Topic: International & Global

tinadavidson-img-9/9/2014 - 9:20pm
ScholarRegular contributor
Blog entry
By Christina Davidson on Sep 9th, 2014
Yesterday was my first day on the Nova Iguaçu campus of the University Federal Rural de Rio de Janeiro. I traveled to the campus from Copacabana with...
ScholarRegular contributor
Blog entry
By Christina Davidson on Sep 6th, 2014
Yesterday, I met with my two faculty mentors in Brazil and learned more about the university programs that each are involved with in Rio de Janeiro....
tinadavidson-img-9/5/2014 - 2:21pm
ScholarRegular contributor
Blog entry
By Christina Davidson on Sep 5th, 2014
The Centro Cultural Correiro in Rio de Janeiro is currently exhibiting the works of Jose Carlos de Brito Cunha, better known as J. Carlos. Born in...
superadmin-img-8/12/2014 - 4:24pm
Blog entry
By Emily Cicchini on Aug 7th, 2014
Over the last 18 months, I have been party to producing two xMOOCs for the edX platform for the University of Texas at Austin’s College of Fine Arts...
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