In praise of… going gracefully

Amid the dark mutterings from other demoted cabinet ministers, David Willetts' generous welcome to his successor stands out
    • The Guardian,
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The political blogs are already beginning to simmer with rumours of retaliation from the pale, male etc etc ex-ministers now on the backbenches, and the weekend newspapers were hinting at festering grievances – Ken Clarke on his tense relations with No 10 or Owen Paterson, the sacked environment secretary, writing darkly about the blob of green activists that obstructed him all the way. So it was refreshing to hear the former universities minister David Willetts, who came into parliament so clearly destined for success that they called him "two brains", giving the new education secretary, Nicky Morgan, a warm and genuine-sounding vote of confidence in a BBC profile. No hint there of a man whose career never reached the giddy heights many had once predicted, none of the absurd backwoods chuntering of Richard Drax, blogging about the petticoat reshuffle. Just a graceful parting gesture of support.

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