Lena Dunham pleads with fans while Ricky Gervais is blasted for insensitive tweet as stars react to nude photo scandal

By Alison Johnson for MailOnline

The internet was abuzz on Sunday night after nude photos that purportedly show multiple celebrities leaked online.

And now stars have taken to Twitter to voice their opinions about the hack, which is said to include a staggering 101 alleged victims, including Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton.

Lena Dunham pleaded with her fans not to view the pictures, claiming they are 'violating these women,' while comedian Ricky Gervais roused the ire of Twitter users when he blamed the stars, and not the hackers, for the scandal. 

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Star reactions: Lena Dunham amd Ricky Gervais took to Twitter on Monday to voice their opinion on the celebrity nude photo scandal
Star reactions: Lena Dunham amd Ricky Gervais took to Twitter on Monday to voice their opinion on the celebrity nude photo scandal

Star reactions: Lena Dunham amd Ricky Gervais took to Twitter on Monday to voice their opinion on the celebrity nude photo scandal

Lena shared her views in a series of tweets early Monday morning. 

'The way in which you share your body must be a CHOICE. Support these women and do not look at these pictures,' wrote the 28-year-old Girls creator.


'Remember, when you look at these pictures you are violating these women again and again. It’s not okay. Seriously, do not forget that the person who stole these pictures and leaked them is not a hacker: they’re a sex offender.'

She added: 'Also sad I can’t make one joke about having shown my t*ts on purpose without a massive qualitative tit debate. Some of y’all, dang. The "don’t take naked pics if you don’t want them online" argument is the "she was wearing a short skirt" of the web. Ugh.'

Please refrain: Lena Dunham pleaded with her fans not to view the pictures, claiming they are 'violating these women'

Please refrain: Lena Dunham pleaded with her fans not to view the pictures, claiming they are 'violating these women'

Casualty: Jennifer Lawrence is one of purportedly 101 stars whose iCloud accounts were hacked

Casualty: Jennifer Lawrence is one of purportedly 101 stars whose iCloud accounts were hacked 

Ricky took the opposite view, tweeting:

'Celebrities make it harder for hackers to get nude pics of you from the computer by not putting nude pics of yourself on your computer.'

He subsequently deleted the message.

Users blasted the 53-year-old for his comment, with one writing: 'In case you missed his hastily deleted tweet, here is Ricky Gervais blaming the violation of a woman's body on her.'

Controversial Ricky took the opposite view to Lena, in effect blaming the victims for the ordeal

Controversial Ricky took the opposite view to Lena, in effect blaming the victims for the ordeal

He later wrote: 'Dear easily offended people, don't be. Hope that helps. Have a great day :)'

The Office star added: 'Making a joke about a thing doesn't mean you condone that thing.

'Of course the hackers are 100% to blame but you can still makes jokes about it. Jokes don't portray your true serious feelings on a subject.

'It's more important to spend your energy trying to stop actual bad things than to run around trying to stop jokes about bad things.

'I just had to vacuum up a big spider's web in my office. I made sure leggy wasn't home. I'm not a murderer. He can rebuild somewhere else.'

Joining the fray: Actor Seth Rogen also tweeted his support of the victims, pleading with his fans not to view the nude pictures, seen in April in LA

Joining the fray: Actor Seth Rogen also tweeted his support of the victims, pleading with his fans not to view the nude pictures, seen in April in LA

Unacceptable: The Knocked Up star is disgusted by the leak of explicit images of the Oscar-winning actress and is adamant that what has happened to Jennifer should not be 'tolerated'

Unacceptable: The Knocked Up star is disgusted by the leak of explicit images of the Oscar-winning actress and is adamant that what has happened to Jennifer should not be 'tolerated'

Seth Rogen has also urged people not to post the naked photos and said that what happened to the stars should not be 'tolerated'.

The 32-year-old - who is married to actress Lauren Miller - wrote on Twitter: 'Posting pics hacked from someone's cell phone is really no different than selling stolen merchandise.

'I obviously am not comparing women to merchandise. Just legally speaking, it shouldn't be tolerated to repost stolen pics.'

One of the women named as an alleged victim - but who has not had any of her supposedly nude photographs leaked - was Cara Delevingne
The hacker also claimed to have posted nude images of Kirsten Dunst

One of the woman named as an alleged victim - but who has not had any of her supposedly nude photos leaked - was Cara Delevingne (left). The hacker also claimed to have posted nude images of Kirsten Dunst (right)

Did it happen? Cat Deeley was named as a victim whose photographs were stolen, but no supposedly 'nude' images of her have appeared online

Did it happen? Cat Deeley was named as a victim whose photographs were stolen, but no supposedly 'nude' images of her have appeared online

Nickelodeon star Victoria Justice wrote on Twitter that her image was faked. She tweeted, 'These so called nudes of me are FAKE people. Let me nip this in the bud right now. *pun intended*'

Nickelodeon star Victoria Justice wrote on Twitter that her image was faked. She tweeted, 'These so called nudes of me are FAKE people. Let me nip this in the bud right now. *pun intended*'

Jennifer, 24, is among 100 celebrities who have had photos, video and other personal files stolen from their Apple iCloud accounts by hackers.

Several pictures of The Hunger Games star in various sexual poses were posted on the 4chan image sharing forum and have been shared on various social media sites and other websites.

Naked images of Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton have also hit the web, while Rihanna, Kim Kardashian West, Winona Ryder, Selena Gomes and Lea Michele are among the stars listed as having had their iCloud accounts hacked.

Following the release of the images, a spokesperson for Jennifer said: 'This is a flagrant violation of privacy. The authorities have been contacted and will prosecute anyone who posts the stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence.'

Showing their support: Fans have come out in support of Jennifer, tweeting nude selfies of themselves as part of a campaign for Jennifer with the hashtag #leakforJLAW

Showing their support: Fans have come out in support of Jennifer, tweeting nude selfies of themselves as part of a campaign for Jennifer with the hashtag #leakforJLAW

Meanwhile, fans have come out in support of Jennifer, tweeting nude selfies of themselves as part of a campaign for the actress with the hashtag #leakforJLAW.

Some users took the comedic route, while others published explicit naked photos.

One fan, @mattiojelly, simply tweeted a picture of a leek.

Humour: One user simple tweeted a picture of a leek

Humour: One user simple tweeted a picture of a leek


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