you in the cyber trash can where you belong, then that’s what will happen.

  • yahoo-4W5TJ5BWYKP6XIAOQ4FRTS2G74

    Let’s send Biden to Japan with his trains, wind mills and solar panels to fix there economy.
    Maybe this time he will figure out that Japan is a country not a state next to delaware.

  • realityexposer

    You people are mentally sick, now radiation is not so bad because someone who claims they are a conservative tells you so. Are you all f*cking insane. If it is so wonderful, please goto the powerplant in Japan and bathe in the radiation, Ann Coulter told you nuclear radiation is good. Once more embarassig to be a conservative, so embarassing. YOu mental cases are against solar and water power, because “libs” are in favor of it. Anyone with a brain is against nuclear power, libs, cons, does not matter. You freaks are so warped by ideology, you can no longer think rationally.

  • realityexposer

    Coulter tells you radiation is no so bad, like zombies you believe this and justify this…. Are you conservatives or just mindless idiots?

  • realityexposer

    If Coulter says radiation is good, it is good, lib lib lib. I’m a conservative and love radiation, libs are wimps and afraid of it, lib lib lib
    no shock is the most popular conservative site in America, few buy the sick garbage on this site
    You people embarass me and conservatives everywhere
    REAL CONSERVATIVES not radiation loving zombies

  • blueindy1

    To anybody that believes Ann Coulter and her “assessment” of the risks of radiation, I want you to do two things: 1) Go to Japan, tell them there’s no danger and they’re all going to live longer because of this accident, and THEN volunteer to go into those nuke plants yourself. And don’t wear the radiation suits. After all, if a little radiation is good for you, then a lot must be even better, right? Besides, you’ll be able to glow in the dark…should be quite pretty.

    And, TWO, LIVE THERE, right next to it. Plant corn. Raise a family. Live your life. I’ll check back with you in a few years to see how many arms, legs, and heads your children have.

  • Guest

    To find out if the radiation from Japan has reached our shores, we should suspend Jane Fonda in a Go-Go cage from the Santa Monica cliffs like a canary in a coal mine. If she stops squawking we’ll know we’re in trouble.

  • westoast

    Yes we are all out looking for something radioactive to put in our mouths, now that we have missed the humor in Ann’s column, and decided radiation is always a good thing to be exposed to.
    I haven’t visited infowars yet though I intend to. I am not able to log on right now for some reason. I’m curious what the fuss is about.
    Usually when something pops up that is supposed to be conservative it is a watered down version of conservative thought designed to pull people into PC mainstream media/liberal democrat thinking.
    If you think that Ann Coulter would tell people to use radioactive materials for jewelry, and are in any way right, maybe we ARE all zombies here and can’t think for ourselves.
    Or maybe someone has persuaded you to think that Ann is always lying and should never be afforded an impartial ear. Even if it is just to get a smile or laugh. Because then you might learn something they do not approve of.

  • Guest

    How kind of you to share your naive suggestions with us. Try sending them to the Letters to the Editor in your “racy” city and see how far that will get you. Then you can get back to us and tell us how many think you are the genius we’ve all been waiting for.

  • planeboy

    AS Rich said “useful idiots”…

  • Guest

    In stealth mode, huh?

    Well, at least you’ve sent a bunch of Libs to Infowars to get the latest poop on the government’s duplicity.

    Thank you very much…

  • Guest

    More importantly, if that’s what you are, what are we? Isn’t this the message you meant to send home???

  • Guest

    You’re lost in space but no worries. I just flagged you for your vulgarity. What a keen mind you have there, Sir Idiot…

  • Guest

    I think you give Obiden too much credit for logical thinking. That guy’s a whole nickel short of a penny.

  • Guest

    Isn’t it interesting how Atheists will use the Bible as profitable to their cause to pose arguments against Christians while they never fail to say that there is no God and, therefore, no Word of God???

    They argue for argument’s sake… And they wonder why we tend to care little for their mindless chatter about their concepts and interpretations of the Bible?

    Titus 3:9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.

  • Guest

    A fool talks about what he thinks is foolishness…

    Why are Atheists fools? Because the Bible tells us so:

    Psalms 53:1 To the chief Musician upon Mahalath, Maschil, A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

  • westoast

    Okay. And you go strap yourself to the blade of a windmill.
    That way we will all have proved our point in a way that makes no sense whatsoever.
    No one is saying radiation can not be harmful!

  • Guest

    Copy & Paste, Copy & Paste, Copy & Paste, Copy & Paste, Copy & Paste…

    Do you have a brain, Blaine? When are you going to say something original instead of cherry-picking nonsense from ancient, little-known writers?

    As Obama said, “They’re words, just words.” But, if you are indeed a lawyer as you brag, then you are wordsmith…of the lowest order.

  • westoast

    I guess your flag button was already primed and ready to go from that other idiot.
    It’s ironic that they could remove a letter from the word “flag” and it would describe the type of person that usually resorts to the worst sorts of profanity here.

  • Guest

    DisGust, are you reading this weird stuff from davidblaine???

  • riverdave

    Hi NoCrud,

    I flagged him as well, but I liked the old HE flag box where you could leave a note. Still to understand just why these yo-yo’s come here. Seems most seem to think they are so advanced that the zombies here will tremble in their presence.

    Go figure, talk about flags, that twit Blaine made my morning read-thru of the site take twice as long stopping to flag his filth.

    I hope the moderators lock him out. He’s not even a fun troll, no real beliefs just a foul mouth and a fowl brain.

  • Guest

    And you hang out on beaches. You love those beaches, don’t you.


  • blueindy1

    Jeeeees, Much Crud, I must be unusally dense today. What is my “naive” suggestion? If all that radiation is so good for you, well…. go help out. Think of the benefits! I mean, here’s Lil’ Annie, even talking up Chernobyl and the benefits of Nuclear war.

    Maybe you should read some accounts of those who lived through Hiroshima and Nagasaki, those who were THERE at the time and in the days and weeks that followed. I’m sure YOU would enjoy the stories of people’s faces SLIDING OFF from sever radiation burns. I remember sometime after the Nuclear bombs were used on Japan some books came out in the US about how the bombs “weren’t really that bad”, and they had photographs of parts of buildings still standing at “Ground Zero” in Hiroshima to prove it.

    So, ok, GREAT! Nothing to it! So go there. Help out, and take Ann Coulter with you. Maybe she’ll mutate into something normal.

    Who knows? Maybe you will, too.

  • Guest

    Do people here realize that it’s snowing where the tsunami hit and that almost all their clothes were lost in the disaster?

    Even in a power outage due to an ice storm or a shortage of non-contaminated water, people here help our own. Where we are able, Americans are quick to help those in dire need. And, Japan is now in dire need but it is a need NOW and not weeks or months from now.

    We are in debt to Japan — big time! If we help them in their hour of need, will they be as quick to call in those debts if we were very understanding regarding their crucial needs at this moment?

    The Japanese are very honorable people and are not the kind to offer up revenge in a moment of anger. This is not their way. But, they are survivalists and will do what they believe necessary.

    It is time for Americans to think outside the envelope.

  • Guest


  • Guest


  • westoast

    You still don’t freaking get it. Ann is talking about small amounts of radiation. You are talking about ground zero of an atomic explosion.
    Just so you can pretend you’re smarter than someone else!

  • Guest

    I’m betting we will continue to see David PITA change the subject when anyone dares him to sue any of us. He’s all talk. Just a bag of hot air that reeks of homosexuality.

    His goal is to get everyone talking to him. It’s a turn-on for a Legal Beagle to engage in an argument that he thinks he’s winning. I guess it’s much better for David PITA than to be just talking to himself. What a miserable thing that would be.

  • Guest


  • Culture_Warrior

    In case you missed it… Coulter’s article here looks like the latest iteration of the right’s assault on science in support of its political aims. They’ve done it before with their contrarian opposition to global warming, evolution/’intelligent design’ and peak oil. Although their assertions have flown in the face of modern science they have managed to create a constituency of the gullible.
    The current embroglio was probably hatched in right wing think tanks, a la Frank Luntz. They seem to be launching a propaganda campaign aimed at its base to manipulate opinion with the intention of influencing American elections. They have long supported nuclear power and the nuclear industry. Widespread public opposition to nukes, since TMI, seems to be waning and the right needs to act fast in the wake of the latest Japanese nuclear disaster.
    I expect the American people to see this farce for what it is.

  • Guest

    No — YOU bring it. You brag about being rich. Hahaha

    When confronted, you try to turn it around.

    I dare you to try a lawsuit here. Then we can do a Class Action suit for all your insults and watch you sweat.


  • Guest

    Right! More bravado from a big-mouthed homosexual. Hahaha

  • ^TDO^


    A parrot. I am almost sure I read this before. It was answered but apparently you could not defend yourself.

    Typical lib. If you say it often enough, you think it makes it true.

    It is the libs that politicize science.

  • Paul_in_Tempe

    Even if CW is not worthy of such a reply, using CW’s comment as a “teaching moment” is beneficial to others at this site. Thus, we have learned something that will help any of us to reply to “more worthy of discussion” radiation fear mongers we encounter in the future.

  • Paul_in_Tempe

    Yes Tony! And they use groups like ACORN and employ “community organizers”. And now, we have one of their ilk as POTUS!

  • Guest

    You speaking for “American People”???

    May I then assume you are not American? If so, then just speak for yourself and allow us to judge whether you are any smarter than Ann Coulter.

    Pretending to speak for “American People” sure does something for your credibility, doesn’t it? Right! It makes us laugh until our fingers keep sliding off the buttons on our keyboards.

  • Guest

    Your mindless drivel does not help your case.

    How unimpressive you are, child…

    And you talk about Ann Coulter being or not being “normal”???

    Now, THAT IS naive…!!!

  • Guest

    He’s stretching that concept of being smarter when he applies it to himself.

    He’s still thinking like a child — ergo NAIVE…

  • Guest

    IF, as you say, Ann Coulter is practicing “faggotic” things and you are one, why then are you so much against her???

    You are a contradiction to your own premises.

  • Paul_in_Tempe

    In your criticism of wind mills you forgot to mention the devastating effects on our little avian friends. Why do we not hear the wacko environmentalists crying about all the turbine wacked birds?

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    TDO are you still here?

  • Paul_in_Tempe

    Oops, I posted my reply before I saw yours.

  • Guest

    Pure Bovine Scatology or, if you prefer, BS…

  • ^TDO^



    I am in the middle of chores, LOL. I just now saw this.

    Yes, I will be on and off over a few minutes time, so if you respond and I don’t get ‘right’ back to you, I will shortly,

    Sorry, again!!

  • ^TDO^

    Speaking of Davidblaine,

    OMG, if he really does have his 2nd Amendment right covered as he claims, I have a hunch is Muslim butt buddy should be worried. My bet is that David found him in bed with another man, LOL.

    Either that or he woke up with the world’s worst hangover today.


    Sue Us!!


  • riverdave

    Let me see if I got that right. You are comparing the blast of an Atomic bomb to the core meltdown of a nuclear power station?

    Damn son, the difference was explained to my classmates and me in the 6th grade. {1960-time flies when you’re having fun.} And trust me, we were much more concerned about “the bomb” back then.

    As for ‘normal’ I guess that is somewhat relative, if you are normal, {why would anyone want to mutate to arrive there} then it follows that you are also a mutant.

  • Bill

    Red meat and ciggarettes are good for you too, it’s just that wev’e been brainwashed by the Pinko’s all these years. I’ve been gargling with whiskey for years, and I don’t have cancer. And if I want to smoke a little crack while I’m driving to work, who’s business is it other than mine?

    I’m so sick and tired of people telling me what’s good for me and what will kill me. People have died while putting their seatbelts on in their Volvos too, do we need to ban seatbelts or Volvos?

  • westoast

    Hi Red, TDO.

  • westoast

    Only smoking crack on the way to work? Sure you are.

  • ^TDO^

    ” I’ve been gargling with whiskey for years, ”


    Our suspicions are confirmed.

  • ^TDO^

    Hey WT, How U B

  • Bill

    They won’t let me smoke it while I fly the plane. Freakin’ Nazis!

  • westoast

    I B O K.

  • Bill

    I’ve got one word for all you that doubt large releases of radiation are dangerous-


  • westoast

    Try hallucinogenics. Nazis turn into talking flowers… sometimes.

  • ^TDO^

    Bill, I find you grating normally, but I never suspected your reading comprehension was faulty, just your idea of humor.

    You may want to read the article and the comments again.

  • ^TDO^


    We’ve have suspected Bill of this for years.

  • westoast

    Please point out anyone who doubts large scale releases of radiation are harmful. I will help you ridicule them.
    P.S. I know you’re just being comedic but a lot of people have come on pretending we want to put fuel rods in school lunches.
    Missing the point of course that this weeks article is, in part, about blowing things out of proportion.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    Bill hurry to Japan as soon as possible, Mothra has been spotted in flight over the Korean Peninsula to Japan, and they are in need of an idiot extra who can either ride a bicycle or who owns a Hudson to be in one of the fence sitting inaction scenes.

    The directors have heard of your complete inability to take a stand and they figure you would be excellent in the role of the waffler.

  • jas

    If Red had used two words, they would have been:

    Wedding Photos. LOL!!!

  • under_1perfectredumbrella


  • ^TDO^


    I hear the gubermint is thinking of removing the federal tax on ciggarettes (sic).

    And there is nothing like a medium rare Porterhouse, sorry.

    And not wearing seat belts has saved me from serious injury twice. Although since they have improved side collision strength, I always wear one. But then, why aren’t they on school busses. I wonder about that a lot.

  • ^TDO^

    He can play the role of one of those cute tiny Japanese Pixies that are always in the Mothra movies.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    Or required on tour buses. Or in RVs

  • ^TDO^

    I have lots of those Jas,

    At least 4 sets

  • jas

    Something was eating (sic) away at him last night.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    yes with Beatle haircuts and big black rimmed glasses and knock-kneed, who is always running around hysterically.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    You need to keep your google mail as an open tab TDO….

  • ^TDO^


    When i have encountered all my posts going to the top like yours are, log out, shut down your browser, start it back up, and then login. Seems to fix mine for days, now.

    The site is getting a little better.

  • jas

    I don’t know if Blowupindy can get any dizzier.

  • jas


    I like your other list better. The one with Lynn’s Atomic Cats, Lynn’s Dentures, and Lynn’s Colostomy Bag, among dozens of others.

    And are you really the long-lost Eighth Dwarf?

    For the record I haven’t been able to get past the first Cliff Note.

  • Lynn Long

    Is is obvious that you aren’t lost—- just the dipshit wise ass… are you also a dwarf?

  • jas

    Follow the Yellow Brick Road, shorty.

  • jas

    That was easy.

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    I beg to differ, I once read “Galatians” but I don’t think I really understood it. The stuff sat in the fridge for like 3 days but it never set up. I finally just drank it. Pretty good, lime flavored it was.

  • jas

    Next time, try it with sliced Hebrews. LOL!!!

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    I once had some Kosher Corinthian Dogs with Malachi Mustard! mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmm, yum!

  • Lynn Long

    One more stooge and you “fellas” would be a trifecta.

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    I dunno, I’m partial to Baruchworst and sauerkraut!

  • jas

    Ethnic Melting Pot food. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!

  • skepti1

    The impression I have reading these comments is that sophistry is alive and well. Storm Bringer and Vihar especially are guilty. I am reminded of the great days of Edward Teller.

    Science is far too delicate a discipline to be abused by gentlemen such as these. I can recall a dinner at which three of our guests were Nobel Prize winning scientists. One was a physicist, one a geneticist, the third a chemist. The subject was black holes. The geneticist reacted to the theory with the same arrogance I comment on here.

    We will be hearing smart scientists defending “Intelligent Design,” corn syrup, breeder reactors, freon based air conditioning, Michelle Bachmann, the right to drive Hummers, and even Ann Coulter. There’s a reason above ground nuclear testing was banned– and why the vast majority of the scientific community believed that was the right decision.

