The Plank

Putin Can Still Invade Ukraine Whenever He Pleases
And he's hoping the West won't notice
June 25, 2014 World

And he's hoping the West won't notice.

Even Justice Scalia Recognizes Climate Change Is a Huge Problem
And he was willing to legislate from the bench to fix it

And he was willing to legislate from the bench to fix it.

What Rush Limbaugh Got Wrong About My Scott Walker Cover Story
Addressing his and other criticisms of the controversial article
June 24, 2014 Politics

Our latest cover story seems to have struck quite a nerve.

You're Not Going to Believe Who's Claiming Obama Destroyed the Middle East
June 23, 2014 Media

Elliott Abrams shows some real nerve in a Politico Magazine article.

Scott Walker's Conservative Bubble Shielded Him. Now It Might Sink Him.
June 19, 2014 Politics

Boast-filled emails to Karl Rove are never a good idea.

Will Overpopulation and Resource Scarcity Drive Cannibalism?
There is a history in some cultures of the 'peaceful' consumption of human bodies
June 19, 2014 Anthropology

There is a history in the Amazon of the "peaceful" consumption of human bodies. 

Mitch McConnell Plays Politics With the Economy by Accusing Obama of Playing Politics With the Economy
June 18, 2014 Economy

Republicans still don't even have a legitimate plan to create jobs.

Dana Milbank's Account of Heritage Foundation Ugliness Rings True
June 17, 2014 Politics

The diatribe itself was ugly, and its reception unflattering to Heritage. Period.

The Benghazi Mastermind Was Captured. Let the Conspiracy Theories Begin!
June 17, 2014 Politics

No sooner had the news hit the wires than Fox News talking heads began spitballing conspiracy theories.
