Reshuffle at a glance: who's in and who's out

The full list of new appointments as David Cameron reshuffles his cabinet and ministerial team ahead of next year's general election

Liz Truss, the new environment secretary, arrives in Downing Street on Tuesday morning.
Liz Truss, the new environment secretary, arrives in Downing Street on Tuesday morning. Photograph: Oli Scarff/Getty Images

Here are the latest moves in David Cameron's final planned reshuffle before the 2015 general election. This page will be updated as new appointments are announced.

Who's moved: Cabinet

Michael Gove

Was: Education secretary. Now: Commons chief whip and will attend Cabinet, though not as a full member.

William Hague

Was: Foreign secretary. Now: Remains in Cabinet as leader of the House of Commons and first secretary of state, but will quit as an MP in the general election next year.

Philip Hammond

Was: Defence secretary. Now: Foreign secretary.

Who's in: Cabinet

Nicky Morgan

Was: Financial secretary to the Treasury and minister for women. Now: Education secretary and minister for women and equalities.

Liz Truss

Was: education minister. Now: Secretary of state for environment, food and rural affairs (Defra).

Michael Fallon

Was: business minister. Now: defence secretary.

Stephen Crabb

Was: Parliamentary under-secretary of state at the Wales Office and a government whip. Now: Welsh secretary.

Esther McVey

Was: Minister for employment. Now: Stays in role but will attend cabinet.

Tina (Baroness) Stowell

Was: junior minister in the Department for Communities and Local Government. Now: Leader of the House of Lords and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster

Who's out: Cabinet

Owen Paterson

Was: Environment secretary. Now: Leaving the government.

David Jones

Was: Welsh secretary. Now: Leaving the government.

Andrew Lansley

Was: Leader of the Commons. Now: Leaving the government and will step down as an MP in next year's general election.

Jonathan (Lord) Hill

Was: Leader of the House of Lords. Now: Prime minister’s nomination for European commissioner.

Who's moved: ministers

Jeremy Wright

Was: Prisons minister. Now: Attorney general.

Greg Clark

Was: Minister of state at the Cabinet Office. Now: Minister for science and universities (replacing David Willetts) and keeps current role.

Matt Hancock

Was: Minister for skills and enterprise. Now: Minister of state for business, enterprise and energy, and will attend Cabinet.

Mike Penning

Was: Minister for disabled people. Now: Minister of state at Home Office and justice department, with responsibility for the police.

Nick Boles

Was: Planning minister. Now: Minister of state across the Department for Education and BIS. Part of his brief will be equal marriage implementation.

David Gauke

Was: Exchequer secretary to the Treasury. Now: Financial secretary to the Treasury.

John Hayes

Was: Minister without portfolio. Now: Transport minister and Cabinet Office minister.

Anna Soubry

Was: Minister for defence personnel, welfare and veterans. Now: promoted to minister of state at Ministry of Defence.

Oliver Letwin

Was: Cabinet Office minister for government policy. Now: Stays in that role and adds Lord Privy Seal.

Ed Vaizey

Was: Parliamentary under-secretary of state for culture, communications and creative Iindustries. Now: Minister of state at the Department for Culture, Media & Sport and BIS, with responsibility for digital industries.

Brandon Lewis

Was: Parliamentary under-secretary of state at the Department for Communities and Local Government. Now: Promoted to minister of state at DCLG, responsible for planning and housing.

Jo Johnson

Was: Parliamentary secretary, Cabinet Office, and head of the Downing Street policy unit. Now: Minister of state at the Cabinet Office and retains policy unit role.

Who's in: ministers

Mark Harper

Was: Resigned as immigration minister in February 2014. Now: Minister of state at Department for Work and Pensions, with responsibility for disabled people.

Claire Perry

Now: Junior minister at transport department.

Priti Patel

Now: Exchequer secretary to the Treasury.

Amber Rudd

Now: Junior minister at Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Penny Mordaunt

Now: Junior minister (planning) at Department for Communities and Local Government and and minister for coastal communities.

Nick Gibb

Was: Education minister until 2012. Now: Returns as minister of state at Department for Education.

Robert Buckland

Now: Solicitor general

Desmond Swayne

Now: Minister of state at the Department for International Development.

Julian Brazier

Now: Junior minister at the Ministry of Defence.

George Freeman

Now: Minister for life sciences at BIS and the Department of Health.

Andrew Murrison

Now: Junior minister at the Northern Ireland Office.

Brooks Newmark

Now: Minister for civil society at the Cabinet Office.

Alun Cairns

Now: Parliamentary under-secretary of state at the Wales Office and a government whip.

Sam Gyimah

Now: Junior education minister.

Tobias Ellwood

Now: Junior minister in the Foreign Office with responsibility for Middle East and North Africa.

Andrew Selous

Now: prisons minister in the Ministry of Justice.

Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon

Now: Junior minister at the Department for Communities and Local Government.

Who's out: ministers

Kenneth Clarke

Was: Minister without portfolio. Now: Leaving the government but says: "I intend to remain as an active back bencher in the House of Commons."

Sir George Young

Was: Government chief whip. Now: Leaving the government.

Dominic Grieve

Was: Attorney general. Now: Leaving the government.

David Willetts

Was: Minister of state for universities and science. Now: Will leave the Commons at the next election.

Damian Green

Was: Minister for policing, criminal justice and victims. Now: Leaving the government.

Alan Duncan

Was: Minister of state for international development. Now: He says he asked to leave the government.

Andrew Robathan

Was: Minister of state for Northern Ireland.

Nick Hurd

Was: Minister for civil society.

Greg Barker

Was: Energy minister. Now: Leaving the government and will leave the Commons at the next election.

Oliver Heald

Was: Solicitor general.

Stephen Hammond

Was: Junior transport minister.

Hugh Robertson

Was: Foreign Office minister.

Who's in: whips

Mel Stride

Now: Assistant government whip.

Therese Coffey

Now: Assistant government whip.

Ben Wallace

Now: Assistant government whip.

Damian Hinds

Now: Assistant government whip.

Lord Ashton of Hyde

Now: Whip in the House of Lords.

Anne Milton

Now: Government whip, vice chamberlain of HM household.

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