Carrie Vidamo needed a moment to find her voice.

She needed a minute to think, before she allowed herself to speak about the day she survived when thousands of others "perished."

Not once, did Vidamo say the word "died" when she talked about the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Vidamo struggled to understand why she lived.

Thirteen of her co-workers at Morgan Stanley, and thousands of strangers, whom she would know only through their obituaries, died.

Vidamo glanced Wednesday at the field of red, white and blue in the Tempe Healing Field.

Row after row of American flags rustled in a sluggish breeze that cut the thick Arizona air, still muggy in the wake of a massive rain storm.

The homage to Sept. 11 victims is called a "living memorial" because it is meant as a place for survivors to heal and remember.

Vidamo said she has relied on a deep faith in God.

"I pray Psalm 91 every day," said Vidamo, a Gilbert resident. "Part of the healing for me was just realizing that I survived and so many people perished."

"I had to accept the fact that a lot of those firefighters, security and the others, that they were willing to lay down their lives for someone else."

Vidamo said she saw a Morgan Stanley security guard stay behind to help. He died in the attacks.

"That's what they did, for us," she said. "They really exemplify the true character of Jesus."

"That's one of the reasons I come out to honor them every year," she said. "To remember that their selfless sacrifices are not forgotten."

Vidamo was among more than 400 Tempe Healing Field volunteers from across the Valley who gathered Wednesday to raise 2,977 American flags — one for every person who died in the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and aboard a plane that crashed in a Pennsylvania field.

Vidamo was living in Chandler when she flew to New York on Sept. 9, 2001, for training at her new job at Morgan Stanley. She was there with two other Arizonans.

On the second day of training. On the 61st floor of the World Trade Center South Tower. Vidamo left her office just for a few minutes to use the restroom.

Her eyes glassed over with tears Wednesday as she remembered hearing an explosion so fierce, she thought it was a bomb.

"When I got back, everyone was gone," she said of the emptied office.

Her head shook involuntarily, as if to say, "no," as she remembered the tower rocked back and forth like a massive swing.

"They were telling us it was OK to go back, the building was not on fire," she said of a message over the loudspeaker. "Some people went back."

Her chest heaved for a long breathe, as she relived the agonizing walk down flight after flight of stairs. Strangers and co-workers walked, bodies pressed against bodies in the narrow, confined space.

"At the 50th floor ... I'm looking around the stairwell and then, the other plane hit," she said.

The locker that stored the Healing Field’s flags had a leak… mildewing 50 flags and now the park needs donations.

"It felt like the stairs were moving beneath my feet. Debris was everywhere," she said. "I was so afraid. Not knowing what happened. And wondering if I'm going to get out. I started to pray Psalm 91 again."

She stopped to explain that, at that moment, in the stairwell, she still believed only a bomb could strike the skyscraper with such wicked force.

It would be hours before Vidamo would find out the unthinkable: the bomb-like explosion actually was a plane filled with people. A plane turned into a weapon wielded by terrorists who crashed it through concrete and glass, hoping to kill Americans.

Silence and choking smoke marked the walk down the stairs. But as the group got closer to the bottom floors with each flight they would clap.

"A few people pushed their way through," she said. "But most of us knew if we panicked we couldn't make it. We'd be trampled."

Vidamo looked down when she talked about escaping the stairwell she feared would become her coffin.

"When I did finally get down and I was walking through the mall," she said, "they were telling everybody to walk. A security guard ... he just grabbed me and he goes, 'Just run, get out of here.'"

Vidamo said the streets were chaos.

"The scene was too much for me," she said.

Vidamo didn't look back for a long time.

"When I turned around, the building was gone," she said.

It would be two days before she could rent a car with her two co-workers.

"We drove in shifts," she said. "We didn't want to stop."

She was home in 36 hours. Home to Arizona. Home to her mom and her dad.

Thirteen years later, Vidamo has an 8-year-old daughter and an 11-year-old son.

Vidamo said she knows the blessing that is her life. She can't repay the debt for those who sacrificed so that others would live. She can't bring back the sons, daughters, husbands and wives who did not make it home.

She prays, Psalm 91: "For he will command his angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways," the prayer reads.

For many, "Never Forget," has become a slogan. For Vidamo, it's a promise.

She will bring her children to the candlelight vigil at the Tempe Healing Field.

"They know the story (of 9/11)," she said. "I told them everything. I want them to remember."

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