
35 Entrepreneurs submission form

The rules:

— The entrepreneur must be involved in running an Arizona-based business and be working in Arizona now.

— An applicant must have been born on or after Nov. 1, 1978 to be eligible.

— Entries must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Sept. 26, 2014.

— The application must be completed in full to be considered.

— Applications must be signed electronically by the entrepreneur.

— Candidates must submit a high-resolution portrait photo as part of their entry.

Date of birth*
Select Date
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.

Please answer the following questions in 150 words or less each: 

Verification and signature

I verify that the information on this qualification form is correct and grant permission for its use on, 12 News, The Arizona Republic and all other Republic Media platforms.*
Date of application*
Select Date