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We might be thinking James Bond, but the truth is we’ve been wearing technology for thousands of years: armor, eyeglasses and contact lenses, SCUBA gear, and prosthetics are all examples of wearable technologies.
In 2006, four men broke into a lab looking for the painkiller OxyContin. But instead, they stole oxytocin, the hormone involved in lactation and emotional bonding. We don't know if the hormone made the men want to cuddle, which may not be the best feeling to have in prison. But it turns out that oxytocin drives some negative emotions, too.
Our second most popular story last week: the new "Dreadnought" dinosaur--the most complete specimen of a giant found so far. Here's a size comparison; white areas indicate recovered fossil bones. Image courtesy of the Lacovara Lab at Drexel University.
Photo: Our second most popular story last week: the new "Dreadnought" dinosaur--the most complete specimen of a giant found so far. Here's a size comparison; white areas indicate recovered fossil bones.  Image courtesy of the Lacovara Lab at Drexel University.
Glowing, tubular open ocean pyrosomes seem about as alien as it's possible to get. Yet the larvae of the tunicates -- the group they belong to -- has a piece of anatomy that betrays a close relationship to us.
During the July 4th weekend of 1994, while riding in a 1988 Chevy Blazer with his wife at the wheel, a computer engineer named Jeff Bezos laid the groundwork for a retail revolution...

To read this story in full, you'll have to subscribe to SA Mind, but this will be TOTALLY worth it, because you'd be getting the best science journalism on the planet and possibly the universe.
"This summer the insurgent group ISIS captured the Iraqi city of Mosul—and along with it, three army divisions’ worth of U.S.-supplied equipment..."