    But arrogance trumps wisdom. And there are few men less wise than smart scientists who don’t understand the limitations of their discipline– and how easy it is to abuse it. For all I know, Al Gore is equally guilty. All I can comment on is what I am reading here.

  • ^TDO^


    I was alive during all that above ground testing in the 50′s. You mean I am dead?

  • jas

    There’s a reason above ground nuclear testing was banned– and why the vast majority of the scientific community believed that was the right decision.

    Earplug shortage?

  • jas

    Imagine all those intellectuals sitting around the dinner table using a Spinach Quiche, a bowl of beets, and seared lamb chops as substitutes for the Cosmos.

  • ^TDO^


    I guess I am alive. Jas just responded to me.

  • westoast

    I see nuked people.
    They see what they want to see…

  • westoast

    A bowl of beets? Yuck! Throw those in the black hole first.

  • jas

    Hey fellers, I do believe we have enough firepower for a good old Lynn-fashioned Gang Bang!

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    I kinda see your point. I used to be a Gecko, I mean, before all those atom bombs and all.

  • deeme

    PRESIDENT OBOMA SAYS HE READS 10 LETTERS FROM CHILDREN EVERY NIGHT. I suspect that it’s been a long, long time since he’s read anything from John Stuart Mill or Benjamin Franklin, so here are some “letters from kids” who have actually heard of the Founding Fathers.

    Dear Mr. President: I am 5 years old and I have been home-schooled for three years. My mom says that 2 + 2 is 4. What was it when you were in school? My dad says you must not have the slightest idea.” — Joshua

    Dear Mr. President: I am 6 years old. I go to a private school. My question is: As a Constitutional lecturer, what do you think the original purpose of the Constitution was? My mom says you must not have the slightest idea.” — Becky

    Dear Mr. President: I am 7 years old and I would like to have a bicycle, but my dad says he is going to wait and see if you make us buy health insurance. So what’s it going to be — a bicycle or health insurance that I don’t need?” — Jacob

    Dear Mr. President: I am 8 years old and live on a dairy farm. I have been doing chores since I was just a little kid — most of my life actually. My question is, why should people who dropped out of high school and have never worked get free milk? — Daniel

    P.S. I know how to drive a tractor and a truck, but I don’t have a bicycle yet. My dad says he’s waiting to see if we have to buy health insurance or go to jail.

    Dear Mr. President: I am 9 years old and we are studying philosophy in my parochial school. Some people use salt to melt ice and some people use salt to make ice cream. Do you think we will ever find out who’s right? — Sarah

    Dear Mr. President: I am 10 years old and I read the New York Times. The other day Al Gore said that the seas are evaporating, but some people think the seas are rising. Do you ever think we will find out the truth? — Isaac

    Dear Mr. President: I am 11 years old and go to a public school. My teacher says that she knows for sure that Thomas Jefferson had a child by a slave. I didn’t know my teacher was that old. — Ann

    Thanks Curtis D…

  • jas


    I knew you had no way to evolve but up!

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    Oh, and exactly what the hell is wrong with corn syrup? I do believe those Corinthian Dogs I ate were, like, 99% polyunsaturated corn syrup. I ate like a dozen of them and I’m fine.

  • Lynn Long

    You need 3 more people….. you must have a combined IQ of 100 to be a Lynn-bashing gang bang.

  • westoast

    I’m still doing the math.

  • ^TDO^


    I love it! Especially the PS.

  • deeme

    I met a fairy today that would grant me one wish.
    “I want to live forever,” I said.
    “Sorry” said the fairy, “I’m not allowed to grant wishes like that!”
    “Fine,” I said, “I want to die after the Democrats get their heads out of
    their asses!”
    “You crafty bastard,” said the fairy.

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    I’m on a self-imposed moratorium, at least until he pisses me off again, which will probably be like 2 minutes from now. Déjà vu all over again. That and it’s kinda sad that according to him it only take an IQ of 100 to best him so my brain power isn’t needed.

  • ^TDO^

    That’s Obama’s line!

    Shame on you!

  • Lynn Long

    Don’t flatter yourself, lizard… I was only counting you at IQ 10.

  • westoast

    Hi Lynne. Nice to see you’re feeling better.
    How fortunate For yoU

  • Lynn Long

    Thanks, waistcoat…….

  • jas

    Don’t mention it, petty……coat! LOL!!!

  • westoast

    Any time wind breaker!

  • Lynn Long

    Oh good, I thought for a second that JAS had become a brain fart for you…. the ole one-mind gang bang mentality at work.

  • riverdave

    And your point is? Damn! The irradiated zombies are coming ashore already.


    deeme, I can relate to the fellow granted the wish.

    Does this guy count? {ya, but only to 10}

    I want to live until Septi1 gets his head out of his ass.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Mar 21, 2011

    Islam is a Religion of Sin-Sick People

    The earthquake in Japan has been such a massive news event that it has absolutely dominated the headlines. But one story out of Israel deserves our attention.

    In the Israeli settlement of Itamar, five members of the Fogel family were murdered in their home. This included three children, ages one month, three years, and eleven years. The eleven-year-old was killed as he lay reading in bed. All three children had their throats slit. The mother was stabbed as she came out of the bathroom, with evidence showing that she struggled with her attacker.

    The massacre was most likely carried out by Palestinian terrorists. Despite the heinous nature of the crime, two Palestinian groups have been competing with each other to claim responsibility for the killings.

    There is clearly a form of insanity at work in the minds of these people. In response to the murders, Gaza residents from the southern city of Rafah hit the streets Saturday to celebrate the terror attack. On Monday, Hamas showed their glee by handing out candy and pastry treats. One Gaza resident said the joy “is a natural response to the harm settlers inflict on the Palestinian residents in the West Bank.”

    The worship of people who commit evil acts is embedded into Palestinian culture. A child can walk to school today along a street named after terrorist Abu Jihad, who planned a bus hijacking that killed 37, spend the day in a school named after Hamas founder Ahmad Yassin, play soccer in the afternoon in a tournament honoring terrorist Abd Al-Basset Odeh, who killed 31, and end the day at a youth center named after Abu Iyad, who was responsible for killing 11 Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich.

    The record-holder for killers who have the most things named after them would have to be Dalal Mughrabi. He murdered more Israelis than any other Palestinian terrorist, and for this reason his name graces two elementary schools, a kindergarten, a computer center, summer camps, football tournaments, a community center, a sports team, a public square, a street, an election course, an adult education course, a university club, a dance troupe, a military unit, a dormitory in a youth center, a TV series, a TV quiz team and a graduation ceremony (

    There is rarely any mention of this disgusting practice by the liberal media. Imagine what would happen if a veterans’ group that still held a grudge from World War II expressed joy over the calamity taking place in Japan. The negative backlash would be so great that the group would be forced to disband. Comedian Gilbert Gottfried made jokes about the earthquake and tsunami on his Twitter page and was promptly fired as the voice of the Aflac duck.

    One of the greatest mistakes of our generation is the inability to realize the demonic nature of Islam. If it weren’t for the teachings of the Koran, there would be no need for airport security. Muslims have a near monopoly on acts of violence. On Rapture Ready’s “Terrorism Timeline,” you would have to go back to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing to find an attack that wasn’t carried out by a follower of Mohammed.

    In the past couple of months, the Middle East has been swept by a reform movement. Despite all the hope, there is little chance that true democracy will gain a foothold in that region. Most polls show that radical Islamic groups would have the upper hand in any free election. Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has brutalized his people, and he deserves to be overthrown. Unfortunately, the odds are very high that someone of equal cruelty will take his place. As long as the Arab people continue to adhere to Islam, they are doomed to live in bondage.

    It’s frustrating to see Islam playing the role of “Teflon religion.” I realize that Satan is going to do everything he can to prevent discredit coming to one of his best tools for the damnation of souls. Judgment will eventually come to the Islamic world. Someday, it will side with Israel ‘s enemies and suffer a series of defeats.

    “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb. 10:31).

    “Just so, when you see the events I’ve described beginning to happen, you can know his return is very near, right at the door” (NLT Matthew 24:33).

    – Todd

  • ^TDO^


    You do KNOW which H.E. site would benefit the most from this post, don’t you?

    They already brought this up.

  • AppyH

    HA HA HA HA HA HA that is your final answer Lynn? You posted the books of the Bible?….you just get more rich as time goes by.

    N/C is sound in his scriptures …and has used them…and you post the books of the Bible because as a professional Bible mechanic you have those answers. Going to a site and dragging up some bible verses to prove the Bible wrong because you cannot discern what it means is not a Bible study nor is it an application of God’s HOLY Word to one’s self is it?

    If in fact you knew the bible frorm front to back and could quote every word and not apply what you have read to yourself it is all for nothing. Of course as the Bible says, The word of God is not of any private interpertation it is of God’s spirit and if a person does not have God’s spirit they cannot discern what application to make.

  • Lynn Long

    Study them, asshole….. particularly all the ones that the Catholic freaks kept out of the canon…… what a moron you are.

  • ^TDO^

    Just saw you posted it at Pat’s.

    It really needed to be there. Thanks.

    Now watch the deniers and antisemitics come out.

  • AppyH

    These books of no spiritual application are still remaining in the Catholic bible for historical reasons.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    If you mean Pat’s site, I already posted it there. If it’s another site, then let me know, or you can copy and paste it there.

  • ^TDO^


    You mean like the ones that say the God of the New Testament and the God of the Old Testament are two different Gods.

    Or the one by the Satirist making fun of all the Christians.

    Do you even read what you post?

    I was not going to say anything, but….

  • ^TDO^

    Yeah, that’s what I meant.

    Now watch the reaction, LOL

  • Lynn Long

    I am just so happy that you and Yappy are so much smarter than me…. I bet neither of you has even looked at the Gospel of Thomas…. let alone the Acts of Peter, Paul and James…. or the Gospel of Mary Magdalene….. hell, you boys are really well-informed.

  • ^TDO^

    That didn’t really answer the question I asked you, now did it.

  • jas

    Now we know where Little Bo Peep lost her Sheep! LOL!!!

  • Lynn Long

    OMG,,,,, a circle jerk AGAIN….. I am outta here.

  • ^TDO^


    Bible expert, run away.

  • jas

    He’s Hovering….

    In more ways than one. LOL!!!

  • Lynn Long

    I don’t have the inclination or desire to school in any today… simpleton.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Yeah, It’s really sick how people, including those who believe themselves to be good; can look at reality and excuse evil merely for the sake of their own hatred. Although what we see going on in today’s world in regards to this blindness that seems to strike so many; I believe there’s a spiritual component to it; namely the absence of God’s Spirit and a wealth of influence from the Devil who’s goal is to exterminate the Jewish people.

  • Lynn Long

    spend about 50 yrs studying this link and then come ask me questions.

  • jas

    How come TDO gets to be a simpleton and I always have to be the dipsh*t wise ass?

  • riverdave

    If you will wait until I’m done to post here.

  • westoast

    You just answered your own question. LOL

  • Lynn Long


  • jas

    Only if you’ll study this for the next 10 minutes without becoming aroused:

    First option.

  • jas


    You finally got to put your PhD to good use. LOL!!!

  • ^TDO^

    Another non answer.

    So do you really think that a book of satire on the christians of the time and a book that declares that there are, in fact, two separate Gods, should be in the New Testament.

    A simple yes or no is sufficient.

    Or once again you can run away, oh mighty biblical scholar.

  • ^TDO^

    They pulled some of Big Ziggy’s posts today. I am not happy about that. I wish they would let them stay there so people can read the hatred that we are responding to.

  • ^TDO^

    He could explain it, jas, but then he’d have to kill you. It is one of those MI things

  • Lynn Long

    The simple answer is what Jesus did. He told us that God loves us… not that God is going to punish us forever. Is it just now dawning on you that there is 2 different ideas of God between the Jews and Jesus?

  • AppyH

    These books again can be found on any bible book store shelf and were removed by Bible scholars because they are historical having nothing to do with salvation but are avalible anywhere. No secret Mr. Wizard of wisdom and witchcraft, your pointed hat is caught in the ceiling fan.

    Some of these books were written by questionable people as well.. Go ahead now and explain the whole process where these men simply without any reason excluded these books ….waaaa booo hooo..

    Futhermore why do you care? You have proclaimed here many times that it is all hog wash and you don’t believe any of it..or maybe you do AGREE but “not believe” with three pages from the whole Bible and yet oh wise one you will believe any weird false doctrine you may get your hands on….go figger.

    The apocrypha or the groups of books you mentioned are not now carried in any bibles.. Of course since most Christians are following the teachings and wisdom of God you would be interested in the books disgarded from the other books because not too many are wasting time in these books of interest.

    Oh my… this would then put our Lynn ahead in the peeing contest of horse crap…. “meaning you are all wise” in your own WISDOM. As we all know the wisdom of man has some real flaws and man does not go to be with God on flaws..

    Great men who preached the gospel and still do would not use these books today for any spiritual reason however for some historical reason they may look into one of that era. Of course if you reject the plan of God for salvation and his plan of living for HIM and not “youself” you would weasl some other way to get in God’s grace, at least before men in public…however as scripture says JESUS is the only way…so build the tower in your back yard to heaven and end up babbling to yourself or try to come as a thief in the night but God is all wise and see’e the heart ….so none of the man made religions in the times of Christ or now trumps God’s plan..and never will.*

  • Lynn Long

    Now, I await your education at the link I gave you…. you are lucky for computers—- It took me 50 years to find all that information and it is at your fingertips now.

  • ^TDO^

    And I await a simple answer from you.

    I guess we all have to wait sometimes, right?

  • jas

    You’ll have to guarantee me a happy ending….

  • Lynn Long

    I am leaving…. but answer this Weird Wizard…. have you ever read any of it…. or did someone tell you it is all wrong?

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    How was it decided what was put in the Bible and what was left out?

    Our modern “Holy Bible” is called the full “canon” of scripture. Canon came from the Greek word kanon which meant reed. At the time, a reed was used as a measuring tool. So, the term canon came to mean, the standard.

    A book had to be determined to be divinely inspired before it was included in the canon of scripture. There were many criteria that had to be met. For example, who wrote the book—a prophet, an apostle, a disciple? What types of confirmation of the accuracy of the writing existed—miracles, fulfilled prophecy, validity found in an already proven work of scripture? Were the writings consistent with books already accepted as divine?Many books were considered for inclusion in the Bible, but, while they may be excellent historical resources, they were not found to be inspired by God and infallible.

  • ^TDO^


    And why is that Lynn, did it take that long for it to show up on the internet for your C/P.

  • Lynn Long

    The simple answer is what Jesus did. He told us that God loves us… not that God is going to punish us forever. Is it just now dawning on you that there is 2 different ideas of God between the Jews and Jesus?

  • AppyH

    AppyH 0 minutes ago in reply to Lynn Long

    Lynn I read all the lists of books and sections not included in the Bible anymore that you are posting for your bravado and these books again can be found on any bible book store shelf and were removed by Bible scholars because they are historical having nothing to do with salvation but are avalible anywhere. No secret Mr. Wizard of wisdom and witchcraft, your pointed hat is caught in the ceiling fan.

    Some of these books were written by questionable people as well.. Go ahead now and explain the whole process where these men simply without any reason excluded these books ….waaaa booo hooo..

    Futhermore why do you care? You have proclaimed here many times that it is all hog wash and you don’t believe any of it..or maybe you do AGREE but “not believe” with three pages from the whole Bible and yet oh wise one you will believe any weird false doctrine you may get your hands on….go figger.

    The apocrypha or the groups of books you mentioned are not now carried in any bibles.. Of course since most Christians are following the teachings and wisdom of God you would be interested in the books disgarded from the other books because not too many are wasting time in these books of interest.

