My Blog and Its Purpose

My Blog and Its Purpose

As one of the oldest female baby boomers, my life has been unalterably intertwined with “second-wave” feminist theory.  Fortunately, I am one of the lucky women of my generation. I have managed to survive feminism’s tenacious grip with my rational mind still intact. Unfortunately, for many of my female contemporaries, this is not the case. I am … Continue reading

Fear Has It’s Place !!!!!!

Fear Has It’s Place !!!!!!

Originally posted on Levi's Daily Thoughts:
Happy is the man that feareth alway. (Proverbs 28:14) The fear of the Lord is the beginning and the foundation of all true religion. Without a solemn awe and reverence of God there is no foothold for the more brilliant virtues. He whose soul does not worship will…

“God’s NOT Dead” The Movie.

“God’s NOT Dead” The Movie.

If you have not had the opportunity to see the inspiring, faith-based, film, “God’s NOT Dead”, your chance has finally arrived. The DVD has just been released and the film is now available for rent on Fios On Demand, as well. This is a great story about a college freshman, Josh Wheaton (Shane Harper), who refuses … Continue reading

Charles Finney – Pulpits and Politics

Originally posted on The Vine Vigil:
29-year-old attorney, Charles Finney saw so many Scripture references in Blackstone’s Law Commentaries that he bought a Bible. On October 10, 1821, he decided to head into the woods near his home, saying: “I will give my heart to God, or I never will come down from there.” After…

5 Reasons Why Many Christian Girls Remain Single

Originally posted on SuperChampInc:
In 2012 ,I was invited to be a member of a panel at a Christian singles conference. After speaking about living a purposeful life, and remaining pure in singleness, the topic of marriage invariably came up. A woman stood up and started pouring out her heart about how she desired a…

See You In September

See You In September

Hello Everyone, As you know, this blog is about women and their need to renew their vital relationships with their families. I am taking my own advice and will be spending the remainder of the summer with my family. As a result, I will be taking a break from blogging. If something strikes me as … Continue reading

Speak What He Teaches !!!!!!

Speak What He Teaches !!!!!!

Originally posted on Levi's Daily Thoughts:
Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say. (Exodus 4:12) Many a true servant of the Lord is slow of speech, and when called upon to plead for his Lord, he is in great confusion lest he should spoil…

Let’s Turn Around Maternal Criticism

Originally posted on The Clear Parent:
“What on earth is the matter with you?” “What were you thinking?!!!” “I’m gonna brain you kids!” (my mom’s favorite) For generations, children have heard criticisms similar to these from their mothers.  Sometimes, we can slip!  We are: frustrated, hot, sleep-deprived, anxious, OR you fill in the blank. Moms are not…