Environment | Sustainability | BP Global


BP is working to avoid, minimize and mitigate environmental impacts wherever we do business

Our progress in 2013

What we said we would do Where we are today What we plan to do next
Assess which operations are in water scarce areas to understand associated risks
We know around half our major operating sites withdraw freshwater in areas of water stress or scarcity and that these operations account for about 17% of our total freshwater withdrawal
Investigate future water management approaches taking into account our operations' life cycle water demand and local water resources
Seek to work collaboratively with government regulators in planning for oil spill response
Lessons shared on oil spill response with regulators in Azerbaijan, Brazil and Libya Continue to develop modelling tools to better predict the consequences of an oil spill to land
Focus efforts on energy efficiency where it is relevant for local business management
8% improvement in energy intensity index at our Toledo refinery in the US between 2010 and 2013

Share lessons learned on energy efficiency at Toledo with our other refineries around the world

In this section

Operator samples waste water


BP recognizes the importance of access to fresh water and the need to effectively manage water discharges

Flare tower and helicopter

Greenhouse gas emissions

We aim to manage our emissions through improved operational energy efficiency and reductions in flaring and venting

A BP analyst examines Sub salt seismic computer analysis of data from the Gulf of Mexico. Houston

Science and technology

Science and technology can help us to understand, manage and reduce our impacts on the environment

Graphic of the decommissioning of the Miller platform, North sea

Environmental remediation

BP works to restore the environment when remediating or decommissioning a site


Board members visit the Tangguh LNG facility, Indonesia

Early planning in Indonesia

Early screening for potential impacts on communities and the environment guided our actions in West Aru

Barn owl in flight

Sensitive environments

We take steps to understand and manage the potential impacts of our operations on sensitive areas

Online tools and case studies

HSE charting tool

HSE charting tool

Young people exploring the 'A journey through the petroleum universe’ exhibition in Brazil

Our case studies highlight some of BP's environmental and social initiatives from around the world