Freshers' week

Supporting part-time students: where do we go from here? – live chat

Join our live chat Friday 18 October 12-2pm BST to discuss funding, curriculum design and collaborating with business
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Part-time student numbers have fallen by 40% over the last few years, so how can universities support them better? Photograph: Birkbeck University

The latest report from UUK highlights the benefits part-time higher education creates for the economy, employers, society, social mobility and the individual student.

Joan Bakewell, president of Birkbeck, has said that part-time study has a great future. The CBI has backed more learn-while-you-earn schemes and calls for universities to build stronger relationships with business, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. This is alongside a number of reports on part-time provision published by HEPI, IPPR and the Higher Education Academy in the past six months.

But with tight budgets, falling numbers of part-time students, and the extra financial burden of recruiting part-time students, where do we go from here? How can the higher education sector create a better part-time offer and how can universities and staff better support the students wanting to take it up?

David Docherty, chief executive of the National Centre for Universities and Business, says: "Working with business and modernising provision will make a key contribution to reversing the decline." Many in the sector have also called for universities to offer more tailored courses to meet employers' needs and to involve more businesses in curriculum design.

For Tricia King, pro-vice-master for student experience and director of external relations at Birkbeck, it's about how we can make a difference for those mature students who have to juggle work, family and study. She says: "Adult learners missing out on life changing opportunities is not a vote winner – there is lots of genuine concern but so far little action."

We're interested to hear your thoughts on how we can move forward and better support mature and part-time students. So join our live chat Friday 18 October from 12-2pm BST to discuss the following:

Funding for part-time students

• Widening access to study

• Curriculum design and sponsorship

• Working with businesses

• Bespoke models

Post your questions in the comment section below and follow the debate live on Twitter using the hashtag #HElivechat.


Annette McCone is widening access manager at Birkbeck, University of London.

David Knight is director of Associate Lecturer Services in the Student Services Unit of the Open University.

Alison Le Cornu is the academic lead for flexible learning with the
Higher Education Academy.

Colum McGuire is the vice president (welfare) of the National Union of
Students. @ColumMcGuire

Katy Morris is head of policy and research at the university think-tank million+ and co-author of the Never Too Late To Learn report on mature students. @million_plus

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