Frontiers | Decoupling the scholarly journal | Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience

Potentially interesting read:

Frontiers | Decoupling the scholarly journal | Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience.

A tease quote:

The Balkanization of the scholarly literature was not planned; indeed, the journal was supposed to be a cure for just this problem.

Will have to think about the moral consequences of the suggestion to ‘decouple’ the different services provided by scholarly publishers — managing peer review, formatting documents, publishing papers, and so forth — so that one group would take care of peer review, and only peer review, and so on.

The idea has potential, certainly. I’m at least somewhat concerned to pay attention to problems associated with division of labor, however.

Planning to read it soon and get back with more thoughts. In the meantime, anyone who has read the article is welcome to start posting comments!

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