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Sir John Franklin: From the archive

How the Manchester Guardian reported the 1845 British Naval Northwest Passage expedition and attempts to rescue the stranded crew

British ship from 1845 Franklin expedition found by Canada

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HMS Erebus in the Ice, 1846, by Francois Etienne Musin. Photograph: National Maritime museum

The news that one of the two lost ships from Sir John Franklin’s doomed Arctic expedition has been found could solve one of polar exploration’s greatest mysteries.

Franklin, a Royal Navy officer and Arctic explorer, set out in 1845 with two ships, Erebus and Terror, to map the fabled Northwest Passage in the Canadian Arctic. The expedition foundered after the ships became locked in ice.

From 1848 to 1859, numerous rescue expeditions were launched. The Manchester Guardian reported on these but no one knew exactly what had happened to the 129 crew members.

The Erebus and Terror set out from Greenhithe, Kent, on 19 May 1845:

The Manchester Guardian, 21 May 1845 Photograph: The Guardian

A few months later, the paper printed a report from the Baretto Junior, a transport ship that accompanied the two main vessels to the edge of the ice.

In 1854, the explorer John Rae discovered evidence of the men’s fate when he met some ‘Esquimaux’ who told him of seeing a party of around 40 men who had died of starvation.

Franklin 30 Oct 1854
The Manchester Guardian, 30 October 1854. Read the full article. Photograph: The Guardian

A detailed report from another expedition appeared in January 1856:

Franklin 14 Jan 1856
The Manchester Guardian, 14 January 1856. Read the full article. Photograph: The Guardian

The 1857 Mclintock Arctic expedition purchased various Franklin relics from a group of Innuit and in 1859 the paper published a piece about the finds.

relics 24 sept 1859
The Manchester Guardian, 24 September 1859. Click to read. Photograph: The Guardian

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