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  • Murmuration over Otmoor

    6 Sep 2014, 7:03 EDT: GrrlScientist: Tens of thousands of starlings produce spectacular sky shows with their movements at sunset as they gather together every evening during autumn and winter.
  • Ashya King: An odd form of celebrity

    8 Sep 2014, 3:20 EDT: The case of Ashya King highlights a peculiarity in our culture, the family medical ‘human interest’ story. Emm Johnstone explains how such stories of private pain became public property – especially when a dangerously sick child was the focus of attention.
  • Why we shouldn't sneer at Ashya King's parents

    5 Sep 2014, 6:07 EDT: Andrew Holding: It’s easy to dismiss the parents of Ashya King as scientific illiterates in need of a good education, but science engagement that assumes and mocks ignorance is offensive and rarely effective.
  • Who loves dinosaurs

    23 Aug 2014, 3:40 EDT: From brainless behemoths to sprightly saurians, Doctor Who’s prehistoric beasts have evolved alongside the Time Lord himself writes Marc Vincent

About the blog network

  • The Guardian's science blog network hosts talented writers who are experts in their fields, from mathematics, particle physics and astronomy to neuroscience, science policy and psychology. By giving them the freedom to write on whatever subjects they choose – without editorial interference – they broaden and deepen our coverage of scientific research and debate

Blog profiles

  • Across the universe

    Stuart Clark writes about astronomy, space exploration and the great stargazers of the past

  • Alex's Adventures in Numberland

    Alex Bellos writes about mathematics: the secrets it can unlock, its history and cultural importance

  • Animal magic

    Henry Nicholls writes about the animal world and reveals the stories behind zoological curiosities and exhibits

  • Brain flapping

    Dean Burnett writes about neuroscience, psychiatry, the media and standup comedy

  • GrrlScientist

    GrrlScientist is an evolutionary biologist and ornithologist who writes about evolution, ethology and ecology, especially in birds

  • Head quarters

    Chris Chambers, Molly Crockett, Pete Etchells and Nathalia Gjersoe explain some of the fascinating discoveries of psychological research and provide expert commentary on psychology in the news

  • The H word

    Rebekah Higgitt of the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich and Vanessa Heggie at the University of Cambridge write about the untold history of science

  • The Lay Scientist

    Martin Robbins is a Berkshire-based researcher and science writer. He writes about science, pseudoscience and evidence-based politics

  • Life and Physics

    Jon Butterworth is a physics professor at UCL. He is a member of the High Energy Physics group on the Atlas experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at Cern

  • Lost Worlds

    Dave Hone writes about dinosaurs and pterosaurs, zoos and museums, and communication between scientists and the public

  • Neurophilosophy

    Mo Costandi is a molecular and developmental neurobiologist turned science writer

  • Notes & Theories

    Guardian science reporters Ian Sample and Alok Jha (aided by a galaxy of guest bloggers) blog about shiny scientific things that have caught their eye

  • Occam's corner

    Jenny Rohn, Richard P Grant, Stephen Curry and the rest of the Occam's crew write about science, scepticism, politics and the life scientific

  • Political science

    Alice Bell, Jessica Bland, Kieron Flanagan and James Wilsdon write about science policy

  • Sifting the evidence

    Suzi Gage writes about research and ideas in the fields of epidemiology and public health

  • Small world: nanotech

    A blog about nanotechnology funded by Nanopinion, a European Commission project. All the posts are commissioned by the Guardian, which has editorial control over the blog's contents. Ros Daw and Kostas Kostarelos are regular contributors

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