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Just 5% use Twitter in Finland (Facebook: 82%, Instagram: 15%) [STUDY]

Just 5% use Twitter in Finland (Facebook: 82%, Instagram: 15%) [STUDY]

Finland has a population of of about five million people and more than eight in 10 of all internet users in the country are extremely active on Facebook, reveals a new study.

Conversely, just one in 20 Finns use Twitter on a regular basis.

This data comes courtesy of Buzzador, who found that 82 percent of Finland’s online population visited Facebook at least once daily. 15 percent of respondents were frequent users of Instagram, 9 percent were active on Google+ and just 5 percent returned daily to Twitter.

Just 5% use Twitter in Finland (Facebook: 82%, Instagram: 15%) [STUDY]

(Source: eMarketer. Finland flag image via Shutterstock.)

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