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Now it's official -- The Research Works Act is dead.

"...we will continue to see a growth in open access publishers. This new and innovative model appears to be the wave of the future. The American people deserve to have access to research for which they have paid."

-- Rep.s Darrell Issa and Carolyn B. Maloney

We knew Elsevier's begrudging withdrawal <http://bit.ly/yxC44Y> was the death knell, but this one is for closure. Enjoy Issa and Maloney's full joint statement below, via the US House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and +Alexander Howard of +O'Reilly Media regarding #HR3699 #RWA .

Remember to take the next step for #openaccess #openscience by supporting #FRPAA at <http://bit.ly/z22GI8>.

Full statement:

"The introduction of HR 3699 has spurred a robust, expansive debate on the topics of scientific and scholarly publishing, intellectual property protection, and public access to federally funded research. Since its introduction, we have heard from numerous stakeholders and interested parties on both sides of this important issue."

"As the costs of publishing continue to be driven down by new technology, we will continue to see a growth in open access publishers. This new and innovative model appears to be the wave of the future. The transition must be collaborative, and must respect copyright law and the principles of open access. The American people deserve to have access to research for which they have paid. This conversation needs to continue and we have come to the conclusion that the Research Works Act has exhausted the useful role it can play in the debate. As such, we want Americans concerned about access to research and other participants in this debate to know we will not be taking legislative action on HR 3699, the Research Works Act. We do intend to remain involved in efforts to examine and study the protection of intellectual property rights and open access to publicly funded research."