Research Remix

about me

Hi! My name is Heather Piwowar, nee Campbell.

I work full time on a startup webapp that lets researchers discover and tell an impact story about their research. ImpactStory aggregates altmetrics and citations: diverse online impacts of their articles, datasets, blog posts, and more.

I recently completed a postdoc with NESCent and Duke University.  My research focuses on studying the patterns, prevalence and impact of data sharing and reuse behaviour of “small science” post-publication datasets.

For more info on my research and links to all of my online presences, please check out my website.
email me


  1. Just snooping around the internet and came upon your blog. Great to ‘see’ you and read up on all you’re doing. Congratulations on your 1 year old, and also all the work you’re doing w/ getting your PhD. Life must be busy, but wonderful.

    Have a great night,
    Heather McCue

    Comment by Heather (World) McCue — May 14, 2007 @ 9:48 pm

  2. Heather Patricia! :) This is great! Wow, I never guessed my research blog would be found by my primary school buddy. Neato.

    I’ll send you some email offline…

    Heather Alyce ;)

    ps If anyone else from past lives stumbles across this, I’d love to hear from you!

    Comment by Heather Piwowar — May 18, 2007 @ 8:17 am

  3. Wonderful blog! I look forward to reading your open nuggets.

    Comment by Jean-Claude Bradley — May 23, 2007 @ 4:54 am

  4. Heather

    Great blog (nice look n feel too). Looking forward to reading it regularly. Welcome aboard the blog train.

    Comment by Deepak — May 25, 2007 @ 4:25 pm

  5. Hi Heather – glad to have found you too (think we lost contact after your wedding)! We should catch up offline.. ;) –Amy

    Comment by Amy Hsiao — August 3, 2007 @ 6:37 am

  6. Hi Heather,… I am finally finished with the CD I owe you,… found this site on the internets,… or the web tubes,.. or whatever these things are,.. I would love to send it out to you,.. I tried your other email but have not heard back,…

    hope you are well,..


    Comment by Ned Landin - Flathead — December 14, 2007 @ 2:50 am

  7. Great blog! Interesting, stimulating, thoughtful, well articulated. Thanks for insight into what you are doing. – Robyn

    Comment by robyncampbell — December 16, 2007 @ 2:28 pm

  8. I came across your blog while doing some research for my husband. He has been offered a 10-day dental “internship” in the Dominican Republic. I read your post about a travel grant. Is there anyway you can give me any more info on this? The cost for him is $500, plus a plane ticket. He would pretty much be doing the similar thing as Operation Smile for the local people of the DR. He is currently in Dental School at OSU, so obviously, money is tight.
    Thanks in advance for any info you can give.

    Comment by Trinette — April 18, 2008 @ 6:40 pm

  9. Hi Trinette. Sounds like a neat opportunity for your husband! Unfortunately, I don’t have much information on travel grants that would be applicable for him. The travel grant I received was associated with the conference I attended, and sponsored by the NSF. I’d suggest he contact the organization that is providing the internship and ask if there are any grant opportunities available. Another idea is to contact the OSU Grad Student office, the Dental School Office, or the Career Center (or whatever such organizations are called at OSU) to see if they know of any sources of funding.

    There is more funding out there than some people realize, but on the flip side it can be tight or nonexistant for certain situations.

    Good luck!

    Comment by Heather Piwowar — April 22, 2008 @ 12:01 pm

  10. […] paper published overnight by American researchers Heather Piwowar and Todd Vision in the open access journal PeerJ has finally reliably demonstrated what many data […]

    Pingback by Scientists must share early and share often to boost citations | Timothy D. Smith — October 1, 2013 @ 4:53 am

  11. […] ученые Хезер Пивовар (Университет Дьюка) и Тодд Вижн (Университет Северной […]

    Pingback by Публикация научных исследований в открытом доступе приносит ученым неоспоримую пользу | InDaFacts - новости дня — October 2, 2013 @ 11:18 pm

  12. Just browsing around and found about your research theme and such. Please ignore if I am wrong but my first impression is that you have an overall negative perception of data sharing.

    Now, it seems to me such perspective is biased because it is based upon reactions from scientific works that gravitate within a “capitalistic scientific field” where the ultimate goal is to come up with short-term usable (sellable) products. Even if these represent the majority of the current field, it is important to keep in mind the far smaller (and decreasing) set of “non-profitable/sellable” scientific works which, by setting up the theoretical background of our understanding of the world, allow the technological advances the first larger set. And in the field of what I call “pure research”, it seems to me that data shearing and collaboration, including participation by the public, has provided many irreplaceable insights forward.

    So if I may, it might be more useful to focus on the reason (what I call the causes) behind the shift into a capitalistic way of doing science and how it undermines real scientific progress (for instance, given our technological advances, we have not have as many really big scientific breakthrough compared to the enlightenment period), rather than focus on the symptoms of the “disease” that has infected research (people loosing opportunities in publishing in a big journal or patent a product). Also, it might be worth highlighting the fact that all these research are paid by the public (directly through tax money and subsidies or indirectly through purchase of products), so that it is unfair to hide the results from them.

    Comment by Ehsan — October 10, 2013 @ 12:18 pm

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