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How to start and grow a community forest project

Scotland’s Kilfinan Community Forest runs workshops and promotes conservation. How can you get involved in this area?

“We made a wooden table and in the evening we ate supper off it”

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Kilfinan Community Forest, Argyll, Scotland
Art and nature combined. Photograph: /Kilfinan Community Forest

4. Kilfinan Community Forest, Argyll, Scotland

Age: Nine years

Location: Tighnabruaich, Argyll

Social media: www.kilfinancommunityforest.co.uk, @kilfinanforest, facebook page.

Why it started:

The Kilfinan Community Forest project began almost nine years ago when the Forestry Commission were selling off woodland. The villagers of Tighnabruaich clubbed together, started fundraising and taking donations, and in March 2010 bought 125 hectares (312 acres) of Accrosan Plantation. The idea was to get one bit of land into public ownership, so that the community was free to access the forest and do things they wanted to do as a community.

What do they do?

Since taking ownership of the forest, the KCFC have created a circular path around the forest to improve access. They are currently working on plans to add picnic tables, benches and other recreational resources within the forest. “ We’ve got interpretation boards up around the place so people know what they are looking at, and we’ve mapped some walks for them,” says Robert Borruso.

The KCFC aim to provide forestry education for people of all ages, running woodland workshops with local primary school children, and a range of other activities to develop art, nature and practical skills. At present they provide training in whittling and allotment management, and have plans to expand to outdoor first aid, chainsaw control, woodland management, and rhododendron control. “The allotments have turned into a really sociable thing,” says Borruso. “People from outside are really engaging with one another in ways that just didn’t happen before. We’ve even got a community composting scheme together – before, people would throw all their green stuff away, but now we can really use it.”

Logs from the forest are used by the local community as fuel, and any off cuttings from the saw mill and odd ends that can’t be put through the mill are bundled up and sold on. In total 90% of the fallen wood from the recent storm has been sold on, while they have kept 10% for their own use. Nothing goes to waste, even the sawdust is sold on to local farmers. The community also make a variety of things to sell out of the wood, and Borruso is keen to build sustainable houses using wood from the trees.

How many people are involved?

There are seven voluntary members on the board (David Blair, Fiona Hamilton, Fraser Brown, Steve Williamson, Rob Borruso, Andrew Graham-Weall and Willie McAllan Director), three paid team members (Nikki Brown, Colin Willment, Andrew Mackenzie) and around 190 members of the local community involved with Kilfinan Community Forest.

Does the group get funding?

The KCFC is supported by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), Argyll & the Islands Leader, Awards For All, Paths For All, and Voluntary Action Scotland. “Because we receive funding we have to account for every last penny,” says Borruso. “We have paid staff, but the board of directors are all volunteers – those guys have the strategic vision.”

What would they like to do next?

So far, the KCFC’s income has been made up from the crop. “We have tried to do the ground work ourselves where possible but we really need a digger,” says Borruso. “In an hour, one digger does the same work that 20 of us can do in a day.”

The group have also been looking into renewable energy options as part of their mission to become a sustainable and self-sufficient community. “We would have liked to have had a windmill but the only spot we can put it to get maximum energy would be in a spot where the community wouldn’t be happy looking at it,” says Rob. The group have instead decided to opt for hydropower, and will be commencing the plant build this month.

What can you do to help?

You can get involved in their volunteering scheme, which works alongside local organisations; HELP, The Community Payback Scheme and Dunoon job centre. Current volunteer days are Tuesdays and Thursdays so if you’re based in the area and available for a few hours each week contact Nikki Brown on 01700 811159 or nikki@kilfinancommunityforest.com, or simply pop down to the forest to see what’s going on. KCFC also accept donations through their website.

“If you are on holiday in the local area please come along and have a look, buy a garden bench or a potted plant. Everything here has been cultivated and made by the community and you’d be very welcome,” says Borruso. “We would love for people who recognise the value in what we do here to get in touch, especially if they are thinking of setting something similar up. The more community forests like these about the stronger we are. We will get behind what you are doing. Every time we go to conferences for groups like ours there are more faces there and it is very exciting to be a part of.”

Can I set something like this up in my area?

The National Forest Land Scheme gives community organisations, recognised non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and/or appropriate housing bodies in Scotland the opportunity to buy or lease National Forest Land where they can provide increased public benefits. They have an information booklet (PDF) on all aspects of purchasing and managing a community forest, and also have additional guidance (PDF) for those wishing to take forward a renewable energy scheme.

You can also visit other community forests around the country for inspiration and to see how things are done – check out this map to find the nearest community forest to you.

Read this report (PDF) by England’s Community Forests about how community forests are making a difference.

So far in the series ...

1. The community supported farm

2. The bike repair co-operative

3. The community garden centre

This article is part of the Live Better Community Project month. In September, we are showcasing 17 community projects from around the UK. On Wednesday 24 September, we will ask you to vote for your favourite project. The project with the most votes will be awarded £1,000 of funding, and two runners-up will each receive funding of £500. One voter chosen at random will receive £150 worth of gift vouchers for Nigel’s Eco Store. Terms and conditions here.

With thanks to: 10:10; FOE; Project Dirt; Neighbourly; UK Community Foundations; Groundwork; Business in the Community; Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens; the Prince’s Trust; Garden Organic; the Royal Horticultural Society; the RSPB; Keep Wales Tidy; The Wildlife Trusts; and Mind.

Interested in finding out more about how you can live better? Take a look at this month’s Live Better challenge here.

The Live Better Challenge is funded by Unilever; its focus is sustainable living. All content is editorially independent except for pieces labelled advertisement feature. Find out more here.

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