Tag: research

Blog entry
By Meredith Carroll on Sep 9th, 2014
When I think of note-taking, a few words spring to mind: jotting, sketching, even doodling. When I home in on my own note-taking, the associations...
Blog entry
By alisea mcleod on May 15th, 2014
In a few hours, I will submit my final edits on a book chapter--Student Digital Writing and Research on Slavery: Problems and Possibilities--hopefuly...
FionaB-img-6/5/2014 - 12:13pm
Blog entry
By Ernesto Priego on Apr 28th, 2014
 Like last year, I attempted to archive the tweets tagged with the annual conference's official hashtag (this year #HASTAC2014).The resulting...
Ernesto Priego-img-2/5/2014 - 5:49pm
Blog entry
By Ernesto Priego on Feb 5th, 2014
With so many online channels competing for our attention and a few institutions and countries getting most of it, what can academic authors do at an...
Blog entry
By Kevin Browne on Feb 1st, 2014
“How should I answer these questions—according to what you taught me, or how I usually think about these things?”  That’s what a...
Ernesto Priego-img-12/3/2013 - 10:26pm
Blog entry
By Ernesto Priego on Dec 3rd, 2013
We’ve been conducting a quick (really!) survey on using Twitter for engagement with research.If you have already responded, thank you. Thank you as...
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