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"Aha" moment turns into toy business for Phoenix mom


What started with an "aha" moment for Phoenix mom Janette Harwell has progressed into her own toy business, Box Play for Kids.

Today, three years after Harwell observed Chloe, then 2 1/2, putting stickers on old boxes, Box Play for Kids is sold at museums and stores nationwide.

And recently, it was named a finalist on the Martha Stewart American Made contest.

"When Chloe was 2 1/12, she was obsessed with two things: stickers and boxes," Harwell, 46, said in an interview. "The 'aha' moment happened when she was playing with the stickers, and going to the recycling bin and pulling out boxes.

"The egg carton looked like a piano. The macaroni and cheese box looked like a camera. The milk carton, with the white plastic spout, looked like a pig. The toilet paper roll looked like a rocket."

Shortly thereafter, Box Play for Kids was born. Harwell, a graphic artist, designed stickers that turn boxes into toys -- including a milk carton pig, an egg carton piano and mac 'n cheese camera.

But she went beyond her original ideas to include a broad range of stickers. She sells stickers that turn milk cartons not just into pigs but also into cows, fire trucks and school buses. Others turn paper towel rolls into buildings, baseball bats and giraffes. Egg cartons can become mini-zoos and car garages, storing plastic animals and toy cars.

Her stickers can be found on starting at $3. They are also sold at many Whole Foods, and the 911 Memorial Museum recently ordered 1,000 fire truck stickers to sell, Harwell said.

The stickers are printed on recycled, uncoated paper with vegetable-based inks. Kids can customize using crayons, pencils and markers.

They "promote creative play by repurposing old cardboard boxes, cartons and tubes into new, wonderfully simple toys that stimulate children's imagination, enthusiasm and learning," Harwell says on her website.

Harwell also has a design and advertising own company, Stir Often. But she said husband, Greg, is also starting a separate design and advertising company on Sept. 12 in Phoenix.

The Box Play for Kids idea has been published in a number of places, including Raising Arizona Kids, the Chicago Tribune and Food Network, Harwell said.

But she is particularly excited about Martha Stewart American Made selecting the business as a finalist, she said. She hopes her friends and customers will click on the "vote" tab on the site. Popular voting begins Sept. 15.

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