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RoMEO Statistics

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Statistics for the 1676 publishers in the RoMEO database

These statistics are for publishers' default policies, and exclude both provisional policies and special policy exceptions.

Provisional records for 8 additional publishers have been excluded. You may redisplay these statistics to include the provisional policies.

RoMEO has 237 additional policies for special exceptions.

RoMEO colour Archiving policy Publishers %
green Can archive pre-print and post-print 566 34
blue Can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) 560 33
yellow Can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing) 114 7
white Archiving not formally supported 436 26
 Summary: 74% of publishers on this list formally allow some form of self-archiving.
SHERPA/RoMEO Colours, excluding provisional policies
Growth of the SHERPA/RoMEO Database, excluding provisional policies

SHERPA/RoMEO publishers by country

  Algeria 3
  Egypt 3
  Kenya 1
  Mauritius 1
  Nigeria 3
  Senegal 1
  South Africa 16
  Tunisia 1
  Total 29
  Armenia 1
  Bangladesh 5
  China 7
  India 60
  Indonesia 8
  Iran 12
  Iraq 1
  Israel 2
  Japan 17
  Korea, Republic of 5
  Malaysia 6
  Nepal 1
  Pakistan 6
  Philippines 1
  Qatar 1
  Seychelles 1
  Singapore 3
  Syria 1
  Taiwan 1
  Thailand 1
  Turkey 12
  United Arab Emirates 2
  Total 154
  Australia 37
  New Zealand 9
  Total 46
  Cuba 5
  Total 5
Central America
  Costa Rica 3
  Nicaragua 1
  Total 4
  Albania 1
  Austria 10
  Belarus 1
  Belgium 12
  Bosnia and Herzegovina 2
  Bulgaria 6
  Croatia 3
  Cyprus 1
  Czech Republic 11
  Denmark 26
  Estonia 1
  Finland 29
  France 34
  Germany 62
  Greece 9
  Hungary 26
  Iceland 1
  Ireland 1
  Isle of Man 1
  Italy 31
  Macedonia 6
  Montenegro 1
  Netherlands 13
  Norway 45
  Poland 13
  Portugal 117
  Romania 12
  Russian Federation 16
  Serbia 5
  Slovakia 4
  Slovenia 2
  Spain 49
  Sweden 12
  Switzerland 18
  Ukraine 8
  United Kingdom 223
  Total 812
North America
  Canada 53
  Mexico 6
  United States 472
  Total 531
South America
  Argentina 8
  Bolivia 1
  Brazil 35
  Chile 5
  Colombia 17
  Ecuador 2
  Peru 3
  Uruguay 2
  Venezuela 1
  Total 74
  [International] 21
  Total 21
  Grand Total 1676

'Unspecified' is used for cases where
the publisher's home country has not
yet been determined or is uncertain.

SHERPA/RoMEO 12-Sep-2014

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