The Global Research Council has a long-term objective of fostering multilateral research and
collaboration across continents to benefit both developing and developed nations.

GRC Annual Global Meeting 2014 Summary

H.E. Li Keqiang

The 3rd Annual Global Meeting of the GRC took place on May 26-28 2014 in Beijing, China. The meeting was hosted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). It brought together the heads of approximately 70 science and research councils from around the world, as well as high-ranking guests from science and research, science administration and research policy.


Japan Flag

Japan to host the 2015 Annual Meeting of the GRC.

China Flag

Approximately 60 Heads of Research Councils from around the world participated.

This workshop is designed as an opportunity for research performers (such as universities) to discuss challenges of harmonizing science and engineering research on a global scale, and to examine other issues that arise in research and education as universities adapt to globalization.

Image credits: Slide 1: (background); (top left); Thinkstock (all other insets); Slide 2:; Slide 3: Christos Nicolaides, Juanes Research Group; Slide 4: Sandy Schaeffer for NSF; Slide 5: S2N Media; (left)