

hug Culture

Rep. Frederica Wilson Meets with Nigerian Schoolgirls Who Escaped Boko Haram

Despite a change in the news cycle that has featured ISIS, Ray Rice and Ferguson, Miami Congresswoman Frederica Wilson fights to keep the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls in the news. After the kidnappings, Wilson spearheaded a bill to denounce Boko Haram. Wilson also flew to Nigeria to meet parents of the girls. This week on Capitol Hill — Rep. Wilson […]

delay8 National

Immigration Advocates Furious as President Obama Delays Executive Order

Immigration advocates are furious with President Obama over his decision, announced today, to delay an executive order regarding deportations.  With only 59 days left to election day, several Senate Democrats are in razor thin races for re-election. Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) said President Obama betrayed the “trust of some of the most vulnerable among us” […]

delay Culture

President Obama to Delay Executive Order on Immigration Until After Election

Delay. Delay Delay.  After much talk and speculation about an executive order on immigration that was rumored to occur in early September, President Obama will delay the decision until after the fall elections on November 4.  Immigration policy in general continues to be plagued by obstruction by the GOP, delay and inaction on the federal […]

work2 Culture

Race Politics: Tom Cotton’s Anti-Immigrant Ad Would Make George Wallace Proud

The Richard Nixon/Strom Thurmond branded southern strategy rears its head again.  In this round of southern strategy race-baiting politics, Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR) tries to communicate to white folks in Arkansas that they’re “working hard” for their money as lazy immigrants sit around and get government benefits. Cotton is running against incumbent Sen. Mark Pryor […]

4249731778_ab4fc01fd9_b Technology

Google donating to the Black Girls Code initiative

Three months after a report came out detailing the lack of diversity at Google, which is overwhelmingly white and male, the Internet service giant is announcing a $190,000 donation to the Black Girls Code initiative. According to the New York Daily News: “Google will announce Saturday a donation of $190,000 to the Black Girls Code […]



Rep. Frederica Wilson Meets with Nigerian Schoolgirls Who Escaped Boko Haram

Despite a change in the news cycle that has featured ISIS, Ray Rice and Ferguson, Miami Congresswoman Frederica Wilson fights to keep the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls in the news. After the kidnappings, Wilson spearheaded a ...
by Lauren Victoria Burke


Janay Rice #TeachableMoment

It’s predictable that Janay Rice, the victim in the Ray Rice controversy, is strongly defending her husband and the father of her child.  Her defense in no way absolves her husband’s wrong, nor does it make her responsible...
by Guest Contributor



The Value of Internet Equity Gets Lost in the Net Neutrality Debate

“People are not stupid. They believe things for reasons. The last way for skeptics to get the attention of bright, curious, intelligent people is to belittle or condescend or to show arrogance toward their beliefs.”  ~Carl...
by Kristal High



It’s Not About Ray It’s About Janay

Why do we always blame victims of domestic violence? Case in point: Janay Palmer. You’re probably asking who is she.  She is the now wife and then-fiancé of Ray Rice.  As if the video footage of him dragging her unconsciou...
by Guest Contributor


Immigration Advocates Furious as President Obama Delays Executive Order

Immigration advocates are furious with President Obama over his decision, announced today, to delay an executive order regarding deportations.  With only 59 days left to election day, several Senate Democrats are in razor thin...
by Lauren Victoria Burke



President Obama to Delay Executive Order on Immigration Until After Election

Delay. Delay Delay.  After much talk and speculation about an executive order on immigration that was rumored to occur in early September, President Obama will delay the decision until after the fall elections on November 4. �...
by Lauren Victoria Burke


Race Politics: Tom Cotton’s Anti-Immigrant Ad Would Make George Wallace Proud

The Richard Nixon/Strom Thurmond branded southern strategy rears its head again.  In this round of southern strategy race-baiting politics, Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR) tries to communicate to white folks in Arkansas that they’...
by Lauren Victoria Burke



Google donating to the Black Girls Code initiative

Three months after a report came out detailing the lack of diversity at Google, which is overwhelmingly white and male, the Internet service giant is announcing a $190,000 donation to the Black Girls Code initiative. According ...
by Adriana Maestas


Fast-food workers across country protest for higher wages

Fast food workers engaged in protest today across the country asking for a raise. According to The Los Angeles Times: “Police took 10 people into custody after the protesters linked arms and sat down in front of a McDonal...
by Adriana Maestas



California legislators send plastic bag ban bill to Governor

Last week, California legislators passed a bill that would ban single use plastic bags in grocery stores and in large pharmacies. If California Governor Jerry Brown signs the bill into law, the state will become the first to ba...
by Adriana Maestas


Across the Nation & Especially in Texas Anglo Democratic Candidates Need To Learn From President Obama

Why is it that most Anglo Democratic candidates, at least in Texas, are afraid to publicly support issues relevant to the African-American experience, like police brutality and racial profiling, yet expect our vote at the polls...
by Guest Contributor



Race and Politics: GOP Black Outreach Ends in Ferguson, Missouri

Ferguson and the GOP.  Suddenly, tank-like military vehicles rolling down an American street isn’t too much government.  After the killing of Mike Brown, it’s been quite intriguing to think back on all the times w...
by Lauren Victoria Burke


AZ Superintendent who pushed ban on Mexican American studies loses GOP primary

On Tuesday, Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal lost in the primary election. This defeat came after Huppenthal admitted to making offensive comments on blogs under a pseudonym saying that welfare recip...
by Adriana Maestas



Solarize or Polarize? The Truth About Solar in North Carolina

In North Carolina the state is getting more and more of its energy from the sun. The Tar Heel State currently ranks fourth in the nation when it comes to solar installations, right alongside states like California and Arizona. ...
by Kristal High


Raising Black Sons in Light of…

By: Jolanda Jones As a single mom of a Black man, business owner, lawyer, former city council member, US Track & Field member, and human rights activist, I was asked to be an expert panelist, on our local television affilia...
by Guest Contributor



Third Insane Incident of Brutality Involving #Ferguson Police Surfaces

For a small police force of only 53 people, the Ferguson Police Department’s officers appear to have a talent for being involved in alleged incidents of misconduct and brutality that are the catalyst of lawsuits. In three...
by Lauren Victoria Burke


Police Brutality: National Bar Assoc. to Target 25 Cities for Records

Next Monday, the National Bar Association will start filing open records requests in cities with a bad history regarding police brutality.   Those cities are: Birmingham, AL, Little Rock, AR, Phoenix, AZ; Los Angeles, CA; ...
by Lauren Victoria Burke



St. Louis Native Rep. Maxine Waters: Honor Mike Brown But Take Action

Yesterday at Peacefest in St. Louis, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), who is originally from St. Louis, told the crowd to honor Michael Brown by taking action.   Voter registration has been a major theme in the weeks after the shoo...
by Lauren Victoria Burke


After Mike Brown and Eric Garner Cases My Brother’s Keeper Critics Go Silent

A recent criticism of President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper initiative is that it doesn’t include girls.  The focus of the program is on Black and Brown men.  Now, with the events surrounding the deaths of E...
by Lauren Victoria Burke



Republicans Seek to Curtail Spectrum Ownership by Small Businesses

In the weeks following the Federal Communications Commission’s waiver of its Attributable Material Relationship (AMR) rule for Designated Entities (DEs) Republican policymakers are seeking to undermine opportunities for small...
by Kristal High