    Oh my… this would then put our Lynn ahead in the peeing contest of horse crap…. “meaning you are all wise” in your own WISDOM. As we all know the wisdom of man has some real flaws and man does not go to be with God on flaws..

    Great men who preached the gospel and still do would not use these books today for any spiritual reason however for some historical reason they may look into one of that era. Of course if you reject the plan of God for salvation and his plan of living for HIM and not “youself” you would weasl some other way to get in God’s grace, at least before men in public…however as scripture says JESUS is the only way…so build the tower in your back yard to heaven and end up babbling to yourself or try to come as a thief in the night but God is all wise and see’e the heart ….so none of the man made religions in the times of Christ or now trumps God’s plan..and never will.*

  • ^TDO^

    NOt what I asked you, Lynn. Quit deflecting.

  • riverdave

    And I might add that your challenge begs the questions:

    1) How long have you studied it O wise one?

    2) Do you really feel all others are incapable of Mastery in that amount of time?

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Lynn, maybe you should focus on understanding and believing the books that were included in the Bible. Maybe the reason for your lack of understanding on these approved books is because you’ve wasted too much time reading those which were deemed unacceptable.

  • Lynn Long

    GONE! You silly uneducated and pretentious turds…. have fun without me.

  • jas

    Can we play on the Hoveround?

  • deeme

    I’m not keeping up is he a new idiot or an old one…

  • ^TDO^

    Lucian of Samosata

    Did you mean to include him Lynn, or did it go undetected in your C/P from your 50 years of study?

  • ^TDO^

    Either a new one or an old one using a new name

  • deeme

    Libya’s looking for a new leader if we give him ours we kill two birds with one stone…Or there goes that uncivil talk again.. To the sophistry guy what exactly is misleading about anything that has been said here…If you don’t build reactors in earthquake prone places they are pretty great!!

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Actually, Jesus preached about Hell a number of times throughout His ministry.

  • ^TDO^

    The actually withstood the earthquake rather well. It was the ensuing tsunamis that really caused the most damage to them

  • ^TDO^

    That is not what he said, Lynn. He proposed that the Gods were physically different. He was not talking about ‘ideas’ about God but two different Gods entirely.

    What would most christians call that. Polydeism? Heresy?

    Let me think about that one for a while

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    LOL out loud! Obama sez it’s time for Kadaffy to go because he has lost the support of his people…Now if France would just tell Obama the same thing…I’d be willing to duck a few French cruise missiles.

  • ^TDO^

    LOL Out Loud back at ya!!!

  • AppyH


    You have admitted at Christmas with several posts not including the hundreds of others before Christmas that you DO NOT BELIEVE THE BIBLE …but now you want me to read the writings removed hundreds of years ago.. to find what? These books have been read thousands of times by people like you to find some credibility in them for application to Christians and they have not suceeded. God knows what he is doing…

    For a person who denies that JESUS existed before he entered the Earth and the virgin birth and the fact that JESUS was God manifest as man pretty much excludes you as a Christian. Even after being shown right here hundreds of scriptures proving who JESUS is you continue to deny HIM. Yet you also continue to spark arguements with Christians and when they answser you with the truth of the scriptures you call them stupid, uneducated, dummys and morons..

    YOU ARE THE MORON OF THE CENTURY continually thinking you are the master of scriptures that you know absolutely nothing about. False lies and evil deceptions are your bag.

    Bragging about all your iknowledge also defines you as scripture says “a man is right in his own eyes.” In your case you have never been wrong in your life and you will be seperated from God for all eternity and be the absolute smartest one there according to God’s word not mine..

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    I didn’t see that. I have only been on line sparingly the last three days. Big Jizzy is an idiot and a Jew hater, but like you; I agree that it’s of greater value that people can read his beliefs and positions. I think what’s really of value in his post’s, and the post’s of those who think like him; is the lucid and clarifying responses that people give to their hate filled and illogical post’s. As we already know, sadly, many people in America and abroad are not that well informed (except by a corrupt media). The benefit in having these types of poorly informed people being exposed to the truthful, logical and common sense rebuttals to post’s of those like BigJizzy — are immeasurable and can only be a good.

  • AppyH

    Lynn Long 51 minutes ago in reply to TDO

    I am just so happy that you and Yappy are so much smarter than me…. I bet neither of you has even looked at the Gospel of Thomas…. let alone the Acts of Peter, Paul and James…. or the Gospel of Mary Magdalene….. hell, you boys are really well-informed.

    Knowing the names of these books means nothing Lynn …what is your great point of wisdom here?

  • ^TDO^

    I am trying to figure out what books written in the 2nd or third centuries AD, have to do with the bible. Isn’t that when they believe the gospel of Mary was written and they aren’t even sure that this is Mary of Magdelene, correct?

    But as usual, he deflects.

  • AppyH

    Did I hear a door slam? Did the truth run you off?
    That makes us silly uneducated and pretentious turds….? Off to see the Wizard?

  • ^TDO^


  • AppyH

    Lynn Long 1 hour ago in reply to AppyH

    Study them, asshole….. particularly all the ones that the Catholic freaks kept out of the canon…… what a moron you are.
    Flag Like ReplyReply
    AppyH 13 minutes ago in reply to Lynn Long


    You have admitted at Christmas with several posts not including the hundreds of others before Christmas that you DO NOT BELIEVE THE BIBLE …but now you want me to read the writings removed hundreds of years ago.. to find what? These books have been read thousands of times by people like you to find some credibility in them for application to Christians and they have not suceeded. God knows what he is doing…

    For a person who denies that JESUS existed before he entered the Earth and the virgin birth and the fact that JESUS was God manifest as man pretty much excludes you as a Christian. Even after being shown right here hundreds of scriptures proving who JESUS is you continue to deny HIM. Yet you also continue to spark arguements with Christians and when they answser you with the truth of the scriptures you call them stupid, uneducated, dummys and morons..

    YOU ARE THE MORON OF THE CENTURY continually thinking you are the master of scriptures that you know absolutely nothing about. False lies and evil deceptions are your bag.

    Bragging about all your iknowledge also defines you as scripture says “a man is right in his own eyes.” In your case you have never been wrong in your life and you will be seperated from God for all eternity and be the absolute smartest one there according to God’s word not mine..

  • Lynn Long

    Listen Genius (you too Yappy)- The whole misdirection of Christianity began in 325 AD with the pagan Constantine at the Council of Niceae – get real for a change. The canon of the New Testament was not formalized until the 5th century.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    No it didn’t Lynn. If you read Paul, false teachers, heresy and apostasy had already began creeping into the early church from the very beginning. Paul even names a few of those disciples of his who had defected from his teachings and had begun falsely teaching believers. The Devil is at the heart of misleading God’s people, Jesus’ followers — all of mankind. This is just as it was in the garden and continues today.

  • ^TDO^


    You STILL haven’t answered my questions.

    You can continue to deflect but it doesn’t change the fact that your list contained writings by:

    People satirizing the christians.
    A gospel according to Mary Magdelene. Man that Biatch was old!
    People hearing voices they claim were Paul talking to them thru an interpreter.

    So do you think those books belong in the New Testament?

    A simple yes or no or you can expand, I don’t care.

    But those are just some of the things I have found in looking at your post and i have only looked at about 10 of them.

  • AppyH

    Anything to divert from the truth..and you are correct about this book gospel of Mary….some people will do anything to keep from admitting that there is a Hell and that there is no second chance after death NONE not in scripture Anywhere and why should it be?

    The rich man in Hell never repented not even in Hell, he wanted others to be warned but it was too late. He is still alive and in Hell. Oh people will argue the name of where the rich man is but he is not with God you can bank on that.

    Lynn is scared of the book of Revelations and he well should be. He claims JESUS preached love and he did but JESUS mentioned Hell many more times in scripture to keep us from going there. Men simply cannot except the free gift of salvation….but will accept any other way even if it means strict and painful acts and all sorts of rituals.

    They try to find secret ways and on and on…God said he didn’t want any to perish …why would God hide the way of salvation then? The super intelligent smarter than God folks have always made their own plans, Jim Jones and others and we see where that leads. People will follow lies way before they will follow the truth..

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    I’m out of here for now, everyone have a good day.

    Stay close to Jesus, read and study God’s word; we are in a time where the truth is in short supply and demand; Jesus wants us, warns us; commands us, to WATCH and pay attention to the signs He’s given us that point to His coming. God Be with you all.

  • ^TDO^


    I am not saying this to either make a laugh or upset you or whatever. But my belief system is pretty much founded on:

    1) I believe in the God of the Bible.
    2) He scares the shiite out of me not because of the old testament, but because at the end, he may not like me.
    3) I’ve learned to do as he says out of sheer terror.

    I always say, that come judgment day, any of us might be proved wrong by God. I do not know God’s mind. Only my own feelings about him.

    I do actually believe he is a God of Mercy and that most people who keep faith with their ‘faith’ will be accepted by God. I may be wrong, but I hope not.

    I find no problem with Lynn, for example, believing what he does as long as he truly believes it.

  • Lynn Long

    Do you three have such a weak belief and fear of being contradicted that you can’t even consider that there were MANY GOSPELS… check what Luke said. Now, Luke said that— and Luke was written in the 1st century…… cut the world a break…. save your bigotry for private conversations.

  • ^TDO^


    D E F L E C T I O N

  • dropquick

    Oh yappy, if only you could be intelligent! But of course, you are nothing but an ignorant lowlife

  • skepti1

    I suppose if you don’t get the point you aren’t worth chatting with. Study philosophy. Learn to read. Then we’ll talk.

  • skepti1

    Study how the human body metabolizes corn syrup and compare that with the way it handles other sugars. Can’t have a serious conversation with people who aren’t up it.

  • skepti1

    Don’t know if you were ever a gecko. But it’s apparent that you’re a moron.

  • Lynn Long

    King James Bible LUKE 1:1

    Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us,

  • skepti1

    Wow. You should get a dictionary and look a word: Fallacy. Then you will know that you know nothing. After you realize that, maybe we can have a conversation.

  • ^TDO^

    Pretty simple stuff, really.

    I know now you are a lib by your corn syrup post.

    If you don’t like corn syrup, just don’t eat anything with it in it.

    But you would have it banned, correct?

  • dropquick

    But i’m sure you have a problem with me. Hypocrite!

  • dropquick

    But i’m sure you have a problem with me. Hypocrite!

  • ^TDO^

    fal·la·cy (fl-s)
    n. pl. fal·la·cies
    1. A false notion.
    2. A statement or an argument based on a false or invalid inference.
    3. Incorrectness of reasoning or belief; erroneousness.
    4. The quality of being deceptive.

    So there you are.

    Which of us do you consider having a fallacy?

  • ^TDO^

    The only one that has a problem with you, skippy is yourself.

    All of your ills are self-inflicted.

  • AppyH

    The God of the Bible is plain and man cannot divert God’s message, they have tried for thousands of years, the truth remains God has sent his only begotton Son JESUS to save us from our sin..

    You Lynn have plainly rejected the JESUS of scripture ..yet you remain the expert. Expert on what?

    How many books are read or not read and thousands of posted dates and cut and paste drivel will not change the fact that Hell exists as well as heaven …

    God’s plan will be followed regardless of your whining or your great intellectual boasts, all men will be accountable on that day. There is no escape with your great intelligence or thousands of books.

    JESUS is the Way the Truth and the LIFE. Refute it, burn it, blow hard and boast …..there it is…

  • westoast

    Oh great, the typo convention is in town.

  • dropquick

    If i had a problem with myself, i would change it! It’s you that lives in misery, not me :)

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    Okay fine septic, FINE! I try to be nice and this is what I get? And to think, I was about to tell you about the time I had dinner with 3 Grand Dragons when this old geezer came along and lynched them all…now you can just FORGET IT!

  • ^TDO^

    Where? I could probably give a speech. I am fluent in typo.

  • ^TDO^

    Not at all skippy. I have a pretty good life by most standards. I have a good woman by my side, a bunch of kids and grandkids to make me smile occasionally and enough worldly possessions to see me through what is coming.

    How are you doing?

  • westoast

    You just spelled an entire sentence correctly. I don’t think you’d get in the door.

  • ^TDO^

    On this cite though, eye have a spiel chequer.

  • AppyH


    We are born enemies of God and rebellious in our hearts. Rightfully you are in respect of God for he is a God of wrath as well as the God of Love.

    We are living in a period of grace and God’s wrath is withheld until the foretold time is up. Any man or woman or child who comes as a child to JESUS for forgiveness believing he is and that he exists will not be turned away. That includes Dropquick or me or anyone ever born..

    God’s wrath to come will be poured out on unbelievers who have been given every chance but rejected JESUS. JESUS is God’s gift of love to us. God wants us to love him but he will not force love …then it would not be love.

    If any man is serious and draws near to God for this reason he will draw near to you. God does not want to punish his creation, he sent his Son to prove that.

  • westoast

    He is the biggest fruit in the world. And they still won’t name a pie after him.
    Life is so unfair.

  • westoast

    Yew zound lack inspector Clue so….

  • ^TDO^

    Dropquick pie?

    Ummmmm, no thanks!

  • westoast

    I know, get over it, right?

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    dropfruit, your mom just called and asked me if I thought this was a reliable website:

    Now I know you told me that she just loves that you are a fruit and all and she is looking forward to having some fat hairy guy for a daughter-in-law, but, man, I think she might be changing her mind.

  • ^TDO^

    Eye am knot up four a pullet surprise like Ziggy Heil, he is the only candy date I no, butt eye kin holed my own

  • AppyH

    Lynn the deflector….well then Lynn what is your real point…DO NOT BELIEVE THE GOSPEL? …OR ALL LIES? What is the point of your blathering?

    I think I know, you are a skirter …the truth is far from you but then that would be admitting you are a sinner like the rest of us and that would be admitting you are wrong and God is right. You have said many times the Bible is not accepted by YOU…

    You mock God and Christians that his Son died for.. you are the wise one but only in your own eyes.

  • ^TDO^

    Yeah, If I were him, I’d ‘drop’ it.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    I could be the keynote speaker. My typos are world famous.

  • ^TDO^

    CEO, CFO, and chief bottle washer too, Red, LOL

  • Alexander Milne

    And yet you read it! Thanks for at least making the effort.

    What point is it you half-agree with: the toxicity of Ms Coulter or Americans’ limited personal experience of radiation sickness?

  • ^TDO^

    How are you today? I went to your chat but didn’t see anyone there

  • AppyH

    and your point is?

  • westoast

    Sorry. Two correctly spelled sentences. We regretfully must deny your application.
    Your qualifying spellings must also have the correct context.See below.

    Yoo arr un indiot. I em weigh smorter den yoo. Yoo arr a hader. $#@%&$#

  • ^TDO^

    D E F L E C T I O N

  • ^TDO^

    Arocdnicg to rsceearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm. Tihs is buseace the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  • Alexander Milne

    Tralfamadore is a fictional creation, rather like Bush’s “Iraqi WMDs”!

    Unfortunately Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed in real-life, hence my point that the Japanese have a bit more experience of radiation sickness than, er, Ann Coulter, who seems to be recommending it as a kind of preventive medicine technique!

  • ^TDO^

    Was that last sentence your Bigziggy or your Salazr58 impersonation? It was hard to figure out.

  • riverdave

    Hey Lady,

    I’d love to come here you speak.

    {do they have a choise of entres and is the bar open or cash?}

  • westoast

    It was kind of a composite, but mainly it was meant to illustrate when I
    start to notice typos. The same time everyone else takes notice.
    When the person typing them is claiming superior intellect.

  • westoast

    Hi Red.
    Hope you’re having a good day.

  • Alexander Milne

    westoast -

    The Japanese know more about radiation sickness than Ann Coulter and the average US rightwinger. No “maybe” about it.

