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Promoted Tweets Convert 160% More Customers Than Organic Tweets [STUDY]

Promoted Tweets Convert 160% More Customers Than Organic Tweets [STUDY]

A new study has revealed that while promoted tweets convert better than twice as well on Twitter compared to organic tweets, paid social media on other platforms is less successful.

Research by Convertro amongst their users found that promoted tweets converted at an average of 3.9 percent, compared to just 1.5 percent for non-promoted tweets. That’s a difference of 160 percent in favour of promoted tweets.

Conversely, paid Facebook posts converted at 3.1 percent compared to 3.0 percent of non-paid posts – a 3.3 percent increase. And paid posts on Pinterest converted at just 0.2 percent, compared to 1.1 percent of unpaid posts – an 81.8 percent decrease.

Overall, paid posts improved conversion rates by about 25 percent on Convertro, mostly thanks to Twitter’s strong performance.

Promoted Tweets Convert 160% More Customers Than Organic Tweets [STUDY]

(Source: eMarketer.)

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