Science weekly

Did Aristotle invent science? – podcast

Evolutionary biologist Armand Leroi argues that Aristotle laid the foundations of modern science. Plus, the Ebola outbreak; Rosetta's rendez-vous with a comet; and taking aspirin to prevent cancer

This week on Science Weekly with Ian Sample we meet evolutionary biologist Armand Leroi to discuss his latest book The Lagoon: How Aristotle Invented Science. Armand explains why he believes Aristotle's structured approach to understanding the natural world formed the intellectual bedrock of the natural sciences.

Ian is joined by Jessica Aldred, deputy and production editor on the Guardian's environment desk, Nicola Davis, commissioning editor and writer on Observer Tech Monthly, and Nishad Karim, space physicist and BA media fellow.

The team are joined down the line by Professor Tom Solomon, director of the Institute of Infection and Global Health at the University of Liverpool, to discuss the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, which was declared an international public health emergency by the WHO last week.

Ian talks to Matt Taylor from the European Space Agency about the amazing journey of the Rosetta probe and the rubber duck-shaped comet it is now accompanying as it hurtles towards the sun.

Finally, we discuss the largest ever review of the benefits and risks of low-dose, daily aspirin to combat cancer.

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Source: Guardian

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