    My question about A-bombs was a wee reminder of which country actually used them in anger first…… lest we (you) forget! US conservatives too often adopt a defensive, they’re-all-out-to-get-us mentality when in fact the US foreign policy track record since WWII has been extremely aggressive and pre-emptive.

  • ^TDO^

    Hmmmmmm, GGG,

    According to the author the homosexual population is 10%.

    I don’t know about that.

    I do believe that the CDC puts that number at 2%. Sounds like the site is bogus to me.

    So I think the doll playing, curtain hanging DQ is ok.

  • ^TDO^

    Hey RD,

    How R U, sir?

  • westoast

    Speaking of typos. Where did the circus go. Oh I see. It was a FLEE circus.

  • ^TDO^


  • westoast

    They’re not dolls! They are female action figures.

  • AustinAndy

    That ought to roll up the socks of the Jew haters on that site. Good for Paul!

  • westoast

    And they’re not curtains, they’re window treatments.

  • ^TDO^

    I’ve been using the Sir Robin Youtube a lot lately, LOL

  • AppyH

    dropquick 26 minutes ago in reply to TDO

    If i had a problem with myself, i would change it! in fact I want new heels and some eyeliner that sets sparks off in these boys eyes. It’s you that lives in misery, not me because you hate me, yes you do, hate hate hate hate …homophobes all of you.

    What? yeah you hate me you have trouble with me don’t you? Hate me go ahead hate is me isn’t it? It’s me? Bigots look over here, hey! Hate me damn it.

    You cannot stand the fact that I’m happy and gay so gay, I’m gay gay… just gay as Hell and skipping gay, so damn gay and merry gay and gay.. My status as queen of dorks is bothering you all isn’t it?

    Haters …homophobes … you may now kiss my hand and bow.


    I know Dropquick that you as a person of anus fixations and dreams of Judy Garland singing…. would you say that you are Gay?…just asking, no offence …

  • ^TDO^


    They were already commenting on that over there saying that the jews will get the number up to 2 million instead of 5 people so they can claim another ‘holohoax’ (to use their phrase).

    That is a very sad site.

  • ^TDO^


    Back later!!

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    Having a great day had to make a butter cream icing for the devils food cake!

  • riverdave

    I would put off the speaking tour, you qualify for a good paying gig in the
    office of obama’s press secretary.

  • under_1perfectredumbrella

    hahaha think I will take a pass on that postion River…

  • westoast

    I’m glad I found this down the page:

    TDO [Moderator] 1 hour ago in reply to westoast
    Eye am knot up four a pullet surprise like Ziggy Heil, he is the only candy date I no, butt eye kin holed my own

    I can only imagine what a pullet surprise is but I imagine a lot of squawking and feathers flying and getting scratched by chicken wire and maybe stepping on or getting hit by an egg.
    I’m knot up for that either.

  • westoast

    What was the topic this week? LOL

  • Gabriel G. Gator

    Did I ever tell you about the time the geezer thought he was going to get rich selling fertilized chicken eggs?
    He went out and bought several hundred young layers (hens), called ‘pullets,’ and ten roosters to fertilize the eggs.

    He kept records, and any rooster not performing went into the soup pot and was replaced.

    Following those roosters around used up precious Hover Round fuel so he formulated a plan. He bought some tiny bells and attached them to his roosters.

    Each bell had a different tone, so he could tell from a distance, which rooster was performing.

    Now, he could sit on the porch, sip his Clamato Juice, and fill out an efficiency report by just listening to the bells.

    The geezer’s favorite rooster, old Barack, was a very fine specimen, but one morning he noticed old Barack’s bell hadn’t rung at all!

    When he went to investigate, he saw the other roosters were busy chasing pullets, bells-a-ringing, but the pullets, hearing the roosters coming, could run for cover.

    To the geezer’s amazement, old Barack had his bell in his beak, so it couldn’t ring.

    He’d sneak up on a pullet, do his job and walk on to the next one.

    He was so proud of old Barack, he entered him in the Clearwater County Fair and he became an overnight sensation among the judges.

    The result was the judges not only awarded old Barack the “No Bell Piece Prize” but they also awarded him the ‘Pulletsurprise” as well.

    Clearly old Barack was a politician in the making.

    Who else but a politician could figure out how to win two of the most highly coveted awards on our planet by being the best at sneaking up on the populace and screwing them when they weren’t paying attention?

    Vote carefully, the bells are not always audible.

  • deeme

    I use to post at the minuteman board at renew america when it was run by alan keyes…the guy who oversees everybody is very onesided not like the great writers that write there I have several I love…It didn’t take long to see what it was he hated about everybody..He is still there and they put up with some real crazy people that made it impossible for me to take … I actually liked him and he welcomed me in and he challenged me..But I felt like I was part of an alternate universe as I do a lot now, It’s like no matter how many people you have crap in common with they are always harping on the one thing that is different.. When I was little although it was the sixties people were still normal. Maybe I was just protected by the best parents in the whole damn world but I knew who the good guys were and who the bad guys were. We weren’t so divided .I remember getting lost with my sister and we found a house with a helping hand in the window and they called our parents. In the seventies all our bands had blacks and whites playing together.. Dems and Repubs. liked each other and just knew not to talk about things that peed each other off..Or at least that’s how I remember it my mother tells me. Leave it to Beaver world gone forever. Happy hour on tv safe for the know what I mean>? There was a guy at renew america he called himself a christian but did not ,I repeat did not believe in angels. I swear to God I have a picture of myself with my babies when they were babies with an angel in it.. I have a very close relationship to God and many in my family believe I’m able to foresee things before they happen because I have many times…In fact a big one just happened on my husbands birthday…Not bragging it actually makes me have anxiety..anyways TMI …this guy got so pissed when I told him we all have a guardian angel . He said you actually believe in angels and I said How can you quote the bible and not..They are like on every other page…It was frustrating. We are too divided. We need to dwell on some common ground…Sorry so long…

  • riverdave

    JUST? Three days ago they held back @ 50km. {do you know what day it is in Japan?}

    As we speak ALL six reactors are in cold shutdown and radiation levels {rm/time} are well within norms. Power has been reestablished to the pumps and control rooms, and injuries were limited to a broken arm and a heart-attack.

    Why do you think that the “meltdown” is not the lead story in the MSM?

    Of course long term effects have yet to be determined as the number of kool-aid chugging west coast loonies in their cute little tin-foil hats that OD’d on Potassium Iodine without exposure are going to be having some problems.

  • skepti1

    You’re rather easily convinced. The U.S. Navy is getting the hell out of there. I think they understand the risks much better than the technocrats opining here in all their narcissistic glory.

  • skepti1

    Vihar is anything but stupid. However, he may be misguided, dishonest. or a fool. There are scientists who can find data to prove that smoking doesn’t cause cancer. There are scientists who can find data that prove the World Trade Center couldn’t have collapsed. Vihar’s position statement suggests he is such a scientist. After, all, his entire position statement seems predicated on the assumption that an uncontained meltdown is impossible. Are we really to believe anybody but an idiot believes this?

    Of course the word “idiot” derives from the Greek concept of a man who believes he is fine living without the responsibilities that come with being part of a society. In fact, it is the exact definition of a libertarian.

    I’m neither for or against nuclear power. I simply want to see an honest debate. I don’t see one here.

  • westoast

    That’s great Alex. I’m glad you’re looking out for those other countries so much so that any conversation morphs into how predatory the U.S. is.
    I don’t need to strain to remember who used nukes first. Maybe you should remember the isolationist and blinders on policies that lead to almost an entire planet being engulfed in war.
    The world is going to hell all over again and I’m pretty sure the government will stay involved just enough to be scolded by those who have no answers but know where to lay the blame. Always on the U.S. of A.. And always on Conservatives.
    Your original post did not address the topic but took the conversation in a typically condescending direction. The Japanese will do just fine. They are not weighed down by those who would bind the hands of those doing the work in order to feel relevant.

  • skepti1

    And…. to the guy who still doesn’t understand why the fact that one man survived the ’50s doesn’t prove that fallout isn’t dangerous….

    (honestly I don’t know how to begin a conversation on such a low level).

  • jas

    You’re the one named Septic1. How Low Can You Go????? LOL!!!

  • skepti1

    Guess i’m reading different reports than you are. In fact, I heard tonight on CBS that they’re handing out potassium iodine to embassy staff. But since you know so much, why don’t you fly over there and breathe that smoke that’s pouring out of reactor three: the one loaded with plutonium.

  • skepti1

    P.S. I know what day it is in Japan. I’ve been there twice. Nobody there is as arrogant as you are. Or as stupid.

    In Japan they understand that real conservatism involves sacrificing one’s ego for the truth.

  • jas

    Hey Dave.

    It took five years, but somebody’s called you arrogant! Congrats…..

  • riverdave

    Sadly you speak a truth.

    When I was under my parents roof it was CLEARLY understood that I was in the yard when the street lights started to flicker on. Heaven help me if I came home from school and had earned licks.

    I still knew what the platform of the parties were comprised of, even worked on a few planks from time to time. Passion was {and is} a great thing but it did not trump civility

    Even today I am active in multiple citizen groups and do not agree with the entire slate of all the groups and they and I understand that we do share much in common. Not the least of which is our common goal of restoring the Principles and Values that are the base of this nation.

    I am certain that I will never agree 100% with 100% of the people, {nor would I want to} but I will always listen to a reasoned argument and hope to gain some small insight or an additional bit of knowledge to digest.

  • skepti1

    Guess you should be listening to NPR. As usual, they’re the only ones who go deeper. Oh yeah: you guys have a problem with that.

  • skepti1

    Guess it’s time for you to cough up to NPR– the only in-depth news organization on the airwaves.

  • riverdave

    Do I get a certificate or something? Maybe a plaque or statue.

  • riverdave

    Yes, it is clear that you are. Your first mistake is depending on CBS for CURRENT and ACCURATE information.

    Try this … {From Nuclear Energy Institute}

    Smoke seen from Fukushima Daiichi reactor 3 on Monday subsided after about two hours. Water pressure and levels at the reactor were unchanged through the episode, as were radiation levels, the company said.

    The site was temporarily cleared of workers after smoke rose from at the secondary containment buildings that house reactors 2 and 3. The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said the smoke from reactor 2 caused radiation levels downwind to rise for about three and a half hours.

    Now that is from the 8:30 pm [EDT] update and there have been additional postings each two hour segment of this event.

    The Potassium Iodine was passed out last Thursday as a precaution when the decision was made to NOT withdraw the personnel owing to a lack of cause. IE: NO DANGER.

    Now please, do not quote CBS to me and call it FACT!

  • riverdave

    Well you got the origin of the word idiot correct, but your pronunciation is way off. I suggest you stand in front of a mirror and practice.

    id i oh t very good, watch the tongue placement. good, keep practicing.

    Tomorrow’s word is moron.

  • jas
  • riverdave

    Which begs the question. If you soil your pants in a septic tank, does it still smell?

  • skepti1

    sorry– my report is from tuesday. and not from a lobbying organization
    for the nuclear energy industry. (are you insane?)

  • ^TDO^

    Well I guess you mean me.

    Sarcasm’s a little too much for you to understand I guess.

    Let’s see. Life expectancy in the country between 1950 and now went from 68-77.

    Population went from 152 million in 1950 to 330 million now. by percentage the largest growth was during the 50′s to mid 60′s.

    From 1950 t0 1969 there were approx 6 million deaths to cancer at a rate of about 180 per 100,000,

    From 1970-1994 there were about 11 million at a rate of about 190 per 100,000. That figure is deceptive however, because Female rates actually dropped and the theory is that there were a lot of undetected cancer types in men


    As I was saying….

    We had massive nuclear testing (atmospheric) in the 1950′s with no apparent rise in cancer rates other than what can be detected now that wasn’t then.

    Not only am I still here, but our average lifespan has expanded and millions and millions more have joined me.

    So you were saying….

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Then why do they all keep pretending that Godzilla is real? Why not just come out and say it’s a guy dressed in a big rubber costume?

    I guess there’s no shortage of ego in Japan…..only real conservatism.

  • riverdave

    You only prove my point.

    1) It is not Tuesday anywhere that you would be listening to CBS.
    2) As I mentioned, the pills were passed out LAST Thursday.
    3) It’s not Tuesday in Japan. {o, but you knew that.}

    NEI is an active clearing house for information {accurate information} with a membership comprised of the best minds in the field as well as students of the field and informed concerned citizens.

    And ‘insane’ is a subjective term in this context.

  • westoast

    I’m not sure I follow you. Are you saying Godzilla isn’t real?
    Typical conservative, ignoring danger, when what is called for is blaming and hype and asserting intellectual superiority over anyone who steps off the approved path of whining and finger pointing.

  • ^TDO^

    Since it looks like you left, and since I was done posting, LOL, I forgot another important fact for the rise in cancer deaths and that is the longevity factor itself. If you look at the charts and find the cancers that would most likely go up as a result of longevity (melanomas, colon, lung, etc.) those are the ones that went up most significantly.

    And, my God, let’s not forget to add all the other pollutants and ozone layer depletions, etc. that have added to all of this.

    I would not want to leave poor Al Gore out in the cold.

  • riverdave

    OK, so how do you explain ‘Poke-man’?


  • ^TDO^

    Michael Moore incognito?

  • jas

    Personally, I’m not too anxious to find out. LOL!!!

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    A bad batch of LSD?

  • riverdave

    People, People. DO NOT TAKE THE BROWN ACID!

  • skepti1

    If you think any of what you have written means anything as science then I guess you don’t understand anything about science.

    Nobody said that they could prove increased cancer deaths due to the nuclear testing during that period. Hydrogen bombs– the bombs being blown up at Bikini atoll at the time of the test ban treaty) produce fewer dangerous isotopes than the reactor at Fukushima (which contains the toxic equivalent of 18,000 fission bombs, including plutonium, with a half-life of 24,000 years).

    But your argument is the same as “my father-in-law smoked until he was ninety and he didn’t get cancer.” It’s infantile reasoning. It’s the kind of fallacy a third grader should have learned to reject.

    Anyway, the point isn’t “what if.” The point is we know that certain isotopes are highly dangerous. We know that we cannot control their spread once they get out of blown-out reactor. The point is we need to be cautious with materials like plutonium. The point is that Ann Coulter’s essay is vulgar and offensive, and it obscures important points in a trivializing way.

    I am well aware that radioactivity is a buzz word. That certain European spas boast that their water is healthful because it contains a bit of radioactive buzz.

    So do me a favor. Stop looking for comfort in easy places. Get on a plane and go help those firemen cool down reactor three. The one leaking plutonium vapor. And cool down those thousands of spent fuel rods while you’re at it. Then tell the wives of the firefighters that they’re fools for worrying about their husbands.

    Do that or shut up.

    The voices I read on these pages are the voices of cowards.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Hello Toast. Is your place clean yet?

  • skepti1

    You’re more ignorant than I thought. It has been Tuesday in Japan for almost 24 hours. (International Date Line).

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Hi Dave,

    Do you think any of what’s going on in Japan right now could lead to the reemergence of Soylent Green? …..You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.

  • skepti1

    From their website:

    NEI is the policy organization for the nuclear technologies industry.

    Either you’re a lobbyist or a tool.

  • AppyH


    I’m repeating this post to give more of you insight into what kind of person I am. The kind of person who is not bound by the truth or whether or not something makes sense, as long as I see some kind of advantage in it that advances my belief, no matter how little evidence there is for me.

    If I believed what Al Freak Face Franken has said was true, I’d welcome it. But, unfortunately for him, I have already read a lot of what he has written and seen him on C-SPAN licking Bill Maher’s hand, so I come prepared, I put a condom on my head.

    I know I declared I should kill all conservatives and christians and those Damn quacking Ducks and I want to forcibly make all people on Ann Coulter atheist whining little piss bags like me. Then some time later I said I believe it more than ever that all men should ride a schwinn and wear a pink Bunny fag suit like me.

