Topic: HASTAC Scholars

tinadavidson-img-9/9/2014 - 9:20pm
ScholarRegular contributor
Blog entry
By Christina Davidson on Sep 9th, 2014
Yesterday was my first day on the Nova Iguaçu campus of the University Federal Rural de Rio de Janeiro. I traveled to the campus from Copacabana with...
Blog entry
By Madalyn Rose on Sep 9th, 2014
As I began the earliest phases of my research at the Newberry Library, I'm finding that brainstorming sessions, across mediums and in a variety of...
Blog entry
By Madalyn Rose on Sep 9th, 2014
As I began the earliest phases of my research at the Newberry Library, I'm finding that brainstorming sessions, across mediums and in a variety of...
ScholarRegular contributor
Blog entry
By Christina Davidson on Aug 11th, 2014
During the spring semester of 2014, the HASTAC Digital History Group presented the second part of its yearlong book review series. The goal of...
Documents and links
By Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek on Jul 15th, 2014
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven; and Jia, Joshua. "Electronic Journals, Prestige, and the Economics of Academic Journal Publishing." CLCWeb: Comparative...
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