University lecturers: how to get term off to a good start – live chat

Join our online discussion 20 September 12-2pm BST to share best practice and tips for new and returning university lecturers
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Lecture Hall
University teachers: how will you best inform and engage your new class of students? Photograph: Frank Baron for the Guardian

With student expectations over contact hours and teaching methods rising in direct correlation to fees, the pressure is on for lecturers at the start of this new academic year. And with universities such as Swansea creating teaching-only posts – albeit for academics whose research papers aren't deemed of high enough quality – teaching is set to play an increasingly prevalent role in academia.

Whether you're new to teaching or old-hat, in this week's live chat we want to discuss how to get term off to a good start.

For newly qualified academics, one of the challenges will be making the switch over to the other side. No longer a student, but perhaps still feeling like one, you may be wondering what's the best way to prepare for your first week of university teaching.

From first lectures and seminars to lesson planning and seeking student feedback, starting the new academic term can be daunting. So what should you expect and need to know? Who should you speak to? And how can you manage your time effectively?

Of course, these questions are not limited to the newbies – starting a new term can be stressful for even for the most experienced of academics. Maybe, like lecturer John Warner, you'll test the waters and experiment with different teaching styles.

"Every semester I run a hypothetical past the students in my academic (first-year) writing course. I present this bargain: First, everyone in the class gets As. Second, class never meets. There are no readings, discussions, or assignments. Nothing is turned in. From the moment we engage in our bargain, we will never see each other again," he said in a blog for Inside Higher Ed.

This exercise forms part of a wider discussion about university education – "what it's for and why we're there". For Warner, transparency is one of the core teaching philosophies: "I prefer all cards on the table as we begin the semester," he says.

We want to hear about your weird and wonderful teaching techniques and coping strategies, so join us for our live chat Friday 20 September from 12-2pm BST to share best practice, tips and experiences.

Here's what we're looking to discuss:

• What to expect / how to prepare

• Tried and tested teaching tactics

• Managing your time effectively

• Overcoming your fears

• Career progression

You can also follow the debate live on Twitter using the hashtag #HElivechat


John Craig is assistant director at the Higher Education Academy. He is also chair of the Political Studies Association (PSA) teaching and learning group, and a national teaching fellow. @Teach_Politics

Hilary Burgess is professor in education at the University of Leicester.

James Derounian is principal lecturer in community development and local governance at the University of Gloucestershire. @ArmenianJames

Lorna Sibbett is senior teaching fellow in biology and co-director of
the Centre for Higher Education Research at the University of St Andrews. @LornaSibbett

Helen Webster is an academic developer at Anglia Ruskin University. @scholastic_rat

Elizabeth Evenden is based in the history department at
Harvard University (where she is undertaking research as a Marie Curie
international outgoing fellow). She is also a senior lecturer in the
English department at Brunel University. @codexhistoria

Gorkan Ahmetoglu is a lecturer and director of digital entrepreneurship and consumer behaviour at Goldsmiths, University of London.

Ruth Lawton is university learning and teaching fellow for employability at Birmingham City University. @RuthLawton

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