    Ann coulter has declared liberals guilty of treason, yes treason, simply for being wrong and pushing communism in America over a forty year span! To see more about me and what I think and the voices I hear in my head, read about how I tell lies and stick cucumbers in surprising places with footnotes in the book “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them” by Al Franken one of the biggest most important books on Weasels commies and fruit cake tinker Bells..of the Democrat party.

    A photo is in the book insert of me and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid drawing a pentagram on my ass and drinking urine and planning the demise of America.
    Please call me dropquick…and davidblaine …..and slurp eddie cone head..

    Reply to Ken,

    Ken enlightening your writing is, could you have it printed for me on soft paper in a roll?

  • westoast

    No it’s not. I have to shut up now cause that septic guy said so.

  • jas


    I’d probably get more radiation from the plane ride. Besides, I’m toxic enough already.

    Listen, why don’t you put your theory to the old hero’s test and dive right into the plutonium vapor cloud. If you come away with three heads and a split tail, farting contaminated fruit loops (assuming you weren’t already doing so), you’ll have convinced this skeptic.

    When do you depart?

  • skepti1

    Early on Tuesday, white vapour was seen rising from reactor 2 and hazy smoke from the reactor 3.

    Source: BBC (one hour ago). They also note that experts are optimistic that the problem will eventually be resolved.

    Note: This crisis neither proves that nuclear energy should or should not be developed. (Actually, I tend to agree with Vihar that Fusion is where we really need to be.) But Ann Coulter’s piece remains an abomination, unless she meant it be humorous, in which case all I can say is: her soul is as ugly as her face. (oops: ad-hominem. i couldn’t help it)

  • ^TDO^

    What a pompous ass you are!

    The survivors of Hiroshima, those that were under a direct blast of an atomic bomb, can be used to determine the long term health problems of radiation poisoning.

    There were a lot of immediate deaths and quite a few lingering deaths for the 5 years following the bomb. From 1950 on, there were only about 30 new cases of leukemia in the survivors. Since there were almost 200,000 survivors, that is a normal spread per 100,000 and may be a little low.

    Again, I hear you talking ‘scientific’ without any substantiation whatsoever. I haven’t seen a single post of a scientific organization from you. The only one I’ve seen is some news broadcast.

    So take your opinion and put it where the sun don’t shine.

    The issuance of iodine tablets means about as much as the flu shots for H1N1. Precautionary and unneeded. Take a look at that one when you get a chance.

    When I have visited sites talking about the long term effects of radiation, the doom and gloom sites have names like ratical . com or some such. When you go to a CDC, or any other governmental site or to a university site, they don’t seem to say the same things as yours do.

    Yes, intense radiation can kill you. It might not be immediate. We know that, Ann Coulter knows that. The whole world knows that.

  • westoast

    No Jack. You don’t understand. YOU have to shut up or go do that.
    He merely has to tell you to do that or you are a coward.
    See so he wins.
    At this point somebody better go do it. I wanna see someone fart fruit loops.

  • jas

    She does have a purdy face.

  • AppyH


    What would you have us to do oh hysterical wonder? Should we bend over and kiss our ass’s goodbye? Or should we ask you to go over to Huffington and suck a damn bowling ball through a 100 foot garden hose? you nattering “PAIN IN THE ASS”…

    Talk down your pointy damn nose over at huff and puff, you will be right at home with all the ass licking know it all progressive socialist twits.

  • jas

    Well, you did make fun of Godzilla and that’s no laughing matter to someone that spells vapor with a “u.”

    Must be a damned Brit!

  • jas

    Toucan DQ? LOL!!!

  • westoast

    The colour of your humour has me feeling the vapours.
    I need a brain donour.

  • jas


  • westoast

    He’d be the one with the bowl of milk.

  • AppyH

    While you are down so low lick the bird shit off of my boot. MELVIN toast licker. Are you lonely being smarter than God? Do you have your little red book on how Govydovy should tell you how to wipe your ass?

    I’ll call the EPA and have them strap a methane meter on your ass to map your carbon footprint before someone puts a footprint on your twinky ass.

  • westoast

    I don’t need to follow that nose. I know where it’s going. Yuck!

  • jas

    I was just wondering what kind of nightmare I might have tonight. LOL!!!

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Well…….why not go to Japan real quick, cool down those reactors, and come back and we’ll pick up our conversation? Or are you afraid to do that, are you a COWARD?

  • AppyH

    Maybe Sarah Palin will be under your bed gutting a Moose ….make sure you lie still if she still has that knife in her hand.

    Seventy thousand metro fairy Democrat men fainted when Sarah mentioned she has fired a rifle. When they heard she was going to field dress that Moose they ran and got nut sack protectors for their dinny bells.

    They already sing with high voices. I’ll be right back I have to read another post of progressive hysteria.

  • westoast

    That would be nice to be able to help.
    Like I said before. The Japanese can handle it. They will handle it the same as if people here weren’t throwing insults back and forth.
    And in the end lessons will be learned and we will take another step into the future.
    And like I can afford a flight to Japan.

  • riverdave

    Silly twit, tell me sweetpea, 1 hour ago on BBC means what?

    That 1 hour ago in Japan there was a wiff of steam from the #2 reactor and pale traces of smoke from #3 reactor.

    I thought you claimed to know the time difference?

    1 hour ago time at the studios of BBC it was 8:30 am on Tuesday morning in London.

    It was 1:30 am here in Kentucky.

    And it was what day in Japan?

    Further, I already posted that update and the correction and explaination in a reply to your drivel long before you listened to that VERY dated BBC report.

    And your point is?

  • AppyH


    What would you have us to do oh hysterical wonder? Should we bend over and kiss our ass’s goodbye? Or should we ask you to go over to Huffington and suck a damn bowling ball through a 100 foot garden hose? you nattering “PAIN IN THE ASS”…

    Talk down your pointy damn nose over at huff and puff, you will be right at home with all the ass licking know it all progressive socialist twits.

  • westoast

    Maybe when she cuts open the moose an ugly troll in a bunny suit will squirt out and give Jack a big gutty kiss. And bunny suit guy will probably step on the bladder and screw up the field dressing job.
    Then Sarah will kick the crap out of him.

  • riverdave

    Smoke seen from Fukushima Daiichi reactor 3 on Monday subsided after about two hours. Water pressure and levels at the reactor were unchanged through the episode, as were radiation levels, the company said.

    The site was temporarily cleared of workers after smoke rose from at the secondary containment buildings that house reactors 2 and 3. The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said the smoke from reactor 2 caused radiation levels downwind to rise for about three and a half hours.

    Levels due to a venting process and at no time reaching beyond 30% of acceptable levels.


    Now do you recall my posting that info for you 5 hours ago?

  • AppyH


    The voices you hear are in your head and the posts you type are planned.
    Sit in the dark with a candle in your ass you pompous barking queen.

  • AppyH

    LMAO……We could get the Septic know it all red book reader to hold the bladder he pisses backward anyway.

  • riverdave

    vupor? No wonder they lost the war.

  • MonaMi

    Doom and gloom for the markets was predicted over the weekend by every pundit on every news network for today’s opening. Instead, we saw an upturn for the first time since the disaster befell Japan.

    Why the uptick?

    The Fukushima reactors are stabilizing and the merger between AT & T and T-Mobile had a positive effect as well. Nikkei and Asian markets are showing a recovery and optimism abounds because they feel the country will recover a thousandfold. All 3 automakers Toyota, Honda and Nissan are resuming operations.

    Does this sound like a country that is panicking because of nuclear fallout? No, they are facing reality and will soon return to normalcy. How long? Well, it took Indonesia 5 years to recover after the 2004 tsunami. The people are willing to pick themselves up by the bootstraps and we will be amazed at their tenacity and bravery. Americans are panicking much more over the nuclear fallout than the people residing in the Japanese Empire. My prayers go out to the beautiful people of Japan for a full recovery.

  • westoast

    Actually RD my phone tells me it is Tuesday after 3:40 PM in Tokyo.

  • AppyH

    scepti1 1 hour ago in reply to riverdave

    P.S. I know what day it is in Japan In fact today is March dummy. I’ve been there twice once when I had shock treatments and the other time I was off my medication and got on the wrong plane. Nobody there is as arrogant as me or as down right ugly. Or as stupid and smart ass pompous as me..

    In Japan they understand that real conservatism involves sacrificing one’s Gerbil for the truth or a glass of beer. Of course none of you are as conservative or as pompous…don’t make me peck your ass’s with this pointed nose.

    Reply to Pompous Septic

    Go to

  • riverdave

    So very well stated, mon ami, maybe now the media can look at the real disaster. 1,000,000 without a home and 10,000+ dead.

  • jas

    Say so long to $40 long-distance, text messaging, and naked pictures of your girl friend.

    Well, not you. And now that I think about it, not me either. LOL!!!

  • AppyH

    No No that was because Obama just surrendered to South Africa and they have a 2 man Submarine in the area. Wait…it isn’t a Sub it is an intertube with three South Africans with black powder rifles, a full surrender under orders of Obammy is in order. Never now those radio active intertubes are a real bitch.

  • jas

    He wanted to beat France.

  • westoast

    Oh see France is trying to change their image but you just can’t let it go. I give up. No, I’m not french.

  • riverdave

    Ya, I caught that after it posted. GMT + 9. But I was to lazy to go back. I meant … crips, I’m not sure what I meant, think it had something to do with the time lag toilet1 was quoting ‘currrent’ news from.

    Like just now ABC feed on radio says “We have just been informed…” about something I posted for toilet4brains a few hours back that happened way before that.

    Damn, now I’m confusing myself [not that hard] is it Thursday or Sunday?

  • AppyH

    A police motorcycle cop stops Ken Miller for running a red light. The driver Ken Miller
    is a real jerk, he steps out of his car and comes striding toward the officer,
    demanding to know why he is being harassed by the Gestapo while eating a cup of bean sprouts!

    So the officer calmly tells him of the red light violation. Ken Miller
    instantly goes on a tirade, questioning the officer’s ancestry, sexual
    orientation, etc., in rather explicit offensive terms while checking him out wink wink…

    The tirade goes on without the officer saying anything.

    When the officer finishes writing the ticket he puts an “AH” in the lower
    right corner of the narrative portion of the ticket. He then hands it to
    the pink Bunny man for his signature. Ken signs the ticket angrily, and
    when presented with his copy points to the “AH” and demands to know
    what it stands for.

    The officer says, “That’s so when we go to court, I’ll remember that you’re
    an asshole!”

    Two months later they’re in court. The ‘violator’ Ken Miller dressed to the tee in an ascot, purple pants and a pink shirt has a bad driving record and he is in danger of losing his license, so he hired a lawyer to represent him.

    On the stand the officer testifies to seeing Ken wabbit run the red light.

    Under cross examination the defense attorney asks; “Officer is this a
    reasonable facsimile of the ticket that you issued to my client?”

    Officer responds, “Yes, sir, that is the defendant’s copy, his signature and
    mine, same number at the top.”

    Lawyer: “Officer, is there any particular marking or notation on this ticket
    you don’t normally make?”

    “Yes, sir, in the lower right corner of the narrative there is an “AH,”

    “What does the “AH” stand for, officer?”

    “Aggressive and hostile, Sir.”

    “Aggressive and hostile?”

    “Yes, Sir.”

    “Officer, are you sure it doesn’t stand for asshole?”

    “Well, sir, you know your client better than I do.”

  • westoast

    That’s what this whole fiasco is about. They recycle the news because it keeps people riled up and watching the news.
    I am going to look for something.

  • westoast

    westoast [Moderator] 5 days ago
    I started out in the very beginning thinking that since the Japanese are not children, unlike our media, I would trust in their construction practices and not on media hype.
    Nothing has happened yet to change my thinking.

    And now it is five days later and I feel the exact same way.

  • MonaMi

    Thank you, river…I sincerely appreciate it, but I have no confidence in the news media regarding the true disaster in Japan. They have worn out my patience with the nuclear scenario. Maybe a few human interest stories of the survivors, but when I saw one anchor cut short a man who was explaining what he was going through living within a few miles from the reactors, I knew they wouldn’t keep the real life and death perspective in the forefront much longer. I saw the pain in that young man’s eyes when the anchor rudely broke away.

    Nary a word from the msm that the Palestinians shot rockets into Israel over the same weekend. They cannot squeeze ONE story about Israel to save their lives.

    I know where their true heart lies…and it’s certainly not towards Japan’s recovery effort, or the trouble soon to befall Israel.

  • jas

    S.E Cupp’s on Red Eye.

    Dirty thoughts, dirty thoughts…..

  • westoast

    I haven’t watched a Gregologue in a while.

  • riverdave

    I’m going to have to ponder this, your watch may not be “right” because it is counting 24 hours from a point.

    Let’s say you fly from the United States to Japan. Let’s suppose you leave the United States on Tuesday morning. Since you’re traveling west the time advances slowly thanks to time zones and the speed at which your airplane flies, but once you cross the International Date Line, it’s suddenly Wednesday.

    On the reverse trip home you fly from Japan to the United States. You leave Japan on Monday morning but as you cross the Pacific Ocean, the day gets later quickly as you cross time zones moving eastward in an airplace. However, once you cross the International Date Line, the day changes to Sunday.

    I think that’s how it goes.

  • skepti1

    What I find most amusing (but sad) about people like TDO is that they finally come out and admit that we fundamentally agree but they do it only after exhausting their grade school bag of tricks. And as they do it, they shoot out a pathetic and puny orgasm of venom.

    Yes: on these pages I am pompous. Compared to TDO I have common sense. And common sense should never crawl below intellectual dishonesty and ignorance.

    Of course, in the end, he has to admit it:

    “Yes, intense radiation can kill you. It might not be immediate. We know that, Ann Coulter knows that. The whole world knows that. ”

    So what’s the point, assholes? Why take this moment when so many are suffering to write such provocative tripe? For a million years, your letters on these pages will be read as examples of human stupidity and insensitivity. Anybody with common sense has already looked at Ann Coulter and written her off as a low-end comedian. Except for you.

    I never said I am against the use of nuclear power. In fact, I do not have an opinion about it one way or another. What I am against is the sort of obnoxious, dishonest discourse one finds on websites like this. Certainly, I include myself in this condemnation: it is impossible to resist the temptation to call people like TDO names. They resort to childish arguments from square one. An hour ago he was quoting from an industry lobbying website as if from the gospel and suddenly he is attacking me because I simply know what I’m talking about and he doesn’t (or didn’t) have a clue.

    Even the educated scientific viewpoints expressed here suffer from the same disease. The gentlemen (like Vihar) who have real scientific evidence may have a nuanced viewpoint in the end, but the rhetoric is first and foremost biased. So, in the end I have even more criticism for Vihar than for the others. Because he should be advocating a middle ground.

    Einstein, Oppenheimer, Pauling– the list is long: Many of the greatest scientists showed the greatest respect for the atom and its power (for good and for ill). The glib politicizing on these pages is repulsive, vulgar, cheap, and, ultimately evil.

  • MonaMi

    You’re so naughty, Jack! LOL

    I’ll keep my AT &T phone and stocks now. Thank you very much. (So happy I didn’t sell when the economy dumped) There are some skeptics blathering fear on blogs about the merger, who say the customer service is terrible with AT & T, but I beg to differ with them. My service has been exceptional and the techs are here stateside! I always ask, just curious. The only thing I’m not too happy about is the fact T-Mobile will have no choice but to lay off workers…

    We’ll see…

    Next week might be different…

  • skepti1

    really pathetic post. anybody on here not on meds?

  • MonaMi

    Funny thing, Jack…I don’t blame you! She’s gorgeous! Beauty and brains personified and great legs, although I think you already noticed LOL

    When I met S.E. on the flight to DC, she cussed like a truck driver and we laughed till we cried! You would love her! LOL

  • westoast

    I’m not.
    My brain is being bombarded by a full dose of your sanctimonious blather though and I think it’s time for a prescription. For you or me I don’t care which.

