Topic: Assessment & Evaluation

HASTAC ContentSuper contributor
Blog entry
By Cathy Davidson on Sep 11th, 2014
Here are some early ideas describing the method of the first course to be offered by the Futures Initiative at the Graduate Center CUNY.  ...
Blog entry
By Joella Travis on Sep 9th, 2014
Coming into the ACM Newberry Seminar program, I only knew I wanted to research something related to Children's Literature; this is my self-selected...
HASTAC ContentRegular contributor
By Sheryl Grant on Aug 13th, 2014
The core mission of the Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA) is to generate evidence for policy making that is not only...
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Blog entry
By Emily Cicchini on Aug 7th, 2014
Over the last 18 months, I have been party to producing two xMOOCs for the edX platform for the University of Texas at Austin’s College of Fine Arts...
Documents and links
By Amanda Hagood on Jun 27th, 2014
The Associated Colleges of the South and the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education are proud to announce the publication of a...
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