Topic: Social Networks & Social Media

Blog entry
By Tess Henthorne on Sep 9th, 2014
        In trying to determine a more specific topic for my research while at the ACM Newberry Seminar, I have found myself...
Blog entry
By Katie Warczak on Sep 9th, 2014
            Given that my research focus has very recently shifted from Sophie Treadwell’s Machinal to Thornton Wilder’...
HASTAC ContentMember
Blog entry
By Demos Orphanides on Sep 5th, 2014
What I really appreciate about HASTAC is that as a community we run the gamut of pursuits, interests, and expressions. We are writers and researchers...
SableManson54-img-8/29/2014 - 6:43pm
Blog entry
By Sable Manson on Aug 29th, 2014
PhD candidates Sable Manson (University of Southern California) and 2013 HASTAC Scholar Vanessa Monterosa (California State University, Long...
HASTAC ContentSuper contributor
Blog entry
By Cathy Davidson on Aug 8th, 2014
I wouldn't be a historian of the Internet had I not been trained as a historian of the book.  Or I certainly would not have had the long...
Blog entry
By Mia Zamora on Aug 8th, 2014
I’m so thrilled to extend a heartfelt invitation to all my fellow learners and educators out there who are intrigued by the proposition of "open...
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