

Digital Media and Learning Competition

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Digital Badges

HASTAC Collections

Collections are a beta feature which allow the curation of any content on as well as links to external sites.

slgrant-img-7/9/2014 - 12:52pm
What could be more important than trust? Trust is at the heart of every meaningful learning experience, whether it's between educator and...
Ruby Sinreich-img-12/20/2013 - 1:50pm
Field Notes for 21st Century Literacies:A Guide to New Theories, Methods, and Practices for Open Peer Teaching and Learning 
Hilary Culbertson-img-3/11/2014 - 3:12pm
Concerned about the challenges facing higher education? Join us and be part of the solution. HASTAC:  Changing the Way We Teach...
Ruby Sinreich-img-7/3/2013 - 1:38pm
This curated collection is about digital badges.A digital badge is a validated indicator of accomplishment, skill, quality or interest that...