Topic: Pedagogy & Teaching

HASTAC ContentSuper contributor
Blog entry
By Cathy Davidson on Sep 11th, 2014
Here are some early ideas describing the method of the first course to be offered by the Futures Initiative at the Graduate Center CUNY.  ...
adamheid-img-9/8/2014 - 9:51am
Blog entry
By Adam Heidebrink-Bruno on Sep 8th, 2014
The purpose of this project is to investigate and modernize the pedagogical claims of John Dewey with an aim towards classroom application. Dewey...
ScholarRegular contributor
Blog entry
By Christina Davidson on Sep 6th, 2014
Yesterday, I met with my two faculty mentors in Brazil and learned more about the university programs that each are involved with in Rio de Janeiro....
Blog entry
By Edgar Gonzalez on Sep 4th, 2014
Hola soy Edgar de El Salvador y me gustaria que me ayudaran dandome metodos de como educar a mis hijos en casa ya que tengo un  hijo de 2 años...
HASTAC ContentSuper contributor
Blog entry
By Cathy Davidson on Sep 4th, 2014
Yesterday when I was at LaGuardia Community College I was asked about methods for boosting retention.  Students from stressed environments, who...
HASTAC ContentSuper contributor
Blog entry
By Cathy Davidson on Sep 3rd, 2014
On July 1, I left my friends, family, students, and neighbors at Duke University, where I had enjoyed as rich and fulfilling a career  for over...
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