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Life & Physics - in pictures

It is the holiday season, when many scientists head off around the world to exotic locations, to give talks at conferences, to install and maintain their experiments, and, occasionally, to relax. So here are some of my favourite recent and not-so-recent physics-related snaps

The CHIPS-M prototype neutrino detector prior to its deployment underwater in a Minnesota mine pit on 1 August 2014. The goal of the CHIPS collaboration is to develop low-cost methods of detecting neutrinos, fundamental particles which interact very weakly with ordinary matter. Photograph: Jerry Meier/Soudan
Historic spanners
Historic spanners on the wall at CERN, in the hall of the 600 MeV Sychrocyclotron, one of the first two accelerators built when CERN opened in 1954. Decommissioned in 1990, the machine was inaugurated as a European Physical Society Historic Site this year, and is now part of CERN’s permanent visitor exhibition. Photograph: Jon Butterworth
Another neutrino hunter. The ANITA detector will hang from a huge balloon over the Antarctic, looking for signals from ultra-high energy neutrinos interacting in the ice. This summer it is undergoing a test deployment in Palestine, Texas. Here’s what it did last time. Photograph: Ryan Nichol/UCL/ANITA
Some neutrino art, from the Superposition exhibition and the London Canal museum (Lyndall Phelps and Dr Ben Still). Photograph: Jon Butterworth/Superposition
Royal Institution
Indulge me with a personal one … fun thing this year for me has been the publication of my book, Smashing Physics. I took this in the Faraday Theatre at the Royal Institution, while waiting a bit nervously for the audience to turn up and Brian to introduce me for the launch event. Photograph: Jon Butterworth/JMB
Les Houches discussions
Discussions at the Les Houches physics meeting last year … Photograph: Jon Butterworth/JMB
Les Houches view
… while outside the sunset did this. Photograph: Jon Butterworth/JMB
ATLAS and Dad
Another personal one. The LHC and ATLAS have been undergoing maintenance this year at CERN. I took the opportunity to show my dad my experiment. Photograph: Abha Eli Phoboo/JMB
Muon g-2 magnet arrives at Fermilab
The muon g-2 magnet completes its long, careful journey from Brookhaven to Fermilab. Photograph: Fermilab
CERN behind sunflowers
The globe of innovation at CERN, behind sunflowers. Photograph: Jon Butterworth/JMB

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