#scholnet “Research Trends and the Elsevier Labs presents: “The Individual and Scholarly Network" (Part II)

Part II. A storify of tweets around #scholnet, a two-part seminar on Building Networks and Evaluating Network Relationships. This Storify covers the second part. Tweets in inverse chronological order. Retweets have been excluded. This is an initial quick dump done in real time; will update asoon.

98 total views
  1. The first part is at  http://storify.com/ernestopriego/scholnet-research-trends-and-the-elsevier-labs-p  Tweets are likely to be missing as Storify/Twitter could not deal fast enough with so many API calls. If your tweet is missing it's nothing personal, I just dragged and dropped the results Storify gave me. Thanks for reading and sharing if you find it useful.
  2. For more information about these seminars, go to  http://www.researchtrends.com/virtualseminar/ 

