August 26, 2014
An estimated 40 percent of the world's waste is burned in unregulated fires, emitting pollutants that can harm human health and the environment.
Trash burning and air pollution: open trash fire in General Santos, Philippines
July 25, 2014
The world faces a small but substantially increased risk over the next two decades of a major slowdown in the growth of global yields of corn and wheat because of warming temperatures.
Crops and climate change: Wheat ripens in a California field

A new study debunks the idea that cyclones have no long-term, lasting economic impacts, and suggests the urgent need for revamping disaster policy around the world.

Global economic losses from cyclones linger for decades, study finds

Scientists analyzing 25-foot piles of ancient shells have found that the El Niños 10,000 years ago were as strong and frequent as the ones we experience today.

Matthieu Carré holds a 6,800-year-old mollusk collected from a site in Peru’s Ica valley.
September 3, 2014 | As observing instruments and computer modeling become increasingly refined, the amount of data generated by field studies has grown tremendously. Storing and archiving the data is a challenge in itself, but scientists also need the data to be easily accessible and connected to other relevant resources.
Cloud streets above Bering Sea off south coast of Alaska, 4/7/13
July 10, 2014 | More than 1,000 forecasters, researchers, and other professionals from around the globe will convene in Montréal on August 16–21 for a first-of-a-kind meeting aimed at pooling international thought on where weather prediction is headed. NCAR and UCAR participants are on tap to cover a wide range of promising developments.
Future of weather prediction: Thunderstorm near Denver's Front Range radar
September 9, 2014 | Ozone pollution in India is damaging millions of tons of the country’s major crops, according to a new study by an international team of researchers. The pollution caused losses of more than $1 billion in a single year, destroying enough food to feed tens of millions of people living in poverty in the country.
Ground-level ozone's toll: A traffic jam in Delhi, India
September 8, 2014 | If today’s tools for multiyear climate forecasting had been available in the 1990s, they would have revealed that a slowdown in global warming was likely on the way, according to new research.
Decadal prediction: Map showing trends in sea surface temperature
August 27, 2014 | Almost a year after Colorado’s deadly and destructive floods of September 2013, a group of NCAR scientists has just completed testing an innovative new system for detecting and predicting torr
Front Range disaster: flood waters in south Boulder, Colorado, September 12, 2013
July 30, 2014 | Emperor penguins, the large, charismatic birds known from their frequent film and TV appearances, are in danger.
Penguins and climate change: emperor penguins and chicks at Snow Hill Island, Antarctica, October 2009