  • jas

    Did she now?

    If it’s a spanking she wants, it’s a spanking I’ll only be too happy to administer.

    I’m thinking something along these lines:

  • jas


    We all swallowed Anti-Gullible Pills minutes after your first post. LOL!!!

  • riverdave

    What are you blathering about now septic 4 brains?

    TDO has signed off and you are counting on that. pathetic fool!

    TDO did NOT agree with you he only pointed out that we are all aware that extreme radiation can kill. He pointed out … but lets quote.

    “Yes, intense radiation can kill you. It might not be immediate. We know that, Ann Coulter knows that. The whole world knows that. ”

    And that is the point of Ms. Coulter’s column this week, that the insane/hysterical over a dose of radiation that is little more [or less] than a CT scan.


    Then you say … “..They resort to childish arguments from square one.”

    When he documented posts show well defined arguments with links for support when needed.


    You state, ” An hour ago he was quoting from an industry lobbying website as if from the gospel and suddenly…”

    When in fact that was me that sited that info source.


    You continue … “he is attacking me because I simply know what I’m talking about and he doesn’t (or didn’t) have a clue.”

    All the while you have made it glaringly clear that you are a ignorant fool and every time you are presented with facts you ignore them blather something totally unrelated and move on to some other garbage or invoke the name of some loony cult.

    Sweetpea, you need to get back on your meds.


  • skepti1

    For most solid cancers, acute radiation exposure at any age increases one’ s cancer risk for the rest of life. As survivors have aged, radiation-associated excess rates of solid cancer have increased as well as the background rates. For the average radiation exposure of survivors within 2,500 meters (about 0.2 Gy), the increase is about 10% above normal age-specific rates. For a dose of 1.0 Gy, the corresponding cancer excess is about 50% (relative risk = 1.5).

    From: The Radiation Effects Research Foundation

    The Radiation Effects Research Foundation is the scientific research institution focused on the study of health effects of radiation in the survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Careful analysis of the accurately recorded cancer incidence and mortality data for the large study population is contributing fundamental risk information for radiation protection standards worldwide.

    References about this subject

    Preston DL, Shimizu Y, et al.: Studies of mortality of atomic bomb survivors. Report 13. Solid cancer and noncancer disease mortality: 1950-1997. Radiation Research 2003; 160:381-407

    Preston DL, Ron E, et al.: Solid cancer incidence in atomic bomb survivors: 1958-1998. Radiation Research 2007; 168:1-64

    Preston DL, Pierce DA, et al.: Effect of recent changes in atomic bomb survivor dosimetry on cancer mortality risk estimates. Radiation Research 2004; 162:377-89

    Ron E, Preston DL, et al.: Cancer incidence in atomic-bomb survivors. Part IV: Comparison of cancer incidence and mortality. Radiation Research 1994; 137:98-112


  • skepti1

    I guess if you can’t make an intelligent point all you can do is make cheap shots. Yours wasn’t even amusing or clever.

  • riverdave


    Look at this site, awesome … when you hover your cursor over the photo you can change between before and after sat shots of the same spot.

  • westoast

    Thanks for all the information I didn’t ask for. You are on a crusade I care nothing about. I’m glad you take yourself so seriously as I have nothing to pitch in in regard to that end.

  • westoast

    I guess if you want to argue with people just force your out of context tirade on them.

  • Andrew Wojtkowski

    This would be sound… if radiation was a single entity. In fact, radiation is such a generic term that it would be akin to saying that “food” is good for you. Is food good for you? What is food? What kind of food? What does the food contain? Where are your limits on what is food and what isn’t food?

    Some types of radiation aren’t bad for you and are very good for you. Like, you know, light. Fox News might try to prove me wrong on this one, but light is generally considered a good thing.

    It helps us see. It helps plants grow. So I think we should bombard our eyes and plants with Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Radiation and see what happens.

  • Frank_Pine_Lake

    Maybe I missed something? I read back to what I think was this guy scepti1’s first post and he really only said a couple of things:

    1. “I hate Ann Coulter.”


    2. “I had dinner with multiple Nobel Prize winners and we discussed black holes which makes me smart and everyone here stupid.”

    It’s like he thinks making up stories about his experience listening to other people discuss electromagnetic singularities make him somehow superior?

    This guy offered nary a shred of evidence on anything; he really never even offered opinion beyond “I’m smart and you’re stupid.” Then he claims some obscure victory and states he has better things to do than hang out with the stupid people.

    I swear, there is a factory someplace with a single mold where progressives like scepti1 are manufactured. They build these liberal robots, program them with a single generic algorithm, flick the switch to “on,” and send them out in the world. When you think about it, it’s kind of funny in a sick sort of way.

  • jas

    Now you’re raggin’ on ole Tom Paine!

  • Lynn Long

    That makes as much sense as you usually do.

  • jas

    Thank you. I do try to keep my readers’ cognizance (however dwindling that is) level in mind when making a post. Unfortunately, HE doesn’t feature crayon fonts. LOL!!!

  • skepti1

    In your post, you make two claims, both of which are fallacies since you misstate my points. It seems people on this site are incapable of engaging in reasoned argument. Every conversation results in a response that relies on insult and misrepresentation.

    I provided evidence from two sources: both impeccable. Nothing was made up. The truth is simple: you guys are marginalized on this site for a good reason. The serious world laughs at you.

    The phenomenon of crackpot right wing psychology has been studied for years and is well understood. Too bad you’ll never understand it yourselves.

  • ^TDO^


    A non-answer.

    Marcion was not talking about the ‘idea’ of God. Marcion believed that there were two distinct Gods.

    So you are saying you are not a unitarian but a bitarian, is that it, LOL.

  • ^TDO^

    I guess you missed the part about his impeccable education, his trips to the Riviera with renowned personae, his wealth, and his societal status.

    This must be a really good site. Every single liberal here has the same story and it seems they all end up here.

    They think it wins debates.

  • Braxton Kellermann

    I like you septic1, I do! Your smart! I come here every day and try to debate but no one ever debates me so I end up debating myself. I truly am a masterdebater but no one nos that but me. Are you married? You have a boyfriend? I’m available. I tried to find a girl but it seems they are all put off by my gigantic pumpkin head. I did Ken for a while, but, come on. Ken? Anyways, I’m smart like you and very very very available.

  • Lynn Long

    I am an adoptionist…. I do not believe that Jesus is the physical son of God. There is but one God and Jesus wasn’t much on talking to Himself… he spoke with God regularly in the Gospels. The only thing we have of God is IDEA…. there sure as hell is no physical evidence— or do you think there is?

  • skepti1

    There are no debates here. There are just marginalized wackos muttering to each other about Thomas Paine and the Manichean Heresy. But here’s some information, just in case somebody with common sense comes along (I’ve taken this from two articles, both dated today):

    Separately, the Kyodo news agency reported that the I.A.E.A. had detected radiation levels 1,600 times above normal about 12 miles from the plant. The government has ordered people to evacuate a 12-mile radius around the plant and told those 12 to 18 miles away to stay indoors.
    The crisis has raised fears about the spread of contamination of the environment and local food supply. The government has announced that traces of radioactive elements have been found in vegetables and raw milk from farms around the plant, prompting a government ban on shipments from those areas.
    Elevated levels of radioactive iodine and cesium have also been detected in the seawater near Fukushima, and the government is testing seafood as a precaution, Yukio Edano, the chief cabinet secretary, said Tuesday. Government officials and health experts stress, however, that the doses are low and do not pose an immediate threat to human health.
    Also on Tuesday the public broadcaster NHK, citing the government’s Science Ministry, reported that radiation levels surpassing 400 times the normal level had been detected in soil about 25 miles from the Fukushima plant.
    “It’s natural that people worldwide will be monitoring for this — just in case it is far worse than we now expect,” said F. Ward Whicker, a professor emeritus at Colorado State University who developed a leading model for following radiation through the food chain.
    More than 15 years after the Chernobyl accident in what is now Ukraine, studies found that cesium 137 was still detectable in wild boar in Croatia and reindeer in Norway, with the levels high enough in some areas to pose a potential danger to people who consume a great deal of the meat.
    While iodine 131 is much shorter lived — its radioactive potency is halved every eight days — it is dangerous because it concentrates in the thyroid gland, resulting in high radiation doses to that vulnerable organ. The thyroid is such an iodine magnet that Dr. Whicker recounts that a week after a nuclear weapons test in China, iodine 131 could be detected in the thyroid glands of deer in Colorado, although it could not be detected in the air or in nearby vegetation.

    After the Chernobyl accident, some relatively distant villages were contaminated with fallout of iodine 131, and local cows ate grass that contained the radiation. Children who drank milk from those cows ended up with high rates of thyroid cancer.

    source: New York Times

  • skepti1

    I’m the tip of the iceberg. The real judge can only come from within yourselves. When you face your maker and can no longer hide from the truth.

    In the meantime, I find it amusing to confront the banality of evil.

  • westoast

    I wondered about your screen name. You say it is “sceptic1″. On my screen it says “scepti1″.
    As a scientist you should understand that the human brain will transpose that into “septic” given that scepti is not a word. One of our contributors put up a post yesterday that illustrated a similar phenomena, the only difference being that if a word is jumbled it is still recognizable as long as the first and last letters remain in the proper place.
    You kind of left yourself open to being called Septic.

  • AppyH

    Mr. Septic showing his superior buttocks: scepti1 10 hours ago in reply to MonaMi

    I’m afraid I didn’t learn anything on this forum. Even the guy who seemed well informed– Vihar– bases his discussion of the safety of nuclear plants on the assumption that an “uncontained meltdown” is impossible. So far, nobody here seems either adult enough or intelligent enough to engage in any real discussion. Probably this is the silliest group I’ve encountered on the internet.

    Reply To Mr. Vain Pompous ass Septic tank

    How damn pompous can a person get. Someone ought to rip one of your skinny girly gender challenged arms off and beat the Hell right out of your smart arrogant loud mouth ass. I Would love to have dinner with you and watch your impecable manners after which I would make you squeal like a pussy pig by taking your Mickey Mouse watch away from you..

  • Ken

    Jack Shields: I don’t agree that this is all a big joke, as you seem to. Ann Coulter is a very influential and persuasive public figure. Yes, her article that radiation is good probably won’t hurt anybody. I used it as an example because it so clearly shows her lack of regard for the truth.


    The man who knows nothing is closer to the truth than the one who is in the wrong. (Thomas Jefferson) We need to recognize and avoid those whose words are untrue. We need to avoid those who would steer us wrong, as well as learn from those who will steer us right. But even more so to understand clearly, to understand for ourselves. To not have to equivocate. To not accept ideas we don’t fully understand or are a blur. Ideas we feel pressured to accept. If we always give in to peer pressure and conformity, the worst sort will take advantage and push our buttons and get our votes the way a con artist does. That’s why thinking for ourselves, always, is a safeguard against tyranny and mob rule.

    Those who sit in church, as I once did, and don’t really understand what the Minister is preaching and take it on faith because we can’t prove it, set a precedent we should be wary of. Do we want our leaders to be this way: To not really understanding situations, but act anyway? Do we want businesses, who aren’t really sure enough about what they are doing, plunging ahead anyway? Like BP did.

    I don’t want to debate now which of the three main sources of power–oil, coal and nuclear–are the worst, but to see a leader actually get in front of a microphone and say nuclear power is safe, as I recently did, when we know the waste is not, is a blight on the truth. Ann Coulter is not the most honest person. Maybe, you all know that already. Maybe you don’t care. But if we abandon our standards, if we show our leaders we don’t mind when they lie, as long as they’re on “our side,” what are we left with? How can we really even communicate? Should we just say or write nothing and back Ann whatever she says or does? Don’t we have a part to play? Ann is just a human being. Isn’t it our responsibility to tell her when she’s wrong, intentionally or not? Won’t this make her better? Isn’t the goal to find the truth in what she’s writing about? If not, how do we know she’s right?

  • ^TDO^

    This applies to you as well.

    Those who read and write English recognize that ‘sc’ usually is sounded as an ‘s’ and not as an ‘sk’.

    You know, as in Science!

    And as your point as to understanding the position.

    Maybe you should apply that rule to yourself and your interpretation of Ann’s column.

    After all, the first rule of scholasticism is – understand the philosopy or intent of the author before beginning to debate it.

    Seems to me and most of us here that you missed that part.

  • AppyH


    I’m repeating this post to give more of you insight into what kind of person I am. The kind of person who is not bound by the truth or whether or not something makes sense, as long as I see some kind of advantage in it that advances my belief, no matter how little evidence there is for me.

    If I believed what Al Freak Face Franken has said was true, I’d welcome it. But, unfortunately for him, I have already read a lot of what he has written and seen him on C-SPAN licking Bill Maher’s hand, so I come prepared, I put a condom on my head.

    I know I declared I should kill all conservatives and christians and those Damn quacking Ducks and I want to forcibly make all people on Ann Coulter atheist whining little piss bags like me. Then some time later I said I believe it more than ever that all men should ride a schwinn and wear a pink Bunny fag suit like me.

    Ann coulter has declared liberals guilty of treason, yes treason, simply for being wrong and pushing communism in America over a forty year span! To see more about me and what I think and the voices I hear in my head, read about how I tell lies and stick cucumbers in surprising places with footnotes in the book “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them” by Al Franken one of the biggest most important books on Weasels commies and fruit cake tinker Bells..of the Democrat party.

    A photo is in the book insert of me and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid drawing a pentagram on my ass and drinking urine and planning the demise of America.
    Please call me dropquick…and davidblaine …..and slurp eddie cone head..

    Reply to Ken,

    Ken enlightening your writing is, could you have it printed for me on soft paper in a roll?

  • AppyH

    Ken 22 minutes ago


    Now that I’ve moved close to the extreme in one direction, it may be time to make sure I haven’t gone too far like when I went to Lynn’s for tea and ended up dressed like a fairywinkle. Though most of my life I’ve been an agnostic little sniveling prick, I felt a lot of love from fellow atheist homosexuals when I was going to gay camp and they certainly weren’t why I left the the circle of the deranged .

    I also understand and probably agree at least superficially that Christianity can be a good influence on some or maybe many.

    And if it wasn’t for the Ben and Jerrys, the Christian Burnings, Beatles writting books that called JESUS a bastard etc. and especially because ex-President George W. Bush who betrayed me when I wrote and asked for a pair of his underware probably or at least partially because of his special purpose from God, when he stayed in Iraq for years when I wanted to send Iraq a nasty letter telling them to behave, even though he told us he was just going there for WMD’s I would have gone for the mysterious dildos, I probably wouldn’t be writing this, though I still would be an agnostic little fag and I would still enjoy debotchery and vile sexual practice I don’t believe in Christian Myths. I do believe we all fell out of a monkey’s ass.

    I believe Bush caused the unnecessary deaths of thousands, if not tens of thousands of people, including (obviously) American Soldiers cause the MSM and huffington said so, never mind the voices in my head “Bush did it” and his war also caused brain damage “Bush did it” when I fell off my cucumber and other terrible injuries.

    Irrational Faith in satan and evil men can be quite a dangerous thing. So I believe I am doing the right thing by taking a cucumber daily.

    I’m not focusing on any one particular person on the site except Appy I hate appy and pray for his death waaaa mommy mommy. To the extent Annville honestly and carefully reads what I write LMAO, it will be an opportunity for growth since my posts are pure enlightenment, so feelings may be hurt I cry and use cucumbers daily keeps me loose. But in the wise words of Benjamin Franklin: “Those things that hurt, instruct.” So queers are dear to me, it is absolutely not my goal to hurt anyoneI would like to pinch Lynn’s boxum ass.

    I am only trying to show people what is so obnoxious about me. And, of course, I always want to do more good than harm by buying cucumbers for everyone., as I hope and believe most people do.

