At the University of Nottingham: Beyond the Book? Open Access Discussion

European Consortium of Humanities Institutes and Centres logoThe Beyond the Book? The future of academic publishing conference at the University of Nottingham (Sunday 24th – Tuesday 26th March 2013) starts this evening.

I am looking forward to the Manning Memorial Lecture by Professor Toby Miller, from City University London: ‘The Humanities Should Burn – So What About the Books?’

Tomorrow morning I will participate in a panel discussion on Open Access – speakers include Dr Jennifer Edmond
(Dublin), Dr Susan Schreibman (Dublin), Dr. Robert Emmett (Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich), Dr Ruediger Klein chairman of the European Association of Social Sciences and Humanities and myself (City University London).

I’m grateful to Sally Bowden and Pat Thomson from the Centre for Advanced Studies, University of Nottingham,  for the kind invitation.