
Michael Mann caught telling a ‘porky’ to the court (again) in legal filings

After being caught out claiming he was a “Nobel Prize recipient” in his original complaint (then having to retract it), it seems Mann and his lawyers just don’t have the good sense to know when to stop. In this case Mann has been “hoisted by his own petard”. His very own words condemn him. Again.…

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The PAUSE in Global Warming is REAL. Atmospheric CO2 has risen rapidly since 1998, but temperatures have not. IPCC CMIP-5 simulations  are therefore not valid because observations  have been well outside the 5% to 95% confidence range.

A Guide for Those Perplexed About Global Warming

Guest Post by Ira Glickstein How should responsible Global Warming Skeptics respond to opinions from intelligent members of the general public who have been perplexed by the Warmists and Alarmists? We should reply in a strictly fact-based way, using official sources — being careful not to speculate or over-complicate the matter. Here is my shot…


WUWT at 200 Million Views

While the WUWT counter number on the right sidebar will likely hit this mark while I’m sleeping, I just wanted to give a short notice to everyone that we’ve reached this milestone. This post is automatically publishing at a time that is my “best safe guess” (4AM PDT) for when we’ll have reached that number.…