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Michigan State University has a long history of successful partnerships with the business community and a hard-earned reputation for creatively applying knowledge to real-world problems.

MSU Business-CONNECT was established to help companies leverage MSU’s wealth of resources more efficiently. The Business-CONNECT team works with companies to align business goals with MSU’s intellectual capacity and ability to deliver, drawing on MSU’s extensive base of human knowledge and source materials, high-end scientific equipment and facilities, and invaluable international connections and educational services.


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Research Partnerships

Parnerships picture

Your R&D team can work with MSU faculty researchers to develop new ideas, or to refine or test your innovations. more…

Business Performance

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Work with MSU’s experts to build your corporate strategy, improve your competitiveness, and jumpstart executive development. more…

Entrepreneur Support

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MSU has the resources, ideas, and partners for your entrepreneurial initiatives. more…

Regional Development

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We are committed to making Michigan’s economy stronger, through innovation and entrepreneurial activity. more…

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