    Reply to Ken the Gerbil Miller:

    Go to a gay blog for deranged perverts and Marxist queens.

  • ^TDO^

    VI (or the Village Idiot, for long)


    You can’t handle the truth.

    Of course, we all know that you are a failed writer and a failed teacher. But why didn’t you tell us about your broadway career?

  • Hugh_Smish

    A pip pip pip and a jolly old nut-n-honey cheerio on the Piccadilly to you Ken old bean! I was prancing through the Piccadilly the other day when I had a thought…I thought to myself as I was prancing: “I wonder if old bean Ken is angry with me for telling that story about how he was abducted by outer space aliens and they inserted a jumbo size satellite dish right into his anus?” The more I thought about it, the more I realized I was wrong for telling that story about how you were abducted by outer space aliens and they inserted a jumbo size satellite dish right into your anus. So, if you will agree to once again be my friend, I will promise to never tell anyone that story about how those outer space aliens inserted a jumbo size satellite dish right into your anus. A pip pip pip and jolly old nut-n-honey cheerio on the Piccadilly to you old bean.

  • riverdave

    Reply to septic,

    Well son, around here {America} it’s septic. You know that place in the ground where the turds go to when I flush the toilet. If it’s working right it’s full of bacteria which eats up the $hit. A bit like you.

    Now why do you keep tripping in here with your supercilious attitude where you by your own posting [drivel] consider all who post here as your subordinate?

    Maybe you are just a mental case with a make believe friend that leads a cult in Atlanta. I’m guessing they find you just a little beyond the realm. Or maybe they didn’t understand you. Did your momma?

  • deeme

    This guy tells the truth and all his stories are about how green things are turning out to be a joke..
    Ken, why did they take my light bulbs away it was all a lie..The new ones are bad. What exactly do you use for electricity.?

    by Ed Lasky ,

    The Democrats have been busy the last two years, and not just reengineering the health care industry, restructuring the auto sector, assaulting Wall Street and the financial sector, and harming our public finances. They have also been trying to transform America’s energy industry at our expense. This is Barack Obama at his worst — picking losers and winners by personal whim, donations for dollars deals, and ideological zeal.

    Who have been the losers, and who have been the winners? And have the winners just been taking the taxpayers for a ride while their guy has been driving the bus — with taxpayers sitting in the back?

    The Obama administration has tried to kill off the oil industry. Offshore moratoriums have been unilaterally imposed by executive orders and justified using scientific panel studies that were misrepresented — if not distorted — by the administration. The drilling permit process has been afflicted with sclerosis. Federal lands are becoming less and less available for development.

    Obama does not like carbon; he boasted during the campaign that he would bankrupt coal power plants and that his policies would necessarily boost the price of power. Those words were ignored by much of the media, in thrall to the man they so wanted to win. When the rapture swept journalists into ecstasy, who cared about little details here and there?

    Obama tried and failed to get a cap-and-trade bill through Congress. He warned that if that effort failed, he would do another end run around Congress and rely on his Environmental Protection Agency to do his dirty work.

    Who knows? Maybe Obama has personalized his gripes and made them the basis of public policy. We know how he feels about George Bush and Dick Cheney — both with strong ties to the oil industry. Maybe he just doesn’t care for the South, where much of our carbon wealth is found — a Republican redoubt that he may have just written off as a political wasteland.

    Hence gas prices approaching four dollars a gallon — and this is not yet the summer driving season that typically boosts gas prices as demand increases.

    This price hike may make New York Times columnist Tom Friedman gleeful. He considers high-priced gas (and Chinese authoritarianism) the answer to all ills. He writes column after column on these topics from the baronial splendor of his homes (here is a photoof one of them; he earned his fortune, by the way, by marrying it). Undoubtedly, he salves his conscience regarding the carbon footprints of his homes with checks to buy carbon credits — and writes more columns castigating us for our addiction to carbon.

    But I digress.

    How else have the Democrats been trying to change our power industry? The old-fashioned way: changing the rules of the game (as noted above) and then using our tax dollars to enrich green schemers. The grand champion of spending boosts by Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress has been a 1,014% boost in spending for the “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program.” Then there is something called the Green Jobs Labor Fund — which did not even exist prior to 2009 and has received hundreds of millions of dollars.

    But wait…there is more.

    Much of the stimulus money also went toward funding green schemes, and one of the major beneficiaries have been solar power promoters. These are, in the words of Washington Post columnist Robert Samuelson “pipe dreams.” Many of the promoters and hucksters behind these “ventures” have chummy relationships with Democrats — as will be covered below.

    How are these solar dreams playing out? As nightmares, at least for taxpayers.

    The latest to turn off the lights is a Massachusetts venture promoted by its governor, Deval Patrick.

    From the Boston Globe

    Evergreen Solar Inc. will eliminate 800 jobs in Massachusetts and shut its new factory at the former military base in Devens, just two years after it opened the massive facility to great fanfare and with about $58 million in taxpayer subsidies.

    The company announced yesterday that it will close the plant by the end of March, calling itself a victim of weak demand and competition from cheaper suppliers in China, where the government provides solar companies with generous subsidies.

    Evergreen itself has a factory in Wuhan, China, built in collaboration with a Chinese company, Jiawei Solarchina Co. Ltd., and with money from a Chinese government investment fund. The company had previously said it would shift some production from Devens to the Wuhan plant but yesterday was the first time it said Devens would be closed.

    The Devens closing is a major hit to Governor Deval Patrick’s efforts to make Massachusetts a hub of the emerging clean-energy industry. The administration persuaded Evergreen to build at Devens with a package of grants, land, loans, and other aid originally valued at $76 million. The company ended up taking about $58 million, one of the largest aid packages Massachusetts has provided to a private company, and the governor was the featured guest at Evergreen’s ribbon-cutting in July 2008.

    Governor Patrick had been criticized during his reelection campaign for providing aid to the plant during a time of economic stress. He ignored the criticism and plowed ahead. He and Barack Obama shared more than plagiarized speech lines and campaign strategist David Axelrod.

    There are claw-back provisions allowing the state to recover some of the lost money. But these are mostly window dressing. Officials admit that the terms are so complicated and generous that any recovery will be only a token amount. Company officials agree.

    This is, of course, an outrage. Money is fungible. Evergreen used its own money to expand in China, took taxpayer dollars to take a fling in Massachusetts, and when that venture failed, just closed the doors and walked away. What a deal! Taxpayers take the risk. If the venture had succeeded, the company and its promoters and investors would have pocketed the gains; when it failed, they just walked away with nary an ounce of obligations to taxpayers. Were the lights, at least, run on solar power?

    The landscape of America will be littered with these green scheme boondoggles going belly-up after gorging at the trough filled by American taxpayer dollars. Another taxpayer-subsidized solar cell maker shut down recently in New York for example.

    Solar power subsidies have helped bankrupt the Spanish economy, and the very government officials who have peddled these schemes are backpedaling furiously to keep their jobs as their taxpayers rise in revolt. The government is slashing subsidies left and right, but it may already be too late to save their economy. Meanwhile, at least one Spanish solar power company has found a temporary bandage to slow its fiscal hemorrhaging — the American taxpayer. Democratic Congressman Paul Kanjorksi, who was not reelected in November, has a nephew who “worked” for the Spanish solar company Abound. Somehow, this foreign company was blessed with a 400-million-dollar federal grant Abound will probably join its rivals in Spain into ruin — the Spanish landscape will be littered with uneconomic solar power plants that will bear more than a little resemblance, metaphorically speaking, to the windmills of Miguel Cervantes’ Don Quixote.

    Even the Spanish media have warned America that Obama is driving America off the green energy cliff. Other European governments are slashing solar tariffs as fast as they can to save themselves from drowning in red ink.

    Does anyone believe that Barack Obama listens, or that this self-declared “student of history” would learn from the Spanish tragedy? Did he listen to Larry Summers, his own resident genius (who recently left the administration) when Summers highlighted a study from the OMB and Treasury Department that found severe problems with the “economic integrity of government support for renewables”?

    Only in Washington would a term such as “economic integrity” be used to describe a fiscally foolish program that will lead to massive problems in the future.

    This tsunami of bankruptcies is headed our way.

    Many of the execs and investors behind these green schemes are Democratic donors and those who have toiled in Democratic party politics for years. Solyndra was another solar scheme that received 535 million dollars in federal tax dollars. The “investment” was widely touted by the Obama administration. The firm was chock-full of investors and executives who were generous Democratic donors and activists. One of its biggest investors was a big bundler for the Obama-Biden campaign.

    Solyndra also closed one of its plants and laid off workers after gouging on the aid.

    But wait…there is more. The hucksterism runs rampant.

    Solyndra’s auditor could not issue an opinion that would have allowed the company to go public and for its investors to cash out. The reason? Solyndra was so badly run that doubts were raised regarding its ability to continue as a going concern. The backers may have lacked much as investors and scientists. But as crony capitalists, they excelled.

    A cloud is passing over these solar schemes.

    They are inefficient boondoggles. They generate electric power at a cost vastly more expensive than electricity generated by natural gas (a relatively clean-burning fuel), hydro, coal — and, of course, nuclear. But the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress are on a crusade to foreclose the use of these fuels to power our nation. The Democrats are “enemies” (to use a word Obama has used to describe opponents) of natural gas development (see my column, “Cheap Natural Gas and its Democratic Enemies”), want to blow up dams, kill coal (the EPA is on a rampage against Big Coal), and choke off nuclear power plants by stopping the development of a repository for nuclear waste. We are being force-fed green schemes like so much spinach Michelle Obama might force down our gullets.

    Solar power plants are inefficient and cannot survive on their own. Instead, they survive by virtue of an IV flowing from taxpayers to tax-takers. Eventually, reality catches up to fantasy, and they close. Solar stocks are losers in the stock market, that harsh judge of economics.

    Death panels would be better used to evaluate the values of these ventures, not the value of our lives.

    Much of the stimulus money, as well as the Department of Energy budget, went toward these renewable green energy schemes. A quarter of a billion dollars (chump change in Washington, but real money to us, who are paying for it) went to fund a weatherization program in Obama’s hometown of Chicago that was marked by fraud and shoddy work. That is just one example.

    The solar power schemes will become one bright, shining example of liberal politics run amok. We will be paying the price for these schemes and boondoggles for years to come. Meanwhile, the Chinese are happy that we are in hock to them as we borrow billions to pay for these fantasies and schemes. They also benefit since many of the green jobs that Obama touts happen to be in China — a nation that may be violating World Trade Organization rules when it exports solar panel(don’t believe the hype regarding China and solar power; they will sell us uneconomic solar panels but meanwhile, back at home, burn massive amounts of coal to fuel their growing economy).

    The government is a notoriously bad investor when it comes to clean energy. Barack Obama and his band of zealots have very little real-world business experience — and seem to disdain free enterprise. But this green energy crusade may have more than just ideological zealotry fueling its drive. Recall that Obama likes to pick winners and losers, and not just in basketball tournaments.

    He hails from Chicago, after all.

    Darrell Issa, now chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, will investigate these green energy projects and get to the bottom of how we have been ripped off by green schemers and their friends in high places. He has already announced that one item on his agenda will be how the Obama administration has spent our money. He may have misspoken a bit when he called the Obama administration the most corrupt in history, but corruption there has been, and Issa is ideally positioned to ferret it out and prevent it from happening in the future.

    Issa made his fortune creating and selling Viper car alarms. He does not care for wrongdoers, and neither should we, because we, the taxpayers, are the ones being ripped off.

    The truth is all these schemes global warming and the likes they aren’t true either so your truth is the only truth any of us should believe..My truth says I’m gonna die the day my maker picks and no one worrying about their source of electricity is going to make a damn bit of difference.//Nice to know the same people who worry so could give a crap that Mothers kill more then radiation!!

  • Lynn Long

    I D I O T

  • Lynn Long

    I M B E C I L E

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Lynn doesn’t believe the Bible, he denies the majority of it and likes to pick and choose what may appear to support his personal beliefs. You rightly put Lynn in the camp of those like the new agers and other cultist’s who also will only use scripture when it can be twisted and taken out of context to give credence to their “feelings.” But as the passage from John says: “And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.” Anyone can read the Bible, Lynn himself holds the worlds record for reading it ten thousand times in every known translation and in fifty different languages; yet, he still cannot understand it. It reminds me of the saying ” You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink” In Lynn’s case and all those who cannot understand God’s Word, John’s passage rings true! Only the Holy Spirit can give you the Truth, Faith, and understanding you need to really know and believe God’s Word.

  • deeme

    I won’t pretend to understand anything God Does and alot of the bible confuses me like I don’t understand why God favors Mary over Martha, my mom and I say this all the time, Martha was doing all the important work that needed to be done…, Mary was like my guests who sit and enjoy and never say hey you need some help with all that , my friends I love are the ones that say that..

  • deeme

    A must read for Grandparents.
    Those who aren’t will like it, too.
    At one point during a game, the coach called one of his 9-year-old
    baseball players aside and asked, “Do you understand what cooperation is?
    What a team is?”
    The little boy nodded in the affirmative.

    “Do you understand that what matters is whether we win or lose
    together as a team?”

    The little boy nodded yes.

    “So,” the coach continued, “I’m sure you know, when an out is called,
    you shouldn’t argue, curse, attack the umpire, or call him a pecker-head.
    Do you understand all that?”

    Again the little boy nodded.
    He continued, “And when I take you out of the game so another boy gets a
    chance to play, it’s not good sports-manship to call your coach “a
    asshole” is it?”

    Again the little boy nodded.

    “Good,” said the coach. “Now go over there and explain all that to
    grandmother .

  • deeme

    Is that the guy from prison break,, William Fichtner…

  • jas

    I never watched Prison Break. I do have my standards.

    Oops! No Ordinary Family’s on. Later. LOL!!!

  • ^TDO^

    Drachmas, jas, drachmas

  • jas

    I blew it. LOL!!!

    I still liked Dead Seabiscuit. LOL!!!

    Oooh! I forgot I can go back and edit it.

  • jas

    Per pound?

    650 (sorry Gabriel) pounds times .99 = WOW!!!

    Does Kelly know you’re holding out? LOL!!!

  • westoast

    I saw that you changed it from rubbles. I didn’t think they would let you use Flintstones money to play the horses.

  • westoast

    That’s a name of a Muslim TV series nobody thought of. The Flintstones.

  • jas

    I catch on.

    Barny Rubble. LOL!!!

  • westoast

    Damn that Obsidian Bin Lava from Sandy Androckia

  • jas

    I’m warning you. Don’t make me go to the Thesaurus. LOL!!!

  • westoast

    That’s funny, that’s just what it is called on The Flintstones, only it is a little talking dinosaur that has memorized synonyms. A Thesaurus.

  • jas

    Ever watch the crap they serve up to kids these days?

    With the exception of a few cartoons like Ed, Edd, & Eddy, Courage, Spongebob, and a couple others they may as well rerun Deputy Dog, Quick Draw McGraw, Huckleberry Hound, and a dozen or so of my childhood favorites.

    And don’t get me started on scripted kid series. No wonder today’s youth are medicated……

  • westoast

    No I can’t really stomach most of it. Spongebob was funny for a little while. The other two you mentioned are pretty depraved from the little I’ve seen.
    I was really sick once and stuck without a TV remote and a really twisted episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog was on the TV. I couldn’t get up to turn it off. It almost killed me.

  • riverdave

    Which begs the age old question …

    What came first, the Action Figure or the Cartoon?

  • jas

    When I was seven or so I sent away for a cardboard Yogi Bear head to wear over my head and shoulders. So I guess the cartoon came first. Then me. LOL!!!

  • westoast

    This reminds me of the episode of Cheers where they were arguing over why Wile E. Coyote was always chasing the Roadrunner.

  • jas

    If you don’t like Courage, better stay away from Squidbillies.

  • westoast

    You got to BE the action figure? Luckyyyyyyyyyy

  • AppyH

    Oh how pompous. Moron.

