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This question is motivated by this one, where no simple solution within ZFC seems to exist. Let me ask a weaker question then.

Suppose that $K$ is a compact, Hausdorff, non-metrizable space. Does it contain a closed, non-metrizable, totally disconnected subspace?

Note that the cardinality of the (consistent) counterexample in Mathieu Baillif's answer is ludicrously large ($=\omega_{\omega_1}$). Hence my question.

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Did you intend to require Hausdorff as before? (There seem to be some easy counterexamples if not.) –  Joel David Hamkins 8 hours ago
Thank you for pointing this out. Yes, I follow Engelking's convention that compact spaces are Hausdorff. Corrected. –  spooky 8 hours ago

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