The Economist explains

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  • The Economist explains

    How to create a country

    by I.G.

    SCOTLAND'S future—inside or outside the United Kingdom—will be decided on September 18th, and it is going to be close. Over the past week opinion polls have shown a narrowing gap between the two campaigns, some suggesting that the pro-independence "Yes" vote has edged ahead for the first time. Should the referendum be successful, Scotland will become an independent country on March 24th 2016, the 309th anniversary of the Union. But what an independent Scotland might look like is still unclear. Revenue from oil reserves are a key part of the financial plan of the Scottish National Party (SNP), but some experts have labelled its projections optimistic.

  • The Economist explains

    Are unpaid internships illegal?

    by T.W.

    AN INTERNSHIP has become the first rung on the ladder to many white-collar careers. Banks and accountancy firms now hire more than half of their recruits through their internship programmes; careers in politics, medicine, the media and many other fields nearly always begin with an internship. Two-thirds of American students have at least one internship under their belt before they leave college. But they are often badly compensated: nearly half the internships in America are completely unpaid. How do unpaid internships exist in countries that have minimum-wage laws?

  • The Economist explains

    Why so many Koreans are called Kim

    by S.C.S. | SEOUL

    A SOUTH KOREAN saying claims that a stone thrown from the top of Mount Namsan, in the centre of the capital Seoul, is bound to hit a person with the surname Kim or Lee. One in every five South Koreans is a Kim—in a population of just over 50m. And from the current president, Park Geun-hye, to rapper PSY (born Park Jae-sang), almost one in ten is a Park. Taken together, these three surnames account for almost half of those in use in South Korea today. Neighbouring China has around 100 surnames in common usage; Japan may have as many as 280,000 distinct family names. Why is there so little diversity in Korean surnames?

    Korea’s long feudal tradition offers part of the answer.

  • The Economist explains

    Why India’s Muslims are so moderate

    by A.R. | DELHI

    ON SEPTEMBER 3RD Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's chief, released a video message in which he promised to "raise the flag of jihad" across South Asia. Many analysts responded with little more than a shrug. The extremist group looks increasingly desperate. Since Osama bin Laden was killed in 2011, al-Qaeda’s impact has been limited. It is overshadowed by the brutal Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, which draws volunteer fighters from a wide range of countries and has said that Afghanistan and Pakistan will be brought under its yoke too.

  • The Economist explains

    How Google represents disputed borders between countries

    by C.C.

    INTERNATIONAL borders are often tricky to chart on maps. Tangible topographic features can be pinned down by satellite imagery but the boundaries between many states are unmarked and fiercely contested. Perimeters may be formed by rivers or roads but they may also cross mountains, deserts and war zones. Some borderlands have been fought over for hundreds of years and changed hands dozens of times. And some countries, such as India, which is embroiled in a number of territorial disputes, even have strict laws on where their boundaries must be depicted on maps. So how does Google Maps, the most heavily-consulted mapmaker, deal with disputed borders?

  • The Economist explains

    Why globalisation may not reduce inequality in poor countries

    by C.W.

    GLOBALISATION has made the planet more equal. As communication gets cheaper and transport gets faster, developing countries have closed the gap with their rich-world counterparts. But within many developing economies, the story is less rosy: inequality has worsened. The Gini index is one measure of inequality, based on a score between zero and one. A Gini index of one means a country’s entire income goes to one person; a score of zero means the spoils are equally divided. Sub-Saharan Africa saw its Gini index rise by 9% between 1993 and 2008. China’s score soared by 34% over twenty years. Only in a few places has it fallen. Does globalisation have anything to do with it?

  • The Economist explains

    Why recession won't affect the result of Brazil's presidential election

    by J.P. | SÃO PAULO

    RECESSION is never good news for an administration. And in the run-up to a general election it can be a death knell. With five weeks to go before polling day, Brazil’s opposition must therefore have quietly rejoiced at official data released on August 29th, showing that GDP had dipped by 0.6% in the second quarter and by 0.2% in the first. Yet the dismal figures may not matter as much to electoral calculus as President Dilma Rousseff’s rivals would have hoped. Why is that?

  • The Economist explains

    Who the Ukrainian rebels are

    by N.S. | KIEV

    THE tides of eastern Ukraine's war have shifted again. After weeks of ceding territory, the Ukrainian rebels have dealt government forces a series of swift counterstrikes. Backed by reinforcements from Russia, the separatists retook several towns near the regional capitals of Donetsk and Luhansk over the past week, and have opened up a third front to the south. The message was clear: we aren't going anywhere. The pro-Western Ukrainian government in Kiev has long asserted that the insurgency is a Russian creation.

  • The Economist explains

    How dictionary-makers decide which words to include

    by R.L.G.

    EARLIER this month the Oxford Dictionaries added a number of new words to its online collection. (This is not to be confused with the flagship Oxford English Dictionary.) As usual, Oxford included buzzy internet- and youth-inflected coinages such as "neckbeard", "side boob" and "mansplaining". And as usual, internet commenters seemed nonplussed by what seemed to be a venerable institution (ie, Oxford) validating teenage slang. How do lexicographers decide what goes into the dictionary?

  • The Economist explains

    How the Islamic State is faring since it declared a caliphate

    by S.B. | CAIRO

    IT HAS been a busy two months for the Islamic State (IS), the vicious Sunni Muslim extremist group that operates in Syria and Iraq. On June 29th, a fortnight after taking over Mosul, Iraq’s second city, it declared a caliphate, claiming to speak for the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims. It then battled its way towards Baghdad where the Shia-dominated government sits. At the start of August, IS turned north towards Iraq’s Kurdish autonomous region and towns home to minorities on the way, attacking Christians, Yazidis and fellow Sunnis, and threatening to reach Erbil, the Kurdish capital.

  • The Economist explains

    Why China and Taiwan are divided

    by J.M.

    THIS YEAR senior officials from Taiwan and China have held two meetings in each other’s territory. Both meetings were the first formal contact between the two governments since 1949. In recent months officials from Taiwan have been proposing an even bigger breakthrough in relations: a meeting between their president, Ma Ying-jeou, and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping. They have suggested this take place in Beijing in November in the margins of a gathering of leaders from the Asia-Pacific region. China has responded coolly to the proposal and has not invited Mr Ma. But even if a meeting does not happen in November, hurdles to one appear to be falling away. Why has this taken so long?

  • The Economist explains

    Why America refuses to pay ransoms

    by R.M.

    EARLIER this summer two dozen American commandos swooped into northern Syria in an effort to save James Foley, an American journalist (pictured), and other captives being held by the Islamic State (IS), an al-Qaeda-inspired jihadist group. The soldiers raided an oil refinery controlled by the militants, but found no hostages—they had been moved. The daring rescue attempt shows the lengths to which America will go to save the lives of its citizens. But Foley's ultimate fate shows the limits. When his captors demanded a multi-million-dollar ransom in return for his release, the American government declined.

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