  • jas

    I wore that thing with pride all over the neighborhood. I was half-hoping my parents had hung on to it. Sadly, they didn’t because I think it would have still fit. LOL!!!

  • AppyH

    You prefer strife and not truth. You prefer promoting yourself and not the Son of God. You are no mystery.

  • westoast

    Sounds like a brand of bait. Maybe breakfast bait if there is such a thing.
    Try caffeine enhanced squidbillies on the morning bite. It’s got the kind of taste that picks fish up. And puts ‘em in your boat!

  • AppyH

    You reject all that is good about God, his word and his SON JESUS. You have invented your own belief to cover the guilt of sin. You do not approve of God’s word, you are above that but the day will come when empty words of disbelief will be brought to your memory.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Don’t get you started? Don’t get me started!

    I have many serious objections to what children are being exposed to. Every decent person in this country should be alarmed by what America’s children have been programmed to believe and emulate. Whether it’s through television, movies, or even worse; the education system –these corrupt and conscienceless liberals have successfully damaged generations of children and young adults, and as a result, done irreparable harm to this country.

  • westoast

    It would be worth a lot now. I think getting rid of it was a Boo-Boo. :)

  • jas

    Ughhhhhh! LOL!!!

  • jas

    And drags sailors to their death (thank you Bart Simpson).

  • jas


    You do realize the old Geezer has a live wire attached from his keyboard to his nuts to alert him when he’s being gang banged. LOL!!!

  • westoast

    LOL!!! That is some crazy assed bait! I think I’ll just use a bass plug.

  • westoast

    He’s also got a dinner bell duct taped to the back of his head.

  • westoast

    Don’t get you started? Don’t get me started. I can’t even watch this crap and they’re showing it to little impressionable children.

  • AppyH

    Lynn Long 3 hours ago in reply to Paul Earth A.D.

    The Baptist Church
    Among the Baptist’s many refreshing qualities is their love for the Bible, to them the only authoritative, inspired source of religious truth and knowledge. To that source they look in all matters relating to doctrine, to policy, to ordinances, to worship, and to Christian living.

    They hold that the Bible is for all, and that the right of private and individual interpretation is an inalienable right. They have no doctrinal formulas to supplement the Bible. In keeping with their “Bible only” stand, they reject the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and all others. For them the Bible is final.

    Repy to Lynn Long:

    you are a liar plain and simple..your distortions will not go unpunished, God will not be mocked. You know nothing about the Baptist church but what someone wrote.. (The right to private interpertation is against God’s word) it is written. No Sound Baptist would ever say what you printed you simple minded egotistical old woman.

    The Bible is not foolishness defined by an idiot like you. 2-Peter 1:16 – 21 have been told this many times but you are smarter than God and have followed atheist and cultish garbage looking for a way out …it will never happen..I doubt if you understand 2-peter 1:16 – 21 because you do exactally what is speaks against.

    You lie and lie till blue in the face defending lies and distortions. You are a pitiful shame.

  • riverdave

    Heh,heh heh; remember that.

    I have a video on this machine somewhere sent by a friend that has him [willie] catching the runner. Little by little he starts to fall apart becoming a basket case.

    Guess the point was that he no longer had any meaning for his life.

    The clip is much better than my discription.

  • AppyH

    It would not surprise me if Lynn had a bolt through his damn neck.

  • westoast

    [Moderator] 15 minutes ago in reply to westoast
    Heh,heh heh; remember that.

    I have a video on this machine somewhere sent by a friend that has him [willie] catching the runner. Little by little he starts to fall apart becoming a basket case.

    Guess the point was that he no longer had any meaning for his life.

    The clip is much better than my discription.

    I would like to see that – WT

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    I’m glad you responded to this Appy and it’s kind of interesting because I had just gone back and read this and was about to respond to it. I only know a few Baptist’s but in my discussions with them; they never gave me the impression of what Lynn describes here; in fact it’s quite the opposite.

  • Paul Earth A.D.

    Hello Toast.

  • westoast

    Hey Paul. Happy Wednesday morning.
    I see you guys put Lynne through a few laps today.
    Hows the old horse holding up?

  • jas

    And I never hanged anybody.

  • skepti1

    Amazing. You guys just humiliated yourselves in front of the whole world and you think you’re winning.

  • AppyH


    In all seriousness Lynn is the most spiritually sick person I have ever met. Many who don’t believe in God would not spend all their waking hours trying to drag others into the mire.

    No matter what scripture truths you may present to him he is totally blind to them …totally. He plainly regards scripture as nothing important and meaningless and he is in total rejection. The suprising part is that he claims to be a Christian in the same breath that he denies JESUS with.

    God holds his word above his very name …that is a very profound statement. Lynn mocks God and distorts God’s word with silly meaningless drivel. Lynn says, “In my opinion” and then spouts the most sick interpertations I have ever heard about the Gospel.

  • skepti1

    Psychiatrists do base their diagnoses on language use. Guess you (or should I say “you guys” since you just used the plural “we” when talking about yourself– more evidence). In fact, much of what can be known of the mind is contained within our language. Not only within psychiatry, but also linguistics and contemporary philosophy: it is precisely the relationship of words that often contains the most important evidence. The way we string words together is almost the same as the way our brains work.

    There are obvious patterns in evidence all around this website: circular arguments, straw man fallacies, inappropriate relationship of tone and content. Any good scholar in any discipline would have a field day. You and your “mind” are just the tip of the iceberg.

  • docneaves

    I notice you didn’t say, WE psychiatrists.  So you’re not one.  So I was right, and you failed to admit it in the entire post.  Great job.  I rest my case, you are an idiot with no value to me.  See ya.

  • skepti1

    What “They” have to do with the other people you hate (i.e. non-neanderthal right wing extremists like you) is anybody’s guess.

    Is the world to imagine that in docneaves puny little brain there is the image of barney frank, hillary clinton, the dalai lama, bill gates, warren buffett, bono, and paul and anne erlich, standing around a cauldron with some gnome-like bureaucrats from senegal plotting the destruction of babies?

    I’m afraid paranoia would be too mild a description.

  • skepti1

    More bizarre babbling from the most deranged of the deranged: what does being a psychiatrist have to do with writing about the subject? Does one have to be a PHd in linguistics to read Noam Chomsky? Does one have to have a doctorate in theology to read the Gospel? Perhaps you only believe psychiatrists because “they” have you under lock and key?

    Question: Does Ann Coulter have a PHd in any of the subjects she writes about? If not, I suggest you put a bar of soap in your mouth.

  • skepti1

    God does not “condone” many other practices– abortion and homosexuality– are on the list but you are fixated on only those. If you decide to fixate on all the practices banned by a literal interpretation of the bible you will find yourself either in a monastery or a religious state like Calvin’s Geneva. Maybe you’d prefer Taliban era Kabul.

  • skepti1

    Wow: radiation is good because it is used to kill cancer sells. You’re right: it is good at killing cancer sells. Because it destroys cells. So it is good at that. Forgive me, but how that makes it a good thing to have drifting around in the air escapes me.

    I agree with you however about keeping a safe distance from hospitals. I think I read somewhere that the number three cause of death in America was medical error.

  • skepti1

    I’m glad you crack “you” up. But I’m not sure what your point is. I agree with you that Obama should have moved more quickly. But after he moved you seem to alter your position. You want ground forces but you don’t think the war is in America’s vital interest. (And then you say he should have gone before congress, which a president should do if an issue is vitally important). It feels like the ground is shifting under your essay.

    One is left feeling that you’ve decided you’re against the mission because we’re cooperating with the U.N. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. I’m just saying that I feel your statement is not clear.

  • skepti1

    Ghaddaffi should have been eliminated after Lockerbie. On Reagan’s watch. Guess Ronnie was soft on terrorism…. Maybe because he was supporting the radical Islamists in Afghanistan at the time. And selling weapons to Iran.

    Hold on…I’ve got a theory you right wing nutjobs might adopt….

    Maybe Ronnie’s birth certificate was forged. I’m not really sure he was an American, are you? Can you prove it? After all, his foreign policy seems to have greatly favored the jihadists and arab dictators…..

    Got to make a documentary about this. Might really sell to conspiracy whack jobs.

  • ^TDO^

    Just wondering.

    Who gets to define ‘progress’?



  • ellizabeth

    2 good points

  • 1LonesomeDove1


  • frjim

    Hi, Skepti–

    Actually (predictably), I don’t see it that way.

    Does Ann Coulter “make her living by dividing people?” No more than, say, Chris Mathews does. The division is already there. All they do is point it up. That’s an editorialist’s job, and whether he is being “incisive” or “divisive” is wholly a matter of whether or not the reader agrees with him. if you like a guy, he’s “thrifty.” If you don’t, he’s “cheap.”

    By the same token, the pejoratives you present as fact statements have personal meaning to you, because they are the accepted tribal assumptions of the group with whom you apparently identify. Factual or not, they are the implanted caricatures of the “enemy” that all self-defined groups use in order to distinguish themselves. Part of group identity is
    our distinction from our opponents, and ridicule of “the other guys” is an age-old tool for enhancing tribal cohesiveness. One of the reasons Liberals are so upset with Mrs. Coulter is that for thirty years or so, it was pretty much exclusively their tool. They counted on it as a means of socially intimidating and dominating their more polite opposition. Mrs. Coulter
    was among the pioneers in turning this around on them.

    You ask, “Why can’t there be meaningful exchange?” There is. We’re having one, right now. They happen all the time.

    Your definition of “Liberal” is telling. It is, in fact, the classical definition of a responsible scholar: open to listen to and learn from even ideas with which he disagrees, because these, too, will help him grow. It’s where the expressions “liberal arts” and “liberal education” come from.

    Unfortunately, this doesn’t apply to today’s, politicized. Liberal.

    A classical Liberal is Socratic: seaching for Truth, accepting a responsibility to change his mind, if necessary, in deference to it; testing statements for epistemological validity by testing them for their internal consistency and discarding them if they are exposed as self-contradictory.

    A modern Liberal is Hegelian, assuming there is no Truth to seek because everything is in a state of permanent and inescapable flux: the Thesis and the Antithesis are ineradicably destined to kill each other off and produce the Synthesis, whose doom is that it is now just another Thesis, ready for the same slaughterhouse, ad infinitum. The internal consistency of statements is irrelevant, because the statements don’t actually exist. Facts don’t matter, because there is no fixed reality. Everything is “in process,” and waiting for its impending destruction. So, epistemological (and spiritual) refuge is sought in the process itself: a chaotic port in a chaotic storm, a place of “my truth” and “your truth,” where infinite numbers of opposites are assumed to be able to occupy the same place at the same time and “the consensus” is the only measure of validity.

    This drive toward consensus is what makes Liberals gravitate toward statism, and even totalitarianism: the impression of a “strong hand on the tiller” is comforting to one whose ship is always in stormy waters, and an enforced consensus provides a certain, desperate, stability.

    Additionally, it serves as a replacement for God, Whom Liberalism rejects. This is the logical outcome of the Hegelian dynamic, which denies its adherents access to the Divine, simply because it denies them access to any sort of fixed, objective Reality. “The only absolute is that there are no absolutes” is a statement that would have been rejected out of hand as ridiculous by a Classical Liberal. To a Modern Liberal, however, to whom a stable logic is irrelevant, it makes sense.

    That brings us to your impression of Jesus.

    You are right when you say Jesus encouraged the brotherhood of man.

    There is nothing ill-defined about this brotherhod, however. Jesus defines Himself as “the Way, the Truth and the Life,” not “A way, A truth or A life.” He is uncompromising in His statement that, “The only way to the Father is through Me.” He is also unequivocal about Right and Wrong, Real and False.

    The brotherhood Jesus brings to man is the brotherhood of the saved: those who have chosen to be set free from the limitations of a world whose boundaries are space, time and death and whose final recourse is only to transitory opinion. It is a brotherhood of those who have discovered the Truth,
    and who have by that Truth been set free.

    I enjoy our conversations, Skepti! Looking forward to the next one–

    Fr. Jim +

  • wgalison

    Go to Japan and volunteer to fix the reactor. and read this from FOX:

  • wgalison

    Go to Japan and fix the reactor

  • wgalison

    Go to Japan and fix the reactor

  • wgalison

    Go to Japan and help fix the reactor. They need big strong guys like you.

  • wgalison

    we’re talking about a meltdown here, knucklehead, not the normal operation of a power plant.

  • Mighty_Zy

    I actually would like to see all Ann’s sources. I’m a Graduate student taking a class in Nuclear Engineering and I would like to look into this much further by looking at SOURCE material. I am in no way demeaning this article, quite the opposite, but I’d still like to see her sources to help my study.

  • Jeffrey

    If it weren’t for Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter would be the stupidest woman on the planet. And this article is confirmation. Ann, dear, radiation makes for genetic change and genetic change is bad, especially as it is a cause of cancer. Law school probably did not cover this. Just go back to hate mongering, the only thing for which you have ever exhibited any talent.

  • confusedinparadise

    Specify exactly what you meant in terms of quantities then – how much radiation, exactly, is good for you and at what point does it transition to being bad or dangerous for you? I need to know this to evaluate the Fukushima situation. Thanks for your help in understanding this mysterious distinction.

  • Kenneth Watson

    I’m very disappointed in this article. Can you not take five seconds to research what kinds of radiation were involved in these “positive” results? Can you cite the studies resources and prove they were non-biased results? This article is so vague it turns my stomach. I think that this is a classic example of throwing something broad and unsupported by conventional science at the public to quell and JUSTIFIED concerns that all EDUCATED people have made in regards to the FUKUSHIMA meltdown. I will lend a hand real quick. Iodine, Cesium, Uranium, and Plutonium are floating around in the atmosphere right now. These are very bad and here is why. Flash doses of radiation dissipate quickly and the effects are minimal. Radiation from rainwater, food and dairy products will be ingested and find itself slowly working away at your thyroid, liver, spleen and kidneys. That is where the real danger is. Each type of radioactive element likes to embed into a certain part of the body where it will spend years slowly smoldering away on your body. That is not good for you plain and simple. So, Ann Coulter, please do some real research before using your popularity to blast biased facts and misleading info at the population. ,

  • confusedinparadise

    I’m thinking of opening up a radiation spa to treat diseases of the rich and arrogant, you know – improve their health and all – and it would be good to know the difference.

  • confusedinparadise

    You mean, like you?

  • confusedinparadise

    What is your definition of a “liberal isoDope”? I’m new here so need to know the lingo…

  • Brant

    Go help those people in Japan if you’re so gung ho.
    I’m conservative but this is a bunch of BS. You people are ignorant. You totally believe the Media, thats what you are quoting!

    The AMA? What a bunch of liars. American Medicine has a 40% death rate due to wrong meds, bad procedures etc….

    Radiation is not good for you. Why have the raised the levels of acceptability??You can leave out data to make any report look good…

    It doesnt matter if you are liberal or conservative, these people are not your friends, and people like Anny that promote BS science are just as bad…

    NPR , Rush or Ann Coulter, any of those talk shows dont address the real problems, they gloss over the top because thats what you guys understand…

  • Clinton Kew

    Then why are we afraid of “terrorists” with dirty bombs? Maybe the’re trying to help us and aren’t terrorists at all! Thanks Ann for ending the war on terror!!

  • riverdave

    sensei? interesting spelling.

    Do you understand; my Nonsensical, young fool, that your rants in a two week old thread only highlight your pathetic ignorance and cowardice?

  • riverdave

    Now just where in your odd little world did you get that twisted pile of shit you present as fact? Really need citation here, could you post a link or two?

    Child, do not come on to a thread a couple of weeks after most have moved on and post your drivel. I guess you think you are able to post anything and be victorious because there is no one to present a counter.

    Guess again, I have a bullshit alert wired into my machine.

    Now it is up to you to site a basis or recant.

    With respect, David