Two-factor authentication: Gmail's new system offers more security than just a password.

Innovation, the Internet, gadgets, and more.
Feb. 18 2011 5:17 PM

Why Passwords Aren't Enough

We need better security for our online accounts. Could Gmail lead the way?

Nearly two years ago, I wrote about an easy way to create invincible passwords for your most-sensitive online accounts. The short version: Come up with a memorable phrase, then turn it into a password by using the first letter of each word. Thus, I'm 44 and I still love Justin Bieber becomes I44aIslJB—a password that's hard to guess but easy for a Bieber obsessive to remember. Slate has re-published my article several times, because seemingly every few months there's an incident that serves as a good reminder for people to create new passwords. Last year, for example, Gawker's database was hacked, spreading thousands of commenters' passwords all over the Internet. And just in the last few weeks, two huge dating sites—eHarmony and Plenty of Fish—were compromised, and passwords found in those databases are now being offered for sale in online black markets.

This sort of thing is going to keep happening over and over again. There will always be sites that don't protect users' credentials as well as they could, and when one of these sites gets hacked, you'll have to change your password everywhere. Sure, there are ways to reduce these risks: You shouldn't use the same password for different sites—that way if a hacker gets the keys to Gawker, he won't be able to get into your bank, too. One way to keep track of many different strong passwords is to use a password helper like 1Password, a program that creates and remembers bulletproof passwords for every site you visit.


Still, these measures don't address the fundamental flaw in the way we use passwords on the Web today. A password is the only thing separating your e-mail, banking information, and social networks from a bad guy. It takes only one database hack or phishing attack for a thief to get your password, and from there, he could wreak all kinds of havoc. That shouldn't be. As we store more of our personal information online, we're asking passwords to shoulder an ever-larger burden. That's too much for the humble password to do.

We need something else—some other bit of information that a thief would need to get inside your account. This second form of security wouldn't be something that you memorize. Instead, it would be something you keep in your possession—your fingerprint or retina scan, a key fob, or a little widget inside your phone. When you wanted to access your account, you'd present this item in addition to your username and password. And if your password got stolen, the thief still wouldn't be able to get into your account.

Still from Google.

Security experts call this "two-factor authentication," because it requires two different kinds of information—something you know as well as something you possess. Two-factor authentication isn't new. Many corporations and the government require it. Often, the system involves little radio cards or other electronic doohickeys that you connect to your computer when logging in. But because these systems are expensive and require a fair bit of work for the IT department—someone's got to keep track of all those key fobs—two-factor authentication has never been available for consumer sites like Web e-mail or bank accounts.

But that might be changing. Last week, Google launched two-factor authentication for Google Accounts—the credentials you use to log in to all Google services, including Gmail. I've been using the system since then, and I think it's a good step toward a future in which we move beyond passwords to protect our most intimate secrets. Google's system is optional; you can set it up on your Google Account page. After you opt in, you'll log in to Gmail with a username and password, as usual. Then, you'll see another screen asking you for a six-digit "verification code." This code is the second factor to get into your account. It's generated by the Google Authenticator app that you download on your Android phone, iPhone, or BlackBerry. (If you don't have one of those phones, you can get verification codes through text messaging on a standard mobile phone.) The app generates a new verification code every 30 seconds. This means that you need to have your phone with you and powered on when you log in to your e-mail. On the plus side, though, if someone steals just one of these factors—just your phone or just your password—he can't log in.