Human Systems and the Environment

Humans play an integral role shaping our landscape and environment. Our work in the Human Systems and the Environment Core seeks to understand how human systems evolve, influence, and are influenced by this dynamic relationship.
                               Research                Course Offerings

Environmental Archaeology

The past is a window into the future. The Environmental Archaeology Core integrates archaeology with geology, geography, and ecology to study the long-term interactions between humans and the environment.

                   Research                                Course Offerings

Earth Science and Modeling

The Earth is an interacting system of air, water, rock, and life. The Earth Science and Modeling Core (ESM) of faculty and students studies landforms, water, vegetation, soils, and climate at multiple spatial and temporal scales and investigates how human and natural processes shape those patterns.

      Research                   Course Offerings


Displacement, Revolution, and the New Urban Condition
Displacement, Revolution, and the New Urban Condition (Sage Press) is the most recent work of Dr. Ipsita Chatterjee. Published in June 2014 by Sage...