When the fighters come home
The threat posed to UK security by returning 'jihadists' is slimmer than official assessments suggest.
Has the US commander-in-chief concocted a strategy out of the already tried, ad-hoc policies that clearly didn't work?
ICC Prosecutor's assertion that there is nothing she can do in respect of Gaza, is not quite the whole story.
We are used to so-called terrorist states; but state-like terrorists have been rarer.
As both contenders for the presidency see the end of the electoral debacle approaching, they've drawn new battle lines.
Will Obama's new multilateral strategy against the Islamic State group turn the tide of the conflict?
Have good intentions and wrong assumptions led to bad results in the struggle against the Congo’s “conflict minerals”?
A narrow focus on the Islamic State group and northern Iraq may lead to disaster - again.
Without full access to the site, experts are unlikely to answer all the questions surrounding Flight MH17.
In seeking to settle accounts with her ex-lover, has Valerie Trierweiler also damaged French democracy?
The rapid rise of the Islamic State group has effectively bound the Ayatollahs and the Assad regime together.
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