North Korea Network

North Korea experts on Twitter

It is one of the hardest places in the world to tweet from but there is a network of experts covering everything from culture to politics. Here’s our pick to get you started

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North Korea twitter
@uriminzok the official North Korean twitter account, launched in 2010

North Korea is probably one of the hardest places on the planet to tweet from. The web is severely restricted, with access to computers and mobiles phone available to an elite few. Most North Koreans only have access to a state controlled intranet, called Kwangmyong, or bright.

The country does have its own twitter account @uriminzok (english translation available @uriminzok_engl), launched in 2010 declaring "The Web site 'Our Nation' is on Twitter". At the time of writing the account follows three others: Vietnam, a Pyongyang propaganda site and Jimmy Dushku, a 25-year-old web developer and tycoon from Texas who is as confused as the rest of us as to why.

In 2013 they opened up a 3G network, but only for foreign tourists. Associated Press journalist Jean H Lee (@newsjean) was the first person to Tweet and Instagram from it, closely followed by Dennis Rodman. Lee described the experience as liberating, moving on from the days where she had to leave her phone at the airport.

My first tweet using #Koryolink's new mobile #Internet service. Hello world from comms center in #Pyongyang.

— Jean H. Lee (@newsjean) February 25, 2013

Journalists are still incredibly restricted as to what they can depict. David Guttenfelder, a photographer for Associated Press who, like Lee, enjoys more access than most, has to ask permission in writing everywhere he goes: "There are some very difficult discussions after the pictures are published - we often lock horns because they have a very different idea of how North Korea should be covered," he says.

Guttenfelder, who won a Time award for his Instagram coverage, believes the secret to covering North Korea is in the mundane detail, "the piece off the puzzle that when you put them all together reveal something about the place".

North Koreans practice firing a pistol at a computerized firing range at the Meari Shooting Gallery in Pyongyang. The facility has various digital and live fire ranges including one that allows shooters to fire at Taedonggang beer bottles and live pheasants and chickens in a cage. Check back here on my instagram feed or on my website for links to all of my AP photos of the gun play at this newly reopened range in NKorea.
North Koreans practice firing a pistol at a computerized firing range at the Meari Shooting Gallery in Pyongyang. Photograph: dguttenfelder/Instagram

Despite the challenge from inside the country, there is a network of expert North Korea watchers tweeting about everything from culture to politics. Start by following @GuardianNK for the latest from our network, as well as our North Korea partners on Twitter. And here's our pick of the rest to get you started, also available as a Twitter list.

Eric Talmadge @erictalmadge

Recently appointed Pyongyang bureau chief for Associated Press, based between Tokyo and Pyongyang. On Instagram: erictalmadge. Also follow his predecessor Jean H Lee @newsjean, and photographer David Guttenfelder @duttenfelder.

North Korean elections coming soon. Here's my take.

— eric talmadge (@EricTalmadge) March 7, 2014

Aidan Foster-Carter @fcaidan

Has 45-years experience as a North Korea watcher, honorary research fellow in sociology and modern Korea at the University of Leeds, writes regularly about North Korea.

Disability in the DPRK. New report by THE expert, Kathi Zellweger, sheds fascinating light - and finds some progress.

— Aidan Foster-Carter (@fcaidan) April 15, 2014

Barbara Demick @BarbaraDemick

Beijing bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times, with 15 years of experience covering North Korea. Author of Nothing to Envy, depicting the lives of six ordinary citizens as Kim Il-sung dies to be replaced by his son Kim Jong-il.

No! Dennis Rodman North Korea Mission to Become Fox Movie (Exclusive), comedy of course.

— Barbara Demick (@BarbaraDemick) February 24, 2014

Remco Breuker @koryoinleiden

A Korean historian and translator of Korean novels. Professor at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands, focused on Korean culture. Tweets on everything from drones to poetry.

North Korean love poetry

— Remco Breuker (@koryoinleiden) April 11, 2014

Rimjin-gang @RimjingangNK

The world’s first independent publication with direct reports from the people of North Korea, hosted by Asia Press. Also follow Rimjin-gang’s editor Jiro Ishimaru @ishimarujiro for occasional tweets in English.

Rimjin-gang's Editor, Ishimaru Jiro, speech at the Korea Society "Inside North Korea" Watch on YouTube video(32min)

— RimjingangNK (@RimjingangNK) April 16, 2014

Alastair Gale @AlastairGale

Korea bureau chief for the Wall Street Journal, curates Korea Real Time, a blog providing insight and analysis on the Korean peninsula. Also follow @JChengWSJ Wall Street Journal staff reporter, based in Seoul, tweeting on North Korea.

Stand by for North Korea rocket launches to celebrate birth of Kim Il Sung; S. Korean media says launcher in place:

— Alastair Gale (@AlastairGale) April 15, 2014

Sokeel Park @sokeel

Director of research and strategy for Liberty in North Korea, a non profit, non-governmental movement campaigning on the humanitarian rights. Also follow @LibertyinNK, @hannahsong

Great work, v worthwhile @nknewsorg: Eleven defector perspectives on "How long until #NKorea collapses?"

— Sokeel Park (@Sokeel) April 9, 2014

Jeffrey Lewis @ArmsControlWonk

Runs a leading blog on the control of nuclear weapons, and an expert in nonproliferation. Tweets on a broad range of topics but with a particular interest in North Korea.

That crashed DPRK drone photographed South Korea's Blue House. Another round of assasination threats coming?

— Jeffrey Lewis (@ArmsControlWonk) April 2, 2014

Steve Herman @W7VOA

Correspondent for Voice of America Bureau, focused on Asia, based in Bangkok. He spent some time reporting from the country in 2013. Follow for breaking news updates.

.@38NorthNK: Sat imagery indicates possible problems ensuring adequate water supply for Yongbyon #nuclear reactor cooling. #DPRK

— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) April 8, 2014

James Pearson @pearswick

Reuters correspondent based in Seoul covering the two Koreas. Founder of @koreaBANG and former contributor to @nknewsorg

I can see my house from here! South Korean newspapers have photos taken from North Korean drone:

— James Pearson (@pearswick) April 3, 2014

John Delury @johndelury

A Chinese historian and North Korean academic based in Seoul. Contributor to news sites including 38 north. Follow for history, opinion and news reaction.

How about a media moratorium on NK coverage in future tense? @Joshua_Pollack @APklug @AlastairGale

— John Delury (@JohnDelury) April 10, 2014

Daniel Pinkston @dpinkston

Senior analyst and north east Asia director for the International Crisis Group, a non-porofit, non-governmental organisation committed to preventing deadly conflict. Also follow @CrisisGroup

Kim hyo-jin on Ukrainian Lessons for the Pyongyang Elite

— Daniel Pinkston (@dpinkston) March 17, 2014

Adam Cathcart @adamcathcart

Historian at the University of Leeds, specialising in China and its relations with North Korea. Founder and editor of @Sino_NK.

North Korean baby surfs through a crowd of soldiers on a small island. Deemed sufficiently moving for a music video.

— Adam Cathcart (@adamcathcart) April 14, 2014

Is there anyone we’ve missed? Tell us who you’d like to nominate and why and we’ll add the best suggestions to the list.

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