Phoenix City Councilman Michael Nowakowski's wife was seven months pregnant on Sept. 11, 2001 and he said, as the day progressed, they found themselves wondering what kind of country they would bring their first child into.

"As we watched the television, we saw the acts of love and kindness throughout the country," Nowakowski said. "Cities like Phoenix were sending crews and volunteers to New York to help save those who were trapped under the Twin Towers. We said to ourselves, this is the type of country that we want our son to be brought up into. A country united, full of hope, love and compassion."

Thirteen years later, city officials and the public met Thursday morning at City Hall for a 9/11 memorial ceremony. Accompanied by an emergency service honor guard, public leaders honored police officers and firefighters.

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"Looking back, that overwhelming tragedy can somewhat be tempered by the countless acts of bravery which were visible that day and the days that followed," said Phoenix Police Chief Daniel Garcia. "Sept. 11 rekindled the American spirit in all of us and made us appreciate, even more, the men and women who have answered that special calling to protect and serve."

The service was full of ceremony and symbolism. The honor guard unfurled an American flag that had been flown over ground zero, buglers played taps, and a bagpipe band performed "Amazing Grace."

Some spectators were left crying when the music ended.

The Phoenix City Hall lobby was packed with onlookers, many of whom were city employees and emergency service workers. Three rows of uniformed police officers and firefighters stood neatly to one side of the podium, and the honor guard held flags and banners behind it.

After the memorial service, Mayor Greg Stanton said lessons learned from 9/11 are still in practice today.

"We have to be ever vigilant to protect our freedoms," Stanton said. "So September 11 will always remind us of that, and hopefully we'll stand for that principle for the remainder of time."

Remembering the 9/11 terror attacks

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